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Week 9 [18.05 - 24.05] Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom
 Technology and education is becoming more and more integrated every day and with the help of technological tools, new solutions and modern alternatives to traditional teaching methods are being developed. The term "Flipped Classroom" or "Flipped learning" is one of those budding advancements. It first came into use in mid-2000s however the real implementation of it still continues to progress. Flipped Classroom is basically providing the students with the target content online and let them study and prepare before the lesson, then have the activities, discussions or tasks done during class time in the guidance of the teacher.
 To start with, there are a great number of benefits of using Flipped Classroom technique for the learners. Firstly, it will help students obtain learning culture. When learners are assigned with the duty of having pre-knowledge about the content of the lesson, they gradually start to gain the culture of learning; in other words, they become more autonomous learners compared to the ones that are exposed to traditional techniques in which the teacher is at the center of teaching/learning activity. Another reason why it’s a good idea to supply pre-class materials and content to students is that with this way more students are likely to engage during classroom activities. While in traditional methods, only the successful or the extrovert learners are willing to participate during classes, the flipped method will serve as a tool to help all kinds of learners to be well-prepared including the shy or introvert ones.
On the other hand, there are also a few drawbacks of applying Flipped Classroom in general teaching. The main disadvantages are related to technology issues. Not every student might have easy access to computers or internet, though this issue addresses to only a small minority. Other deficiency might stem from the fact that providing students with lesson videos before the classes might not be as effective as expected since they are not reciprocal. Although learners will have a chance to repeat the videos as often as they want, they will not have a chance to ask questions when they are confused. However this problem might be overcome with clearer videos and external links. Thus, the content that is presented as pre-class assignment should be clear, instructions should not cause any ambiguity.
 To conclude, there is still a dispute whether Flipped Classroom is an approach, strategy or technique; In my opinion, it rather is a technique that should be carefully implemented in selected lessons just like other learning techniques such as role plays or cell-phone based applications. There are many benefits of implementing Flipped Classroom technique not only to the learners but also to the students such as individualization, stimulating autonomous learning, unlimited repetition, engaging more students in class time and so on.

1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?


Ela said…
1. I've heard about this technique before, I think that's a very good idea. I know from college myself, when I had some laboratories and received materials on them before, I took much more from classes. You need to spend a lot more time in this type of learning, but knowledge stays for longer. Thanks to the use of multimedia materials, it’s much more interesting to learn, so I keep my fingers crossed for this technique.

2. I think that independent home learning with parental control nowadays has great potential. Currently, in the age of pandemics, online lessons are developing using instant messengers.

3. Unfortunately, I don't know any mobile application that help in learning.
1. I haven't heard about this technique yet. I agree with the statement that this approach activates students more, making them more willing to educate themselves. Thus, I am afraid that many of the weaker students would find it difficult to prepare for classes, among others due to laziness, which would eventually make them even worse compared to other classmates.
2. I don't know any other techniques. However, technological progress is more and more noticeable - there are many mobile applications and educational platforms providing a wide range of courses that can be used not only by students but also by adults.

3. I won't say anything specific. But I used many applications to learn English words. In addition, I use several applications with curiosities from the world of history and science.
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
It seems to be very efficient idea of having online lessons as right now I am convinced that most of the students are not so focused on lectures because they just may stay silent whole 1.5 hour.
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
Best idea that comes to my mind is self learning. By this term I mean that students are divided in small groups and they are teaching themselves topics presented by the teacher. Teacher is controlling how it goes and helps students but the goal is that students make sure that everyone in their groups understood new subject. It's like in work when they teach you everything before you are taken into projects.
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
There are some. I was using one that allows me to take quiz that were created by other people. It was fun and I could learn and remind some important things and rules in programming.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
I've never heard of it, but I think it's a very interesting initiative. I think I would like this approach very much. I wish I had learnt that way. This kind of change of the traditional lesson model, that is, there is more homework and consolidation in class is perfect for me.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
For me, the coolest form of learning is the Kolb’s cycle. The Kolb’s cycle is a closed circle, containing what is most important in science. Each of the elements can be the first or the last in the learning process. A lot depends on personal preferences and abilities. Particularly important is the experience of knowledge, active experience of content. Learning based on Kolb's method is very effective and can be used when exploring virtually any field. What is more, we often use it unconsciously. We use practice, experience, theory and reflection in it.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
I'm using the Fiszkoteka
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?

