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Week 7 [21.11-27.11] Brazilian jiu jitsu

Brazilian jujitsu (BJJ) is a world most effective martial art in MMA. Every successful MMA fighter trains BJJ on a daily basis. Brazilian JiuJitsu can also be trained separately. BJJ practitioners train techniques that allow team to realize an ultimate goal, submit an opponent through the application of joint locks and chokes. A Basic game plan for a BJJ fighter is to take down his opponent, control him on the ground and finally finish the fight by submission. BJJ takes best techniques from judo, wrestling and traditional Japanese jiujitsu. Further BJJ is also one of safest martial arts to train because of lack of striking (there is no brain damage and bruises). Besides BJJ contains belt hierarchy system. Getting the black belt in BJJ is the hardest in comparison  with different martial arts. Finally, if someone has a brown or black belt, we can be sure that this person really knows how to use and teach BJJ. 

In USA parents can enroll in it even 3 year old  children. It’s really safe, instructors know how to teach and educate. In my opinion BJJ is the best choice  for children. Due to that fact it’s getting more and more popular in Poland;  we can become important players in international competitions. Apart from kids, BJJ can be trained in every age. The best  competitors in adult category are about 30 years old. It’s very technical sport. Strength and cardio can be easy acquired at a  gym. But techniques need years of practice and many tournaments to master and learn how to use them to win with your opponent.
If you want to start training some martial art , you should definitely consider BJJ. In Warsaw area most Brazilian JiuJitsu practitioners are university students. From my observation computer science students are the largest group of practitioners. A typical ‘road map’  looks like this. At some point you realize that you spend too much time in from of the computer screen and you begin to look for a new healthy hobby. As well as that person likes action movies or had ever a dream about try some martial arts. With a bit of luck, you go to a trial workout and stay there  for years. Personally I started BJJ at the beginning of 2013, with a fixed frequency of weekly workouts from 2x to 6x,  I am happy that I’ve found passion in that sport. It gives me energy and power to work and study. At the end of my presentation I added a  video with a typical Saturday workout at my BJJ academy.


