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Week 9 [18.05 - 24.05] How South Korea reacted to Coronavirus

In today’s reality, it’s really difficult to forget about COVID-19. We are watching and listening to news from various sources about different countries and their current situation economy-wise, social-wise, health-wise. There is one country that reacted very quickly and successfully to the current situation. Here is a short movie prepared by Vox channel on YouTube that depicts how South Korea reacted to the virus:

1.       How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?
2.       How are you spending your time during lockdown?


1. South Korea should set an example to the world on how to deal with an epidemic threat. I really like this patient tracking system, who he had contact with, where he was, who he could potentially have infected. It's amazing that despite such a large population, despite the proximity to the source of the virus, there are only about 5,000 confirmed cases in Korea. I knew Korea was doing well against coronavirus, but not exactly what their ways were.

2. To be honest, I work a lot. From 8 to 16 I am remotely at work, but later I have online classes at the university. So, I am very busy every day. I don't have enough time to rest. I am looking forward to holidays and that in July, I will no longer be any threat.
Viktor Ryś said…
The short movie was interesting I am always amazed by how deeply computerized societies operate. I knew that China and Korea had stopped the rapid growth of the cases relatively quickly, but I thought that it was propaganda. It turned out that for the second one it was technology.

Work and University take up most of my time I am looking to the summer break when I finally will get some rest.
Ela said…
1. The film was interesting and in a few minutes it presented the situation in Korea. I knew Korea's response to coronavirus. It's amazing that they quickly managed it with the help of technology. Unfortunately, these types of systems frighten me, unfortunately they can be used in an evil way, I hope it never happens.

2. I'm sitting at home and in order not to go crazy I try to take 5000 steps a day, I lack movement but I can manage, fighting coronavirus is the most important thing right now.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?
I am full of admiration for the Koreans. Korea is a country with a huge population density. Governments have not decided to apply a strategy of total closure of the population and economy.The government in Korea has done the opposite of the governments in Europe. I think it is because of experience. The Korean people have had a recent experience of the Sars epidemic. This has resulted in the authorities using mass testing and contact trapping of people infected with the coronavirus instead of lockdown, and since the discipline of the citizens has come to this point, the result is that the country has only recorded a little over 11,000 cases of infection by over 50 million people.

2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?
I repainted the basement during quarantine.. My wife and I also cleaned up the garden. We didn't spill any more things because she works in the health service and I've always worked remotely.
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?

I did not know about the ways South Korea used to fight Coronavirus. It is a very interesting approach that shows things can be done differently. One conclusion I made is that every approach required people to devote something: lockdown - staying at home, losing jobs. Contact tracking - privacy concerns, we never know who will use this data later. After the pandemic, many conclusions would be done, I believe. Then we will be able to compare which method was the most successful one and base it both on the economics, deaths, and opinions of the regular people.

2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?
My life did not change much. I learn I work, I read books and I ride a bike. Sad thing is that I cannot go to the gym or swimming pool, but it is not that bad at all. I never get bored, to be honest.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. I try to follow information about how different countries deal with pandemia, so I was aware of how it worked out in South Korea. I have to admit, I was surprised how well they did. But we can't apply every solution to any country. It's something they could do, and were prepared for. I think it might be possible, partially thanks to earlier epidemic of SARS, by which in contrary to EU population, they were influenced. Moreover close borders with China, could be benefit as well, as there was no question whether it will hit them or not, but when. And the biggest problem of European countries or America, is lack of preparations.

2. Aside from wasting time, which I already stated in another question like that, lately I began to focus a bit more on thesis as end of semester is approaching us, and began some houseworks to freshen up house. Painting walls, changing furniture and such.
Kyrylo said…

1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?
South Korea already has experience with pandemics. Neighboring China you have plenty of options to experience that (Corona is not even remotely first virus to come out of there lol), sars, other covid that happened years before, flu... Korea already knows how to handle this.
2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?
Exactly the same as I was before lockdown -- programming, listening to music and playing.
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?

