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Week 9 [11.12 - 17.12.2017] Movies So Bad They Are Good

Yes! He is back. The only guy who made Ed Wood look like a professional.
He is a movie star. He is celebrity. And he is Polish!

Tommy Wiseau has finally made it. There is a new movie The Disaster Artist
coming out that tells the story behind his notoriously bad cult movie The Room.

The Room has since its release become known as the "best worst movie ever".
The terrible acting, awkward dialog and intensely cringe-worthy scenes
made it a living meme.

A lot has been said about The Room, but there are still mysteries surrounding the movie
that are tearing us apart! Nobody knows who Tommy Wiseau really is, where he comes
from and how he got $6 million to fund his movie.

Wiseau has been secretive about his background, but according to his former coworker
there is a Polish twist in this plot! Tommy is actually Tomek and he comes from Poznan.

Have you seen The Room? If so, what do you think about it?
Do you know other bad movies that gathered a cult following?
Do you like trash films?


Unknown said…
I have never heard about it. I don't know what it is. I have never seen any mems with it. I know bad movies for example "Braindead" or "The Human Centipede" . This kind of movies is very funny for me.
I've never seen "The room" but thanks to "Disaster artist" it's very popular now, so I may check it out during some free weekend.
I think that "Braindead" by Peter Jackson may be seen as a bad movie that is quite popular. I would also add first two or three parts of "Scary movie" which are total garbage and still are quite popular despite it.
Sometimes while having hangover, I decide to watch some of "trash" movies. During normal day I'm trying to watch something good ( I hate blockbusters) and in times of superhero movies it's hard to find something worth watching.
Alicja said…
thanks, I haven't tried watching The Human Centipede. God bless you, you have a strong stomach :)
Alicja said…
thanks for your comment. It's an excellent idea to watch them while having a hangover. I'll try that next time :D
I haven’t seen it and I’m not sure whether I want to :D I think the whole Sharknado series is a collection of particularly bad movies. I like watching trash movies aka very stupid comedies from time to time but I guess not as bad as movies mentioned here.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your post, but, I have never see it .
But really trash and bad movies it's Indian movies. For me it's top... I have never seen these scenario before. And I like to watch trash films :)
Alicja said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alicja said…
:D thanks, I completely understand. The Room really sucks out your brain and replaces it with stupid. Still, there is something genius about it. I haven't seen Sharknado series, but it sure looks trash enough :) I need some bad comedies to watch this Christmas, do you have any recommendations?
Alicja said…
thanks. True, Bollywood movies are a whole new level of trashy! You reminded me about these re-captioned Bollywood songs. I wanted to re-watch just one and now I'm stuck with Benny Lava in my head, thanks a lot! :)
Yevhen Shymko said…
Watched a few movies of such kind during killing boringness on summer vacation but could't see anything funny or interesting for myself.
Filip Sawicki said…
I have seen some YouTube videos reviewing “The Room” and compilation of the best moments, however I haven’t seen the full movie. Despite that I had fun watching those clips and also came into conclusion not to waste my time watching it from beginning till end. Still, I’m quite intrigued what was the idea behind that movie and whether the poor quality of acting, scenario and production was in fact intended. There are many movies I would describe as trash, but many may disagree as it is very personal opinion. I don’t like watching trash movies as they provide just very partial entertainment and mostly disappointment and embarrassment. I wouldn’t also say that there is some sort of cult behind “The Room”, there are just many people making fun out of it (because it is indeed hilarious).
Alicja said…
thanks, sure, which movies do you enjoy watching?
Alicja said…
thanks for your comment, I think you hit the nail on the head with it. The movie is intriguing because it is hard to believe that it wasn't intentional. I know what you mean with not wanting to waste your time to watch the full movie. I had a really bad day once and decided to give it a try. I started to watch it and it was like a horrible car accident, it hurts to look, but you just can't turn away.
Unknown said…
No, I haven't watched the film, but I would like doing it once.
No no, I don't watch such genre of movies, however this one seems to be interesting and relaxing( funny)
Not really, it's not my passion
Alicja said…
:D thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. When you watch it, just remember to close your eyes when R&B comes on ;)
I'm also not a fan of trash, maybe with the exception of Tarantino and Rodriguez's exploitation feature Grindhouse and Foxy Brown - but these were blockbusters, so I guess it doesn't count.
I only heard about The Room but I haven't seen it.
I belive that a good example of bad movie with cult status but not as popular as The Room is "Who killed Captain Alex" from Uganda. The trailer of this move become viral because of the quality of special effects. You can watch the whole movie on YT (unfortunately with video joker but it has its charm).
About watching trash movies- watching bad movies with friend and loudly commenting everything while laughing can be enjoyable. I did it once and it was great. Maybe it's time to try it again :D
Marcin Górski said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marcin Górski said…
No, I have never seen the "The Room". It's first time when I've heard about "trash film" phrase. I watched movies from your article... It can be funny... but not for me :P
Alicja said…
thanks, trash movies are also interchangeably called B-movies/cult movies - perhaps these terms are more internationally spread.
Alicja said…
:D OMG, Who killed Captain Alex made my day, thank you!
I also like your idea of loudly commenting bad movies, sounds like fun, got to try it too.
Unknown said…
I haven't seen "The Room". But I not regret it since it is one of the worst movies ever. I didn't think that bad movies can gather cult. Probably it is because people are just curious how a very bad movie would look like. I don't like trash movies.
Maciej Główka said…
I haven't seen the room yet, to be honest I've heard about this movie just few weeks ago thanks to 'The disaster artist". I saw some "best parts of the room" video on youtube, it was one of the worst videos I've ever seen. I think I will go to the cinema on "The disaster artist" and maybe I will convince myself to watch The Room. Do I know some trash movies? I've heard about sharknado, but luckily I haven't seen it and won't see for sure.
Alicja said…
thanks for your comment, trash movies are certainly not everyone's cup of tea. Indeed, it may seem surprising, but trash movies have some hardcore followers: low-budget science-fiction, exploitation or horror movies have fans who re-watch them tens of times and pay for special screening sessions. There are even actors who gained their own cult status due to their career in B-movies, for example: Bela Lugosi or Pam Grier :)
Alicja said…
thanks :) Enjoy your cinema visit!
Zygmunt Z said…
