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Week 9 [18.05 - 24.05] #hot16challange2

We have a difficult time with the COVID-19 virus, and in Poland two weeks ago an action financially supporting the Polish health service was launched.
The action was initiated by Taco Hamingway, who nominated various music creators (mainly rappers), and they further nominated various other artists.

Polish video which started action

The whole action consists of writing and earning 16 lines, where the number sixteen in the name of the action came from. Each creator adds some money and encourages viewers to make donations. Within two weeks, we managed to raise over two and a half million PLN.

Interestingly, singers, politicians and other stars including Polish President Andrzej Duda joined the action.

After a week of the action, one YouTube creator Krzysztof Gonciarz started the second action, which aims to do exactly the same thing as hot16challange2, but it involves people not associated with rap or music. Mainly players and streamers take part in this second installment, because they also want to help and add something from each other in this noble action. The second action support the first one.
And if you also want to support the hot16challange2 charity action, here is the payment link:

  • What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
  • Have you ever done charity?
  • How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
  • Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?



1. This is a very interesting and important initiative. However, to be honest, I already have the impression that too many of these tracks are being created. Yesterday I was viewing youtube - all youtubeers, celebrities and politicians have their versions - it's a bit abnormal. Because the main purpose of the action is to collect money, not singing. The amount of money collected is still not very large.

2. Yes, I willingly participate in charity campaigns for the needy people from my city. I am a sensitive person, that's why I support the most needy.

3. hope the pandemic ends as soon as possible. However, in my opinion it will not be just a bad memory. Our life will change - it seems to me that we will be more rigorous in observing the principle of hygiene, ensuring that no sick person is present in our space. Who knows if coronavirus won't be back in the fall or next year?

4. It depends. When it comes to social life, I miss my friends very much, I am already counting down the days when I can meet them or have fun together. However, when it comes to my work and classes at the university - I like this situation because I save a lot of time - I don't have to go to the office or to the university. It's about 2-3h during the single day.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. Well if the money goes to a good cause I don't mind it at all. Honestly I didn't even realize that something like this is going over the internet because I'm not following news on instagram or facebook right now.

2. Well I was donating money to causes that I thought were important and worth spending some money on. But I wasn't taking part in any events that were connected to charity.

3. Well I think there will be still some restrictions even in 2022, so we won't forget about it any time soon.

4. I miss open restaurants, shopping, meeting with my friends and running without this mask on my face .... I start to see the differences in my behavior when I stay home and don't go out to people. At least I have someone to talk to online but if not I would definitely feel depressed as hell right now.
1. I think this is a noble initiative. In addition, many people can thus express themselves, not only artists but also youtubers or politicians whom we like. Some of the songs I really liked and besides, a really large sum has already been collected. It is a pity that we have to make up an inefficient health service, for which monthly contributions from our salaries are collected :)

2. Every year I transfer money to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. But I didn't get to pay for other collections or give homeless people, unfortunately I don't trust many initiatives.
3. The virus is unlikely to die, it will just live among us or maybe it was already alive before we called it SARS-CoV-2. This is definitely one of the hardest periods in recent years, but I'm afraid that we will all remember it as one of the causes of the great economic crisis, which for many people is a greater tragedy than a pandemic.

4. I definitely miss more frequent walks, meetings with friends and unlimited mobility - that is simply freedom. However, remote work and studies suit me, I waste less time commuting and I am more rested.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
I think it is both a useful and interesting challenge. Hot16challange2 is a kind and good way for people to pay attention to problems caused by the virus, which helps to support supporting the Polish health service.

2. Have you ever done charity?
Yes, I have done charity several times. With more stable job hope to donate money more often.

3. How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
I don`t think that the virus will disappear permanently. Possibly it will evolve in another kind of virus: rapidly spreading and at the same time less deadly or one that spreads more difficult, but more likely leads to death.
I think quarantine and restrictive measures will be eased with the advent of the vaccine.

4. Do you miss going out normally or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
I am an introvert person and it is okay for me to spend a lot of time at home and study/work remotely. The only thing that I miss a lot is the ability to travel and visit my grandparents.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
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Andrzej Kawiak said…
What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?

The second part of the #Hot16Challenge action has achieved incredible popularity on the web and in the media, everyone talks about it. Not only musicians, but also actors, cabarets, standupers or politicians . Many of the latter decided to warm up their image with the Hot16Challenge. 2.5 million PLN was collected. The action is right, but with such ranges very little has been collected. A grandfather veteran in England collected much more.

Have you ever done charity?

I sent money a few times. Unfortunately, the scammers noticed that this way you can make money and create false donations.

