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Week 11 [13.01- 19.01.2020] Digital government

          Digital government where citizens conduct nearly all public services online where you never had to fill out paperwork again…  is this a dream…  NO! this is Estonia

1. What do you think about Digital government in Estonia?
2. Do you think this can be implemented in your country? Or maybe already is implemented?
3. Can you think of any disadvantages/ advantages of this?


Cem Ates said…
1. What do you think about Digital government in Estonia?
There are risks, sure. There is room for improvement, sure. I'd say it is still in an experiment phase.
2. Do you think this can be implemented in your country? Or maybe already is implemented?
Not in a close future for sure.
3. Can you think of any disadvantages/ advantages of this?
Yes obviously.. the elections can be cheated easily in the basic example, and if the election got voted for the wrong president, or it could also be dangerous for self-identity and stuffs.
August Micota said…
I think it's a great idea and really nice execution. Estonia was always a tech-friendly country so it't now a surprise that they implemented it among them.

I don't know, i think it'a partly already implemented but i would love to see it in Poland.

I can't think of any disadvantages for now. It's an amazing concept.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. I think that it is really unreliable. Honestly I am surprised that I didn’t know that it is implemented in Estonia already... But on the other hand Estonia is not a major political player. I think that digital government will be only useful when it comes to things like public services.

2. I remember our clown Zelenskiy bragging about digital government. As always, he only talks, nothing involving actual progress is possible in Ukraine while he and his party are ruling the country. So no digital government for us!

3. When it comes to public services - I think it’s a great idea. However I don’t think that the most part of the government can be digitalised. The main reason for it is possible exposure to malware and just bad people. I remember virus “Petia” that shut down all ATMs in Ukraine that had Windows as their system software :).
The digital government sounds like something cool. When I think about it regardless of what was in the movie, I see a world controlled by the government through computers and networks. It is something really great if it were everywhere. Unfortunately it is dangerous.

There is no digital government in my country, but various electronic and internet functionalities, e.g. e-prescription for medicines, are slowly being implemented.

This solution has a lot of advantages such as simplicity, ease, unlimited possibilities. Unfortunately, this is a computer system, so there is certainly a lot of programmers' work on it; it certainly costs a lot and is vulnerable to hacker attacks.
1. I believe that as a country they attach great value to technology. Many things can be done more efficiently and effectively. There is higher level of controlling citizens, but there are also more threats to which they are exposed.

2. In Poland there are already some improvements, but certainly not at the same level as in Estonia. Long time will need to pass for such solutions to be safe and really useful in our country.

3. The advantages are certainly simpler solving all formalities, greater transparency and better control. If everything was 100% digitalized, a system failure could have fatal consequences to all of us.
In Poland the government is more focused on fighting between themselves for power than on attempts to make life easier for ordinary Kowalski , maybe if they could start working together they could speed up digitilization.
I would rather say that it is not in the experiment phase but rather in the refinement phase and when it comes to cheating, digitized or not there will always be a way to cheat.
I'm glad that you like this idea and with time we will probably see it also in Poland. We have to be patient
1. What do you think about Digital government in Estonia?

Sounds very interesting but also very dangerous. On the one hand, I like that almost all administrative matters can be handled online. On the other hand, I know that there are no 100% safe systems.

2. Do you think this can be implemented in your country? Or maybe already is implemented?

More and more such systems are being developed which, for example, allow access to data about our cars, online identification by a trusted profile or e-prescription. However, they all form a separate whole and are not connected to each other. I think that in the near future there will not be a single system that will enable all administrative matters to be dealt with, but gradually newer and newer subsystems will be implemented that will enable only one activity.

3. Can you think of any disadvantages/ advantages of this?

The advantage is definitely the convenience of such a solution. The disadvantage is its security, it is enough that the country is deprived of the Internet and becomes virtually defenceless, as all services rely on this system. I also see the danger of excluding those who are not very good at new technologies.
This is great. No more going to those stupid state, antyhuman institutions where getting anything done is made to be as hard as possible. This should be implemented everywhere but I don't think we are going to see it in near future in Poland at least. Of course as any IT system it can be hacked but it is still better than current.
Kyrylo said…
1. What do you think about Digital government in Estonia?
Effective, amusing, well done, Estonia. This is double the impressive judging by the fact that this country not so long ago was the part of one of the biggest kistakes in history, mainly for its tendency to tremendously push back all innovativeness, and conservating people as hard as possible.
2. Do you think this can be implemented in your country? Or maybe already is implemented?
When it comes about my country -- it is always one or even two epochs back, so firstly it needs to properly implement at least modern everyday necessities, before moving on to something advanced.
3. Can you think of any disadvantages/ advantages of this?
Disadvantages are obvious: too high dependency on technology, one faulty server and you can lose all that precious data. Advantages are even more obvious, up to the point where this is not necessary to list them.