No, I have not heard about this technique before. I think students can benefit from it. Looking for solutions yourself and thinking your own way seems to be more beneficial than following the rules the teacher imposes.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?

Maybe it is not any special technique, but I believe that letting students to look for the information themselves, presenting their ideas and encouraging them to self-develop would be a better alternative to strict topics we usually worked on at schools. These topics somehow limit the ability of students to stand out from the crowd. During my education, I saw people with various personalities and the thing I learned is that grades often matter nothing, or only this actual thing that the lesson was about. Grades are sadly not connected to intelligence and imagination of students.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
Yes, I used Quizlet for learning English and German words. It is very helpful for learning big material quickly. If I had known it before, I would have saved so much time!
Yuliia Sauliak said…
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
I didn`t know exactly the name of this technique, however I knew that such approach exists and I find it very useful and interactive. Most of students are shy and this indeed helps to be more confident in your answers as you are prepared for the discussion.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
There are different innovative ways of learning such as incidental learning, when classes are held without a teacher and there is no any structured curriculum, also learning through argumentation, which engages students in scientific discussion by encouraging students to ask open-ended questions. When students argue in scientific ways, they learn how to take turns, listen actively, and respond constructively to others.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
I know some of the applications: Udemy, Khan Academy, Duolingo which allow to access studying materials, videos via mobile, Khan Academy is a non-profit app, which offers courses such as math, humanities etc. Moreover, there are a lot of applications for language learning and my favourite one is Duolingo.
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1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
I haven’t heard about it before, but I like the technique. Maybe I will try it when I will find some free time.
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
I don’t know any other tehcniques. This is not my area of expertise nor I find it particularly interesting.
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
I know some, but I forgot the names. Nevertheless, I haven’t ever used any. Maybe I will take a look.
Kyrylo said…

1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
No, I did not. I hear a lot of criticism of the modern education system but little critiques actually suggest some solutions. This is the case which I like.
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
Self education; using patterns like not dump information on the pupils for 8 hours straight but dose activities during the day.
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
Tons of them. Hard to tell, which ones actually help.
Viktor Ryś said…
I think that some university lecturerers already applied this technique. We had to read an instruction before attending a laboratory, so I think it counts as that. I think that's a good way to learn. When preparing beforehand, we can try to understand the topic as best as we can, and if we understand all of it, the lesson will help with memorizing this knowledge, on the other hand, if we didn't understood everything, the lecturer might clarify some concepts for us.

Flashcards, they are a great way to learn new word in a foreign language.

Anki for flashcards, duolingo, youtube tutorials, there's ton of them, the hardest thing
is to motivate to sit down and actually do the learning.
1. No i have not heard about this technique. I like the idea of it. I think it is for people are willing to learn, being prepared before the lesson may have a very big impact on lesson being more efficient. I remind myself school lessons, sometimes it was hard to participate in lesson when teacher didn’t have a good explaining skills even though he/she had knowledge. I think the outcome of the lesson would be better i we were pre prepared the and could make a conversation about subject.
2. I do not know.
3. I only know duolingo.
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
No I have not heard about this technique, but it seems like a very good idea. When you have a clue about something before you hear it during classes it is easier for you to understand this issue deeper. Unfortunately, I think that not many people are able to motivate themselves to learn earlier.
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
I think in the future there may be only online courses.
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
No I don't know any mobile applications to help with learning. I learn from youtube and coursera.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?

Yes, I have heard and I have been its target a lot of times. A lot of teachers nowadays give students some pre-class material. Quite often I think even if not usually. Results depend on the subject, teacher, students, a lot of other factors but if it works well anywhere anywhen - we should use it.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?

I'm not into different techniques and I just try to study in my own chaotic mixed deadline-driven way. It works most of the time so I probably won't change it but I definitely won't recommend it to anyone especially nervous people. Don't be like me.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?

