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Week 9 [11.12 - 17.12.2017] Universe of clockwork and steam machines

Mostly, when it comes to science fiction, we start thinking about spaceships, time travels, laser, lightsabres etc. Sci-fi is strongly associated with futuristic stories, but does it can only tell us about distant future? I want to tell you about one of the most unique and the most interesting subgenre of science fiction. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to present you The Steampunk.

What is it about?

As I’ve already told, Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction, or even science fantasy. It includes technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19-th century industrial steam-powered machinery and clockwork art.

Steampunk works are often set in an alternative history of the 19th century's British Victorian era or American "Wild West", in a post-apocalyptic future during which steam power has become the main source of energy, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power.


First steampunk works has emerged in the middle of 19-th century, even before the genre had a name. We are all familiar with novels of such authors like Jules Verne (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days, From the Earth to the Moon) and Herbert Wells (The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds).

CBS series "The Wild Wild West" (1965 – 1969) was the first appearance of Steampunk on the TV.

The term "Steampunk" itself originated only in the late 1980s as a tongue-in-cheek variant of cyberpunk. It was science fiction author K. W. Jeter, who was trying to come up with a general term for works written by himself and such authors as H. Wells, Tim Powers (The Anubis Gates, 1983) and James Blaylock (Homunculus, 1986). He wrote a letter to science fiction magazine Locus, in which he mentioned the term for the first time in history:
Dear Locus,
Enclosed is a copy of my 1979 novel Morlock Night; I'd appreciate your being so good as to route it to Faren Miller, as it's a prime piece of evidence in the great debate as to who in "the Powers/Blaylock/Jeter fantasy triumvirate" was writing in the "gonzo-historical manner" first. Though of course, I did find her review in the March Locus to be quite flattering.
Personally, I think Victorian fantasies are going to be the next big thing, as long as we can come up with a fitting collective term for Powers, Blaylock and myself. Something based on the appropriate technology of the era; like "steam-punks," perhaps....

— K.W. Jeter

And so, it begins.

Steampunk in literature
Such authors as Jules Verne and Herbert Wells have created a whole new kind of science fiction. It is enough to recall Nautilus, the submarine of captain Nemo, the travel to the moon in the giant cannonball or time travel machine, based on gears and clockwork to spot the importance of these two authors for the whole genre. Their novels about anachronistic and still close to the steam era devices defined the very look of steampunk’s branch of science fiction.
In the 1990 William Gibson, author of the most popular cyberpunk novel “Neuromancer”, and Bruce Sterling, also well-known cyberpunk writer (Schismatrix (1985)) published novel called “The Difference Engine”. It is often credited with making Steampunk such popular and widely known genre. As you can guess, Gibson and Sterling followed the principles of cyberpunk writings even in alternative Victorian era setting, where two engineers created a steam-powered mechanical computer, the difference engine itself, that led to the dawn of the information age more than a century “ahead of schedule”. 

The title page of  "The Difference Engine"

Steampunk in games

1990s and early 2000s were the golden age for role-playing games, video- and board alike. Based on Dungeons & Dragons mechanics, a RPG called “Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura” was created. This game is a good example of symbiosis of steampunk as sci-fi subgenre and fantasy elements. 

Another good example is “Syberia”. It is quest game, where player must solve the mysteries of toy factory. The toys, produced here, are gear-powered automatons. All locations are filled with clockwork mechanisms or automatons. 

Games like Bioshock or Dishonored only use steampunk aesthetics. Their game’s worlds aren’t based on steam technologies, but the style of specific elements and the whole atmosphere is still close to the steampunk principles.

Steampunk in music

The musicians, that choose Steampunk as their domain work in various genres. Here I want to show you the most popular of them. I encourage you to listen them and observe how different steampunk can be:

Abney Park (Industrial dance, World music):

(The clip itself is about three minutes, the rest of it is just credits)

Vernian Process (Neoclassical dark wave, industrial, gothic rock, avant-garde):

(Here you can see some shots from movie version of H. Wells’ The Time Machine”)

Doctor Steel (Industrial, hip hop, electronic, jazz, alternative rock, heavy metal):

The Cog is Dead (rock n' roll, ragtime, punk rock, reggae, showtunes):

Steam Powered Giraffe (folk rock, vaudeville):

Aurelio Voltaire (Dark cabaret, avant-garde):

Steampunk in television and movies

Karel Zeman (1910 - 1989), a Czech director, has become famous from combining live-action footage with animation (in the middle of 20th century!). His most popular movies are The Fabulous World of Jules Verne, 1958 and The Fabulous Baron Munchausen, 1962. 

