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Week 9 [11.12 - 17.12.2017] First television recording

First television broadcasting was a huge event. Some Scottish inventor invented television and was very happy about it. The first face that was seen on television was an office boy, William from the same building.  In the  20th century there were many inventions, but in my opinion television was the biggest.  Without television we wouldn’t have anything that we have today. Not even computers. In almost 100 years television has been extremely upgraded. Firstly it was 30 lines of black and white images and now besides colorful television we have extremely high resolution. Even 8K.

1.       Would you want to be the first face seen on TV?
2.       Do you think there was another bigger invention?
3.       If yes, why do you think it was better?


Nah, I think that someone prettier would suit better than me as a first face seen on TV ;)
It's hard to say if something was bigger invention, because it's subjective to say so. In my opinion there are a lot of better inventions than TV. Some of them are: new drugs for different diseases, new technologies that are eco friendly and tries to save our planet etc.
When it comes to scale hmmm maybe computers, smartphones and internet were something bigger, but I'm not sure because I have not checked any data so I'm just guessing.
Unknown said…
I think that there are many faces better to be shown, specially as first on TV.
This is hard question, if there was bigger invention - probably ones, that lead to it and made it possible to make TV and other devices. I think that electricity was important, phone - as it helped to communicate, computer - as it has got many applies (work, entertainment), some medical machines, as they support healthcare.
Unknown said…
You are right. Without TV somehow we would manage our life and go on with it. But sometimes right drugs to cure our disease is crucial to survive.
Unknown said…
Yes, with electricity we could build many things. Among it TV. Going by that path I can say that Einstein and other famous people made a lot of good inventions. It lead to made our actual world.
Unknown said…
I'm not sure if I want to be first face one the screen. I prefert someone diffrent to watch on tv. For me TV is the biggest invention but there are a lot of diffrent inventnions. At the same time we made first planes , jet engine. Today we have 8k TV but for me full hd is enough. We saw big diffrence between normal screen and full hd but between full hd and 4k this diffrence is smaller
Unknown said…
It's strange that people watch TV nowadays. I mean, there are TV shows and all of this on the Internet. And you can watch it whenever you want, you don't have to wait for the show. Or you can watch TV on the internet too just by turning on the translation. My mom loves TV so much, especially her favorites are stupid Russian series about love and gangsters. And also she likes to watch "Hurrem Sultan". But the worth thing about it is that then she comes to me and retells all of it.
Cartoons had to be the first show to be shown on TV :)
Unknown said…
Generally I think that I’m not photogenic so that’s why I wouldn’t want to be he first face seen on TV, despite that I think that it was huge event and it was great honor for the first person seen on TV.
Invention of TV was a great deal but I think that there is one bigger invention in the world which came to my mind. I’m talking about internet. None of us can imagine world without it nowadays and the way it revolutionized everything is enormous. Without internet, we couldn’t have possibility to take part in this course 😊
Unknown said…
I think 4K will be good when its price will be smaller. There is little difference between full hd and 4k, but there is no doubt that 4k is better than full hd. Only problem can be in pc games. Because 4k has much more requirements from PC. And if you want to play on 4k you have to buy pc with very good perfomance.
Unknown said…
Internet is very good to watch TV programms. But TV has its advantages. Big flat screen, atmosphere and comfortable place to sit.
Unknown said…
Now even cars have access to internet. So it was really huge. And it is growing. About this course. Internet provides even access to internet studing. It was a great honor to be the first face seen on TV, but nowadays nobady knows who it was. Maybe to be more recognizable was to be first face seen in cinema. Sometimes school trips go to such events to learn how it was to watch first movie in cinema. But I haven't heard in my childhood about how TV started. And in my opinion it was much more important.
Unknown said…
I think no. If I did a mistake and a lot of people saw that... no :)
I think were something else at that time. Computer, Cars, Phones and etc.
Computer better, because thanks Steve Jobs we are using now for everything ( game, design, coding) , because before computer was only for calculations. Phones where in the past everyone used only for a call, now phone it's future.
Unknown said…
In some way you are right. Nowadays even on phone you can watch television. But back then, when TV was made, there were no phones. People could finally make a movie and watch it.
Magdalena Popek said…
If I was engaged in creating the very first TV broadcasting I would love to be the very first person to be seen on TV. But as a completely random person I wouldn't care much about it. Especially I don't have that change anymore.
I don't think television was the biggest invention of all times - there were many more greater that that. But even those smaller inventions were steps to something bigger, so I think it was important.
