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Week 11 [13.01- 19.01.2020] Slothastic way of living

Sloths are considered to be the laziest and from time to time even the ugliest animals on the planet. They are widely known for their lack of movement, similarity to Mona Lisa’s contorted smile and surprisingly high meme potential. But what if they have much more to offer? What if, these furry, lazy creatures conceal the true recipe for healthier and happier lifestyle? If you want to find out more about nature’s irony to create animal so unexpectedly unique – check out this video!


1. Have you ever seen a sloth in a real life?
2. What fact about the sloth surprised you the most?
3. To what aspects of your life could you apply the sloths’ philosophy?


Cem Ates said…
1. Have you ever seen a sloth in a real life?
No I haven't.
2. What fact about the sloth surprised you the most?
They are just living my dream life. The work where you spend as much as energy as possible and still counting as you are doing the hard job.
3. To what aspects of your life could you apply the sloths’ philosophy?
Definitely marriage. It's good to use sloths' philosophy in here when you have to take everything so slowly.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. No I haven’t. I hope my answer is not too short.

2. So the most amazing fact about sloth is that they live on the trees, eat leaves, move very very slowly, rarely change their “home” and YET the only case when they climb down from a tree is when they want to poop. Isn’t it amazing?

3. My grand father always said “спешка нужна при ловле блох” which translates to “you only need to hurry if you are catching flees”. He is not a sloth, but he always took his time. I don’t like doing things slow, although you should be always slow when taking a turn while driving a car ☝🏻.
Maciej P s16488 said…
I think that I've seen them in a zoo but never in a real life. I'd like to see them one day because i find them interesting and funny looking.
There are a lot of strange facts about sloths like the fact they can swim but if they stay too long in water and their fur soaks too much water they will drown, but I think the craziest fact is that they die of starvation not because they can't find the food but because their metabolism is very slow and if temperature drops too low, the bacteria in their stomachs can't help break cellulose in the leaves. It is common for sloths with full stomach die of starvation.
I live hasty life so there is not much space for it (or at least i believe so) but if i had opportunity I'd apply sloth's philosophy to mannerism of small things like slowly brew the perfect tea or spend hours in a comfortable armchair listening to music from vinyl.
I'd focus more time on small things.
Olga Przytula said…
If you want to at least take a closer look at them, we have two sloths in Warsaw Zoo. They are delightfully lazy, but at the same time surprisingly fast! And their fur, oh … unbelievable, it looks as it is stiff and unpleasant, but it's soft like a pillow.

When it comes to their way of living, I would definitely agree with you, it’s important to take some things in life slow, without worrying and stressing out about things we cannot even change.
Olga Przytula said…
Hahaha, yes! I find it quite funny too! These animals are undoubtfully full of surprises and contradictions. They are reeeeeeeally lazy, and yet, are one of the oldest species on earth, they don’t like to be active, but they are really good swimmers, and so on… :D

I’m glad your grandpa is not a sloth (insert another not funny joke in here) , even though I wouldn’t mind having one of my own. I don’t like taking things slow either, I’m too hot-headed I guess, but I’m learning how to take things slowly, appreciate life and benefit from it more.
Olga Przytula said…
There are plenty of them in Costa Rica, they even have their sanctuary there, Martyna Wojciechowska had devoted one episode of the series to this ->

I must admit, I’m always very pleased to know someone takes time to learn something more about sloths. They are charmingly plain, but I think they conceal plenty of secrets. Amazingly complicated creatures leading uncomplicated life!

I always say, focusing on “little pleasures” is something, that takes time to learn in this fast-living society. I even made it my theme for a final graduation project -> (fell free to check it out!)
1. Yes, I saw several of these animals. I saw very interesting animals at the Warsaw Zoo.

2. Each animal has some interesting feature, behavior. What I liked most was that they spend their entire lives in a tree and they have to go down to the ground from time to time.

3. I don't think so. I have a different approach to life. Maybe someday I will become such a sloth, but now I want to act, I want to work, I want to live and get a handful of life. I wish all people act this way, then the world would be better.
1. Have you ever seen a sloth in a real life?