The Fabulous Baron Munchausen

The Fabulous World of Jules Verne

Doctor who series, both classic and new one, have a lot of elements of steampunk (Doctor’s outfits, TARDIS interior, a lot of environmental stuff, even some of the aliens).

Doctor himself in different reincarnations

TARDIS interior...

...and exterior

In many works of Hayao Miyazaki, such as Howl's Moving Castle, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and Castle in the Sky story takes place in world based on steam technology and the world itself is full of the steampunk aesthetics.

Steampunk in fashion

In steampunk fashion there is a tendency to mix modern styles with Victorian era’s elements, such as bustles, corsets, suits with waistcoats, top hats, tailcoats or military-inspired garments. It also can be goggles, timepieces and parasols. Sometimes people stylize their mp3 players or cell phones, so that they will suit the whole image. 

As you can see, Steampunk is a very widespread genre, that can be found in every piece of modern media. I hope that it was interesting for you and you are going to love steampunk as I do. 


My thougths.

  1. Have you ever heard about Steampunk before? How you get to know this genre?
  2. Have you ever read the novel, watched the movie or listened to music bands I’ve mentioned? What do you think about it?
  3. Do you know another good example of movie, novel or music in steampunk setting? If yes, please, tell about it.


Unknown said…
I heard about Steampunk and I like it - I wouldn't wear for example Steampunk clothes, but mostly they look nice (wore by someone else).
I've seen someone playing Dishonored 2 and I've heard about BioShock, but I haven't played it myself. I have seen Howl's Moving Castle. Castle there is definitely Steampunk. By the way, I loved this movie.
In one of art galleries at the vernisages there are Steampunk paintings and graphics - the gallery is Pragaleria.
Unknown said…
The gallery itself looks interesting, but I couldn't find exibitions with steampunk works. I'd be really grateful if you tell me more about it.
Unknown said…
There are some arts - not all vernisages (yet?)
Some examples from vernisage "Dobre piksele"
Unknown said…
They look pretty good. Thank you.
Unknown said…
I've heard of Steampunk many years before, but I didn't understand it. For me, it was something like a subculture. In those days it was popular to be a rocker, emo and all that sort of thing. And there were many cosplayers. I was watching photos with some cosplay and found out about Steampunk.
I had never thought of Bioshock as a Steampunk game. But now, yes, maybe it is. And the same is with the Howl's Moving Castle by Hayao Miyazaki. I watched it but have never considered this as Steampunk. By the way, Howl's Moving Castle is amazing, I watched it many years ago and now I feel nostalgic. Howl is so pretty, I loved him so much.
Did you know that it was Steampunk when you watched films and played games you wrote about in this article?
Yeah, I've hared before about Steampunk. In fact I'm quite big fan of it ;) Unfortunately I do not remember what was my first contact with it - it might be some game. I've read "Captain Nemo" when I was kid and I thought that it was fun back then.
When it comes to computer games I've played all of mentioned by you despite that first one from D&D world. Bioshock is one of my favourite game ever - great mix of horror, shooter and rpg.
I do not any of band you have mentioned, so it may be a good plan to check it out someday.
I know of all movies/tv series you have mentioned and Howl's Moving Castle by Miyazaki is my favourite movie made by that Japanese director. Movies from Studio Ghibli have some kind of magic in it, it's ability of mixing nature with steampunk it's something amazing.
Fullmetal Alchemsit (both manga and anime) has some part of steampunk in it. Treasure Planet from Disney is other good example. When it comes to computer games, Thief series also may be seen as a steampunk.
Unknown said…
I watched Howl's Moving Castle when I was 10 or 11 years old and back then I didn't know about steampunk as a genre. But I do remember that the aesthetics of the movie gave me that feeling when you see something you like but don't know why. A lot of other movies, or novels, especially those that were written by Jules Verne and Herbert Wells, also give me the same feeling. I don't remember after which piece of media I has got to know what attract me so much. I remember that the word steampunk was stuck into my mind until I googled it and discovered the whole new world. I am that kind of people, that want to know about or have every piece of thing they like the most. This fact brings me to Karel Zemans works, and I enjoyed them a lot.

