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Week 4 [06.11-12.11] – Elon Musk plans to colonize Mars

I think that all of you heard about Elon Musk, even if not personally about him, you sure had heard about one of his projects like PayPal, Tesla Motors or SpaceX. After revolutionizing payment possibilities by enabling it to happen online, and creating first electric cars that can travel over 500 Km without charging, Elon Musk decided that it is time to colonize the Mars.

Elon Musk

Since 1950, around late September or early October, there has been organized an annual event called International Astronautical Congress (IAC). It is attended by heads and senior executives of world’s space agencies, who deliver lectures about future plans of space industry. This year on 29 September, the Founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk gave an update of his plan of building reusable spaceships and colonizing Mars.

First of all Musk unveiled his Mars vehicle design, which he used to call “Interplanetary Transport System” during IAC 2016, now it is called the “Big F---ing Rocket” (BFR). The latest design of the vehicle is about 15 meters shorter, and its spaceship is supposed to carry half of the payload of the previous design. The biggest advantage, of BFR over the ordinary space rocket, is its reusability in launching the spaceship into the space. This approach brings significant cost savings, 100- or even 1000- fold, according to Elon. With this kind of reusable technology, D. Marshall Porterfield – a former director of NASA’s Space Life and Physical Sciences Division, said that it is “a huge game changer” in enabling such a mission.

BFR and ITS comparison

As SpaceX hopes to launch its first mission to mars in 2022, they have already built and tested key pieces of hardware. According to Musk a new plan, first unmanned mission will locate sources of water in the soil, second will set up a chemical factory, to turn water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and methane rocket fuel. The next step is to fly four ships to Mars in 2024, composed of two cargo missions and two ships carrying the first Mars explorers. After the first people land on Mars, there will be regular cargo launches that will resupply them with food and other essentials. Still we do not know how SpaceX will keep the first Martian explorers alive. When SpaceX were contacted for details about Mars life support plans, they declined to answer it.

For me, it is a really futuristic idea, and I will be happy to see the mission can succeed. The only thing I doubt are the terms. Of course I assume the rest of the plan is not without flaws, and not all questions to key problems are answered. But if we take a look at the previous Elon Musk’s big projects that had succeed, I believe this will be no exception.

Maybe one day it won’t be only a meme 😊

1. What do you think about Elon Musk? Is he a visionary or is he mad?
2. What do you think about plans to colonize Mars? Do you think this is possible?
3. Would you like to fly to Mars? Be in the first crew squad?



Unknown said…
I believe that Elon Musk is a visionary. While watching/reading his statements you can see, that it was evolving, that it wasn't sudden 'Hey, in two weeks we will be on Mars', but it is somehow planned.
I'm not an expert, but I think that it will be possible - technology is still increasing and today normal are things unbelievable few centuries back - for example phone calls or e-mails (you can communicate with person even on the other continent and talk with them in real time!
I wouldn't be the first person to fly on Mars. I'm a little bit fearful and for sure there will be some turbulence and the flight would be long. What's more, I've seen some movies, where events took place in space (for example Life, all Alien movies)
Magdalena Popek said…

In my opinion Elon Musk is definitely a visionary, however I would say this idea is a bit mad. Why colonizing another planet while we can't take care of our own? Are we leaving an old toy and move to a new one? It may be possible, I don't know. Anyway many things are possible, but that doesn't mean we should do them. The reachest people will be those to fly first, and many of the reachest are those who are responsible for the current situation on Earth (because money rules the world).
I wouldn't want to fly to Mars (and probably never will as it's probably unimaginably expensive) as I'm just not interested in such things.
Unknown said…
Elon Musk has enough ambitious projects that are existing not only on paper. Obviously, he is one of the "engines of progress" that are forcing technologies to evolve today.

But it looks like now Elon Musk has troubles: not long ago Tesla Motors reported a record quarterly loss because of Tesla Model 3. They had to produce about 5 000 cars per week, but instead of it they produced only 16.
Another problem is the government support of his companies by a subsidies. The new tax cut proposed by Republicans in USA threatens to deal a serious blow to Tesla Motors company.

