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Week 8 [02.12 – 08.12.2019] Artifical Intelligence are humans in danger?

Intelligent machines are no longer science fiction and experts seem divided as to whether artificial intelligence should be feared or welcomed. In this video youtuber LEMMiN0 explore a broad range of AI research while attempting to envision a future where man and machine can coexist.

  1. What is your opinion about AI, should we strive to develop fully functioning AI or not?
  2. If we created a fully functioning and self-aware artificial intelligence, do you think that it should have the same rights as ordinary people?
  3. What do you think the future of artificial intelligence is? Will it be able to threaten us or will it help us in our everyday life and development?


Maciej P s16488 said…
1) I think we should keep on working on it. When we think about AI, we compare it to our way of thinking - which is wrong. AI is based on rules it follows. They might not be our rules or not even this kind of rules we use to think when we think about rules (as it kinda like sets of implications). They don't need to have purpose, they don't have emotional factors in decision making (they can simulate it but from point of view of purpose, it is something entirely different) In my opinion we can't think about fully functioning AI as individual being. There are a lot of benefits we can get from AI and even though there is a chance it might somehow blow up, i believe it is not likely.

2) Defenitely not. Back to my argument that AI can't be treated as individual being. They can appear alike but it is misleading.

3)First of all i believe that we won't reach real fully functioning AI in our lifetime. It will be easier to state opinion while we get closer to that point. Secondly i believe AI will be just kind of tool.
August Micota said…
What is your opinion about AI, should we strive to develop fully functioning AI or not?
Last week i bought myself new phone, first thing that popped up after turning it on was dedicated AI for the software. As for the last past month i was experimenting with Google Assistant on my previous device i was really exited about it. As for today i'm amazed how much progress AI developers made since last version of Google Assistant, i'm using it on daily basis when driving or even at home when i'm not feeling like reaching for my device so my answer is: Yeah of course we should develop it if it is even possible, it's an amazing tool that would greatly improve our lives.

If we created a fully functioning and self-aware artificial intelligence, do you think that it should have the same rights as ordinary people?
It's really hard to answer that question as it will be a good few years until we create first android and if AI would ever have any rights it would be for androids. I don't believe that a bodyless program should ever be considered for having any rights.

What do you think the future of artificial intelligence is? Will it be able to threaten us or will it help us in our everyday life and development?
As i wrote in the first answer, I believe that it's an amazing tool for improving our lives.
1. Yes, we should, because that way we can change the world and enter a new era. Currently some of the researches are promising, but still these are rather scientific toys than real life solutions.

2. This is a tough question and we could probably talk about it for hours. My initial answer is no, because even self-awareness would be simulated and still – harming an AI wouldn’t actually harm anyone. This is a topic we can discuss in scope of science, ethics, or even religion. Right now, our minds are totally not prepared to understand something like self-aware artificial intelligence.

3. In my opinion we are light years away from situation similar to The Terminator, or Matrix. Right now, AI struggles to tell the difference between cat and dog. In the future it will definitely help people in everyday life and development. Some applications have been made already and people responsible for that have to continue their research and improve those products. AI threatening people is a fantasy, not something to be afraid of.
Yurii Gevtsi said…
I believe that we should strive to create artificial intelligence. Nowadays, people cease to be people. Everyone are puzzled only by the satisfaction of their material values and live only for today. We don't think about what will happen to us in a year, two or ten.
Every year, more and more flora and fauna are approaching the brink of extinction. The effects of global warming are already visible in all parts of the world. In ten years, we may never see again the Great Barrier Reef.
Therefore, I believe that the creation of artificial intelligence can save us and our future, until irreversible consequences have come. But if people even then continue to care only about what others think and how many likes they will get on Instagram, it may seem to artificial intelligence that the only way to save the planet is to destroy humanity, and then SkyNet will begin.
Damian Drozd said…
1) What is your opinion about AI, should we strive to develop fully functioning AI or not?
Honestly I'm not a big fan of artificial intelligence. It's cool that we have self-driving cars but I hope it wouldn't develop so far to create fully functioning AI.

2) If we created a fully functioning and self-aware artificial intelligence, do you think that it should have the same rights as ordinary people?
I don't think it's even possible to create fully functioning and self-aware ai, still this is just a program that follows rules we set in code. It should never have the same rights as people.

3) What do you think the future of artificial intelligence is? Will it be able to threaten us or will it help us in our everyday life and development?
I'm rather optimist about this one, but you never know. People kill people, so if anyone would program ai to threat us, it would so.
1. I am big fan of AI and I think we should do everything we can to develop fully functioning AI.

2. Yes, I am a big fan of this idea that AI which would be fully functioning and self-aware as we are should have the same rights as we have. But I think for now it is not possible to create such an AI.

