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Week 8 [02.12 – 08.12.2019] Wake Up Call

How humans change the world? Although it changes the world wrong, we simply devastate it. If we don’t wake up in time, nothing will remain. This movie shows the reality and what will happen to our future if we don't take care of it together today. Care for the environment, rational resource management and common sense are the foundations of ecological actions that anyone can put into their lives.

Now I would like you to watch this short video made by Steve Cutts. Please let me know your thoughts and comments on this.

1.       How often do you change electronic equipment?
2.       Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
3.       What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.


Maciej P s16488 said…
1) As rarely as i can. Unless i feel need, i think it is wasteful.

2) It isn't. For some reasons it became fashionable to get newest phones. I don't understand it.

3) Stop using plastic at last - it is dumb. Also moving to reusable energy would be great thing. Idealistic but not realistic: pressure 4 biggest trashers in the world(China, India, USA, Russia - not in order) to become more green.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
I don't really like to change my electronic stuff. I tend to use it as long as I can and it works properly.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
Well when people buy phones only because new generation came out I think its not reasonable but unfortunately new phones can break easly or simply battery do not last long enough so its normal that we need a new phone because we use it to communicate with each other and for me it is necessary to work.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
Well, our planet can me destroyed in many ways. I guess in some situations we cant do anything but when it comes to global warming, trash, plastic and so on, I guess we should start doing anything that will prevent us from going in a bad direction. Small things like plastic straws help too (even though it's only a small change). #Teamtrees, and so many other stuff are being done right now so I guess we are making a change right now.
Damian Drozd said…
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
I change my electronic equipment very rarely. Only when something I regularly use broke down. I'm not really gadgeteer.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
Well, only situation I could find this reasonable is when someone is active in social media and just makes money on it.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
Buying less things that you really need, limit consumption, drive your car less. This is hot topic right now, there's so much things you can do to protect our planet, just start today.
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
I usually replace electronic devices when they stop working and cannot be repaired, or when it's not profitable to repair them. I've never been chasing trends and haven't replaced equipment with newer, better models, just to be on time with all the latest updates and technologies. My opinion is that until the life span of the device runs out, I don't need to change it to a newer model.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
I don't know. I think this is an individual matter. Personally, I don't consider this as the best practice, I replace the phone with a better model on average once every 3 years, or when the phone actually works worse or is damaged. However, if someone has more cash and is able to afford more frequent phone changes, then I don't see this as a problem. However, looking at it from a global perspective, I think changing the phone more often than once a year is absolutely not necessary and unreasonable.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
Reduce consumerism, start using only renewable energy resources globally, reduce the consumption of plastic and other materials that are particularly harmful to the planet. Start taking care of the environment, reduce exhaust gas consumption, greenhouse gases and the number of cars that contribute to global warming and the ozone hole's expansion. Conduct campaigns to care for the planet and maintain cleanliness.
Bartosz Warda said…
It's great that you only change equipment when you need it. I think similarly, that plastic is the worst! That destroys our planet. It would be enough to at least replace it with organic products such as paper.
Bartosz Warda said…
It's great that you use electrical equipment until it loses its usefulness. You are right that we have to change our phones when they are refusing to respond. I have the impression that manufacturers are intentionally manufacture phones with low batteries, which forces us to change it right after the warranty period.
Bartosz Warda said…
I am happy that we are more and more aware of the problem. And I like the fact that we, the young generation, notice the problem. After all, it depends on us what the earth will look like in the future. That is why we should start caring for the environment, which is next to us. And make others care for our future together.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
I think it is about 1 per month on average. I run economic activity and simply need something from time to time.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
It really depends. If you like electronics, have enough money and you can afford it, why not buy it? It is actually the pure beauty of capitalism - to enjoy money you have earned the way you want.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
This topic is to broad so I could fully give my point of view here, but in a nutshell, I would like to save the planet, but without India and China joining this move, it is impossible.
1. I used to change my smartphone every year but now when they get so expensive and have just few changes there is no point in buying new phones every year, so I buy new phones for every 2 or 2.5 years. However I change other electronic equipment than smartphones very rarerly.

