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Week 9 [11.12 - 17.12.2017] Skateboarding as cultural phenomenon

Skateboarding is one of the most popular "board cultures" in the world. Skating on a board with wheels on a hard surface exists already more than half a century and for this time has evolved from a momentary amusement of surfers up to the multimillion industry with cult brands, personalities and a special view of the surrounding reality. 


It all started somewhere in the 1950s in America. A popular legend says that the prototype of modern skateboards was invented by Californian surfers who attached primitive wheels to wooden boxes. On these carts, they rolled to the ocean with surfs. So it turned out faster and more fun. Who exactly made the first skate, now it is impossible to establish.  In the early years to the prototypes of skateboards of that time were not taken very seriously. Skating on them downhills were either a warm-up before surfing or entertainment in the absence of waves on the ocean.


In 1972, "Cadillac Wheels" introduced polyurethane wheels to the American market. This event was to a certain extent a coup and brought skateboarding to a new level. The old type of wheels was too dangerous and unmanageable. With polyurethane wheels opened up new opportunities, the number of skaters again began to grow. The decks themselves became wider and longer, acquired concaves on the bodies. Another interesting phenomenon of the mid-1970s was the emergence in California of the first skate teams - associations of skaters under one brand.


The form of the skate continued to change. Skateboards have become even wider, tails - more angled. There was still no bending on the nose. In the 1980s skate media started appearing . The journal business was developing (skate magazines appeared earlier, but in the 1980s their number increases and the quality of photos improves), and most importantly - people begin shooting skate videos. Portable video cameras in America have become much more affordable, and skate companies were quite able to use them to document the skating of their teams.


The 2000s started also positively, as the 1990s ended. The US remains the center of the skate industry, and Barcelona becomes the main destination for skateboarding trips. Inspired by the creativity of Antonio Gaudi, the unusual architecture of this city is ideal for skateboarding. Skaters start to travel more and more often. Since the mid-2000s, they have been discovering China, which is being updated and tuned at a record pace: big cities are designed as if they are skate plazas, and the tolerance of local authorities and people towards skating shock the imagination of tired skaters.

In what way skateboarding will move on, time will tell. Undoubtedly, the level of skating will increase, generations of skaters will change. We can say with certainty only one thing: skateboarding already exists long enough to take and simply disappear. A lot of interesting things lie ahead.

Sources :

Questions :
1. Have you ever tried skateboarding? Did you like it?
2. Do you consider skateboarding a sport or a subculture/lifestyle? And Why?
3. Skateboarding will be a part of 2020 Summer Olympic Games, what do you think about it?


Unknown said…
It sounds very believable that someone who loved surfing, decided to do it on land. I really liked the article.
As for me, I don't really do it by myself, by I love to watch videos about skateboarding so much. My favorites are videos where people skate in big towns. There are beautiful buildings, an atmosphere of the town, long roads in those videos. And the feeling of the endless road is incredible, and you can feel it even if you only watch the video. Something like this:

But I tried Pennyboard. This is not a real skateboard, but for girls it's ok. My one is blue and I'm really happy with it :)
Thank you for the interesting topic.
Unknown said…
Do you know something about the filming process of videos like this? I mean. There should be someone who films skaters. Is there a risky one who skates with a huge camera?
Anonymous said…
I don't know if I can call it "trying" but once I was standing on this board and I was terrified. It was so unstable for me and I don't know how people can do all those tricks on it.
Of course skateboarders made a subculture and in some meaning a lifestyle. Those people are just getting together and they even look the same.
I don't mind skateboarding to be a part of Olympics. Actually it could be fun to watch it.
Unknown said…
Of course that I’ve ever tried skateboarding and I think that every young boy did. Honestly, I didn’t like it at all and I Was sure from the very first time I was on skateboard that it isn’t for me.
I consider it rather as a kind of subculture and lifestyle only because for me definition of sport doesn’t cover activities like skateboarding but it may be outdated a little. Maybe I will have to update my definition of sport all the more that skateboarding will be a part of 2020 Summer Olympic Games. I’m not pretty sure that it should be a part of such sport events but maybe it will turn out to be great idea.
Unknown said…
Yes I tried skateboarding but it is not for me. Once I did Ollie and this is my the only trick which I did. Yes I think that skeateboarding for many people is lifestyle but I think that this lifstyle goes away. In the past when I was a child I loved to play Tonyhawk games. All games with skateboarding have great music. I listen to this king of music today.
It's great idea that Skateboarding will be a part of 2020 Summer Olympic Games I don't know why that previously it wasn't. Personally I can't wait to see it.
Yes, filming process is pretty simple, сamera operator is also an experienced skateboarder. Nowadays, they don't need huge cameras, so it's not a problem.
I remember when I was about six or seven years old, one of the most popular computer games of that time was "Tony Hawk pro skater". So, back in those days all of boys and some of a girls were mad about skateboarding. Computer game wasn't enough - there appeared a will of trying to be like Tony. Then I and most of my friends bought a skateboard and after school we were trying to copy moves from our most favourite game at that moment. I never was good at skateboarding, but I used to like it very much. Shame that I stopped doing it, but I thinking about learning how to ride a snowboard.
I think that 90s/ early 00s were golden age of skateboarding, as I know/see it's not so popular as it used to be. Also Tony Hawk made bigger social impact than Shown White did.
I consider skateboarding as a sport. Most sports have specific community that dress and behave in a specific way and it can be noticed very clearly when it comes to skaters.
It's nice that skateboarding will be part of 2020 Summer Olympic Games. I'm just sad that BJJ (eng. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) is not a part of it.
I don't fully agree with you that skeateboarding lifestyle goes away. But it's cool that you know Tony Hawk games. These games instilled in me a love of skateboarding.
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I have nearly the same childhood memories: "Tony Hawk pro skater", skateboarding after school with friends and a lot of bruises. Personally, I agree with you that 90s and early 00s were the golden age of skateboarding, but I hope the popularity of skateboarding will only rise. Wish you good luck with snowboarding trainings.
Marcin Mróz said…
Crucial moment in skateboarding history was also invention of "Ollie" which enabled skaters to actually jump with skateboard. Before people had been skating only in bowls as it simulated surfing. "Ollie" was also invented in bowl and it was converted to flatground trick by Rodney Mullen, the most iconic skateboarder along with Tony Hawk. He revolutionised whole skateboarding by performing tricks not in bowl but on normal ground. He invented the most popular skateboard tricks such as kickflip, heelflip and 360 flip. I don't know how one could make an article about skateboarding history and not mention this. ;P
I was skateboarding a bit in high school and I still do from time to time, but I don't think I'm very good at it. I managed to learn some basic tricks like pop shove-it, kickflip, heelflip and some variations of them and that's all. ;P
I would consider skateboarding rather as culture, but it could also be a sport, why not. You also have to train hard to be good at it and learn all the tricks that you want. It may seem simple, but it sometimes take very long time to get down some really "basic" tricks. And I think because of it, skateboarding can easily be introduced to the olympics.
Unknown said…
Yes, I tried skateboarding when I was about 7 years old and then I had a big tumor. This sport is not for me :) My only trick was simply to drive forward haha. Skateboarding is physical activity, so I consider it a sport
I think adding skateboarding to Olympics is a good idea. It’s a great way to freshen up the Games and keep it interesting for younger audiences. Therefor I do think is skateboarding a sport - it’s a physical activity like any other. I tried it a couple times and liked it but I’m not any good :(
Unknown said…
1. I have never tried :) but I think it's really fun
2. I think it's hobby but I can be wrong , don't know.
3. It's will be interesting to see that, because I saw many tricks on a skateboard and some very cool :)
Unknown said…
It's hard to consider skateboard as a way of transport like bicycle - skateboards have small wheels that are intended only for hard surface and nothing else. But as a way of entertainment - why not, there are a lot of tricks you can do on a skateboard. As for me, bicycle is more interesting than skateboard in all ways, but, again, it's a matter of taste :)
Magdalena Popek said…

