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Week 9 [11.12 - 17.12.2017] Animal testing, the worst thing in the world?

Animal testing is an extremely controversial topic nowadays. In my opinion it is vital to understand the whole situation and that is why I am writing this article. Everybody should be conscious of that problem.

Disadvantages concerning this issue are countless. The most important fact is that animals often suffer and die because of tests. Here are some facts about that:
One of records shows that every year more than 87,000 animals are used for testing causes. As a result, only in 2012 about 55,000 mice and 9000 rats were killed or euthanized.

A secret film from Wickham Labs:

It is a common knowledge that animal testing is expensive, mostly because scientists have to keep pets for several months. Breeding and creating appropriate living conditions are not cheap. Moreover, tests require using certain species of animals - so at this point additional costs should be counted. But still the real cost is not the one that testers pay for their researches, the real one concerns animals’ lives. Throughout stages of experiments they are usually bred in captivity.

What happens after tests?

It is prevailing that an animal might have tissues, or even organs, removed for analysis after a treatment. To make matters worse, if surgical procedures are applied an animal may be euthanized after an experiment.

Some of them are euthanized with the usage of a gas which they inhale in special chambers. The result is quick - it causes a rapid death. An example of a gas which is used in that process is called carbon monoxide.

As I mentioned, some animals are bred in captivity. They cannot be sent into the wilderness just like that. While some people argue why this is not used in practice, the answer seems to be simple - it would not be a human thing to do, as animals would not be able to survive in natural habitat on their own.

On the other hand, however, maybe testing is not that bad?

Surely, it is very effective and safe for humans. These days people are struggling with many illnesses for which medicine lacks appropriate drugs. If we want to live life in a better way, we need to accept that. In my opinion even if people are disgusted with animal testing when their relatives fell ill,  they would use a drug that was tested on animals instead of doing nothing.

What kind of illnesses can we cure nowadays because of animal testing?

-       Skin irritation
-       Eye irritancy
-       Mutagencity and Carcinogencity
-       Toxicokinecits and Adme
-       Metabolic Toxicity

Thanks to this method,  we can protect ourselves against diseases. A lot of products which we use daily contain formulas that are produced on the animal-testing base. Nonetheless, we keep on buying them for one simple reason - they can help us.

I would like to hear your opinion:
  • What do you think about animal testing?
  • Would you buy a product non-tested on animals even if it was more expensive than the tested one?
  • What are the alternatives for animal testing?



Anonymous said…
I totally agree that animal testing is the worst thing ever. I love animals and I think we should't use them for such purposes.
Of course I would buy non-tested product even though it would be more expensive. Usually I don't care about price.
We have a huge amount of alternative ways to test products. I think there would be some people who could agree to test products for money. People would do everything for money. Of course we also have a lot of labs, chemical methods and I'm sure testing on animals isn't necessary.
Unknown said…
On who should these tests be performed? on ourselves? I'm not in favor of doing these tests on animals because we are above animals like mice or rats. It isn't important for me if product is non-tessted or tested. We know that most people choose cheaper product even if they are aginst tests. Sometimes I think that people say something only to say it.

Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Yes, animals will die because of the testing. But if we don't do this, then people will die. And there comes the question about whose life is more important. I don't say that we should test products on animals. But without testing it'd be dangerous to consume them. I read something about cosmetics in China. Those companies can't sell cosmetics in China if it wasn't tested on animals.
I heard of some skin scientists invented. It's like normal human skin but made in vitro. Of course, it's very expensive. And I have never understood how people can say that something is not dangerous for people of even works for us if it was tested on rabbits or rat. Ok, their skin is somehow similar to ours, but they are not humans anyway.
Unknown said…
I’ve never wondered too much about animal testing. In my opinion, testing for example perfumes or cosmetics is stupid because there should be other method to do this especially nowadays when technology Is on high level. Despite that I think that using animals to test some medicines that may in future save people is not so bad. That’s why I don’t have one and direct opinion.
I don’t even know whether products I often use are tested on animals but maybe I’d take it into consideration while buying despite the fact that it may be more expensive.
Honestly I don’t know if there are alternatives for animal testing but I’m pretty sure that there are people who know and can use it.
Unknown said…
A very interesting article.. In my opinion testing on living beings is weak but on who would you be able to test eg new drugs for? On people? I have no idea how to solve it... if they are healthy tests, it does not hurt the animals. e.g. testing some new vitamin etc. I would not buy an un-tested product because I would be worried about my health and life
Unknown said…
I'm not in favor of testing products on the animal, it's awful. But, thanks they we nowadays using many tablets and etc. for treatment :(
But alternatives I don't know...
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Animal testing seems to have advantages and disadvantages. However, I don't approve such bloody tests, which kill a great number of innocent animals. Yeah, I would pay more for a non-tested on animals product, but I haven't met such yet. Maybe I didn't pay attention. It's a very difficult question, because I have never been interested in this topic.
Filip Sawicki said…
Animal testing is indeed very controversial and complex topic, such that I neither support nor condemn it. We have to somehow evaluate if exposing animals to suffering for greater good is morally acceptable. Without it we can’t truly tell whether chemicals we use are safe. With it we create dependable and possibly lifesaving products, that normally wouldn’t be available. Having those two strong opposing arguments I can’t really create one opinion about it. One thing we could do is to force some kind of treaty with conditions on when chemical tests on animals are allowed or not, for example list of substances and their potential effects.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
It seems to me that experiments on animals are an indispensable measure to reduce the possible negative impact of our discoveries. Particularly related to medicine. For example, when a new antibiotic is invented, it is necessary to conduct experiments to check as much as possible of all possible positive and negative effects. But here there is a question on whom we can test them? Not everyone agrees to take unknown medicines that can harm your health. Therefore, I believe that there is a choice between the experiments on a human being or an experiment on animals. I think if you will look at this question from this point of view everything would be clear and simple.
Unknown said…
I think this is great that we can do testing on animals before we go test on humans. I really don't care on what was product tested. Tests are for testing. If someone do not agree with testing on animals, that person can always sign up for testing on humans. As far as i know you sign treaty - your health for money. And no animals were hurt.
Unknown said…
I think that we need test things on animals. I wonder how statistic look like when you compare number of animals used in experiments to the number of people that were cured. I think it was worth it.
Of course we cannot overuse this method. When there is a way to replace animals for something more "ethical" then researchers should do it. Unfortunately most times it's inevitable and we need to test things on animals.
If the price would be only slightly bigger and drug would have the same effects as the one tested on the animals, I would buy it. But in my opinion when it comes to my life or someone from my family, I don't pay attention if the drug was tested on animals or not.
Animal testing is not a must thing to happen. Otherwise we would be tested by somebody.
It depends on what kind of product it would be. If it has inconsiderable meaning for me, i would buy it.
My opinion, that it is our life. You can't avoid the fact,that animal testing is needed. But what are alternatives, i really don't know. Maybe we should try to grow up some kind of prototypes to test different things, but it is our future that would come soon.
Unknown said…
I think animal testing is good. It is better to test something on animals that on real poeple. But as I know there are also tests on real people. It is not good. But at least people who aren't testers have good medicaments. I would by product tested on animals, because it was tested. I don't want to be tester. I think alternative for testing animals are testing people.
Maciej Główka said…
Animal testing is really controversial topic. I agree with points you mentioned in your article. Some things need to be tested before we can use it, unfortunately we have choice between testing on ourselves or animals. In my opinion it won't be changed in near future, but we should do all we can do to make such tests as least harmful for animals as we can.
If I knew, that non-tested on animal is as good as animal tested, I would buy non-tested even if it was more expensive.
Foodocado said…
I am ok with testing new ways of treatment,medicine on animals, but it's not ok testing perfumes and cosmetics on them. To be honest I do not pay attention whether I use tested or non-tested products. I am not familiar with this topic, but I believe there are different ways to test those products. Even if there are no alternatives, the world is developing really fast and in near future somone will figure out how to test it.
Unknown said…
What do you think about animal testing?
I think better test on animal then on people on even worse, without tests. Every product could be tested, because of his danger.
Would you buy a product non-tested on animals even if it was more expensive than the tested one?
Non-tested? What then is the prove of its safety.
What are the alternatives for animal testing?
I do not know Is there more reliable method. On computer simulators? Maybe but I am not convinced to that.
Unknown said…
Why not to start testing drugs and chemicals on serial killers? Sure, I know it sounds awful, but why we always think that humans are special? Humanity is destroying everything around. Who gave us the right to torture animals? I am so against animal testing, and of course I would buy the more expensive goods, that weren't tested on animals. We live in such a technological age and still no ways to avoid killing and destroying... I have watched a lot of videos about that topic and I really want to "unsee" it...
It's cruel and it should not take place. However, thanks to these tests we owe a lot. These tests for sure saved more people than animals died during them. There are some products that must have been tested on animals before we test them on humans. I would rather pick a rat to die instead of human. I don't know any alternatives for animal testing.
Unknown said…
I do not particularly like the fact that products are tested on animals, but I'd rather see that than tests on humans. Somehow you have to test if a product is safe for use for people, and as long as there are no other reliable ways - I'd rather have it done this exact way.