1. What do you think about Digital government in Estonia?
This is great thing and every coutry in today's world should consider to make goverment digital. I think with technology that we have today it is posible to go fully digital.
2. Do you think this can be implemented in your country? Or maybe already is implemented?
Of course it can but in Poland, goverment is not really into it. We have couple of digital soulutions as mObywatel or profil zaufany but goverment is far far away from being all digital.
3. Can you think of any disadvantages/ advantages of this?
Of course security and dependacy on govement servers, if it would not be a decentilized solution.
I think this is a great idea, which should be implemented as soon as possible in other countries. The ability to handle all public affairs without leaving home without standing in the lines is wonderful. Nowadays in Poland it is possible to do some things online, for example make an identity card and I have heard about some health care projects that are about to come soon. There are always risks involved in running such solutions, the reluctance of older people to switch to new technologies, the possibility of stealing data, and influencing voting results.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. This is a very nice privilege for Estonians.
2.E-offices in Poland are introduced to some extent. You can do a lot via the internet, sometimes you have to go to the office.
3. The security of such systems is a particular concern. You can potentially find a way to harm someone or reap the benefits yourself.
Bartosz Waś said…
1. It looks amazing. In my opinion it should be a standard. Everyone should have a chance to conduct all public services from their home without having to go to a government office. All of it should be automated to make sure that everything is secure and processed in a proper way. There would be no more queues in the offices and people and officials would have to struggle with all the paper work.

2. I think it’s definitely possible in my country. Thera are project in the works already that are meant to provide these solutions for example in medicine sectors.

3. The only disadvantage is the complexity of implementation for these solutions. It takes a lot of work and a lot of experts to make them work and even after that it still would be hard to educate everyone how to use them. Another thing are security issues and how to make all these private data secure. Advantages are obvious: less queues, faster and easier process, less struggling in offices etc.
1. It is amazing and I would switch to this kind of digital tool anytime. I have a friend from Estonia, Anselm, that prised Estonian digitalisation.

2&3. There are some implementations of digitalisation in Poland. I was surprised to hear that you need to keep an ID on you, while I use a digital one. However, to my knowledge and needs, that's the extent of it. I was in another country at the polish elections day and, trust me, it is really hard to vote in Bangkok. I could not stop but wonder how much easier it would be to just vote online. I understand that this could be difficult as the system could be hacked, although it's the same with people, just the code is money. One could also argue that there could be massive identity theft, I don't know much about hacking but I believe it's way harder then brake into someones iCloud. If we would to completely switch to digital, at first it would be scary and confusing, but in no time we would appreciate the new systems, moreover, team trees would prise us for saving lots of threes :)
Mykola Suprun said…
1) I like the idea. All risks considered, I believe there is a lot to gain from making the government every bit more efficient. With that said, only time can tell whether or not if risks associated with implementing such a system are worth it or notю
2) No, it can't, in order for the system so complicated to be implemented, it would require a current government to be very competent as it is. Sadly it is not the case in Ukraine.
3) The obvious disadvantage is single or at least a much more vulnerable point of failure. But leaving the safety factor aside, I believe there is almost nothing that a well-designed system can't do better than humans. At the very least, I believe it has the potential to eliminate low-level corruption once and for all.
Yurii Gevtsi said…
Digitalization is very cool, in my country they are just starting to introduce it. And as far as I know in Poland there is something similar, ePUAP. At first, it seemed to me that it might be difficult for the elderly, but on the other hand, if everyone else uses the e-service, then there will be no queues for the elderly, going to digitalization has only advantages ...
Yurii Gevtsi said…
so why a clown? why just talk? you are a dummy, if you don’t understand that in six months, he has done more for the country than the previous alcoholic president in five years...
1. What do you think about the Digital government in Estonia?
I think the Estonian government is going in the right direction. We are also heading in this direction, although to a much smaller and slower degree. To be honest, I'm surprised that I didn't know it was already implemented in Estonia.

2. Do you think this can be implemented in your country? Or maybe already is implemented?
Of course, I think it would be possible to introduce a digital government to our country. However, do we really need it? Well. Maybe this will happen.