This short film is a great example of a good informative film. The channel that has posted it is known for their straight forward providing of information and pleasing graphical style. I had no idea that South Korea's reaction to Coronavirus was so rapid and effective. I have spent my time on reading about the countries with the WORST anti-Covid policies so South Korea was a little bit under my radar.

2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?
Apart from my usual school projects I watch films and play video games that I haven't had time to play before. At the beginning of the quarantine it was much more enjoyable then now but it still helps me get by in this boring time.
Angelika Dutt said…
I didn't know Korea handled the virus so well, but we should make an example of them. They' re great at dealing with the problem. Unfortunately, Europe slept through this moment and reacted too late to the problem, in additional our system is missing a lot from this one from Korea.

I don't have much time for quarantine because I work and study during the day, but besides that, I practice at home, run and play board games. I think it's a good time to use it on your loved ones.
1. I didn’t knew about their reaction to the Coronavirus. In the beginning the was to many information in the news and i got confused. `South Korea had already experience how to behave in such situation and i think that every other country should be ready in future for other outbreak like that.
2. I stay at home as most people. I have a lot of time for reading and cooking.
1. Other countries should be inspired by this film, it shows how the country is serious about the problem. They learned from their own mistakes and now they are prepared.
We should prepare in the same way for the second wave.

2. I play video games more often. I spend most of my time at home and I call to my friends on skype. Thanks to that I can keep my flowers alive.
I also tried to exercise but in the long run I lack the motivation to practice alone
Yuliia Sauliak said…
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?
I feel so proud of them, sounds like their government really cares. I think the prevention of the virus is a very wise step, because many countries` fault was that they started reacting, when number of infected people went up and it was uncontrollable. Seems like it was a real investigation from their end, they even applied innovative tools to trace the infected ones, I am impressed.
2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?
I work and after work I have classes. That is really boring and I loo forward to getting somewhere to a public place for a cup of coffee with my friends, I really lack of that. Started reconsidering my life and appreciating some irrelavant things, they seemed to be not important before this outbreak.
1. Tracing peoples every move is controversial, and some people might think that this is a threat to their privacy. As always, there is a choice between privacy and safety and sometimes comfort. Nobody wants to be traced, but we like it when google maps shows how not to end up in a traffic jam. The same applies to the popularity of certain shops and different public places during particular hours. If tracing our moves can help to fight the disease, like in South Korea, it is good. In my opinion, usually those who want to hide something are worried about losing that kind of privacy.

2. For me the only difference is working from home instead of the office. Normally, I don’t go out very often. Also, I don’t quite understand why some people think that it is a problem. Most people work from 9 to 5 and just go home after work. What’s different right now?
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?
News programmes and articles around the world have discussed this topic and presented South Korea as a country with stellar response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Therefore, the topic hasn’t slipped my attention. However, this video is more detailed on the reasons of South Korea’s success than anything else I’ve seen so far.

2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?
Many institutions and companies switched to a remote mode of working. Therefore, our university and my employer still keep me busy in these strange times. Surprisingly, despite shopping malls being closed, I have recently bought more stuff than usual thanks to online shopping. I also had a few unsuccessful attempts at home exercise.
Hello, here are my replies to your questions!

1. The movie itself was very interesting and I was astounded by how quickly and effectively the Koreans reacted to the Covid outbreak. Before watching that YouTube video, I had no idea that they had such good reaction time. I think that all countries should learn from them and use their techniques in order to stop the pandemia. We could all use a break from that panic.

2. I work from my home and I spend my free time at drawing or playing video games. I also cook every day together with my Dad. Every weekend I go for a long walk together with my boyfriend. I am really happy to see restaurants re-opening as I missed visiting my favourite local restaurant for lunches after work. Of course, I still wear masks everywhere outside my home.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I knew that South Korea had huge number of diagnosed cases, but I haven’t heard that they had system to control spreading of COVID-19, which was developed in such short time.