I'd not buy a non-animal tested product that is more expensive. After all, the profit margins are so unbelievably huge on cosmetics that I see no point whatsoever in paying an even higher price just because of that.

Finally, as stated in the article - we'd not be able to find many discoveries without animal testing, and if that can help us to find a cure for fatal diseases - I am totally for continuing of doing that.
Unknown said…
I don't mind testing things on animals as long as its purpose is to produce chemicals that save human lives. If people test cosmetics on animals, then I don't approve it.

The only fully morally acceptable alternative to animal/human testing is to artificially produce tissues resembling human body and test chemicals on them. It's seems to be a distant future, though.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you. It's hard to say and that's why I wrote that article because I want to know other opinion about that. People can say that it's unfair but thanks for animal tests we can live longer and better.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you. It's terrible and we owe them a lot.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I think that testing things on animals may be cruel sometimes, but as long as it is justified by a "greater good" I'm pretty fine with it. I would oppose this way of testing the products and inventing some new methods of treatment, etc. if it would be possible to test it on something else. Unfortunately, it's not possible right now.
I would like the products that I use to be tested somehow, I don't really care how. If it wasn't tested, I'd be the one on who it would be tested. That's why I wouldn't buy more expensive and untested product.
Mostly, there aren't much alternatives. In some cases there are and in this cases I fully support banning animal testing, even if it would mean that the end product would be slightly more expensive.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you. I agree with you that we should find alternative ways of testing new medications.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you. I've never heard about that companies from China, it's terrible. Your point of view is very interesting.
Unknown said…
Maybe I'm weird, but it's sounds like a good idea. I can't think about those innocent animals being tortured. On the other hand serial killers, rapists and all of those - I don't care about them. Maybe it could be a good punishment.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you. It can be solution of animal testing problem. I've never thought about that. Serial killers are the worst for me and If they killed somebody they shouldn't live in prison normally. Otherwise, is it real? I think that human rights will not allow it.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you. It is something new in that "conversation". What do you think about testing on serial killers?
Unknown said…
I think that animal testing is horrible. I can't imagine doing such thing myslef!
I would buy a product non-tested on anilams, even if it was more expensive - I started to search for such informations, as I don't want to be a part of it.
Topic of animal testing is really hard one. On the one hand - suffering of an innocent animals, but on the other - health and life of people. This is hard, but human life is worth more than animals, so some drugs couldn't be produced and given to people.
I think, that it should be forbiddenfor cosmetics and similar fields - they can try on, I don't know, soft material, lether or anything they need to test, but it is not important enough to be tested on being, who didn't want it.
And, as long as we won't any other and authoritative method some drugs probbaly should be tested on animals, so it won't harm people (and other animals, who will use it). But maybe they could test if as rarely as posiible, so there won't be any unnecessary sacrifices.