When it comes to games, I've become familiar with them much later than I've become more or less familiar with genre itself. It was a time, when I was purposely looking for something close to my favorite genre. That brings me to Dishonored, all three parts of Bioshock, Arcanum, which I couldn't play a lot, because it doesn't work on new systmes and Syberia, whose story amazed my to the core.
Yevhen Shymko said…
First interaction with steampunk was Bioshock for me and I absolutely loved this game! Later saw stand with cool watches and then find out about this stile. That was the first time for me what is regarding music and I liked Steam Powered Giraffe but unfortunately don't know any other bands.
Magdalena Popek said…
Of course I've heard about Steampunk before - I love that style. I got to know it a few years ago when I first saw something similar to it on Andrzej Pilipiuk's Aparatus book cover. Then my friend showed me her steampunk watch.
I've watched Howl's Moving Castle and The Wild Wild West (but the movie, not the series). I love Miyazaki's animations so I loved Howl's Moving Castle.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Filip Sawicki said…
I got to know Steampunk genre, while watching BioShock gameplays on YouTube. I really liked the idea behind a steamy, metallic and rusty world. Moreover I found some fanarts on DeviantArt and short clips on couple of other websites, oh and also hobbyist who are making sculptures with steampunk theme, which I find gorgeous. That’s where my interest ends, it is certainly unique and creative world, but having so little time right now I wouldn’t spend my spare time on reading books in that genre.
Unknown said…
Jules Verne has been my favorite writer since my childhood. I've had books, audiobooks on audio cassettes and even on vinyl, couple of video cassets with movie versions of his novels, you name it.

If you enjoy Steam Powered Giraffe, I encourage you to try also Abney Park and Aurelio Voltaire.
Unknown said…
Oh my, how could I forget about "Treasure Planet"? Thank you to remind me about it, now I'm going to rewatch it.

That also reminds me about another good Disney's steampunk movie - "Atlantis. The lost world".
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I have discovered Steampunk genre when I started playing game called "dishonored". I think it is pretty interesting world perspective. I would like to live in such a clockwork, steam machine world. I really enjoyed gameplay of this game.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you, it's very interesting. I've never heard about Steampunk. It's first time. Steam is a big power and I understand why that subgenre was created. As I can see, fashion is very specific.
Unknown said…
Would you like to live, for example, in Dunwall from "Dishonored"?
Zygmunt Z said…
I've heard the term "Steampunk" before but I can't really recall when I first came into contact with it. Of course, I heard about the titles you mention about but it is not my cup of tea at all and no, I haven't heard about any different examples apart from these you pointed out
Tomasz Morawski said…
Thanks for the article, it's really interesting one.
Yes, I've heard about steampunk and I really like its aesthetics. I believe the first contact with steampunk I had was Arcanum. I can't really remember the game anymore but I'm sure I loved it as a child. I've also watched Mononoke Princess in TV and it was probably time when I consciously started to like steampunk.
Besides Mononoke Pricess I mentioned before, I'd also recommend quite short animated movie "9".
Unknown said…
I have heard about a Steampunk before and is it quite interesting style. I saw a personal computer which was changed to be steampunk and it makes a great effect. Unfortunately I didn't read any novels which you have mentioned and I can't recommend other books in steampunk setting because I don't know any. :(
Unknown said…
You have did a good job with this article! So many examples.. I would like to add the film The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - I liked it's decorations and style, but when I have been watching it for the first time, I didn't even know about the word "Steampunk". I have met it for the first time when I was surfing the Its an online shop, where you could find some cool DIY and vintage things. And there I have accidentally found the steampunk masks - it was so unusual. I would never wear it by myself, but those mask and suits were a piece of art.
When I was a child I really liked the Jules Verne's and Herbert Welles books. And of course I have found out that it was Steampunk only few years ago. So I think that I like the whole universe of steampunk, but I can't say I am a fan. Anyway, thanks for your great article)
Unknown said…
Wow, that's a massive and wonderful presentation. I hope you get a highest grade for it :)

I kinda like steampunk aesthetics, all those steam-powered machines, valves, gears, clothes and so on make my eyes glitter. I love how Ghibli uses steampunk in their movies and I feel that Japanese generally like this victorian England setting.