Actually, I tried skateboarding once - on a street in front of my friend's house. But I just stepped on a board and was moving back and forth.
I consider it more a lifestyle because all of my skateboarding friends have something in common, and I don't think it's just a coincidense. Of course at the same time it is a sport, but for me it's different than, for example, ice skating.
I think we should not close the Olympics to new sports. The World is changing, people are changing, and the demand as well. Some sports become more popular, some less. We should adjust the Olympics to current situation.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
I have tried skateboarding many times in my life. However I only enjoyed moving forward. I didn't like that skateboards doesn't have brakes and that turning is really difficult :)
I think that snowboarding is a sport but when you dedicate yourself to it, it becomes your lifestyle and then you spend more time with other skateboarders.
If snowboarding is a Winter Olympic Games category why then skateboarding couldn't be. It's similar.
Unknown said…
Thankfully, I have never tried skateboarding, though these guys on the video are really cool. I find skateboarding quite dangerous for my health, cuz I have watched a lot of videos, where people trying to repeat some awesome elements just harmed themselves.
I reckon it's rather a lifestyle, because not every great hobby or lifestyle can be a sport. And answering your next question, I am convinced that it's quite weird idea, however you may persuade me.
I have tried skateboarding, and i was skating about 2 years. And i remembered that my first tricks were kickflip,heelflip. I like skateboarding so much , that i have a thought to make it my lifestyle.
I recognize that skateboarding can be a lifestyle. It can bring us money so it must be not only a hobby, but a work too. And what about harmful effects on our health, i would say, that every professional sport is making our health affected.
I'm feeling so amazed about 2020 Olympic games, i'm not a big fan of skateboarding,but after this article i would take a look on it 100 %.
Marcin Górski said…
I've tried skateboarding when I was young. In my opinion it's very hard and I have respect for the people who can do tricks! I know how to move forward and it's everything about my skateboarding skills! :P
It's kind of sport for me. You can earn money because the there are a lot of skateboard tournaments. In the beginning it was lifestyle but I think it's normal like with other sports which are popular nowadays.
About last question... It's not a problem for me. Skaters have to train a lot and that's why skateboards should be a part of Summer Olympic Games.
Unknown said…
When I was young I tried some skateboarding, but just for fun. I consider skateboarders for another culture, because they have their certain way to be. They have certain clothes and look. I think skateboarding is a good way to watch sport. It could be interesting.
Maciej Główka said…
I have never tried skateboarding. However, when I was teenager I was riding bmx. In my opinion, today skateboarding is sport and culture. There are a lot of brands like nike 6.0 which are connected with skateboarding. You can with almost 100% certainty who rides skateboard on the street, their have their typical look.
In my opinion it is good, that skateboarding will be on Olympic Games. It is very difficult and technical sport. I hope other urban sports, like bmx or parkour will also be included one day.
Zygmunt Z said…
I think that most of guys must have tried skateboarding at some point of their lives, at least I did, in primary school. I wasn't spectacular time of my life as I got bored very quickly. I guess that skateboarding is a combination of both sport and subculture as it requires physical effort and , if we take into consideration fact that skateboarders have created a kind of aureola around it, it can be regarded as lifestyle. Finally, I think that the idea of introducing skateboarding as a olympic sport is a good idea because the final range of sports will get bigger and more people will be interested in watching it
Tomasz Morawski said…
I've tried skateboarding but I turned out to be too difficult for me so I lost interest in it completely. I admire people who can do some tricks, though.
Yes, it most certainly used to be very important part of skate subculture, but I believe it's role has lessened and nowadays you can be skate without having skateboard and do skateboarding without being skate.
I don't mind - it's good that people find different ways to be physically active.
I tried skateboarding when I was really young. If memory does not confuse me i even learned one trick called "ollie". I liked it but it was so hard to learn any trick so i quit. Skateboarding for me is mainly sport because i know only it from that way. I think it's really good that skateboarding will be a part of 2020 Summer Olympic Games. I mean, there are still a lot of sports that are not include in Olympic and these sports athletes they earn very little compared to their effort.
Unknown said…
I have tried skkateboarding and even rode quite a few years. I was never particularly good at it but enjoyed it and could do a few basic tricks (kickflips, pop-shove its, 50-50s and feebles mostly). Then I switched to BMX and only rode bikes at skateparks since then. I do still cruise on skateboards/longboards though, they are great combined with commuting by public traansport.

I consider skateboarding to be both a sport and lifestyle. When you skate, you hang with a certain type of people, usually wear typical skateboard-ey things (at least shoes), it does not just end on the purely physical activity of skateboarding.