Conducting tests on animals is reprehensible and should be prohibited. When buying products, there is often no information as to whether they were tested on animals or not. I try to pay attention to what I buy and I'm willing to pay more if the product has't been tested on animals. Unfortunately, I don't know enough to state whether there are other possibilities to test products. I'm only surprised if we know the composition of the product, why can it affect users badly?
Unknown said…
Call me a monster, but if I had to gas 20 000 mice to save just one person from dying or being hurt because of side-effects of some cosmetics or medicine, I'd do this. Its just the usual "oh look these are furry and cute, so we have to shout and cry about empathy and stuff"- people don't care about hundreds of thousands of common domestic animals killed every day, but when one cat can die, they all go nuts.
>Would you buy a product non-tested on animals even if it was more expensive than the tested one?
I'd buy a product for a higher price only if it would translate to higher quality. Otherwise its just pointless for me as a consumer- to pay more for nothing, just as it is with all those eco-gadgets in cars.
Some people stated that a good alternative is voluntary human testing. Well, it isn't, at least in the early stages - humans are too genetically diverse and getting comparable results or even creating a sufficient control group would be hard.
Unknown said…
What do I think about animal testing? I don't think it's the best method but sometimes there's no better alternative.
Would you buy a product non-tested on animals even if it was more expensive than the tested one? Nope. Cebula deals forever.
What are the alternatives for animal testing? It depends on the thing we want to test, it might be some artificial leather in case of cosmetics. The biggest problem is medicine. There is no better way than animal testing. Especially in cases when the cure or vaccine has to be made ASAP. Alternatives? There are few but not better. One of which is testing them on humans. Which? Those that live on the streets. They won't be missed won't they?
the people who are doing this or allowing it to happen cannot be called human because as humans we feel emotion, and these people are clearly feel nothing at all. These poor defenseless animals are suffering, and for what?! wrinkles?! are you kidding me. shame on anyone who buys from companies that allow animal testing.
People need to be better informed about this.
Unknown said…
I'm not happy that we have to test for example new drugs on animals and I know that it could sound beastly but in my opinion its better to test it on animal instead of humans. I rather to buy tested product for sure. I have no idea about alternatives, but I hope someday we will be able to save animals.
Vyvyan said…
Generaly, I think that animal testing it's not a good thing. But when we look at aspects like genetic differences between us I think it's better to test such things on animals. I would buy product which is more expensive if it would be better quality because, personally, I don't read labels on products very often.
Wojtek Protasik said…
Animal testing is really bad. If i had to choose between two products, tested and non-tested (more expensive one ) on animals, after what I read, I would definitely choose the non-tested on animals product. Animals are kept in really bad conditions before and after the testing. Many of them die after or are euthanized and I could never do this to animals. Yes, I agree that this might be motivation for people to find a cure to for example cancer and I think that should be pretty understandable, because human's life is more precious than animal's and there's no doubt, but I can't think about any better alternative, because we can't test on humans, can we? That would be a non-sense. Why would we search for the cure if we could kill the humans by testing on them. Of course, we could think minority for good of majority but what that could lead to?
Patryk Pohnke said…
As long as we don't have any other reliable way to test drugs, animal test are the only option to examine medication before it is used on people. Of course I agree that it is not the best way to do that stuff, but on the other hand I prefer drugs to be tested on animals instead of human beings.
If medicine that is non-tested on animals was 100% safe I would definitely pay more for it just to avoid unnecessary animal suffering.
Nowadays we can run some researches in labs, but they are not fully trustworthy until they are applied to real organism.

Unknown said…
I think that animal tests should be banned. How companies can harm animals? For me this is terrible... I think I would buy a product non-tested on animals. The price is not so important. I have no idea about alternatives... It is possible that there are already alternatives. However, it is not as cheap as tests on animals...
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
It's strange subject because there is no "golden middle". On the one hand testing drugs on animals is terrifying because they don't have any choise. On the other hand I would buy medicines that have been already tested because our life is more expensive than annimal's. I don't know if there is any alternative way to test medicines...
Magdalena Popek said…
In my opinion animal testing is unnecessary cruelty and the vast majority is still being conducted just because it has always been this way.

Unlike people think, buying non-tested products is not difficult and expensive. For example Rossmann's Alterra products are not tested on animals and vegan. There are many websites, like or, that list cruelty-free companies. If a company is not on a list then it tests its products on animals. Some companies, like Bielenda, try to fool people into thinking the product is not tested by putting "vegan friendly" label on it. Of course the label is not official vegan certification which means product may contain animal products or may be tested on animals.