2. As I mentioned in point 1, there is no point in changing phones so often, because eveery year they change a little bit. Phone manufactures add only few new things and still they want a lot of money for this.

3. I think big companies that rule the world should start this trend to save our planet and everyone would follow them.
Mykyta Smirnov said…
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
Not often, mostly I change my electronic equipment when it breaks or when I use it for more than 3 years or it becomes too outdated and cannot perform well with other devices.
2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
I don't think so. Huge companies just need people to change their equipment as often as they can. They earn money, and it's a way of earning more.
3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
People should lobby laws that will prohibit companies from using non-ecologic and immoral ways of producing their items.
Kuba Berliński said…

1. Depends on what it is. I usually change phone every 2 years and computer every 5 years. It kind of reflects when I need to upgrade the equipment in terms of its posibilites.

2. It depends on what one desires. If somebody plays a lot of mobile games it makes sense to change it more often than "normal".

3. There are many things that a lot of us can do, like using less plastic for example.
Marta Matysik said…
1. I change electronic equipment as rare as possible. Usually when something is so old that it doesn’t work properly or I will break it.
2. No, it doesn’t. Because most of this phones are OK and the work properly and they don’t have to be change. And if we don't sell them to next person, we have more telephones in home than people.
3. Main problem of the electronic devices are accumulators, because we still don’t know what to do with them to make them less dangerous to Earth. But I also don't know exactly what we should do. If we talk generally what we should do to protect out planet, we should use less water, segregate rubbish etc.
Bartosz Warda said…
It’s great that you don’t rush for electronic fashion trend and you don’t change your devices for newer versions. Regarding mobile phones, I think that they should be changed only when you must, that is to say they are malfunctioning etc. but once a year I think that it is an exaggeration. At last, In my opinion the short movie made by Steve Cutts is aiming for saving our planet – Earth.
Bartosz Warda said…
What economic activity are you managing, that you have to change electronic equipment once a month? In my opinion, referring to the aforementioned short video, you should at least consider buying the equipment of better quality rarely rather than buying worse for cheaper price but more frequently. As you mentioned, I have to say that your way of thinking destroys our planet and specifically the capitalism is the main factor. I think similarly that those two countries India and China are blocking the ecologist to make the move.
Bartosz Warda said…
I agree with your statement, and I am happy that we think similarly. If young generation will be mentioning the topic, there is a slight chance that huge companies will pay attention to it.
Bartosz Warda said…
Good for you! I am glad that so many of you are doing that in the right way. You have a great idea, it should be the law, which would prohibit pollution of the environment.
Bartosz Warda said…
I think that you change the electronic equipment in the good time interval. If you are a pro-mobile gamer it kind of is your way of living, so I guess people like you should stick to that with something on the back of your head, that will be prompting in the direction of buying better quality mobile phone and changing that rarely.
Bartosz Warda said…
It is great that you seldom change your gear. It is really important to segregate the garbage nowadays. If everyone could respect that, it would be much easier to save our planet.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. Usually only when it breaks. I don't use so much electronics to have to have the latest models every year.
2. If someone has money and wants it, why not? Although I think environmentalists will be outraged.
3. I think that a more sensible communal economy for the whole world could give the expected results. Europe is relatively clean compared to India or Chine where garbage is everywhere.
Olga Przytula said…
1. I only change it when its vital for me to have something that actually works rather than crashes every ten minutes or turns off with (potentially) 60% battery still. So … not that often.

2. I don’t have this need, as I don’t consider myself as a technology-oriented person. So, I wouldn’t say it’s necessary to do so. For example, I need my mobile phone to communicate with my friends and family, that’s all. However, I can understand that for some people phone is the work tool or indispensable helper and they need to change it quite often. There are also people that simply like technical innovations and feel the urge to test new equipment often.