3. I think it will help us in our everyday life and development, but for sure there will be some people who will creaete AI that will be able to threaten us.
Kacper Gąsior said…
1. I'm in favour of developing AI solutions for many different branches. What I don't really like is speaking about fully artificial intelligence or aware AI. I'm afraid that people who speak about such things doesn't know anything about machine learning or so called AI. In recent form machine learning systems are models which model complicated mathematical functions based on large amounts of data. What's more they are able to perform good in only in one, specific task. To sum up - I'm in favour of developing AI, but don't believe that modern AI can be aware.

2. I don't think we will be able to create such complex entities, so the problem is theoretical. Take a look at animals, some of them are really smart, but aren't conscious. Taking that into consideration, creating an artificial being which will be self-aware is almost impossible.

3. As I wrote before, there is no chance that it will pose a threat for humans.
1. I do not think that we should not strive to develop a fully functioning AI. It seems to me that this creation, if it was created, would begin to learn quickly. In a few minutes he would analyze the entire history of humanity and based on it decided to exterminate all people. No one would be able to control such a system - this is the main premise of artificial intelligence.

2. I think so. As I mentioned, the premise of intelligence is continuous, unlimited development. Since the machine is analyzing human history, it will be fully aware, able to perform activities impossible for people. So how do you say something to someone that he is to be a slave?

3. I would not like it was ever created. But I know that AI will be created, and probably soon. At first he will help us, then the roles will be reversed. People will become animals, like on a hunt.
1. What is your opinion about AI, should we strive to develop fully functioning AI or not?
I think we should strive to develop AI fully if possible. Our fears for the future cannot block our development. I believe that there will be a limit to the development of AI because your people are already there.

2. If we created a fully functioning and self-aware artificial intelligence, do you think that it should have the same rights as ordinary people?
I think a computer should never have the same rights as a human. Although the law is usually created from real-life experiences, all this will be explained after such a human-like device is created.

3. What do you think the future of artificial intelligence is? Will it be able to threaten us or will it help us in our everyday life and development?
I think that in our lives we will not create fully functioning artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is just a program written by people. In fact, it is simply a well-written code that provides all the solutions. AI will only be a type of tool.
Kuba Berliński said…

1. I think AI is the future and we should continue developing and improving that. Whether the Ai should be " fully functionating " is a different matter. It is yet to determine in the future whether the humanity will need it.

2. If it was human-like then yes. In other case it could lead to division of society and discrimination of same scale or kind as it was in case of racism in XX century America.

3. I think it will rather help us in our daily activities. Afterall this AI will be developed by humans and it will be up to programists to prevent AI from threatening us.
s18716 said…
1. I think this is really one of the most progressive ideas in recent years. This technology will help us achieve new heights in many fields of science and industry. Even the very primitive artificial intelligence algorithms can improve many aspects of life, from solving mathematical problems to finding keys to solve global problems. I think there is nothing wrong with constantly improving the development of artificial intelligence, in any case, a people should be able to control it.

2. I think if humanity takes such a progressive step in this area, and artificial intelligence will have the same functionality as modern man, then international law will change many times, there will most likely appear chapters that regulate the use of AI-related technologies.

3. I don't think that this somehow threatens humanity. It is necessary to reasonably approach the use of these technologies and implement them in those areas where this is permissible. At this stage of development of AI, humanity can be of great benefit.
1. What is your opinion about AI, should we strive to develop fully functioning AI or not?

AI has been developing very dynamically in recent years. I think, however, that we should stick to building systems that will help us solve certain problems and not try to build a fully "thinking" machine.

2. If we created a fully functioning and self-aware artificial intelligence, do you think that it should have the same rights as ordinary people?

At the moment, this is such a distant concept that we should not worry about it. However, we do not know what will happen in the future. If we really manage to create such a "thing", it will be a breakthrough for the whole humanity.

3. What do you think the future of artificial intelligence is? Will it be able to threaten us or will it help us in our everyday life and development?

I'm rather betting on the fact that it will support us in our everyday activities and organize for us the environment to be as friendly as possible. However, if the scenario mentioned in the previous point comes true, nobody is able to predict what will happen.
It's hard to answer. Because now we can't tell anything precisely is it will be good or bad. But nothing can stop humans to continue develop and improve technologies. It is inevitable. While we develop. train so powerful and intelligent AI we don't have to forget leave in program some backdoors so in the case of emergency we can break down it, xexe) But honestly we have to program that AI somehow with rules which won't let it think about us that we are not smart enough for some changes or decisions. There are a lot of "if". Let's see what will happen. Will it be dangerous or countless help to human being.
I develop Machine Learning software as a work and hobby and knowing the newest information from the field I can assure you we are nowhere near creating artificial intelligence. It's mainly because we don't know how our brain exactly works so we cannot descirbe it in mathematical equations. All these 'threatening AI' stuff is just fanfic and fearmongering.
s15487 said…
1. I think people should keep developing artificial intelligence as potential profits than risk. The fully-functioning AI is probably far away and it’s too early to consider the potential risks.