How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?

In the end, every epidemic will end alone. Most of us will gain immunity and we'll probably treat it like the flu. I think the epidemic will end in August. Slovenia is already the first European country to announce the end of the coronavirus epidemic.

Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?

I don't mind now because I've always worked remotely. I'm more afraid of the economic consequences.
Viktor Ryś said…
I think that any form of raising money for a good cause is admirable. I don't think it will have that much effect, but this action diversifies our time in quarantine.

I've helped some charities by giving them some money or my time, but never was part of one.

When theres a vaccine ready, it could be in the next year, two or quicker, it's really hard to tell.

It's hard to pinpoint what I like more, each of those thing had is advantages and disadvantages, I like sitting at home, but I also miss my friends while going out, so I guess that I would prefer for it to be over.
Karol Michalak said…
1. What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
Yes, raising money especially in our country is really needed. It is nice that people like to help.

2. Have you ever done charity?
Yes, I raised money, gather food and clothes also helped blind people.

3. How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
It will be written to history for sure and I believe it won't disappear in 100%. It may be less effective or go into hiding.

4. Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
I miss going out, traveling a bit but I like to study and work from home. I do not waste my time on damn traffic.
What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
I do not like this action because it becomes fun and competition instead of true charity help. At least I hope people who make this challenges pays for charity. I mean OK, it's cool to do something funny while helping but I'm just the guy who pays for charity instead of doing some stuff not related to it.
Have you ever done charity?
Yes, I wanted to be a volunteer for WOŚP but instead of it I ended up helping in making festival in our village near Płock.
How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
It won't disappear it will be with us for some years I think and the world cannot stop for so long, so we will live among it.
Do you miss going out normally or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
I'm going normally right now so for me the pandemia already ended :) I like it how it is now in some ways because I have more time for myself and after all pandemia was more helpful for me than not. Still I keep in mind that lots of people loose their job because of that.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. Initially it was a good cause, but it quickly changed into free promotion. Be it for musicians that need to boost their sales, celebrities which might be forgotten during this short period of lockdown, or politicians for which it is straight up political campaign. Let's be honest, Andrzej Duda participation is the biggest shame of this event, since it's due to him and his party actions that we need such money raising charity. Another question is how many of those people that encourage others to participate, paid anything themselves, because considering possibilities of those people, money were gathered rather slowly... Cheers to Taco though as he paid 100k pln after whole thing began, and earned a bit more from unintentional (I think?) advertisement. Also by the way it's not his action :p. Like with original Hot16Challenge it was Solar initiative. Taco was first to be nominated though.

2. I'm not a big fan of charity, but it participated in such things few times, e.g. used to be volunteer for WOSP for a short while.

3. I don't think it will disappear at all. I'm not sure, but I think that viruses rather don't fully 'die'. They just evolve. But as long as we have vaccine, we'll be able to ignore a fact that such virus exists.

4. I already accustomed myself to how things look. It has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's not about missing anything in my case. It's just different now. Neither better or worse I guess. Of course it would be better if it was already over though, as it puts lots of people in harm, but I think some of things, like more remote work, will stay with us for good.
Kyrylo said…

What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
Raising money surely will do, why not.
Have you ever done charity?
No, I haven't.
How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
Will it disappear? Maybe it will wipe whole humanity, who knows?
Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
Oh, I very much prefer things like they are now! A lot of businesses have turned to home work and things were never more effective for many. Numerous polls show drastic increase in performance of workers and many companies already offered home office on regular basis for the employees. As for me, I was never a going out guy. In fact, for me it was never "Normally", so this whole quarantine changed absolutely nothing.
What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?

The whole idea is great and I definately consider it helpful. If in a matter of weeks rappers were able to invite and convince The President to Poland to join their challenge then I think there is not much to proof here. Millions of zlotys have been donated thanks to that event.

Have you ever done charity?

I have been a volunteer few times in my life in a various charity events but I personally don't do much donating myself.

How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?

At some point it will turn into a bad memory and there is not much more to say about that. Nobody knows how long will it be around us but eventually it won't be a problem anymore.

Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?

For some time i thought that it is pretty cool to stay at home at enjoy some slower pace life but it turned out to be not that cool as I thought. It is not so easy to spend so much time in one place and keep mental health at good level. The whole problem is about not having much choice of going out.
Angelika Dutt said…
I think any charity initiative is a good idea, any way to help is good. If you don't insult others, it's worth doing it.

Sometimes I take part in charity actions, i take part in WOŚP and transfer money to charity foundations.