It depends on the subject. There are a lot of subject-based applications and even more different timetables. And youtube. Video content is a great opportunity, we should remember about this source.
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
Yes, I have known this technique, but I didn’t know that, there is a name of it. When I was studying in University I had lessons like this one. I think it is a great think, but there are some subjects which are really hard and professor in my opinion should make an intro to it. To sum up I think it is a really good technique but it depends what are we learning.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
I think we will study from the online courses, I used to do couple of those and I think it is a future of learning. We can go back to every element which we struggle with. We can do exercises, send a mail if something is no clearly understood. There are a lot of advantages of learning by courses.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
I don’t know any mobile applications, there are a lot of tutorial on YT where we can find "10 ways how to learn faster", most of them are probably just a clickbait or there are only some obvious advices.
Kgajewska said…
1. No, I'm not familiar with this technique. It's quite intresting idea and could work for some, depending on the subject.

2. I think online courses could be a thing in future.

3. I've never been intrested in looking for some apps with this purpose. I don't believe thers any real shortcut for learning.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. This is the first time i have heard about this technique. It sounds interesting, and i definitely would like to have a class which uses it.

2. Unfortunately, i don't, I'm not interested it this subject.

3. Not really, I've never had any problems with studying on my own, so i haven't tried using anything like an mobile app to help me with it.
Aleksander said…
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
I have heard about it and I am a fun of that. But as you wrote, it has its drawbacks and not everywhere we can implement such a solution.
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect the future of learning?
Virtual reality is going to make a bit revolution :)
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
Duolingo is such an app. I like it!
s18716 said…
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
I had not heard about this technique before. To be more precise, the concept is pretty close to what is now proposed by many universities and schools around the world during the coronavirus pandemic. I did not think that this teaching method will have its own name and its own branch of development. I think that thanks to this technique, distance education will develop, since a large number of people now understand the relevance of such methods.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
Unfortunately, I cannot say the exact names of these methods. But now there are a lot of directions for the development of education in general. Including branches of education with the help of new technologies. And new in terms of not only using innovative tools, but also an approach and concept to the issuance of educational material.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
No, I have never used such mobile applications. Maybe they can be useful. I’ll see what others say, maybe something will interest me.
Aneta Artych said…
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
Yes, I have heard and I have been its target a lot of times. Very often I think even if not usually. Results depend on the subject, teacher, students, school etc.
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
I knew before about Kolb's cycle as I am soft skills trainer. It is very effective way of learning adults. Studying based on Kolb's method is very effective and and efficient. The Kolb’s cycle is a closed circle and contains four steps. Each of the part can be the first or the last in the learning process.
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
Fiszkoteka, Duolingo, Codeacademy
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I have not heard about this technique. I find it very interesting and I think this idea can really work in some cases. When I started studying architecture it was nothing like the lessons at school. These intros were essential to even try to understand the subject of the class.
2. Given the current situation, I think that online classes might significantly affect the future of learning.
3. Unfortunately I do not know any good applications. Some time ago I search for one to practice my language skills but I did not find one that would suit my needs.
1 / Yes, I heard about this topic, as I saw a video earlier on this topic. I think this is a great and innovative idea, especially in our time.

2 / I think the next step would be to connect virtual reality to student learning. For example, doctors or pilots and mechanics, and then for everyone else.

3 / Yes, at the moment there are quite a lot of applications to help with learning. For me, for example, it was a discovery that there is a special application with which, using a photograph of a multifunctional multi-level equation, he will not only read it correctly, but will immediately issue a solution ...
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?

I have heard about it before and in my opinion it is a very good learning technique. When materials are shared beforehand, the students do not feel pressed to take down notes when the teacher is speaking to fast etc. It gives them the opportunity to learn in their own pace which is very important.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?

Lately I was watching a documentary where they were using Virtual Reality googles to learn about the forensic science. The goggles helped them study the procedures of evidence collection at the crime scenes and the students said it was very helpful to understand the subject.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?

The first thing that comes to my mind is the Duolingo application to learn languages on your own. It is quite interesting because the way they designed it makes you think that this is more of a game than a lesson. I started learning Spanish with it and it is a great way to learn words but not ideal to properly study the basis of grammar, I think the teacher would explain it much better.
1. Have you heard about this technique? What are your opinions about it?

No, I haven't heard about it. I think it is a great technique for remote studying, as all students will have their time and during the lecture they could discuss the newly learned material and take part in the conversation.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect the future of learning?

I think, that the experience with remote studying with affect the future of learning. Maybe it will become more flexible or interactive. But I can't say much about it, because I don't know a lot about this topic.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?