I haven't seen "The Room" movie but I have heard many legendary stories about it. I can't say that I know other bad movies which gathered a cult following as I am not a moviegoer. All I can say is that I know one Polish trash movie that I really enjoyed - "Wściekłe Pięści Węża" I must say that it is a complete crap but I also think that it is popular among people who like trash films and they really enthuse about it. To sum up and answer your last question - I like to watch crap movies from time to time when I want to relax and laugh a bit but these are not the movies that I like to return to
Alicja said…
cool :) I haven't heard about "Wściekłe Pięści Węża". I will check it out. The poster looks promising ;) I have checked that it was made by Bartosz Walaszek from Bracia Figo-Fagot who also did the great animated movie "Blok Ekipa" about dresiarze from Grochów. Thanks for the recommendation!
Tomasz Morawski said…
No, I've never seen it and I've never even heard about it.
I don't know any bad movies that have some big fanbase, but it's probably because things like that are not for me, since I'm pretty simple-minded - if something is good - it's worth my time, if it's bad - it's not.
I haven't seen The Room yet. According to the article i think it's good to me that i didn't see him.
I would not call it a cult but i saw a movie "Moonlight" which earned Oscar this year. For me it wasn't that bad but still it did not deserve Oscar for sure. It was just mediocer.
Well it sounds like a stupid question "Do you like trash films?" but after a second of think i realized that trash films sometimes might be entertaining to watch.
Unknown said…
I have heard of this movie and I've been told to watch it. It is said to be the trash movie you just have to see. I cannot remember any similar movies from the top of my head but I do sometimes enjoy watching trash movies, they are great for evenings when you come back from work and want to relax, brain-dead :)
Alicja said…
can't argue with that :) Thanks for your comment. Just for the record: I also consider myself a simple-minded person :)
Unknown said…
Have you seen The Room? If so, what do you think about it?
No I did not, but I consider to watch it.
Do you know other bad movies that gathered a cult following?
There are many bad or stupid movies that makes audience happy.
Do you like trash films?
Sometimes I like to watch some dumb movie, just to get relax.
Alicja said…
Interesting, I have read about "Moonlight", but I haven't seen it.
You're right, my question was a bit tongue in cheek. You know, one man's trash is another man's treasure :) Thanks for your comment!
Alicja said…
yep, I feel you :) Sometimes after work and studies I feel like my brain is completely fried. I just want to forget about everything. Stupid or trash movies are great for that. Thanks for commenting!
Alicja said…
thanks, I'm curious if you will like it. True, these movies are great to relax to. I also like that they break all the rules of what a movie is supposed to be.
Foodocado said…
I didn't watch The Room and I didn't even hear about it. There are plenty of stupid films which are quire popular, but none of those title comes to my mind now. I don't like watchin such films, it's a waste of time. I prefer well known, highly rated movies with good cast.
Alicja said…
thanks, acclaimed movie with good actors is definitely a safe bet. What was the last movie you watched worth recommending?
Unknown said…
If you like this subject I highly recommend this youtube channel -
As for the move in the post - I haven't seen the Room but I've watched this video - I do not know what to think about it other than that it is horrendous. I personally don't like watching trash films just because I try to spend my time watching good stuff. If I have a choice between a great book or any other art form and a trash film I would never hesitate.
Alicja said…
thanks, the guy is funny. His sense of humour and delivery reminds of The Best Page in The Universe:
Unknown said…
No, I haven't seen it, but I heard about it.
As somebody mentioned - The Human Centipede. My God, what a trash :D. On the other hand we have all the series of Scary movie, which is so stupid, that it makes it actually funny, but it's very specific sense of humour.
Have you ever seen Strange Wilderness? If not, you should try it. The level of stupidity is just enormous, but I liked it.
Alicja said…
:D thanks, I haven't seen Strange Wilderness. I will watch it when I get some free time. I've checked that on Rotten Tomatoes is got lower rating than The Room xD Only our boy Adam Sandler could beat The Room.
Unknown said…
Aaaand that would be 3 times NO. Who's next?
Wojtek Protasik said…
I've never seen this movie and I don't really like watching a "trash". However this kind of movies are meant to make people laugh and I have to admit it's working sometimes but mostly it's just pathetic.
I think Tommy Wiseau is just a big act, and he trolled the world. I refuse to believe any real person could be so bizarre and unintentionally hilarious.
Unknown said…
I never seen The Room but maybe someday I will give it a shot. There are a lot of bad movies, I know them just because of memes. Sometimes I am watching bad movies just because its funny how bad it is. For example "Human Centipede", it suppose to be a horror but for me it was comedy.
Alicja said…
thanks, I'm with you on that one :D either that or he is an alien.
Unknown said…
I have never seen "The room"... I only heard about this movie.
It is probably the worst movie ever! There are a lot of similar movies. For example Sharknado or Zombie shark! Usually these movies are horrors or comedies. Yes, sometimes I decide to watch some of "trash" movies. It is usually when I want to watch something stupid. Just watch. Without thinking... :D
I will add them to my watch list. Some time ago a friend gave me a movie called Open Windows - I was not expecting a lot because it had bad replies in the internet and the main start was Sasha Grey (a former porn actor) but really it was a great thriller - so maybe let's try that also.
Alicja said… ;)
Alicja said…
thanks, hope you will enjoy it :) I missed this movie with Sasha. I have seen her in The Girlfriend Experience and Eminem's Space Bound (she was a good choice for this one).
Alicja said…
thanks, I also mostly learn about them from the memes. You braved "Human Centipede"! Is it really more on the funny side? I was worried I would need to make regular breaks to run to the bathroom :)
Alicja said…
:D yep, been there myself. Sometimes staring blankly at the screen is the only comfort after a shitty day.
Alicja said…
true, they do get terrible, but their unintended comedy also makes you appreciate how much work and talent it takes to create a professional film.
I haven’t seen “The Room” and probably never will. I don’t really like trash films, there are too many “supposed-to-be-good-but-trash-films” now so I don’t really know what’s the point of watching something like this. I have heard about “Sharknado” – I think it’s trash, it sounds like trash.
Yes, I saw this movie. In my opinion, this is a very strange film. For me it was wasted time. Fortunately, I didn't see the similar films. Maybe director of this film have a social problems. Anyway I hate topics about violence and cruelty.
Unknown said…
I have to admit that I have never seen The Room before and I have never heard about it. After your article I will try it and then I will be able to tell you more what I think about it. :)
Unknown said…
Haha, that made my day!
Alicja said…
Looking forward to it :)
Every movie is some kind of art. A movie that is bad to one person doesn't have to be bad to another. It's all about taste, and all people don't like the same things.