Unknown said…
Of course I would want to be the first face seen on TV, it is something you can never forget. Furthermore, it is some kind of your legacy after you die, because it will always be you and your face, which future generations will see. In the history of humans there were some bigger, but much simpler inventions like the circle or basic tools. However, in the context of 20th century there were no bigger inventions, because computers and the Internet would no exist if there was no television.
Unknown said…
If I had got paid I would have showed my face on TV for the first time ever in the history. Why not... :P
I think bigger invention is the Internet. It's because it revolutionised the world much more. It had impact on almost anything we know: schools, business, ways of communication, healthcare and so on. We now prefer to send mails rather than handwritten letters. Also Internet is getting more popular source of information or entertainment than TV.
Beeing the first face seen on TV is a huge responsibility, and I belive that if I were the first person on TV there wouldn't be any TV at all after that :D
While TV is indeed a great invention there is another, greater: an Internet. The invention of the Internet has great inpact on our lives- we have such easy access to various kind of knowledge, entertainment. And we can be in touch with our friends from around the world. The Internet has its drawback but still is it the greatest invention
A big thing to happen, good PR - being a first face on TV 50 years ago or now. It also has a huge amount of disadvantages, a lot of crazy people that would have envy, it is a part of our life.
Yes,definitely there were another inventions, maybe not certainly in 20's century,but what would you say of phone's invention?
There are a lot of things that we can't image our life without them. Phone,computers, kitchen's appliance(modern ones) and others. Also antiperspirant is a big invention for a lot of people i think.
Marcin Górski said…
I don't want to be the first face seen on TV. I think that I'm a little shy and it would be stressful moment for me.
Is the second question only about 20's century? If you are asking about all the inventions I think that one was bigger... invention of the light bulb (21 X 1879). It caused a revolution in our way of living. Can you imagine TV without that?
If you are asking only about 20's century I don't about any bigger invention than TV. It was very important in our life but it based on other inventions from other centuries of course.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
It seems to me that in fact it's not important because in a few years only a few remember who was the first person of TV or created something that after a while is eclipsed by other inventions, for example I believe that at the moment more people use the Internet than TV for viewing broadcasts.
Maciej Główka said…
I wouldn't want to be the first face seen on TV. In my opinion Internet was much bigger invention than this. Of course, TV was one of the most important thing in our modern history, but I think Internet had much bigger impact on our lives.
Zygmunt Z said…
I definitely wouldn't like to be the first face seen on TV simply because I don't like television at all. I watch it very rarely, usually just to check the news. When it comes to inventions - I guess that it is very subjective question because I think that everyone of us can have different point of view on this matter. I think that even bigger invention would be simply electricity because without there wouldn't be your loved televison
Tomasz Morawski said…
I think I would be pretty happy to be the first face seen on TV, but I think there are many more suitable people for that than me, i.e. the inventor of TV himself :)
I believe the radio was also very big invention, even bigger than TV. It changed warfare completely and originated "real-time" news. TV was just a extension of that idea. The Internet is also the invention I'd call very important. It changed the world similarly to radio and gave casual people "the power" they didn't have before.
Yes of course! I would recount that historical moment to my grandsons. It would be a distinction for me to participate in that important moment in TV history. Yes, there were a lot of bigger inventions in our history like: invention of the wheel or car. I think that, nowadays TV is beeing slowly replaced by internet espessialy in younger recipients. For example I hardly ever watch TV now but i used to watch it a lot when i was younger. In internet you watch what you want to watch.
Unknown said…
I don't feel that it is a great achievement to be the first face seen on TV so I wouldn't like to show me on TV. I think that Internet is much bigger invention than TV and I think that reasons are quite obvious. I like to watch a some movie or even a serial but I can watch it on internet. Usuallly TV programs are full of advertisments and it is really hard to find something interesting there.
I don't think that the first face on TV is an incredible achievement. Therefore, I would not like to be the first face of TV. Another huge invention was the invention of the first drugs that increase the chances of survival of many people every day. Of course, the invention of the TV was a great achievement, but I do not consider it an indispensable invention.
Currently, television programs are rather low quality and don't bring us many benefits. In addition, watching television is associated with a lot of ads that are not very interesting.
Unknown said…
Why not? Of course, it wouldn't be my achievment, however it would be great to be the first face seen on TV.
Well, I reckon television is one of the most prominent inventions of the XX century, however I would add to the list the invetion of engine, radio, internet, telephone, nuclear weapon( it brings destruction) etc. Today I can imagine my life without TV however my childhood was spent in front of home TV-set. I think that the invetion of the Internet gave us some possibilities, because due to it we have access to almost everything, including television. The Internet seems to be much more wider.