I had a chance to see the sloth in the zoo, unfortunately I did not see him in its natural environment.

2. What fact about the sloth surprised you the most?

I was very surprised to learn that sloths only need 100 calories a day and that their have more neck bones even than a giraffe and can rotate their heads by 270 degrees.

3. To what aspects of your life could you apply the sloths’ philosophy?

I think all people should reflect on the last words that were said in this presentation. We have to think about whether we are not rushing too much and whether this will not end up as a disaster for us.
Olga Przytula said…
Don’t you think that you can work, live and get a handful of life, and still enjoy every minute of i? It’s amazing when you take time to relax and appreciate what you have! Living slowly does not mean you have to do this all the time but giving yourself a break from time to time can surely be freeing ;)
Olga Przytula said…
If you have any interest for sloths and their well hidden secrets of belated life, there is a short TV series about them created by Martyna Wojciechowska. I will link it here. She talks about the Sloth sanctuary located in Costa Rica, where you can take care of these amazing creatures as a volunteer
1. No, I haven’t. You say there are couple of them at the Warsaw Zoo but seems they were too sneaky for me :)
2. I think their stomach being stuck to their ribs so it won’t crush their lungs while they are upside down is an interesting little fact about their adaptability I didn't know until now.
3. Many of us lack the ability to slow down a bit, relax, brush off the worries and appreciate the moment. Although we know that sloths save energy because it’s crucial for their survival, the amount of sleep they take in combination with their pacified “facial expression” makes them good spirit animals for those tired of the crazy tempo of nowadays life.
Kyrylo said…
1. Have you ever seen a sloth in a real life?
Nope. I actually have been to zoos only couple of times at all. Do you think they are worth visiting?
2. What fact about the sloth surprised you the most?
The fact that they have sol little nutritional value and meat that in the food chain they are nobody's part of natural ration. Seriously, this part surprised me. Being that slow means zero chance of survival, but you don't care when actually nobody wants to eat you.
3. To what aspects of your life could you apply the sloths’ philosophy?
Every? The golden rule -- be a sloth only up to the point where it starts to hurt. Lower than that -- be a sloth.
Yurii Gevtsi said…
Yes, last year I saw sloths in the Berlin Zoo, although they are interesting creatures, but I wonder how they were able to pass the natural selection. While I looked at them, they looked completely motionless, and some slept on a branch with their heads hanging down and holding on only with their nails.

Most of all I was amazed that sloths can swim well.

As a child, my father often told me one proverb, the literal translation is a bit strange, but in meaning it is close to "Haste makes waste" although in the original it is about laughter. He also often said another "Measure seven times, cut once"
1. Have you ever seen a sloth in a real life?
I was lucky and saw him in Columbia in a park. I was surprised because I thought these animals were bigger.

2. What fact about the sloth surprised you the most?
Certainly, that such a slow species hasn't become extinct yet. In the era of current predators, it catches better than not one cat in extinction.

3. To what aspects of your life could you apply the sloths’ philosophy?
Noooo. I am a completely different type of person :)
Mykola Suprun said…
1) Once at the zoo, when I was a child. It really lived up to its name.
2) I wasn't aware of their digestive system. Apparently, it is much more complicated than I ever thought it could be.
3) To any long term decision making. I don't think you should necessarily do it slowly, but I long since noticed that myself and many other people tend to make very important and potentially long-lasting decisions in almost irrational haste.
1. Have you ever seen a sloth in a real life?
Unfortunately I haven’t seen a sloth in real life, I think they are really cool, and strongly disagree with the opinion that they are the ugliest animals on the planet, they look cool, and chill as hell.

2. What fact about the sloth surprised you the most?
The most surprising fact about sloths was how slow their metabolism is, and that they need so little calories. I guess it makes sense if you think about how little they move, but it was really surprising for me.