This doesn't mean that I don't support Elon. I really like his goals(and achievements) and I hope that we will colonize the Mars before our own planet will blow up because of Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump or someone else.
Unknown said…
I think that Elon Musk is a great man. I think that it is possible to colonize Mars. Question is: is it worth it? Is there anything on the Mars which is worth this mission? I woudn't like to go to Mars to colonize it because I think that flight one way takes nearly one year . I have always wondered why people don't go to Moon again instead of Mars. We don't even know if we have been on Moon.
Unknown said…
I’ve heard about Elon Musk few times and each time I do hear about him, I like him more. In my opinion he is a visionary. He is intelligent, creative, he has resources to do such things and as we can see from his previous ideas he is determined and motivated to go forward.
I’m pretty sure that colonizing Mars is possible. Do you think that some years ago people were able to believe that there will be fully electric and autonomous car in the future? Of course not! So even If know it seems unrealistic to colonize Mars, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
I wouldn’t like to be impatient. Maybe I will fly to Mars next time :D
Filip Sawicki said…
I’m glad that we have such a valuable person with vast resources and astonishing vision as Elon Musk. He has proved that his ambitions aren’t just childish dreams but achievable steps of his new and profitable technological business.
It is not certain whether we will colonize Mars by 2100, even more uncertain if he wants to do this on his own. However, asides from all possible difficulties he trying and that makes me feel a bit less sceptical.
Opportunity to fly to mars could happen only once in our lifetime, so obviously I would agree If I had that possibility. After all, first flight is going to be one of the most important events of the whole humanity.
He is a visionary that is for sure. It is great that technology made by SpaceX, like BFR, can be used also on Earth for fast travel. SpaceX assure that distance between New York and Paris is achivable in about 30 minutes.
I can agree with that he is a visionary. As for colonization of Mars, maybe try to look on this like on the Christopher Columbus quest, that lead to the colonization of both Americas by Eurepeans (but without harming the natives of Mars). Also humanity is starting to struggle with overpopulation, and colonization of other planets seems like a good plan.
I hope Tesla will overcome their financial problems. As for SpaceX, they had their problems too, back in 2008 they almost went bankrupt. When they started testing Falcon 1, three first launches failed, and the had money left only for one more, but fortunately it succeed.
Mars is not discovered yet, so we do not know is it worth going there for profit, like minerals. But sure is one thing, out planet is starting to struggle with overpopulation, and we have to search for possible solutions, colonizing another planet seems to be the answer.
Elon Musk sure is great, one of the most interesting facts about him is, that he knows every smallest technical details of the projects of his companies. He is not only a succesfull businessman, but also a true engineer.
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Unknown said…
What I love and is inspirational to me, is the way how he says any hard problem is either "tricky" or "more tricky." Never impossible.
Based on what Space X has achieved so far (with Elon and at Tesla as well), I believe he will accomplish their goals. Timetables may end up differing, but with that brain, that drive, the planning, and working towards a dream... anything is possible.
I want to work my way towards being ready to jump aboard if I get a chance.
Unknown said…
To my way of thinking, Elon Musk is one of the most prominent business people and philanthropists and his ideas have potential to change the world we live in. PayPal and Tesla are considered to be very successful projects, which have huge impact on global economy and environment. However, the idea of colonisation of the Red Planet seems to be a bit rediculous, because, firstly, people have to take care of our planet and try to solve very risky issues. I believe the process of colonisation will succeed after several attemps, but I don't understand why he wants to "conquer" this planet if it's useless. Maybe, we don't know something about it. Actually, I would not use this chance, just because I love our planet and currently it really looks too much futuristic and moreover it will devide the world more seriously. While Africans want to move to Europe because the terms of life are getting worse and worse, Americans want to colonise Mars.
I am more optimistic about achievability of this mission. Maybe it would not be the terms, that Elon Musk presented, but I hope it would be faster than 2100. Elon on his presentation, on the last IAC, mentioned he is open to cooperate with other companies associated with space industry. I hope we will live to see the begining of times when space will be open for everyone.
While colonising Mars is indeed possible, knowing our civilisation I don't think it will ever happen nor if it's really that important. We destroyed our own planet, the only place we know of that can sustain our species and yet we want to venture further? It will be just a never ending cycle of colonising and polluting. I think that we should focus on repairing what we fouled in our own home first and only then, after we learned how to coexist peacefully with other life forms and available resources, start to slowly expand our horizon.

