Pythagoras cup was comonly used during siege of the island Samos, when water (and the wine) were rationed. Cups allows equal divide of the drinks and if somebody was greedy and pour himself more, all content of the cup poured out and recived nothing. Here is a quick video showing how does it works and also small experiment.
1) What do you think about Pythagoras cup?
2) Would you like to play with one?
3) Knowing that you can buy it as a gift on Samos island would you consider this location as holiday spot?
Probably the first one was developed for the purpose of pranking people, haha.
2. If I had one, first my friends would suffer, then I would suffer when it’s time to clear the floor from whatever will be poured in it. Tricky question.
3. No, honestly I don’t want this device so much. Even if I would - I’d purchase it via internet with delivery.
Anyway, I appreciate an intelligent design, but I have two queries about it. I can't help but wonder, if I fill the cup to the point it almost leak and tilt it to take a sip, will it not reach a point of overflown? I think not, as even a tiny air bubble would break the tension, but some of the liquid could slip out. Also, if you know about this, and you probably do as there is a pillar in your glass, you could just place a finger to cover the hole and the problem is solved.
2. I'd like to play with one to confirm my doubts!
3. I would go there even without that knowledge. My parents were there a while back and were very happy about the trip. Mostly they prised the Pythagoras Cave, from where you can see a stunning view that complements a difficult climb up.
I wouldn't like to play with one. It is interesting to observe what happens but since I've seen it, it isn't much of an interest to me.
I wouldn't consider location for a holiday spot simply for that kind of a reason especially when you can order things instead of personally visit distant shops. In my case - pythagoras cup wouldn't encourage me to visit that place but because I didn't know about Samos island (It seems pretty big and I feel like i should have known about it) it still might be interesting place to visit, independently from the cup.
The justice cup, also called the Pythagoras Cup, has a secret feature. There is a hole in the base of the cup, which has an inverted bell-like structure similar to ink well.
The cup, which can be filled with liquid up to a certain limit, discharges the liquid inside when the border is exceeded, therefore it has named the cup justice cup.
Emphasizing that being greedy is bad, Pythagoras summarizes the cup as follows;
"Sometimes, one should know how to be content with what life has to offer, because while desiring more, those in his possession may be lost."
2) Would you like to play with one?
It would be nice to try but I didn't know if someone would like it.
3) Knowing that you can buy it as a gift on Samos island would you consider this location as holiday spot?
I think I wouldn't want it. I prefer to do other things
That's very interesting. The principle is very simple, but I have not heard of its existence before.
2) Would you like to play with one?
I see great potential for pranks. I'd probably just use it to show my friends as a curiosity. I wouldn't want to clean up the wine poured on the carpet later.
3) Knowing that you can buy it as a gift on Samos island would you consider this location as holiday spot?
Surely that wouldn't be the decisive factor. I think I will look for it to be ordered on the Internet rather than specially choose the Samos island as a travel destination.
Nice contraption. Fits Pythagoras nature completely. Though there are a lot of exploits with it, that you can see in the comments -- just put a finger over that hole, as the simplest one.
2) Would you like to play with one?
No, this contraption is not that interesting for me :(
3) Knowing that you can buy it as a gift on Samos island would you consider this location as holiday spot?
I am not that big on going on a vacation to seaside resorts. I am a city man, not a coastal one.
2. I would like to use one just for the sake of entertainment, perhaps to pull a prank on somebody who is unfamiliar with the concept of the Pythagoras cup.
3. I would absolutely consider Samos as a holiday destination given it is one of the beautiful islands of Greece. Nevertheless, a Pythagoras cup as a souvenir would be a nice addition to the trip.
I have heard about Pythagoras cup before and I think it’s really clever and funny idea, but if someone would give me one to pour a drink and I wouldn’t know how it worked, I would be really angry.
2) Would you like to play with one?
Definitely I would like to play with one, I’m curious how would it work if I would put my finger on the hole on the bottom.
3) Knowing that you can buy it as a gift on Samos island would you consider this location as holiday spot?