Sylwia Pechcin said…
That's great that you have found your own passion and that you are developing your skills. Personally I also have been thinking about some martial art in order to become more fit and well build, but I have no idea why it stayed a plan. In my case it was boxing.
But I think that I couldn't practice any martial art, because I'm rather a peaceful person and I couldn't just go and hit someone with no reason, on the other hand, I know that's only sport, but if someone would hit me, I would like to fight with him for real in order to get my own back on him.
Unknown said…
I'm thinking now about joining BJJ team bacause this is very active sport. Now I go to the gym 3 times a week and go to the boxing classes 2 times a week + swimming pool. So I don't know if I have time for it. I have friends who do BJJ and they go to all championships and they finish well. I hope that in the future I will try it.
Unknown said…
I'm thinking now about joining BJJ team bacause this is very active sport. Now I go to the gym 3 times a week and go to the boxing classes 2 times a week + swimming pool. So I don't know if I have time for it. I have friends who do BJJ and they go to all championships and they finish well. I hope that in the future I will try it.
Piotr Basiński said…
You will like bjj once you try it ;), you probably have good cardio, it will help you at classes. You will be able to move much longer than other people who start bjj without training anything before, so you will win sparrings more frequently.
Unknown said…
I didn't know that bjj is so similar to judo - I was training ot for a year when I was in primary school and at this video I can see some similarities.
I like this matrial art., because it isn't as agressive as boxing or something. When my brother will be big enough to train something I will recommend bjj :)
Piotr Basiński said…
This is a very good choice as a sport for your brother. He will be very athletic and propably achieve a lot in this sport if he start young. Yes it's similar to Judo, many girls are trainning it to, you could try bjj in close future ;)
Piotr Basiński said…
I understand your point of view. But it is worth to train so that you can make the condition and feel good.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Thanks for highlighting this interesting sport. I guess it's the common issue for IT workers, sitting the whole day can cause health problems so I'm considering taking up some sport. I thought of a basic sports like running or swimming - BJJ seems to be interesting, but I guess like any other martial art it can cause some injuries even during the training.
Unknown said…
I have never had as much fun from grappling as I did from Thai Boxing. I do apprieciate BJJ sport, and I have trained it for some time, but it just does not feel right for me. Boxing was always my speciality, until doctors told me to stop training, so now I am stuck with swimming only. I have to say that i think teaching BJJ in school seems to me like on of the best ideas to improve PE lessons in our country. It naturally enourages children to compete and is much safer than boxing.
Unknown said…
I used to train thai boxing and i consider myself pacifist. You fight only with those people who agree on terms and conditions, so its not like you are using someone to relief your strangth and stamina. And as to reson, when someone punches you, it quite good reason to respon accordingly ;)
Michał Pycek said…
Thanks for sharing the topic with us, it sounds really interesting. I have not heard of this kind of sport before, but I can imagine that there is many variations of sport like martial arts. I think it is great you have found passion in sport and I actually feel I miss it in my life. I feel like I don't have enough time to play sports as I used to, because first I have work, then studies and afterwards I am pretty much tired to go out and go to the gym or play football on the daily basis, as I used to do for years. I think that it is a great idea to pick a sport that keeps you in shape and makes you control your condition so you actually feel better and happier.
I really love the topic of your presentation. You almost exactly described me “At some point you realize that you spend too much time in from of the computer screen and you begin to look for a new healthy hobby. As well as that person likes action movies or had ever a dream about try some martial arts.”. I was looking for some hobby but I considered boxing or krav-maga, thanks to you I stared considering Brazilian jiu jitsu as well.
Piotr Basiński said…
In my opinion BJJ need to be trained at least 3-4 times per week at the beginning. If you want to really get in to it, you should give up the gym for the first two months and after that time you will decide what sport you prefer to train. Other way you can go to the gym at the mornings and go bjj at evenings. Consider plan like that Monday Wednesday Friday evenings bjj. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday mornings gym.
Piotr Basiński said…
You can be calm, bjj has very little risk of injury. You can trust me, just go to begginers class and everything will be okay.
Piotr Basiński said…
Yes teaching BJJ in school is awseome idea. You wrote great about the advantages of such a solution. I agree with this. One of the problems that this solution is not yet realized is lack of suitably qualified PE teachers in public schools.
Piotr Basiński said…
Thats true it's great to have selected sport that makes you fit. I want to say that if you feel tired by studies and work, you should just go to gym or swimming pool at Saturdays, it's make you stronger to expand it in next months. You will have more energy and you find that all in all you have a lot of time and motivation for sport. You feel tired by studies and work because of not being adequately physically strong. You will see that you have much more energy after some workout and maybe you fill miss(sport) in your life.
Piotr Basiński said…
I'm happy that you will consider bjj in choosing your next sport. I'm sure that you also will be happy with bjj as I am. So just go for your first workout session to see physically what is this sport, on your own body.
Unknown said…
In my opinion evereone should know self-defense. I wanted learn BJJ but I can't kick the legs beacuse a few years ago I had a car accident and I have bruises(krwiaki) on the legs and I started training boxing. It is a amazing sport. Firtsly I lost weight 20 kg and i learn self-defense. I recommend to everyone!!
Piotr Basiński said…
Boxing is great spots also. I trained karate kyokushin for 3 years in high school so I have elements of boxing too. But now when it comes to comparing I would say that in bjj there are much less injurys and it's even more effective as a cardio workout.
Unknown said…
I've trained a few martial arts, but I gotta say, BJJ is one of the most effective things to be taught. It's safe enough, can help you fight any opponent, and is as good in sport as in self defense. I've never trained it, but have sparred with a friend who did.
Moode said…
I never heard about this sport before so thank you for sharing.