While I would definitely like to fly to Mars I would never want to stay there forever. It's a really inhospitable place which is not suited for animal species. Loss of bone and muscle mass along with sunbathing in a warming space radiation doesn't sound like a fun place to live. I prefer a more familiar and cosy climate of our planet, where I don't have to worry about minuscule rocks going through my suit and potentially ending my life in agony.

.... And when it comes to our lord and saviour Elon Musk I'll just leave it at:
Foodocado said…
In my opinion Elon is a visionaire. The difference between him and other visionaires is that he do everything he can to achive his goals and realize his plan. Most of his companies which he started were very sucessfull. He likes to set the bar really high.

I am quire sure colonizing Mars is possible. The question should be "when will it happen?".

I would love to be a part of the crew who would fly to Mars, but unfortunetlly it's imposible. There is a place only for people with specified skills, the best in their profession. They had been preparing for missions like this since they were children.
Unknown said…
1. Elon is definitely a visionary. It just takes 15 minutes to google what he's already accomplished and recognise that. First making a not-so-very-popular Tesla Roadster electric sportscar, then making Tesla Model S as a luxurious electric car, then Model X - electric SUV, and now making the Model 3, which is the electric car for everyone (prices starting at 35000$ which really makes it a steal!). And of course, the cars are only a small part of his achievements so far.
2. It might be possible, it seems that we already have most of the technology needed, and the rest of the problems might be able to get solved by Elon and his scientists. And I guess, why not do it, maybe in the end it would turn out to be a better place to live?

3. I would certainly want to do it at some point, but not really in the first squad. "Firsts" always have a greater chance of not going very well, so I think I would pass.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I think Elon Musk is a great person and I am voting for Mars colonization, because for me space is extremely interesting and colonization of any other planet is massively huge human evolution step. I can`t even imagine how fast humanity will populate all availiable for living planets in our solar system. I think this is realizable goal. Actually, I would like to be one of the first people who will live on Mars, but I am sure that I will not have enough funds to get into the spaceship.
It sure is a great attitude towards problem solving, that Elon Musk presents. Myself I would not want to go as the first crew to Mars, but in the future, when they will stabilaze the lifestyle there, it would be really satisfying to visit.
Unknown said…
Over century people were guessing, what country will be the first on Mars. Well, turns out that it will be a Elon Musk. I think this man is genious. He doesn't fear to speak the strangest ideas and he is actually trying to make them real.

If humanity's space odyssey is goiing to start, it is going to start from Mars. It's the closest colonizable planet to Earth and I still believe that there is life on it.

In my opinion Elon Musk is a visionary, of course he might be a little crazy in the meantime, but I think that he is the biggest visionary alive. I think that the fact he REALLY plans to colonize Mars, speaks for itself that he is a visionary. I think that it’s really interesting idea, and I believe that colonization of Mars is possible, if not now, in a couple of years definitely yes. I don’t think that I would like to fly to Mars, because it’s a one way trip.
Unknown said…
In my opinion Elon Musk is a visionary. His projects are huge and his ideas work very well. The border between mad and visionary is not very clear. Every visioner should be little mad to imagine something as big. I would like to see his plans for future not only those associated with colonize Mars.

In my opinion plans to colonize Mars are possible to achieve. I guess it will happened rather in 2100 than in 2024. Landing on Mars would be a great achieve for humanity. Unfortunately I do not see the reason for doing that.

Sure if I had the chance to visit Mars I would do it! Beeing in the first crew squad is not matter for me.