3. Can you think of any disadvantages/advantages of this?
The disadvantage may be viruses or low skills of those in power in our country who will not be able to cope with the system. Savings, in the long run, can be an advantage.
Really that shut down all ATMs in Ukraine that had Windows? for how long? did they found who did this? This is first time that I heard about this but man we should not be surprised it was windows after all, at least they didn't spit out money that would be the sight
Kristina Moroz said…
Estonia government make huge steps in a simplifying life for people. Especially for those who can't physically came and solve their problems. Certainly, there are risks and they could loose all information in one moment, but I assume they thought about it in a first place and minimised this risk. I would be happy if in Ukraine it would be implemented. But it seems to me that the ways for corruption will be found.
The presentation about the Estonia digitalization was quite interesting. But I'm still thinking about security.
Of course physical data that we have now isn't secured too. But having all in a digital format it's a little bit scary.
But despite this, I would still really like to see it in my country.
s15052 said…
1. I think it's great. I have heard a lot of good about Estonia. I even heard that many Polish entrepreneurs decide to start their business there because of the ease of running and doing everything online.
2.It seems to me that Polish society and government are quite resistant to such significant changes. Of course, we already have some, but it takes a long time to catch up with Estonia.
3. I think the advantages are quite obvious. The disadvantage of such a thing is, of course, the great need to educate people so that they can use it. Such a system would also have to be resistant to hackers and viruses.
Mehmet KONUK said…
1. What do you think about Digital government in Estonia?
Digitalisation of governance definitely makes people's lives easier in their dealings with the state. Just as Facebook made it easier to connect with friends.  And just like Internet gave people practically unlimited access to knowledge. And what came out of it? Internet increased ignorance, promoted fake news, and made everybody more or less the same. Facebook became a money machine, where people are being sold to companies as some sort of modern slaves, deprived of privacy and manipulated by politicians. I'm not sure if it is really such a good idea. If a new Hitler or Stalin comes up, they would have a lot easier job to implement their evil plans than before.
2. Do you think this can be implemented in your country? Or maybe already is implemented?
Yeah with some parts but I don't think it will be fully implemented
3. Can you think of any disadvantages/ advantages of this?
Nothing came to my mind right now, but I will come back to this comment later :)
1. I think that Estonians were quite brave to implement this type of government, but it is the future that will happen to all countries at some point.

2. I think it should be implemented. If done properly, it is much safier than the current solution.

3. There is always a risk for any IT related stuff and there are no 100% secure systems, so that is the main disadvantage.
Ivan Mazuryk said…
1. What do you think about Digital government in Estonia?
I think that Digital goverment is good until this does not cross the border of personal life and data. Lets see on China, not on European country. In China each sitizen has the rating, and everything depends on this. If the rating is not as good as it gonna be the man will suffer and revive the rating is difficult thing. The personal goal in this system is not to live the life good but just to collect the points in govermental system.
2. Do you think this can be implemented in your country? Or maybe already is implemented?
If this will solve my problem of course, I like the automatization and simplifying.
3. Can you think of any disadvantages/ advantages of this?
Actually I described the possible disadvantages in first answer.
s15740 said…
Didn`t know about such system Estonia. I thought that digital government system will work rather in U.S. than in Estonia. But if it can be achieved in smaller country, and it will become a good practice, so it can be used in leading countries. As for me, I prefer real communication. To wait in a queue, face-to-face conversation. I think it is more social, than just filling some documents in online mode. But surely, such system must exist, the process can become faster and not so complex, like it is now. Everything in one place. Sounds great, but as was mentioned, there is a danger that electronic system can be hacked. It`s not about steeling information, it`s about changing it. And it is very difficult to change something complex – when you are going to one organization, taking some document, going to another etc. Because there are a lot of ‘parts’ of this process. And every part has its own responsibility, easier to find out where and when something goes wrong.
Of course, it can be implemented, even must! We should create a lot of possibilities for people to realize needs. I believe that it will be possible to create such a system, by creating, testing, improving smaller subsystems for narrower scope of public relations.
1. What do you think about Digital government in Estonia?

I think it is great. It should be done in every country. With modern technical possibilities, all countries should implement this and use it.

2. Do you think this can be implemented in your country? Or maybe already is implemented?

As far as I know, in my country, the government started to implement digital government into real life. Now there is a testing phase for some online solutions for different kinds of government services.

3. Can you think of any disadvantages/ advantages of this?

The only disadvantage I can see know is security. It should be very secure and protected with all possible layers of defense. Because everything is stored online, this means that when hackers would break through all layers of defense they will steal all information and the consequences would be terrible.

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