Nowadays the technology has moved on therefore we have a few alteratives to animal testing. Due to modern methods include sophisticated tests using human cells and tissues (also known as in vitro methods), advanced computer-modeling techniques (often referred to as in silico models), and studies with human volunteers. I strongly recommand reading the whole post:

The situation looks slightly different when it comes to medicine. But the problem is many times scientists know the product may have completely different effect on animal than on human yet still decide to conduct the experiment (even though the results will not help at all). Eventually every drug has to be tested on humans before being released.
Just another case of speciesism to see, because there is no real difference between us and other animals. We belong the same family for a reason, that is we are to similar to have another private branch in a classification tree. We only believe that we are better, because we are animals and it helps us to survive, mostly psychologically. There aren't that many species of animals that kill their fellow specimens. I think that humans are best at it and once the free energy from fossil fuels is gone we will be back at each other throats. Back in the old good times of hunter-gatherers about 20% of humans died at the hands of other humans. Our ancestors exterminated many species before, but our own will be the cherry on top.
Animal testing is cruel and horrible, but for now it’s the most reliable way to test medications before we give them to human subjects. I strongly agree that we should ban it where it’s not necessary, and of course I would buy more expensive product if it wasn’t tested on animals. What are the alternatives? I think that for now there aren’t real alternatives.
Unknown said…
I think that it's not good way of testing something. People shouldn't stray over animals. Making to someone feel uncomfortable is immoral.
If it comes about buying a product non-tested on animals i rather don't care about it. Maybe now i will start because i agree that it's like approvement for continuation tests.
When i was reading about alternatives for animal testing i find something like computer modeling. We have now huge knowledge about tissues and organisms so we can use it and computers to examine how our body will react with somethings.
Would you prefer human testing instead? If you stopped for at least a second actually thinking about this question then google Japanese unit 731.

As much as I hate delivering pain to any living creature, if it is beneficial to us, humans, in a way it can avoid side-effects and other fatal conditions, even accidental, then I'm all in for it. Even if it's "only" extra safety measure, I'd rather see 100 animals killed for better humanity, rather than 5 humans dying only because somebody decided that testing stuff on animal is bad.
Unknown said…
Of course that I am not fun of testing anything on animals and it is cruel but I can't give any proposition what we could do it instead of it. Some years ago a Germany has such idea to try new pharmaceuticals on people but I prefer to sacrifice than human beeings. I would buy a better product because I care about quality not a price.
Unknown said…
The materical shows how cruel people are and how they don't care about anything in the world but themselves. I think it is non-acceptable to use products that are tested on animals. There are plenty of ways - and companies - who do not use animals at all.
Honestly im not against it but im also not supporting it. I have it in the back of my mind that each drug, cosmetic, other chemical things have to be tested somehow before we can treat ourselves with them.
I dont look at the labels of products looking at non tested on animals mark neither i do look for testing specification. If i had a choice it would come down to my budget on what to choose and if i feel like the more expensive product is worth the money.
If i knew the alternatives i would be a millionaire by now. its immoral to test on people, its bad to test on animals, its bad to test on plants... we get down to the loophole in which we start taking random drugs and hope for the best.
I did not like this article. I can not read how poor animals torture. I prefer to test drugs on people. All the same, our organisms are too different to accurately predict the effect of the drug. There are many criminals in the world who will die for execution anyway. Why not try the drugs on them. They still die. And animals are innocent and suffer in vain.
Wojtek Kania said…
In XX century alternative for animal testing was human testing. Adolf Hitler was one of the first politician who was fight for animal's right. When I'm buying I do not care what product was tested on animals. I think we must fight for human rights. Many people are treated worse than animals.
1. I am definitely against animal testing. Unfortunately, there is no other possibilities to prepare new products – drugs, to be used by humans. The only thing we can do is to control such process, keeping proper high quality and avoiding or at least strongly limiting their suffering. After all, the nature shall serve people. I don’t want to say we can do everything with animals, but rather we can do everything is needed to keep humans’ safety, in respect of drugs or food testing. I mean everything necessary and impossible to be replaced by something else.
2. The most important criterion for me would be definitely safety. If non-animal tested product would be more expensive, but as safe as cheaper tested one, I would buy the first one.
3. The only one alternative for animal testing I can see is testing by human volunteers. People, who need money can decide to do it. But I don’t think it should be accepted.

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