I think that this virus will be with us for a long time, a bit like flu, I think that until they find and test the vaccines properly, we will have to live with this virus.

I miss a normal life, meeting with friends and playing sports (no gym, also cycling and running in a mask are not the same).
What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
I think the action is right and this it's a good initiative but only if the money goes entirely to support the families the action is aiming.

Have you ever done a charity?

How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
I think the virus might not completely disappear soon but we will have vaccines and cure for COVID-19 and 2020 will be remembered as a tragic year.

Do you miss going out normally or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
I miss being free, going out without being paranoid about who I gave a handshake, or the places I've touched or if the air I'm inhaling is not infected.
1. What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
I think that is a very good idea, because everyone is at home now and we are a little bored, so this action is very successful and it will help much.

2. Have you ever done charity?
Sometimes i transfer money to charity fundations.

3. How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
I think we need one year to get rid of this virus. Maybe a vaccine will be created sooner.

4. Do you miss going out normally or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
Yes i miss normal life very much. I like going out with friends or going to a cinema so im in pain right now. I hope they will open everything quickly with proper restrictions.
What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
I think its greate action and its good that taco came with this idea and started the action. For sure the money is needed and it will help support medical stuff.

Have you ever done charity?
Once or twice. But i havent gave money to hot16challange2

How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
Lately i read an article which was an interview with Bill Gates whose organization helps fight with coronavirus and his opinion is that we wont get rid of coronavirus so quick. Maybe a year or even longer since we will start to forget.

Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
I miss a lot of things from "normal" life before pandemic. Mainly meeting with friends.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?

It is one of the best community rush in order to achieve something good. I like the idea and I support that. A lot of people started to be creative and also it is a content for viewers that are bored in their homes because of the plague and the #hot16challenge2 is a great opportunity to burn that boredom.

2. Have you ever done charity?

I supported a kid on What is more, I was a volunteer during WOŚP a few times.

3. How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?

The time it will vanish will be when scientists will discover the vaccine for COVID-19. But in our memories, it will stay with us for quite some years because of the casualties it produced.

4. Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?

It is always better when you have a choice to go outside rather when you cannot travel etc. You can stay home when there is no plague outside. I don't mind being at home because I have quite a backyard.
1. It is a very good action. It helps to collect money for the noble goal. It is also much fun – we can see the performance of the people we know from the internet, or television which is often funny. Will it do anything? I don’t know, but I assume that no matter how huge the total amount will be, it will be nothing compared to the money which government spends (and wastes) on the medical services. In my humble opinion making the whole medical care private would solve all its problems and charities wouldn’t be needed.

2. Not as a volunteer. I donated money many times.

3. I don’t know, in a couple of months, or a year maybe.

4. To be honest, the only difference for me is that I work from home, instead of the office. I got used to it already, but it would probably be better to go back to the office.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
Helping is always right. However, the initiative shouldn’t cover up the underlying problems with the our national health service. It’s ridiculous to see politicians get involved in #hot16challange when they are part of the problem.

2. Have you ever done charity?
Every year I take part in WOŚP. I also collected some money for charity in junior high school. I wish I was more involved in charity but I simply don’t have time.

3. How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
In 2021 we will definitely be able to say: ‘Last year was hell of a ride!'

4. Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
I’m more of an introvert so I don’t suffer the consequences of lockdown as much as other people do. This is not say that I don’t miss having a pint in a pub, going to the cinema, or travelling abroad. However, I already managed to navigate myself in this new reality.
Hello, here are my replies to your questions!

1. Of course I think that the action above is right. Any events which are about helping others are right and should be organized. I always try to participate in actions like that, because I know that even one dollar may help. I do hope that it will also change how our health services are viewed and maybe it will help to improve them.

2. I participate in charities like WOŚP every year, I also supported some individual people needing money in order to get expensive operations. I also used to be a scout back when I was a kid and we gave food to homeless people.

3. I really do hope that we can say "goodbye" to the virus at the end of this year. I really want life to be normal again.

4. I miss meeting with my friends, I miss going to restaurants (happily they're re-opening now) and I miss just plain old "normal life". I feel a bit trapped at home even though I love playing video games and working from home.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I think that’s a great action that helps to unite many artists in the name of helping and earning money for those who need it the most right now in this hard time and it doesn’t harm anyone so why would it be right to do this.
Will it do anything? Well I think that it already did it not only raised money for charity but also showed us that we all can unite in some way knowing that when this challenge took place for the first time there were only rappers involved an now there is so many different artists, public persons and influencers that take part in it.
2. Yes, I have donated for charities before
3. I hope that by the end of the summer everything will be normal again and hopefully won’t be back on fall or winter.
4. I really miss going out normally. I have never thought that something like this pandemic will ever meet me in my life.
Maciej Górczak said…
1.I like this initiative, music is a good way to bring people together and #hot16challenge2 is very purposeful. It's a good way to gather money for a great cause. Thumbs up from me :) The only problem are the politicians that participate in it. They are the ones who we should blame for flaws in our healthcare system.