I wonder if it is a very easy to get an injury on training? It looks like it would. And also that you need to be really flexible and agile.
Unknown said…
Perhaps. I can't comment on this topic because i not trained BJJ
Unknown said…
BJJ is super effective in MMA fights. Combinted with kick boxing provides best possible combo for a fighter. Not only contestant can throw kicks and punch, but also fight and defend on a ground level.

It's really cool that you train this martial art. Sitting in front of computer daily could be dangerous for your spine. It's better to swap future back problems for a couple of bruises.
Every training has a good and bad sides - BJJ is really mixed up especially on the ground level. For those who like to use elbows, knees and to be really effective standing up - Muay Thai is the way to go (but for few people it's a really effective way to get a long lasting injury).

I've tried karate and Muay Thai in the past. My buddy took me few years ago for Krav Maga Systems training. It was really exiting, every training was something new and something lethal. If you love BJJ and want to take it to the next level - try it, but really stick only to this school in Warsaw because they really know what they're doing.
I can recommend - Jacek Walczak - you will not be disappointed for sure:
That’s cool that You found your passion, it looks quite interesting, but how it will work when you will Get more opponents than one ? I used to train kick-boxing our main target was the work of the legs, what is here ? And how the beginner training looks ? There are first conditions trainings or its mixed with “teory”.
Unknown said…
Thank you for sharing. It was interesting to watch the video and get the understanding what is this sport about.
More important is that you found it as a passion for yourself.
Wish you the greatest achievements and a black belt!
Unknown said…
Jiu-jitsu is the very interesting sport for me. I love the techniques of jiu-jitsu masters. I enjoy watching competitions. By myself, I practiced Thai boxing and god is-run karate-does. Karate is more close to jiu Jitsu for me because it’s more traditional and less about sport. I prefer boxing techniques because my motivation of practicing mortal arts is to make my body strong and to feel safe when I’m walking with a girl on Praga at night. And boxing is more practical on a street I think
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
In my opinion brasilian jiu jitsu is one of the most part in mixed martial art. It's beautiful to use strenght and weight of your opponent against him. BJJ is realy hard art and it requires many hours training to do it best. Many people train this art for a whole lifelong to better and better than others.
Piotr Basiński said…
It's very rare to get injury doing this sport. If you know what you're doing and you are flexible enough you can do everything with zero injury risk.
Piotr Basiński said…
It's great to hear your opinion, bjj is very effective matrial art. It's also safe to train and compete on tournaments. It's interesting that you sparred with friend who train bjj, how he tried to win with you?
Piotr Basiński said…
I see that you have some knowledge about bjj :) It's true what's you write that it's beautiful to use strenght and weight of opponent agains him. To be honest when I use right tehniques I'm able to win with much stronger and bigger opponents. It's great that in bjj win person with better tehnique over strong one with weak tehnique.
Piotr Basiński said…
Yes I would recommend bjj for every computer science student. It's awesome that it's possible to swap back problems for little bruises. I was thinking aboun t mma in the past ,but bjj get me as much as I can't imagine that I could train another sport.
Piotr Basiński said…
Begginers starts bjj with theory and after some time they start sparrings. In bjj if you have more than one opponent you turn yourself into judo mode and you just use stand up tehniques.
Piotr Basiński said…
Thank you very much. You're the best if you wish me this :)
I don't really know much about any kind of martial arts, but I know some more people that train jiu jitsu and it seems like a good way to stay fit and strong. Although as with any martial arts injuries are from what I've heard more common than in other sports, which means I probably won't start to train it in the nearest future ;)
Piotr Basiński said…
Thanks for your commet, I find usefull info for my self in it. It's great that you train muay thai and karate, I train karate kyokushin for 2.5 years in my life i liked this sport. Krav Maga seems interesting I will read about it.
Wojtek Kania said…
I think brazilian jiu-jitsu is very good martial art. But I think excellent connect of martial art is muay thai and brazilian jiu-jitsu. I love watching UFC, and I am a big fan of Conor McGregor. Next opponent of McGregor is one of the best fighter in this year. He practicing sambo, russian version of jiu-jitsu. You should check this martian art if you are interesting of UFC.

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