2. If people would eventually create self-aware androids, it should be treated as a living being. I am not sure if it is possible, but if someday people create self-thinking and self-aware humanoids, we should treat them equally.

3. It’ll rather help us developing industry and take over peoples’ simple everyday tasks. I am skeptical about the theory of conquering the world by humanoids and more likely scenario would be that somebody will hack the humanoid's minds and take over control over the world.
I fully agree with you, I believe that in the future artificial intelligence will be used as a specialized tool to perform a specific task. What can be a big threat in the case of artificial intelligence is cyber terrorism. Let's assume that in the future most cars will rely on artificial intelligence, in the case of hacking such a car could be used for evil purposes. But this is just my "what if" and conjecture.
Lately I was thinking about trying out Google Assistant and your comment made me much more interested in it. It would be pretty weird to develop bodyless sentient AI, after all, body and our face can express a lot of emotions and such AI that don't have body could only express them by voice, text or face if it could be shown on screen.
Yeah, believing in murderous AI is kinda like believing that in 2012 the world would end. Humans just like to imagine what could be the end of our civilisation, and when they do, they believe it will end in some epic struggle like in "Terminator" or other films.
I believe that hacking and cyber-terrorism is the most possible scenario if it comes to AI. Almost every program can be hacked, so it can be used with malicious intent. For example hacking autonomous car to perform acts of terrorism or if we go further into the development of autonomous vehicles hacking a plane. Let's say that in the future there would be fully autonomous Atomic Plant, if someone had enough skill they could hack into it and make it explode.
Interesting idea! If the AI objective would be optimization at some moment in time it could decide that humans are not necessary for its existence and are harmful for it, just a mere stop gap that should be destroyed, another step in its evolution.
It feels like our future would mostly be on programmers hands if we develop AI. They would be the ones to defend us from its ill intent and also make sure that no one uses it for wrongdoing.
1. When we think about developing AI and future with it we see the Skynet from Terminator. I think this big risk is false I mean this scenario from this movie but it can brings some disadvantages that are not consider today, for example it can affect on our creativity.

2. It depends about how this intelligence will be working. It's hard to answer because I don't know how it would be working.

3. I think it will be helping us everyday life, but it will take some time. First it will be fixing complicated issues of government or companies after that it will evolve for common people.
Sadly we are only at the beginning of creating advanced AI, so it will probably take long time to develop something remotely similar to self-aware AI. I believe that we might be closer to transferring someone's consciousness to the new mechanical body. Even now we are producing prosthetics that can be moved with a human mind. The biggest problem is that it need testing on humans which is very controversial. For now test are being done on animals, mainly lab rat and the results are positive.
I believe that people should strive for the development of fully functional artificial intelligence, but we must consider our own security. In that case, there must be a brake for artificial intelligence, so that it doesn't end up as in many artificial intelligence films.

Surely in the beginning people will be above artificial intelligence, but over time maybe they will gain equal rights. It seems to me that human > machine, but this can only be my opinion.

In my opinion, people are not stupid and will not let artificial intelligence destroy us, but nothing is known for sure :(
In my head there is a vision of a better world thanks to artificial intelligence and I hope that this will be the future.
Cem Ates said…
1-3) What is your opinion about AI, should we strive to develop fully functioning AI or not?
What do you think the future of artificial intelligence is? Will it be able to threaten us or will it help us in our everyday life and development?

The creation of full functional AI will result in every other revolution as profound as the commercial revolution, and so the human revel in will change forever. When we invented energy, and utilised it with machinery, I think about that as giving our society ‘bigger palms’. Now one character can do the paintings of many because they have got a system that acts like a massive shovel, as an instance..

2) If we created a fully functioning and self-aware artificial intelligence, do you think that it should have the same rights as ordinary people?
No, they still might need to battery to run. When it's end they shutdown.

1. I have no doubt that AI is our future and we must develop it. You just have to remember that we have control over it.
2. Absolutely not, we must have full control over it so that it serves us and not the other way around.
3. It all depends on what we allow her, if we give her too many opportunities she can take control over us.
Denys Pogurskyi said…
Full-featured artificial intelligence is certainly good, but if you imagine a picture in which everything is controlled automatically (although a lot of things are automated), then many people are left without work ...
Well, in any case, it will wait for us somewhere ahead, because science does not stand still. At the expense of rights, then I don’t even want to talk about it, suddenly I’ll write something wrong)
Well, of course, that not everything in this world is perfect, so this will concern artificial intelligence as well, at one point we will have to send the Terminator back to find Sarah Connar :D
Mateusz Szych said…
1. We should take care of some limitations in the functionality of AI, but we should strive to develop AI as much as possible.

2. We should distinguish artificial, digital and living beings, human. Human should be more privileged, but we also can not overdo it, AI should have its rights.

3. If we develop it wisely, it will help us. If we don't limit ourselves, AI may consider humanity superfluous and even harmful.

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