2.I regularly give money to different charities and when I was younger I was a volunteer for WOŚP.

3.I'm hoping it's going to disappear over the summer, even if it's gone for a short period of time. I want to travel! But generally I have no idea.

4.I miss having the freedom to go wherever I wanted without masks and hand sanitisers and constantly having to wash my hands. I also miss the freedom of travelling. I had big plans for autumn but that is on hold now.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. I think that such an action is totally pointless which shows how much money was collected during such an action. 3 millions? What will they spend it on? It seems to me that people are not aware of the real wages of doctors, nurses or the cost of medical equipment. The gesture itself is very nice, but unfortunately nothing will help or change anything.

2. Yes

3. I suspect that the search for guilty people will start. In my opinion, such a virus was not created “from air”, but someone mutated it.

4. Yes, in particular I miss parties with my friends, hanging out in restaurants and spending free time outdoors.
I think this is a good initiative for a good purpose. I don’t know if this will have any big impact on our medical care but at least I hope that it will help someone to fight this awful virus. In the past I was once a WOŚP volunteer with my friends and it was actually quite fun thing to do. Other than that I didn’t really donated to any charity. I think it will slowly disappear from our lives for a while but it will come back some day I fear. Hopefully we will be ready with vaccines and experience from the past to deal with it once and for all. I don’t mind siting a lot in front of computer but I hope it will be over soon because I miss parties a looooot. It is hard not to see my friends for so long period of time.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?

I think that it is very honourable that musical artists started the idea of helping the medical services during this difficult time. It is a good idea since music has a wide influence and through a fun and interesting content the artists also spread the awareness of the need for help. I hope that the money gathered towards this idea will be used wisely and will help fight the pandemic.

2, Have you ever done charity?
I give 1% of my taxes toward the animal shelter in Warsaw and I sometimes give money to the 'Szlachetna Paczka' action before Christmas.

3.How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?

It is very hard to tell when is it going to be over because we have way too many sources of information about the pandemic, some of which are completely false. I wish I could access only the facts about the virus, then I could actually estimate how long will it last. Right now all I can say is that I am certain that for the next 1-2 yeas the virus will be somewhere in the back of our minds.

4. Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
I miss being independent and deciding on my own when and how to meet with my friends or travel. I miss spontaneous gatherings and nights out with friends, I wish we could organise birthday parties and travels withoutthinking about the health threat.
1. This is how I see it as a good charity, mainly because it has a sensible goal and because it has achieved success - and this in itself is a good indication of it. Surely "something"; will change, even if hospitals cannot be supported sufficiently, it will at least draw the public's attention to the current problem of the state of health care. The second thing is that at the moment of its greatest popularity, even youtube's and politicians took part in it. The funny thing about youtubers is that they could rap better than those professional rappers. On the other hand, I wanted to point out that this action was the result of our government's lack of competence and incompetence in running the health care system during the crisis, and even our president took the opportunity to do so (ironically thanking the rescuers for their hard work. . . ) and then nominated the Prime Minister. I wonder if at least the transfer to the share account was from a private account.
2. No, I haven't had a chance yet.
3. I don't think it'll be just a memory. Even if it can be eliminated in 100%, in my opinion it will still remain in people's consciousness as a possible future global threat. In spite of all this, so-far there was no such situation in the history of humanity when in a very short period of time the entire humanity was paralysed
4. I can't wait for everything to work out normally. I really miss going out with my friends or even just walking with my girlfriend. Practically after the first few weeks I started to feel the unpleasant effects of isolation, for sure there are people who can sit and a month without leaving the room, but I'm certainly not one of them.
What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything? Have you ever done charity?

This action is great and is showing power of our society and the thing that together we can do great things no matter of our beliefes

How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?

I think for many people it would be even terrifying memory becouse of many aspects like lost of job or family argues but also for many it would be great time they've spent with their families and had time to do many hobbies

Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?

I really miss going out normally, I miss the time spent in clubs, pubs and restaurants and many things I did with my friends everyday
1. The idea is excellent. I've seen some of the videos. While rap isn't my kind of music, I appreciated it. Obviously not counting famous "sharp shadow of the fog" which is simply embarrassing.