3. To what aspects of your life could you apply the sloths’ philosophy?
Even though I think sloths are super cool, I don’t think I would like to apply their philosophy in my life. I’m just not that kind of person.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. I have never seen.
2. I did not know that they live in trees.
3.It would be nice to live in trees.
Olga Przytula said…
Yes, they are hidden quite well as they live in the aviary, with the armadillos ;) They are really friendly and interested in people in general (probably because zookeepers feed them and they grew fond of people as they have connected the dots :D ) but most of the time they sleep right under the heating lamp just under the ceiling.
Marta Matysik said…
1. No, I haven’t. Unless in Zoo when I was a kid, but I don’t remember.

2. Perhaps it is that thanks to slow movements, they have a better chance of protecting themselves against predator attacks and how they look when they are not on the tree.

3. I have no idea. Sometimes all of us should be a sloth and lay down, eat and don’t worry about nothing.
Olga Przytula said…
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Olga Przytula said…
Oh yes I do, but I’m a crazy sloth lady and I was lucky enough to pet them and take some photos of them, so I’m not sure if you should listen to me :P But I’ve seen them like 4 times and every time I’m astonished how strange and surprisingly soft these lazy creatures are. And I love the golden rule!
Olga Przytula said…
I guess they survived thanks to their love to sleeping like 24/7. Seriously, it must be pretty hard for a predator to spot some furry, motionless, green animal surrounded by the bushes. Plus … who would eat them, they are so funny, cute and gross at the same time :D
Bartosz Waś said…
1. I have never seen one before in real life but I would like to one day.

2. The most surprising think is that they need only 100 calories a day to live and that they rarely come down of Trees.

3. I think that their attitude to life is really instructive. They don’t care to much and they don’t stress. Anyone should apply these rules to live a happier and healthier life.
Olga Przytula said…
They were quite huge back in the day, but then again I think they were not that slow as they are now ;) It’s good to know that you can spot them in Colombia, I was trying to find them in Panama, but they live in the different part of the country than the one I visited
Olga Przytula said…
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Olga Przytula said…
They are surely slow but how adorable at the same time!
1. No. Even in many zoo i visited i have never seen one myself and when i think about it is a pity and a bit strange thing to be honest.

2. Actually the one that was mentioned very superficially in the video above. As a child I was watching a lot of materials about animals and their natural habitat (i have this impression sometimes that i was learning much more these days than i am now). I still remember the shock i was in when i first time saw video showing how actually good swimmers are sloths. Comparing to their most commonly known movements it was quite amazing how good their float on surface and how fast they travel long distances in water.

3. I would love to slow my life a bit. Move out from town and leave behind all the rush and noise. Not quite certain if it's the domain of actual sloths or rather the stereotypical symbol of them. But it's the most inspiaring one for me.
Olga Przytula said…
Why would you like to live on the tree? :D
Olga Przytula said…
They are furry balls of unconventional beauty, laziness and happiness! I totally agree with you!
Olga Przytula said…
If as a sloth you can lay down, chill and eat all sorts of desserts, I'm in! Plus you don't have to run anywhere, a dream come true!
Olga Przytula said…
I would like to eat so little and still have energy to even rotate my head or blink my eyes :D
Olga Przytula said…
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Olga Przytula said…
Actually, more and more of my friends decide to move out of Warsaw. They rent a van and decide to go somewhere abroad for a year or two without any commitment or responsibilities.
Anna Moskalenko said…
I don’t, but I’d love to, in my opinion they’re just crazy adorable! I don’t find them ugly at all, they’re funny and cute. Can you have a sloth as a pet? If answer is yes then take my money please, I wanna have one in my apartment. But jokes aside, I’d love to hang out with sloths, but I hate zoos, because conditions in which animals live are usually pretty poor.
Plenty of them actually! The facts that they’re surviving eating only 100 calories a day and processing food for 30 days are pretty interesting. I never thought that their digestive system is as slow as they are :) And “mouth fart” also made me giggle.
Eh, I’m pretty speedy person myself, like this TED speaker, so I’m not sure how is it possible to just stop and take things slowly. But I agree with what she said in the end: we should reunite with the nature and be economical with energy, otherwise our planet will continue to suffer as it does right now.
I've seen a sloth in a ZOO. Hah, I've been surprised by literally all facts because I had not knew anything about them)
Oh, I would apply it to whole my current speed of life. Because it's too speedy and I'm already tired of it little bit.
Thank you a lot for presentation, I've learned a lot about sloths
First of all, thank you, Olga, this is one of the best TED's I've ever seen!