Unknown said…
Being the first face on TV?
Of course I would, cause why not? :D That would be funny.
Yes, there is another BIGGER invention, and it's called The Internet.
Nowadays more people(including me) are watching things on YouTube, Netflix etc. or they just surf the Internet. These days Television is full of advertisements or stupid things like "Ukryta prawda" etc. The only time when I'm watching TV is when I'm back home from Warsaw. The only channels I watch are Animal Planet, Discovery, National Geographic and Nat Geo Wild.
Unknown said…
1.Would I want to be the first face seen on TV? nah. Why crack the TV on it's first run?
2.Do I think there was another bigger invention? Yup. The Internet.Why? Well because you can have any book and any movie from wherever you want and whenever you want (possibly for free) if you have it :D
Unknown said…
Television created monitors, if it wasn't for TV there wouldn't be any monitors. No monitors, no computers. No computers, no internet. But you are right. Internet is bigger.
Unknown said…
You can interpret that question as you wish. It is good to have both answers. Without light bulb we wouldn't create television. It was needed to project image on wall.
Unknown said…
Watching on Tv has advantages, which internet doesn't have. For example you have big flat screen. But when you are travelling you can only watch TV on smarphone, but at least you can watch.
Unknown said…
I would like to be first face seen on TV. Because why not? It would be historical moment. Bigger invention was internet for sure just because you can find almost everything. In TV you can just watch movies or check news. In internet you can find both these things too and even more!
Patryk Pohnke said…
Yes, I would like to be the first person showed in TV.
I think that the bigger invention is the Internet. Thanks to it we can just share all our knowledge and experience all around the world. Internet made learning, exploring infinitely easier. The information now is cheap, available all the time and from every place of the world. Nowadays you can just solve almost very possible problem with just a knowledge obtained from internet. It is almost sure, that problem you are facing right now was solved by someone before. Of course there are some dangers connected with the Internet, because a lot of informations are wrong, but you can always check if the source is trustworthy or not.
Unknown said…
I wouldn't want toe be the first face seen on TV. Why would I, It wouldn't matter anyway. The invention alone is what's important. Does anyone recall who called who and what was said in a first telephone call? Most people don't I assume.
In the category of media the global network beats up the television. The computers, networking, optical-fiber cables, those might be the next level television, derived from it and those changed the world in a similar way to the TV but way more than it and in a more interactive way.
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I wouldn't like to be the first person seen on TV, mostly because I don't like public events and would prefer to remain incognito. There were probably countless more life-changing inventions, although I don't like to call them that, because humans don't invent things, they rather discover them. Managing fire for instance was much more impactful on everything, without this skill everything would be different. Was it better? In what way? There are no such things as good and evil in the universe, there are only opinions. Mine is that it was probably the moment, I mean the possibility to manage fire, where the virus Homo Sapiens was allowed to go unchecked, infecting every vein and cell of Earth. The good thing, is that the virus dies with its host and we are almost there.
Unknown said…
I think that first-face guy didn't even know too much about the invention itself, as it was more of a gadget back then, and anyone could be in his place.
Some people said that Internet was a greater invention- Its hard to agree, as "The internet" was an achievement of many professors and other scientists, and funded by army (also designed to withstand attacks and be otherwise nuke-proof):
So it's hard to agree with internet being greater invention than TV, made from coffin wood and some discs, which could actually send pictures over distance.
I think bigger inventions might include penicillin and some other things that saved millions of lives.
There were a lot of other bigger inventions. Electricity for instance. But not just that, even current micrprocessors are far more advanced than first TVs, it's a normal order of things, television as a concept is pretty "old" by now, and while it was a huge progress and technology of the future at its peak, just like telephone or computer, it's no longer the case. Today we see AI and neural networks as such, tomorrow it'll be something else and even AIs will seem "old" to us.
Unknown said…
To be first face on tv screen is very nive and good option because everyone should remember you and when they have talking about history of television you should be include in this talk
I Think the next big invetion it will be VR google and to watching TV as a first person on the screen. We can do interaction with people on TV and watch screen 360. World going high with technology so i think this innovation is good and more comfortable.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
1. Would you want to be the first face seen on TV?
It's hard question... I don't know but I rather shy so answer is no, I don't
2. Do you think there was another bigger invention?
If we're talikng about 20th century then it's clear that there were no bigger invension.
3.If yes, why do you think it was better?

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