I would consider Samos island as a holiday spot, but not because of the Pythagoras cup. I would probably buy it online, but Samos island as a holiday destination sounds interesting because of the weather and sea.
2. Sure I would like to see how it works and play around with it a little bit.
3. It’s interesting but I would go there just because of that.
2. Of course! I wanted to play with this cup.
3. No, not really. Personally, I have been to Greece a few times and it seems to me that I should explore other countries than go to the same place. Maybe I will find this cup on Ebay.
Of course I'd like, who wouldn't want to? I'd like to buy one for myself, depending on how much it costs.
Of course I would go to Samos island at least because I like to travel and I haven't been to Samos as well as in Greece as a whole.
2. Yes. I really like objects that has bizarre properties in terms of physics. Maybe i would find other ways to use it. Just kinda contemplating it or watching from time to time, experimenting with it sounds interesting for me enough.
3. No, at least not in the near future. I have other plans and places i want to go first. Also i don't have necessity right now to own one of these cups.
Pythagoras cup is an interesting solution. I've never heard of it before. It is a fantastic solution for greedy guests. It is a kind of scam. Filling the cup twice will give the same result.
2. Would you like to play with one?
Yes, I would love to do that.
3. Knowing that you can buy it as a gift on Samos island would you consider this location as holiday spot?
I would decisively consider Samos Island a holiday destination. I think that even if there was no cup I would happily go there on holiday.
1) I think it is incredible, it shows that simple cup can be interesting. What is more it makes people curious how it this Pythagoras cup works. The physics is great and powerfull it is worth to learn it, because the mysterious things like this are logical when you know it.
2) If I had a chance, I would love to play with it. As i said, it looks great. I would like to try it.
3) I will consider Samos Island as holiday destination even if it is not able to buy there. I like to visit interesting places like this. However, it makes this place more attractive to see.
Yep, I would like to! I’m curious if the liquid inside won’t pour out if you’re fill the cup just below the line, but then tilt the cup a little bit to the sides. Probably not, but I’m not very good at physics, so some good old experiment is better for me to understand how the cup works :)
I’m pretty sure you can buy one online, I don’t see buying a Pythagoras cup as a good pretext to go to the Samos island. But it’s probably a good vacay spot, so why not.
Definitely yes, I would have one and prank my friends! I think this is good item not just to prank people but also use as unique cup for tea or anything else.
I have seen many prototypes of this cup in different online stores, I would order one from it but I see no reason to visit Samos island only for that free gift.
2. Why not? I could try it with my friends.
3. If it were to be the only incentive to visit this place, it would not necessarily convince me. I really like traveling and exploring new places so maybe I would be tempted.
2. Yes, but it would be a toy for 5 minutes.
3. Yes, I like to travel and discover new places.
I think it is a very interesting and clever invention. Maybe it is not so stunning, but to create something like this, you should know a couple of physics laws. Besides, it could be used as an interesting experiment for the beginners, who only start to learn physic.
2) Would you like to play with one?
Yes, I would like to play with it. I think it will be interesting to mix some different kinds of liquids and see what will happen.
3) Knowing that you can buy it as a gift on Samos island would you consider this location as a holiday spot?
To be honest, I am not sure. It is a great gift, but I am choosing the location of my next holiday using a little bit different kind of reasons rather than gifts. But I think Samos has more things to show and present, so I would like to visit it someday and see what is there.
I have read about Pythagoras cup before, probably at school. It is very interesting way to check people. Moreover, I was amazed that humans knew such a lot about physics so many centuries ago.
2) Would you like to play with one?
I would like to try, it must be funny to make such a surprise to my friends.
3) Knowing that you can buy it as a gift on Samos island would you consider this location as holiday spot?
Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Samos island and can't consider this location as holiday spot only because of cup. Also I can buy it online :)
2. No, I don't want to waste my time for that.
3. There are so many beautiful Greek islands to visit, and I believe Samos is not the best one. So no, I would not plan a visit there.