1. I'm not sure if I've seen this creature at the zoo or not, however, I remember there was a rumour in one of the Canadian Aquarium that there was a sloth living in the tropical exhibition. I looked for it for over an hour but I couldn't find it. If it was really there they are extremely good at hiding.

2. I've heard about their slow metabolism and the strengths that it give them, however, I have never heard about the giant sloth. I would really like to meet one of those. They must've been expectational.

3. Actually, I'm mostly focused on being "economical with energy." To me, this term is not only an environmental friendly issue but also a personal one. First of all, I get extremely annoyed when someone uses the energy in a wasteful way, such as leaving the car on while on the side of the road to listen to the music or keep the AC on, Although the worst example is to open the window while the AC is still working. But on the other hand, I also think about my personal energy, such as sloths do. If I'm going to be productive later I need my rest. It is not exceptional. I can work without resting but nothing good will come out of it. Once in a while, I need to accumulate it, usually on the couch, playing or watching or just doing nothing at all. Only then I can do the work properly.
1. Unfortunately, I've never seen a sloth in real. Even when I have been to the zoo many times, this animal was not there.
2. I must say that this video was very interesting, funny and informative. Each of the facts from sloths life presented in it interested me. One of them was that sloths take up to a month to digest one leaf. They are fascinating animals. The external appearance also has an interesting, which makes viewer smile on the face.
3. I think we should take an example of them and throw them into so-called slack. Nowadays people live too quickly forget about the charms of living here and now. We should reduce the pace and admire the world around us.
s15740 said…
No, I`ve never seen it. But there are a lot of videos on youtube with these creatures. I watched them and was really shocked. The first thing, that I mentioned was – WHAT THE HELL IS IT? If I were in the jungle of South America at night and saw this, I would immediately die of a heart attack. This animal is very strange. But like it was said in video – I`m looking from bad angle. It`s unbearable to watch how they move on the ground. Legs with three or two fingers (WHAT?) fused together, with claws on them and small, barely noticeable tail. I was surprised to know, and it is not understandable for me how they can swim?)) That miss from video has nice sense of humor, calling sloths ninjas. And very funny picture is creating before my eyes, when I`m thinking about sloths mating period, how males are ‘running’ to the desired tree.
In our very fast and crazy times, in which everyone rushes about - to create a company, finish some kind of project, start a new one, earn more money. We should all slow down a bit and look around. Mother nature has come up with everything for us and we only need to see it. These non-predatory animals appeared 40 million years ago and still live. Worth learning from them how to exist on Earth.
Mehmet KONUK said…
1. Have you ever seen a sloth in a real life?
I'm Turkish. I'm not even sure this animal is in my country. Maybe it exists in the zoo in Poland. If we come to the answer to the question, no :)
2. What fact about the sloth surprised you the most?
Everything of the animal is amazing. I saw a video thing, the snake is passing by the animal and it is moving towards the snake, but it is so slow that the snake does not even notice.
3. To what aspects of your life could you apply the sloths’ philosophy?
When you go home, lie on the bed and continue your life like that :)
1. No, I haven’t, but after watching this video I do really want to see a sloth in real life. I would like to watch their slow movement.

2. The fact that the sloth’s smile is considered to be similar to the Mona Lisa’s one surprised me the most. I have never heard about it.

3. In my opinion the sloth’s philosophy could be applied to our everyday life. I mean nowadays we should take our time and life slowlier, cause life past fast and we won’t have enough time to spend it for example with the people we love.

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