2. During lockdown mostly I work from home and go on walks with my dog. To that I started running and working out at home as I can’t go to the gym. Now as the restrictions are slowly being taken off, I also started to meet my friends again instead of just talking through the phone.
1 / This is a good video with useful information and interesting shots. The South Korean government has done the almost impossible to give its citizens the opportunity to avoid being infected with coronavirus, and to give them more information on how to prevent its spread. This primarily indicates the willingness of the government to cope with the outbreak, if it occurs. South Korea has banned all non-Korean citizens from the Chinese province of Hubei from entering the country. And also all tourists and Korean citizens arriving from China must go through the quarantine zone, which is specifically designed to detect coronavirus.

2 / One and the same thing: put on a mask, wash your hands and cover your mouth when you cough.
I prepared for quarantine. I took myself new games, created a new character in Stardew Valley, overlaid myself with books, pumped up audio books ... As a result, I sleep most of the time. #stayhome
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. In my opinion, Korea did very well with their preparations for the coronavirus. It is amazing to me that a country twice as large as Poland has twice less cases. Although there is nothing to compare Poland. I should compare it to Italy or Spain what is the opposite of resourcefulness of Korea.

2. I work, study and watch movies in the evenings. Boredom, boredom and boredom again. I can't wait to finally go to some club with my friends.
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and its quick reaction to the Coronavirus?

No, I haven't heard about the situation in South Korea and how they managed to quickly react to the coronavirus. It is a great video to spread knowledge about how the fight with this virus should be done and that we all are can do our job to finish this pandemic. I am also interested in their system of tracking citizens and how legal it is. I mean in times like this it does a great job, but what will be after the pandemic finishes? Will, they shut it down or will continue to track all moves of their citizens.

2. How are you spending your time during a lockdown?
I have a lot of work too. I am now working on a new project, so I have to work harder than usual, also it is my last semester, so I am writing my master's work. To be honest, even without this pandemic I would spend most of my time in home, just to finish all my tasks
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?

I have heard about the quick reaction of the South Korean government to the pandemic somewhere in the international news before. I think it is a good approach; massive testing and tracing the sick patients is definitely the way to contain the pandemic but realistically speaking this is not possibile e.g. in Poland due to the lack of national funding for the health service and also due to the UE laws. Nevertheless, South Korea learned from the MERS outbreak and maybe we can learn for the future from the present pandemic.

2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?

Pandemic and total lockdown did not change that much for me. The main change is that I am working and studying from home instead from the office and the university but in my case that saves me some time on commuting. I just miss going out with friends on the weekends and we only see each other virtually when we video call.
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?

I think that South Korea could be used as an example of proper reaction on such a pandemic. Testing is the greatest thing that we can do to decrease the impact of viruses on our society.

2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?

I do a lot of work, I spent a lot of time with my family
1. I've only heard of South Korea coping with the coronavirus epidemic much better and faster. But I didn't know how they did it, I think that although the system of controlling every citizen's movement is worrying when it comes to restricting our freedom, as you can see in the film, it has a very positive result. In times of global crisis such increased precautions are obvious, but after the crisis many rulers may want to prolong them under the pretext of another epidemic, I fear they could be used to infiltrate society.
2. Probably like most people, I am waiting for everything to return to normal. I am lucky that the work that I do can be done by me remotely from home, so I am not complaining about boredom. However, I very much miss the usual going out on the city or even such a good old sad reality that we had and did not appreciate it before the outbreak of the epidemic.
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?
The movie was very interesting and informative, I have already known about contact tracking, but their app which tracks sick people is a great solution but at the same time I thought how much information South Korea authorities have about citizens, even live location tracking!
2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?
I have a lot of work to do, started to cook more than before. Also, I have a new hobby, it's painting :)
1. How do you view this movie? Did you know about South Korea and their quick reaction to the Coronavirus?
I knew they reacted quickly, but I wasn't aware what exactly they did. This movie was very interesting and worthwhile.

2. How are you spending your time during lockdown?
Well, I spend my time the same as always - doing school projects, reading books, playing Terraria, watching Netflix. Nothing has changed for me at all.

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