I don't see why skateboarding shouldn't be an olympic sport when for example skiing is. It is also very entertaining to watch and might attract many young people to watch the olympic games.
Unknown said…
1.I have tried skateboarding few times in my life, it was when I was a kid and I used to borrow a skateboard from my friends. I tried basic tricks but found it quite hard to do them properly and that was the reason for which I switched to rollerblades.
2.I used to treat them more like a lifestyle when I was a kid because skateboarders created their own specific subculture with cloths, music and language. Currently, I am considering it more like a sport as skateboarding is much more commercialized nowadays.
3.I think it is natural consequence of including popular sport disciplines in Olympic Games.
Foodocado said…
I tried skateboarding once. I liked it but I believed it's not for me. I wasn't good at it. It needs to practise a lot to be good at this. I think, I wasn't patient enough. When I was younger I played "Tony Hawk pro skater". It was one of the best games I'd played. I consider it as a subculture / lifestyle. Skateboarders have their own cloths, music and language. I believe every activity which require practice, skill and is about competing might be called as sport. I am glad to hear that skateboarding will be part of the Olympics. It's nice to watch all the tricks.
Unknown said…
Of course I've tried skateboarding! Firnd of mine borrowed me his skateboard. I fell twice and he took it, becasue he was afraid that I will break it, but I tried!
I remember when there was a real hypr for it. Everyone wanted to be skateboarder or be friends with one. And they created some life style - in Poland it was smaller scale than in the US, but still - it was a group that was quite elite. But most of all I think that this is sport - you can't deny, that some of those acronations are just fun. There are competitions!
I am REALLY surprised that it will be a part of Olympic Games! I know, that this is a sport (as I mentioned before). On the one hand, this is quite young discipline, on the other hand - if it may make bigger audeince for Olympic Games, which are not as popular as they were few years back, it os good, because the more people will be interest the beeter future for whole games.
When I was little, I was learning to skate and I liked it very much. Unfortunately, with age, I did't have too much time to continue my studies. I think it is an interesting sport and a kind of culture. Just like surfers have their group of people who love this sport. Skateboarding allows you to actively spend your free time, but also as a professional sport. Therefore, I'm not surprised that it was introduced as a new field at the Olympics. More and more popular longbords have certainly contributed to making this sport even more popular.
Unknown said…
Yea, when I was about 12 years old, I was skateboarding on my street with neighbours. I think I could make some tricks even now :D.
It was more kinda lifestyle to me. I've been listening to rap music, wearing baggy jeans etc. At that time I was also a b-boy - great years with breakdance. So it was all a part of subculture.
Right now I'm not skateboarding anymore, but sure, I'd like to watch it on Summer Olympic Games.
I tried skatebording when I was a child and while it was fun it didn't catch my attention for long.
I consider it as both- a sport and lifestyle.
I think it is a great idea to bring skateboarding to the Olimpic Games- something new and nice to watch.
Wojtek Protasik said…
I've never tried skateboarding, but it always seemed a lot of fun to me, although i think it's not really my thing. I do consider this as a subculture/lifestyle because it is also connected with rap music, breakdance etc. I've never liked that really, but i find it really interesting to watch such videos on youtube. It's very satisfying to watch all the tricks people can do and i think the audience could be much bigger, because it could inspire some people. So yes, i definitely would like to watch this on 2020 Summer Olympic Games.
Unknown said…
Of course I heard about skateboarding and I really like it. I consider it as a sport/lifestyle/hobby.
If you are asking me about 2020 Summer Olympic Games I think that it's good idea, it will be pleasure to watch it.
1. Have you ever tried skateboarding? Did you like it?
I was skating a lot when I was eight (1991), it was just pure fun especially because I liked BMX a lot so there was a lot of jumps while skating and bike riding.
2. Do you consider skateboarding a sport or a subculture/lifestyle? And Why?
Sport was greate - whole subculture and posers was just a pure laught. I did not had a skating trousers and was able to do most of the tricks.
3. Skateboarding will be a part of 2020 Summer Olympic Games, what do you think about it?
Do not know anything about it - let's judge after it.
Unknown said…
Yes I tried skateboarding but it is not my favourite sport. I don't know why but i feel this sport is not for me. However,in my childhood I played a game "Tony Hawk Pro Skater". I recommend you this retro game! I think skateboarding is often lifestyle.
however, for some people it is only sport. I can't wait to see skatebording on Summer Olympic Games in 2020. In my opinion it will be great show!
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Thank you for response, "Tony Hawk Pro Skater" is also one of my favorite games. I hope we will see new game soon.
Thank you, for a comment, I think, you should give skateboarding a shot. Personally, I believe, skateboarding is not fully connected with rap and especially breakdance. But, I agree, that a lot of rap artists love skateboarding.
Personally, I think that skate cliques are still pretty cool. And I hope that Olympic Games will only give a new push for skateboarding industry.
Patryk Pohnke said…
I have tried once, but I didn't like it cause I was falling down all the time. And it hurt.
I do consider it as a lifestyle, cause you can clearly determine if someone is a skateboarder or not just by looking at their clothing style :)
It is a sport just as all other disciplines. It requires a lot of preparation and trainings in order to do tricks that are eye-catching.
Unknown said…
I don't remember trying skateboarding, maybe once, long long ago.
It's more of a lifestyle than a sport to me, though- skateboarders usually have their own style and listen to their music, creating their own groups.
As for the Olympics, well... We've seen worse:
Unknown said…
I have tried skateboarding and I have even a my own skateboard. I really wanted to learn a lot of tricks but I was able to learn a 'ollie' and after so much days of training. I gave up and decide that I prefer snowboard than skateboard and I will stay with this decision. I think that skateboarding or any kind of hobby can be our lifestyle or can be a part of some subculture. I feel that is is not strange that skateboarding will be a part of 2020 Summer Olympic Games because it is a sport for me and it needs so much skills to be good in it that people can should compete in it even on such championships.