3. I think that being more eco-friendly, living more conscious life, being aware of the influence of our behaviour and habits over the environment would be a nice step to help protect our planet. On the other hand, as read in an article from one of the previous weeks, it’s companies, factories and entrepreneurs are the ones that can actually make a change in this world by becoming more “environmentally aware”.
Yubin said…
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
Now I am using the phone I bought in 2014, and if I was not going to study computer science, then I would be using the notebook I bought in maybe 2009. I don't mean I don't have money for them, just I don't need new equipments if the old ones are still useful.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
It depends, if some guy is a mobile gamer, of course it is necessary for him to change mobile phones so often, besides, vanity also causes people to change new phones so often. Anyway, I don't have this need, I won't change my phone until it can not meet my daily needs of new technology.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
Plastic is a big problem, as for myself, once I was in a clothes shop H&M in Hong Kong, after paying, I was waiting for a bag(it doesn't matter plastic or paper one), and the cashier asked me "don't tell me you want a plastic bag? Sir" I was shocked, it seemed it was a latent awareness for Hong Kong people not to use plastic, he thought I was Hong Kong native and was so surprised that a native wanted plastic bag, from then on, I never ask for plastic bag, I bring my own bag everytime I go shoping. Also there were advertisement about not to use plastic straws in many places in Hong Kong.
1. As soon as the previous one sails off to a better place or is about to do so. So, not too often – I’m careful with my devices and it mainly depends on their manufactured lifespan.
2. As it’s now part of some dumb trend to change your smartphone the exact moment a new model lands on the market even if this new model does not bring anything fundamentally new to a device, I can say no – it’s not reasonable at all.
3. I don’t use plastic straws – my parents taught me an ancient and almost forgotten technique of drinking directly from a glass.
Bartosz Warda said…
Like you, I use modern electronics as the old one breaks down. This video is just saying that too many phones are leading us to the destruction of the planet. I totally agree with you that China and India are pollutting our planet and it should be stopped.
Bartosz Warda said…
It's great, that you take care of our planet! I also change phone only when it breaks. I like to test new phones, and as soon as I have the opportunity and I enjoy it. However, I try to replace the phone only when it breaks or the battery is damaged, then I simply replace it with a new one. Like you, I try to protect our planet.
Bartosz Warda said…
I'm glad you don't abuse buying electronic equipment and only you buy it when it gets worn out. You told me an interesting story about Hong Kong. I do not understand why other countries have not introduced paper bags instead of plastic bags.
1. It is difficult to say for me. It depends on what equipment it is, for example, I already have one watch for 10 years and I sometimes changed smartphones every year, sometimes every 3 years.
2. If phone manufacturers created ones that do not need to be changed every year, they would not earn. This is how the market is driven and we are now being forced to do so.
3. I think that trying to save old cars and rebuild them is better than buying new ones that are made in such a way that they can only be replaced after the warranty.
1. Usually I do it very rare. I try to use electronic devices until it breaks or its start to become useless because of the age.

2. Definitely not but in some ways the equipment manufacturers force us to do it. They don’t support the devices anymore or the repair is just unprofitable.

3. The phones should be more decent and be supported for longer time. Repair should be easy so everyone could do it by their own but it’s unprofitable for the companies so it won’t happen.
Piotr Bednarek said…
1. It's depend. When it comes to mobile phone i change it every two years, because new launched products have better components. In addition, corporations don't make an update for old products. When it comes to other devices I change them only then they break down.

2. I'm aware that it isn't enviromental friendly behavior, but I do that in order to have modern and efficient mobile phone. It's important for me, because I use my mobile as calendar, camera, calculator or newspaper. In my opinion both corporations and customers at an fault. On the one hand, corporations constantly lauch devices with better components and they don't invest in the old one. On the other hands, customers create demand on new devices. Moreover, most of us have no idea how to recycle e-waste. We should realize that if we don't throw e-waste in proper places it warmed up and toxic materials from eletronic devices seep into air. It is harmful not only for enviromental but also for us and next generations.

