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Week 7 [21.11-27.11]How we see beggars?

Walking through any of world cities we can observe at least a few beggars sitting on the streets and waiting for some donation from passers-by. Curiosity of all this thing is that it doesn’t matter where we are – there are always some poor, hungry and dirty people who don’t have any money.
Our reactions can be very different. I think that many of just walk and don’t give any attention to beggars. It may be a better option than for example beginning to talk to them and sometime argue with them.

I can’t understand people who stop and talk to beggars. This whole conversation doesn’t have any point and very often leads to an argument between a beggar and a passer-by. Sometimes beggars can be aggressive or they may have, for example, a knife and attack us. So like I said it’s better not to stop to talk with them.
The most controversial way to react is to give them money. There are a lot of theories that beggars are ‘rented’ by some mob members and they use them to collect more money for their own aims. I have heard of beggars who were seen begging near a church and when all the people left , an elegant man appeared  in an exclusive car taking the money away from them. Thought provoking, isn’t it?
There are also some beggars who just cheat people and act like disabled people when they actually are healthy. On streets there are many  beggars who sit and beg for money because they have to move on a wheelchair, but in fact when no one can see them  they stand up and go home.

It isn’t fair that we are used by these people. Especially when we would like to do any act of kindness and give some money to poor people and then we realize  that we were cheated. In a situation of that type – many people won’t ever help any other people on a street because of lack of trust
I would like to get your opinion about that topic. Do you give money to beggars? Have you ever seen any kind of cheating beggars? Why do people sit on  streets, is their situation so hard?

Please feel free to share your opinion.


Unknown said…
It depends. for me beggars are divided into several categories. Children and disabled are usually used by mentioned above mob members, because people believe them easily. I never give money to healthy young men, especially when I realize that this money will be spent most likely on booze. If they don't want to work and to help themselves, than why should I?
The old people - their pride don't allow them to beg, they just stand silently with the paper cup or try to sell some old stuff for a penny. I feel so sorry for them and believe that they need help. Pretending that that old book is necessary you could buy it. Or just leave the money and go away.
There are still arrogant beggars who never have enough money to buy a ticket, or beer, or something. Moreover, some of them I noticed several times in different places, they are "on tour" around the city. Sorry, guys, no money for you.
Earlier when there were stray dogs and cats in the streets, I preferred to help them. The person can ask for help, but the animal don't.

But when I want to help to a beggar, but being in doubt, I offer to buy them something to eat. If they are not the part of someones dirty business and are really hungry, so they need food, not money.
Michał Pycek said…
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Michał Pycek said…
I agree that it depends. Usually I do not stop and do not talk to them and if they ask me something I just say ''no, sorry'' or ''no, thank you'' and move along. To me it is embarrassing, you may think I have no empathy, but it is not it... I can donate amount of money if I believe it is a good deed and I know the history behind the person, like a sick child, I am helping through a foundation or something like this. But it is different with beggars, because they simply put pressure and I agree, a numerous times they become agressive and stubborn. The thought of giving money to somebody who approaches and makes you feel negative is just too overwhelming to actually feel this is right. Another thing is to offer something to eat, but I have experienced that they can actually be ''offended'' by it and would not want any food, just the money.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
I have never seen any kind of cheating beggars, but maybe that's because I'm trying to avoid looking at these people. I'm very sensitive person and very helpful, so if I would stop and give some money to everybody who ask, I would be out of money after one walk through the city.
I believe that when someone is sitting on the street and begging for money, his life situation must be hard, but I know that in many cases it's not. There are a lot of people who looks good and healthy and able to work and we mustn't give money to them.
Unknown said…
In my opinion in most cases beggars chose this life but not always. I always give some money to beggars for food but we know waht they do with this money. The most annoying are parking drunkards. I drive a car everyday. I parked in paid parking lot and there is this drunkard and he wants money from me too. Of course everyone gives them money because we worry about our cars and because of that they will be there forever.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
There may be different life situations and anyone can end up on the street in the same way as beggars. I think that many of them chose this life, but still there're people who need help and it's really sad that they suffer because of cheating ones. I don't think that giving money directly to beggars is a good idea, it's better to make a donation to a trusted organization that helps them with food and provides a place to stay.
Unknown said…
I don't like beggars. It makes me uncomroftble when they come. Very often they are rude. There is so many places, where people can find some help, but mostly this is their choice not to got that help. For example, winter is coming. There are many beds in shelters for homeless people, but there are rules, for example, people there can't drink alcohol.
Sometimes I help, when they ask for food - because this is real need. I hate it when they come and say "Give me some money for beer".
Unknown said…
Since I don't like to be asked for money, I do not give, in order to not encourage those people to ask others. On the other hand if i see begger in front of shop I usually buy something for them. I think this is the only way we could help those truly in need. Especially that there is percentage of people who treat it as "work". Personally I've seen beggars throwing out change, which was in less valuable coins. One in need would not do that, I am quite sure of that.
Unknown said…
Yeah, this is impudent. And also it has negative effect on those who beg to survive, since it makes people angry and reluctant to help.
Eh, I'm all in for helping people in need, that includes me donating a little amount of money every time I see a trusted charity organization, even it's just a few PLNs or a dollar. It doesn't cost me much, and makes me believe that if everybody acted like me then we'd not have this problem in the first place.