2. I did both raise and put money for WOŚP. I probably took part in various smaller actions but I don't remember exactly. However, I have never created something to be put on auction, maybe in the future?

3. To be honest I'm tired of this conversation. The virus itself will be there forever the question is of vaccine and better treatment. However, what will happen with the world besides the virus? It is rather hard to predict precisely as there are lots of variables. People will have to reevaluate simple everyday choices as the prices rise, some companies will fall and their employees and families will suffer, possibly never again finding a suitable job and being miserable. Also, the fact that we are now so isolated, makes us more vulnerable to other diseases. Furthermore, imagine how many people will be shortly treated for diabetes and other couch-potato conditions. It will never end it will be a thing that defines our times. We will just make it our normality.

4. Selfishly I like studying at home, I just don't like exercising with my mask on, my head hurts when it doesn't have enough oxygen while running and I feel dizzy. I also missed my planned trip to Berlin and to Budapest so I'm quite angry about it.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
I don't know if it's right or not. This action was done, raised some money, but it's not my role to evaluate, especially I'm not interested in this genre of music.
2. Have you ever done charity?
I've done a lot charity actions, going to hospitals in cosplay to play with ill children.
3. How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
Everything will be changed after this crisis. I don't think it'll be just a bad memory, maybe after 10 years.
4. Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
Of course I miss going out normally. Why asking such a stupid question. On one hand I don't want to get back to normal learning/working routine because of transport time, but on the other I crave for contact with other people.
1 / Yes, I think this is a great idea for everyone. Both users and people who engage in media activities. I already sow how many youtubers and celebrities have their version to try.

2 / Yes, I had the opportunity to do such a thing as charity. And sometimes I participate in marathons to raise funds for animals or for some funds.

3 / I think that the virus will never disappear to the end, it will remain with us as a disease and the remainder of the pandemic and colossal mistake that we once made ...

4 / Yes, I really miss the usual flow of time as well as the ordinary flow of people in the streets or in department stores. Since I am not a very social person, but I love it is in the thick of things as well as in the center of attention.
1. What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
I think it is very nice and the goal is great. It helps in spreading attention about a problem not only in gaining money which is of course main goal of this action.
2. Have you ever done charity?
Yes, from time to time I give some money to charity, mostly for people that need operation of some kind.
3. How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
I think the virus can't just disappear. We will have to find the vaccine for it, and learn how to live with it cause it is not possible to live like that for longer than few months.
4. Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
Yes I do, especially going out with my girlfriend. I would also love to meet my friends in real life. I love going out to nice places, to eat something delicious or just party on the beach next to Wisla river. Unfortunately now we can't do this.
Rafał Halama said…
What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
Naturally, I think it's right. It got so popular in our country even president recorded his song. I think most of the people just do it to stay relevant, but I'm sure it still helps raising funds.
Have you ever done charity?
I never done charity, although I donated to quite a few.
How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
It's speculated the virus will never leave us, and it will remain with us like a flu.
Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
I don't really miss it. These few months were helpful for organizing my life perfectly and raising my mental health to the highest degree.
1. What do you think about the above action? Is it right? Will it do anything?
I think the hot16challenge is a good action and it has become very popular nowadays. It seems to provide a lot of money for help, so yes, I think it will do something.

2. Have you ever done charity?
No, I haven't.

3. How do you think when the virus will disappear or when it will be just a bad memory?
In my opinion, this virus will never completely disappear but presumably, everything will slowly settle into shape again soon.

4. Do you miss going out normaly or maybe you prefer things to look like this now?
No, I don't miss going out normaly. I prefer staying at home all the time and all this things, which are normal for common people, are too stressful for me. So, I like things how it looks like now, existence finally becomes much easier.

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Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] The problem with ecological cars emission in UK

The problem with ecological cars emission in UK Since the adoption of the European Emission Allowance Directive in the European Parliament, all car makers have tried to submit. Since 1992, the Euro I standard has been in force, which limited the emission of carbon monoxide to the atmosphere. The Euro VI standard currently applies, which limits the series of exhaust gases. These include: hydrocarbons, nitrogen and carbon oxides, and dust.   The most significant change was brought by the Euro IV standard. For the first time it introduced the limitation of nitrogen oxides, which are responsible for the harmful compounds of smog.   What is smog?   Smog consists of sulfur oxides, nitrogen and carbon. In addition, solid substances such as suspended dust (PM). Dust suspend in atmospheric aerosols may be in liquid and solid form. These can be particles of sea salt, clouds from the Sahara and artificial compounds made by people. These compounds...