3. I think that if we want to protect our world we just need to take little steps, for instance we can use paper or material bag instead of plastic one, we can segregate rubish or use long-lasting light bubles. As you can see, protecting enviroment doesn't consume a lot of money and time. But if you want to change our world willing is not enough you musy do something.

1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
I change electronic equipment only when it breaks. This also includes smartphones.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
I don't think it's reasonable. What's more I don't see the reason why anyone would do that. Nowadays most smartphones have enough functionalities for most of our needs. In my opinion buying a new phone because there is a new version of it with some minor updates is pointless.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
In terms of electronic equipment best we can do is proper segregation. Also I would suggest not to generate too much electronic junk or buy things that we don't really need.
1.I change it or buy any now one very rarely to be honest. I am not much of a "electronic person" myself. I don't like changing my phone and I'm using it until it's broken without any possibility to fix it in servise (no matter how many newer models are released).

2.I believe on this topic I'm pretty reasonable myself and it would be just fine if people would change their phones when they really need new one. Throwing away good working phone just because there is a new model it's a waste of money and materials. You should change it only when you need to.

3.I suppose starting with reducing consumption and using recyclable products in general would make a huge change. However, damage done to the natural environment is far more serious to save it only with reduction of consumption.
I usually change my electronic devices when the die from natural death, Unfortunately, the lifespan for smartphones is about 2 years, but in my opinion this is not resonable at all. I see this as a corporate strategy that works.
As for protecting our planet the answer is buying less and this aplies in every aspect nr only electronisc. Don't buy things for only one use or if you don't need. I see a simple solution: less demand, less supply.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?

Not that often, I’d rather max out the capabilities of the equipment. Once I do, I change it to something new.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?

No, I don’t think so. Of course, year after year it is getting more complex and advanced but so the price is getting higher and higher. I have my phone for four years now and I am really satisfied with it. It might not have 512GB memory, best camera on the market but it does everything I need – I can phone someone, I can text, I can download my favourite apps. I don’t need anything more and buying a new phone will not make me happier I guess. The only flaw is the battery as it is dying but I know that I can replace it with a new one instead of buying completely new model.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.

I think that first of all I can start commuting more often instead of driving my car everywhere. I also segregate trash and turned vegetarian.

Anton Chechel said…
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
Not very often. In 16 years of using phones, I now have the third. So I wouldn't say that it's often, but everything is relative.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
Well, as often as it is shown in the video is generally meaningless, because in a few minutes the expenses will exceed the income :). If seriously, the obvious thing that it's not right to prefer brand rather then quality. What's the point? Be cooler than others? 7.5 billion people in the world, someone will be cooler. So it is better to choose a reliable and at the same time technologically developed product to not replace it for a long time.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
First of all it is necessary to sort the garbage, because it is a threat to planet number 1. Secondly, it is necessary to use re-use materials, so that people, who produce these materials, reduce their income and accordingly reduce the volume of their production. And, thirdly, it would be a good idea to prefer reliable products to help manufacturers of such products and to demotivate others to produce low-quality products.
Cem Ates said…
1.How often do you change electronic equipment?
I try is as much as possible, as the video shows that the markets are just wants more monet to get revenued and the phone has a simple functions. calling, texting, camera, and apps. nothing really more these days. if you buy the newest as new when you open it the box without using it, it's being the used. no need.

2.Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
There are no real reasons unless you like spending money.

3.What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.

I would start using recycled products instead of the plastic that we use on literally everything it takes from 10 to 1,000 years to decompossed. so would definitely using it on the products.
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?

It depends. When it comes to things which improve my work performance I have to hassitation to upgrade it. It doesn't happen very often, but let's say that I buy something new few times a year. When it comes to entertainment/personal equipment I am not so keen on spending money very often. I try to be reasonable and very often decide to buy used equipment.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?