Personally I'm not really interested in watching movies that are "so bad that they're actually good", but I've seen a few below average and I didn't hate myself for watching them out of my own free will, so that's a score, right? :)

I'll add the videos you mentioned to my backlog and maybe watch eventually, it seems like it might be interesting experience :).
Alicja said…
yes, the film is strange indeed. I'm not sure about the implied violence. The movie is so ridiculous that it is impossible to take it seriously.
Unknown said…
I've never seen this film and i'm not a keen of films like that. But if it comes about bad movies i think that one of it's "American Pie" but i know lot of people who love it.
Trash films are totally not in my taste so i don't have a huge discern about it.
Alicja said…
thanks for your comment :) That's exactly right, it's all a matter of taste.

I'm not a big fan of B-movies myself, but I hoped that The Room was more of the Internet phenomenon and it will be better well known among you guys. I guess I have spent too much of my life on the Internet :)

Hope you enjoy the experience :)
Alicja said…
sure, it's a matter of personal taste. American Pie was a big budget movie made by Universal Pictures, so it would not be considered a B-movie but yes, when it comes to jokes it was trashy. Still, it has become a part of pop-culture.
Alicja said…
true, there are many 'oh it's bad' movies that are recommended as 'oh it's so bad it's good' movies. I however find The Room to be definitely in the latter category.

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