I know there are some good apps for learning languages, like Duolingo. I also have heard about Googe Classroom, but I haven't used it, so I can't say how it works.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
I've never heard of this technique but I don't feel like it could be useful in current education system when kids/teens are overwhelmed by homework. This methods relies on watching materials at home and spending more time, a lot of pupils make their homework at school corridor.
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
I don't know any other techniques but I think that modern teaching should focus on connecting fun with learning, maybe some kind of interactive games/applications, that are not actually boring.
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
Some can help, you can learn something at bus or on toilet :) without taking books and notes with you. Some mobile applications are useful for this kind of portable learning e.g. Duolingo, Sololearn.
Filip Bartuzi said…
1. Have you heard about this technique? What are your opinions about it?
No, it's the very first time I hear about it but I had a similar idea in my head as an alternative to the current status-quo of the education system. I'm generally dissatisfied with the current approach in public schools and it seems almost anything would be better than what currently is being used. I wish this technique was more commonly used so we can have more case studies of its effectivness.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?

I hope algorithms and technology per se will lead to a very individual path of education for each and every student. Adjusted to your own capabilities and interests.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?

No, I rarely use my phone. I literally have just 5 applications installed where 3 of them are communication tools. I try to limit phone usage to the minimum.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I haven’t heard about this technique, but unknowingly few teachers in my schools did used it from time to time. I see a lot of benefits from using this technique but also, I know that not everyone will like it. We all have different ways of learning so this one won’t fit for everyone and also basing on my experience from school I know that there will always be some student who won’t prepare at home for lesson like this and in this case it’s pointless.
2. I don’t know other techniques, but I think that combining this Flipped Classroom Technik with the traditional lecture at school could bring the most effort in teaching young people.
3. I know that there are lots of apps to learn languages but that’s all I know in this topic.
1. I think I once heard about this teaching technique. Like everything in life, this technique has its pros and cons. The idea of sending materials is very cool. In general, I think that this application can have a greater use in college, when we are dealing with adult people studying a specific "occupation". Children in elementary school deal with many different subjects and such a command to prepare for each lesson will make them feel a lot of pressure, which can turn into even greater aversion to learning.
2. Now we are in a situation where children learn at home. As long as parents are able to discipline their children to learn, as long as they are at home and can control it. Only online lessons give some guarantee that children actually deepen their knowledge during this difficult time.
3. I think applications for learning foreign languages are very cool. There are daily lessons that help you learn new words, and over time whole sentences and dialogues.
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?

I've heard about this technique before however i find it great! It would be great If I could live in times where such techniques are common in teaching.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?

To be honest I don't know many. I only have heard about really questionable things that are taking place in for example Chinese schools but I don't believe that dehumanizing every aspect of human perception is great solution.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?

Yes, for example Busu is taking great approuch in field of learning foreign languages. After using this app you can really communicate with some stranges from abroad and know what they wanna to tell you.

1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
I have never heard of it before. I think that might be a good idea if every student will be involved in the proecs because i guess that its simple to get behind if not beeing prepared correctly for the classes.

2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
Small classes. If the teacher have more time to spend with every single student the results might be better. One of the scandinavian countrys schools work that way and their results are quite good. I even have an oportunity to work in small groups during learning on university and it was very nice.

3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
Unfortunatelly no. I have tried a few of apps but they have never allowed me to bo productive during learning from phone.
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
Yes but I didn't know it is called that way. I think it is very good idea and unfortunately it is not widely used, at least in Poland. On our university many lectures are only delegating tasks by the teachers. This doesn't help gaining knowledge at all.
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
I don't know many but I think that it would be very interesting if schools, universities would put more preassure on lecturers to make lessons more interesting and to provide students with deep knowledge of the problems that students learn about.
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
No, I don't use any.
1. Have you heard about this techinque? What are your opinions about it?
I never heard about this before, but i think that each education has kinda that technique. I'll explain now. Look, we are preparing for our future job while we are educating in school or college. First, our teachers tell us what to do then we finish education and go for practic.
2. Do you know any other techniques that might affect future of learning?
Dont know about that. I feel good with my education, espacially at quarantine.
3. Do you know any mobile applications that help with learning?
Yes, it called YouTube and Reddit. I have tought alot using both this options. And each time i ask somebody to help me with in our Academy they advice to use this.

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