I think that companies make products which are supposed to work for a limited time and after that time we are forced to buy their new products. We are also to blame but it doesn't come from nowhere. Phones can be used for much longer than they are used right now but companies just don't want us to do that.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction

We should try to eliminate as much one-time only products as we possible can. Plastic is very handy but getting rid of it would make a huge impact. Paper should be always recycled and littering should be punisheduch more.
Anna Koca said…
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
I change it only when it is getting broken. I never want to wait for total disaster and try to react earlier. I change my phone every 2-3 years, but for example my laptop has 5 years and it works perfectly, and I don't want to change it. There is always problems with transfer data and installation applications and computer programs once again.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
It can be profitable when someone would be smart and has a lot of time. My brother had a period of time when he was changing phones every month, with people who wanted to exchanged with him, and for example pay extra. Sometimes there were exchanging much better phones for worse because of the color of the phone or lack of knowledge
about phones.
3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
Use plastic so little as you can, try minimalism methods of life, don't waste food, take care about nature, segregate trash and take care of the environment by implementing little steps in your life.
Yurii Gevtsi said…
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
I don't often change my electronics, only if it necessary. I quickly get used to my things and don't like to break up with them, if there is an opportunity to fix something, I'll try to do it.

2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
Of course not, just like buying expensive phones just because of the brand. I don’t know how iPhone 4 differs from iPhone 6 or any other, I don’t even know which new one is coming out there, as well as Samsung. I have Xiaomi for $150 and its functionality is completely enough for me. I've already had this phone for 2 years and I'm not going to buy a new one until something happens with it.

3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction.
I'm a simple poor student, all I can do now is sort the trash and be human.
Vitalii Ohol said…
1. I change electronics when it's not profitable to repair it. I, of course, try to be in touch with trends, new technologies, and latest updates but have never been chasing trends and new devices just because they are new and cool. If the device fits all your requirements and doesn't make any discomfort in your everyday usage, then you do not need a new one.

2. I can't find any meaningful reasons to change the phone so often. I replace my phone every 4-5 years and only because of their malfunction or low processing speed due to old technology and lack of computational power, which creates massive discomfort in day-to-day device usage for me as an average person.

3. As a person who not so involved in environment protection activities I only reduced my consumption of plastic materials, tried to use renewable energy and came to a decision not to buy a car until would find good electric car option and, of course, overall tried to care about the environment.
1. I don't think I change the equipment too often, I try to do it when it's needed. Companies that manufacture electronic equipment specifically introduce new products to the market to increase profits and the truth is that each subsequent copy practically does not differ from each other, only with a few details. However, the rush and desire to keep getting newer things prevails over healthy thinking.

2. Of course, it is not necessary to change the mobile phone every year if the one we have is functional and meets our expectations. It is our world and fashion that we blindly follow causes that we buy more and more and for no apparent reason.

3. There are many ways to save our planet. It is important that we make rational purchases and not blindly follow others, just think independently. However, the biggest problem of our time is, unfortunately, smog and plastic. We should do everything in our power to produce the least amount of plastic and not to pollute the environment.
1. How often do you change electronic equipment?
I change electronic equipment when I can’t use them anymore, are broken or to slow to use. Mobile phones around every 2 years because they are made like this (exactly like in your movie) and I buy not too expensive models.
2. Do you think it is reasonable to change mobile phones so often?
No, it is not reasonable to change mobile phones so often they should realise new model every 2 years for cheaper models and 3-4 years for more expensive and allow us to replace battery, but this is marketing and greed they can earn more doing what they do.
3. What can you do to protect our planet from destruction?
I don’t thing we can do anything to protect our planet from destruction and well I don’t thing planet will be destroyed the thing that will be destroyed I life on this planet and if this destruction is not to excessive there is chance that life will be reborn with time just a little different and without humans maybe another race will have a chance this time. I’m more on the pessimist side
Bartosz Warda said…
Yeah it really depends on a year. I like the idea, that you wrote for the 3rd question. But generally there is a better solution. If people could afford electric cars if would be more helpful for the ecosytem.
Bartosz Warda said…
Great, and keep it up! True the repairing is driving people crazy, so instead they just change the phone. The support for some android devices should work like with iPhones they update their old products.
Bartosz Warda said…
Yes, we don't need to chage our device that often.

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