Although I must admit that usual beggars annoy me. There are many organizations helping such people, be it with job offers, places to sleep or food, but for some reason many of them still prefer to beg because it's easier. I never give such people my money, but I never say no if somebody asks me for money for food, in this case I simply offer to go to nearest shop and buy him/her something to eat. Trust me, the amount of times they said no only ensures me that those people do not need food, they're just here to beg.
Unknown said…
That's true. I am also fed up with them and the wort thing is that we can't deal witch this problem in any way.
Unknown said…
Yeah, donating charity organiation is the best idea to help anyone who is really in need.
Unfourtunately, I agree that there are a lot of people who don't really need food or even money for food. They simply want us to sponsore them their little parties with a huge amount of the cheapest alcohol. The only thing that makes me sad, is that if people wouldn't give them money -there wouldn't be such parties.
Unknown said…
After some beggars we see that they are drunk and need money for alcohol. I pass indifferently by this type of beggars but when but when some old person asks me to buy her something to eat is another situation. It's disgusting for me when some people they tell their children to beg or when when someone is lying on his disability. I think that we shouldn't give money to beggars, because we never know that they tell us the truth, what else when we buy them something for example eat. Benefits in our country are low but a lot of healthy people beg because they are lazy and prefer this than to go to the normal work.
Unfortunately, in Poland, a common problem is alcoholism, so often beggars are drunks, by such people often we don't pay attention to such persons who beg because they really have a problem. I have a friend who speaks with beggars when they are caught him and he always asks them how it happened that they are at a point in their life. Often these people are with a pathological families
Unknown said…
Some people beg to pay for drugs, alcohol or so called legal highs, however others are part of organised begging rings that work together to ask for money then distribute it amongst themselves.
It is entirely up to you whether you give cash to beggars, but you should be aware that you might not be helping them. Many are begging to fuel drug or alcohol addictions, and giving them cash simply feeds the problem.
If you still want to give money to help the homeless you can make sure it goes to good use by donating directly to a charity
I don’t agree that we shouldn’t talk to beggars, if they start talking to me I can’t really stop the conversation. It’s because I don’t want to be rude or treat them like lesser beings. I wouldn’t avoid conversation with random people on subway so why should I avoid it with beggars, they are still people. I know that for some of them it’s choice but I think that many of them was forced to do it by circumstances.
Unknown said…
I sometimes give money to beggars, but mostly because I'm a little afraid of them. They could mug me or scratch my car or things like that. I give them money so they'll leave me alone, but almost only when they've seen me leaving my car nearby or when it's very close to the place where I live in. It's strange and makes me anxious.
Unknown said…
Yes, thats a bit sad because you're some kind of forced to give them money because you never known what to expect about a foreign person, especially when a common thing is scratching a car, that's how they express their anger.
Unknown said…
I agree, but their is one thing that deters me the most - stench. That makes me disgusted and I skip them.
Unknown said…
It's all depend on trust, because you never know, what a beggar will make with your money, so chosing charity organisation is a good idea.
Unknown said…
You always have to look on things from another mans perspective. Some beggards might be in fact people who were unlucky in life and need some help - but even those that seem to us as pathetic losers that don't want to get a job might deserve some pity. Sometimes it's depression, sometimes it's the feeling of hopelessness. Sometime they have lost someone dear to them. That's why you shouldn't separate the less fortunate people into convenent categories.

I just don't give money to anyone, it's easier that way.
Moode said…
I see your point, however I guess that sometimes we need to think outside of the box and don’t judge people so quickly. Sometimes life can be really harsh and people become beggars not because they choose to but because they have no other option.

I see your point with not giving money to beggars. I prefer to buy some food for them in order to prevent them from buying alcohol. I hope that one day there will be programs supported by local governments that will help those people to come back to regular life, get jobs, earn their money and get a more normal life.
KamilG said…
I haven't seen any situation with cheating beggar, but I heard about cunning beggar living in Dubai who can earn a lot of money only waiting for donations.
The way how they beg for money is really funny. They put on the ground same bowls with different inscriptions. Firstly they named it "Christian", after change for "Muslim" and names of other religions. When person (for example Muslim) walks and sees that inside the
bowl with inscription "Christian" is more money than inside the "Muslim" bowl then puts there so much money until "Muslim" bowl has more money than "Christian". Coming back to polish beggar, I don't understand why they can't help themselves just by going to social services. They for sure would give them a room or flat to live, food and then could have bigger chance for better life.
I don't like to be asked for money but when I see someone who looks confident and not drunk - I'm usually buying something to eat for that person. There were few times when I saw that food that I bought was going directly to the trashcan few minutes later - because that person wanted money strictly (despite the fact that it was written "Need Money For Food"). I really don't like this kind of situation - that hurts a lot people that could really use that help and I really don't like when food is wasted.
Adam Nowak said…
Those people need a help, but definietly giving them money won't resolve their problems. Acually, giving them money is a way to deepen their bad situation. The question is: who is responsible to help them and how we can do that? I beleive that giving them a job is a remedy. But what could they do if they are usually unable to work? Should the state keep them in a some kind of a prison for resocialization? I don't think so.
It is very easy to judge people if you don't know the full story. Who knows why they are living on the street?

I tend not to give them money. I prefer to buy food for them so I know that they won't buy alcohol/cigarettes with this money.
This is so hard topic to write about and also controversial. I try not to give them money but instead sometimes I catch mysefl at buying them sandwich or some other food. It is just so hard to look at those people. I do realize that there is some kind of reason they are who they are and it's just heartbreaking. I think that it is the most humiliating thing in the whole world and I see how desperate those people must be. I know that most of them are alcoholics but it is awful. On the other hand there are so many places where they can go and get some help but most of them just don't want to. And I think this is the worst part. Because you can't force anyone to get help. They have to realize that they need it and ask for it. Also I think that most of those people are able to work but they just don't want to. Begging for money it's easier for them, although I can't imagine how. It's just terrible.

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