There are plenty of games implementing this style. Some time ago a new steampunk game - Vaporum - was realised.
Yes, I heard about Steampunk. Unfortunately, I don't understand their clothes or anything they represent. Unfortunately, I haven't seen anything from the above-mentioned titles. I do not know of another good example of steampunk movie or novel.
Unknown said…
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is great example, thank you. And of course, the origin of the movie, the comic book of the same name, is also worth the attention.
Unknown said…
Thank you, I also hope so.

There are a lot of anime in steampunk style, it is true. Of course, some of them are good, some of them are bad, but there aren't any one that would be better than any Ghibli's creation.
Unknown said…
I have heard of steampunk before yes, mainly through games and movies.Sadly i have never heard or watched anything you mentioned, yet i have played the games you alsomentioned. These. Oh boy. These were fun.
For anexample the Wild Wild West would suffice don't you think?
Unknown said…
I heard about Steampunk before but personally I dont like their clothes. I seen mentioned videos before, for me its "OK" but I am not a huge fan of it. I have no idea about movies&novels, I am not interested in it.
If you love steampunk culture try Blood Race series - you will love them. It has all you mentioned in the article and Julian Slink will be the one of the main character that will keep the pressure up.
Unknown said…
Yeah, I’ve heard of Steampunk before, I quite enjoy it. My first contact was probably through games. The Dishonored series is great - one of my favourite in terms of the world created in those games. BioShock, also amazing one.
Unknown said…
Never heard of Steampunk till now, or so I've thought. Didn't know it is called like that but I stumbled upon it in games (Syberia and Bioshock) and maybe some anime, full metal alchemist maybe? Or some other. Unfortunately I don't recognize any movie, novel or music you've mentiond other than that. I like that style though. Didn't when I first saw it because it seemed weird to often mix up "advanced" technology with "older times". It got better over time.
Unknown said…
I like the types (if you can call it like that) of steampunk that are placed properly in time- be it elegant finishing of objects in Deus Ex series(for me its a masterpiece where modernity is mixed with classical style), or Dwemer ruins in The Elder Scrolls- these are "well placed" and don't stand out too much, creating one, seamless image.
As for the rest- well... I don't like impractical, clanky things and style that makes unnecessarily heavy objects, that we know have no sense other than "its steampunk, so its got to have gears and bronze and stuff like this".
I’ve heard about steampunk before. Dishonored is actually one of few games I finished, and played couple times. I think that it’s probably my favorite game ever (the first one, second was also really good but, in my opinion it was slightly worse than the original one)
The mix seems weird, but I like it. I played a few Steampunk games and liked most of them, and I'll probably find the style even more appealing once CDPR releases their Cyberpunk 2077 :).
Unknown said…
Never ever in my life I have heard about this culture. For me this was a part of some urban trend - steampunks. And I have heard about the game BioShock. But the article opened a lot of interesting information for me. I will now try to find movies and books to get to know more.
Unknown said…
I am not the biggest fan of this setting but it is nice that it's getting more and more popular. There is even a museum It's hard for me to answer the last question because you've been very thorough in your coverage of the topic. By the way this article made me realise that I probably have never read a book set in steampunk. I can't recall any.
The only thing I can think of is a game
I love Steampunk. I'm totally excited about the steam engines and gears. I'm familiar with steampunk thanks to Jules Verne. He is one of my favorite writers. Then I still did not understand why he liked me so much, and just unconsciously loved steampunk. After the cartoons of Hayko Miyazaki, everything became clear. I just fell in love.
I think that his "Dark Materials" by Philip Pullman is an excellent example of this genre. This trilogy should be read by everyone. And let it be a story about a little girl, these books are very difficult to read to children. I could not understand many moments when I first read these books as a child. I also love Alexey Pekhov, this great author, and he has many steampunk novels. Alas, I read it in Russian. Now his works are being actively translated and published in many languages, but I do not know if there are any romances in the steampunk genre among them. In any case, this author deserves to be read.

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