I really like skateboards. Even once I tried to learn to the ride on it. But I did not succeed. My friend tried to teach me because he is very cool in riding skateboards and BMX. He joked that I was not created for this sport, but I still love this board on wheels.
I think it's impossible to choose. Because skateboards are a sport, but also a way of life. This feeling of flight cannot be forgotten and therefore difficult to refuse. It's also a sport because it requires constant preparation and development to achieve results. I look forward to the 2020 Olympics. I think it will be fresh and interesting.
Unknown said…
I have tried skatebording when i was fourteen. I remember that it was great fun and it makes me feel unique because i was "a girl with board". I have to stop it because i had serious accident.
For me skatebording it's lifestyle or subculture. When you skateboarding, you look like skater, you listen special type od music and most of free time spend at skate park. All your live is connected with board. And i think that it's okay. We all have various trybe of live. If it comes about Summer Olimpic Games, in my opinion it's great idea :)
I think that Skateboarding is more lifestyle thing. It’s the only sport that has so many passionate enough to stick together, dress similarly, and listen to the same music. I think that it’s great that skateboarding will be one of the disciplines during the Summer Olympics Games in 2020. It’s real sport, not like all those “e-sport” things.
I never understood the phenomenon of skateboarding, but that's probably because I don't like sport that much either, so it's not anything weird that I don't find appeal in this at all :).

Still, it was a nice read to learn a bit of history about skateboarding, so thanks for that!
Im surprised that u havent mentioned Tony Hawk in your presentation - the sole icon of skateboarding.
Ive never tried skateboarding - never felt like its something for me.
Its definitely a sport no doubt - and it has highly competitive scene all over the world. It is a lo a culture, built around legends of sport, competitive spirit and area of interest of young people.
Skateboarding on and Olympics i personally dont think its a good idea. There is an issue in how to measure performance in such sport - but on the other hand we have acrobatics and synchronised diving so well see. Im looking forward to be proven wrong. Skateboarding show in Olympics can start a second golden age for that sport.
Unknown said…
I have tried skateboadring during my childhood and I was very keen on it. I listened to hip-hop music, as skateboarding is a part of hip-hop culture. Interesting subculture which develops people, and I was happy to read about the history of this sport. In my opinion, skateboaring should be a part of professional sport as it is not only fun, it develops your body and mind.
Unknown said…
I've tried skateboarding few times, when it was cool and such. I liked it, ended up with rollerblades in the end because I've received it as a gift from my uncle. Had much fun with it. But most fun I had with skateboarding was in Tony Hawk Pro Skater game ;) Good ol times. It is a sport, it is a lso a subculture, a lifestyle, I agree. Didn't know skateboarding is going to be part of 2020 Olympic Games, that sounds great, I'll even watch it maybe :D
Wojtek Kania said…
Have you ever tried skateboarding? Did you like it?
Well, I've tried skateboarding, but I don't like it. I think skateboarding is mostly subculture/lifestyle. There are pro skateboarders and there are many competitions but for me skateboarding is not a sport and I don't like it that skateboarding will be a part of 2020 Summer Olympic Games.
Unknown said…
Well I have try scateboarding when I was a child and I have a lot of time. Now I didnt see a lot of childrens on outdoor when they are try this sport. I mostly prefer skate but skateboard is too good option to spend free time.
For me skateboarding isnt a sport and just we can consider is as a sport when we want to relax and try it. I dont care about olimpyc sport. If this organization want to add this as a dyscyplin fell free to do it.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
It's very interesting article for me because I tried to traing skateboarding when I was a child but I've never heard skateboarding history. I like this sport but sometimes it's... little painful :). in my opinion it could be considered same as a sport and lifestyle. It's because there are many skateboarders who don't want to challenge - they just like this style. Otherwise it would be a great Olympic sport. I don't see anything strange in it.

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