If you are interested in the subject of colonization of Mars,
I recommend you movie The Martian with Matt Damon as the main character.
I don't believe the majority of reasonable people think Elon Musk is crazy at this point because he obviously has a track record of achieving the "impossible.At most, only constructive criticism in regards to how he can achieve those goals will be considered seriously by the majority of sensible people.
I guess its pretty possible and will be achieved in the near future.
Vyvyan said…
I think that Elon Musk is not mad. Well, even if most of the people know that something is impossible, then always will be someone who will not know about that :D. So, definetely, he is a visionare. I think that with proper technology it will be possible but not in the nearest future. And yes, I would like to fly to Mars because it would be an adventure :D.
Maciej Główka said…
I really admire Elon. He might be mad, but I think in a good way. Many people see some big problem and they say it's not possible to resolve it, Elon does opposite, "nah, it's easy, let's do it".
In my opinion we will see people on Mars in 20-30 years. Would I like to be in a first crew? Of course not :D Maybe I will spend my retirement there, who knows..
Elon Musk is definitely a visionary. However, his idea of colonize Mars is a bit crazy i guess. Elon is inteligent guy, and he has more knowledge about that but in my opinion at the moment this idea is too ambitious. To be honest i don't have any knowledge about this topic so I'd rather not to answer the question that is it possible or not. Yes! I would love to fly to Mars, but i would also like to come back to Earth beacuse deserts on Mars does not look interesting.
Unknown said…
“Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.” is a quote from my favourite movie Interstellar and I quite agree with it. If we wanna survive longer than our planet we either find a way to expand the lifespan of Earth (we would have to find a way on how to not destroy it in the first place though) or leave it, find a new place, expand our human civilization beyond and further. We won't be able to leave our Galaxy but there is enough space to explore nevertheless.
As for Elon Musk I consider him a visionary, he's got the money got they brain to do what he want's to do and I agree with those things (electric, autonomous cars, expansions to mars). Everything is possible given enough time and effort so yeah, mars colonization? One way ticket but it's possible.
I wouldn't want to fly to Mars, not as the first crew for sure. Too many unstable factors, maybe when we have actual cities built there.
Unknown said…
I am pretty sure that every visionary person is mad at least for a tiny bit. He is a genius and a really ambitious person. I like his ideas, dreams and how he tryes to complete them.I think that everything is possible if you really want it. And, according to scientific facts, it is more then possible, but I am not still ready to leave earth.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
There is no denying that Elon Musk is a brilliant man. His theory that we live in a simulation is not a matter of right or wrong, but is mathematically very plausible. Each of his project revolutionised some kind of branch in technology. Do i think that colonizing Mars is possible? I think it's more than just a possibility. I believe that in close future we'll be living there quite comfortably. I am also fully for that idea. Frankly Earth is overpopulated and we are just killing the environment by a sheer number of people. Other planets seem like an obvious solution. I'm not sure how i feel about going there myself. I like my life on Earth and leaving it feels scary. On the other hand being one of the first people on the other planet would be a very exciting thing. If i was pressed really hard i would probably choose Earth. but i'm glad that i we'll probably be spared of making such a choice.
sasha | s14611 said…
I think that this is possible to colonize Mars but not in next 20 years. We don't have enough information to say that we could do it in so short term. I think few first fly to Mars will be unexpectable that why I would not want to fly in the first expedition.
After many years of freezing the NASA's budget for space travel due to "why would we ever return to space" attitude, we're finally looking at thaw.

In February this year NASA announced plans for a moon mission, and with Elon looking for opportunities to test their new toys, we wight be looking at another space race. For now to the moon, but who knows, maybe one day.

You can learn more in the following video:
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Patryk Pohnke said…
I think Elon Musk is definitely a visionary, but he has tendency to set goals that exceed his capabilities. During his professional career some of his products had delay in launching or quality problems. What does it mean to me? Surely we will reach Mars as a human race, but most probably after the date stated in the article. Technology used to transport both people and supplies has to be fully reliable and such reliability takes time to develop. It requires years of testing and because of that high end technology costs fortune. This leads us to another problem, which is is the high cost of transporting people to Mars, which will affect most of human population. At the beginning only the richest will be capable of going there as they will be the only ones that can afford it. I think being in the first squad sounds exciting, but it is too risky for me. I prefer to watch a stream from this event with a cup of coffee in my hand in high resolution.
Unknown said…
1. I think he will succeed. There are many ideas that we can think are crazy, but people like him make future. It'd be interesting, because now people can travel only on Earth. And it becomes boring.
2. Yes. this is possible, but will take some time. We can't even travel fast now, so.
3. No, because there's very slow Internet outside of the Earth. At least now
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
In my opinion, Elon Musk is one of the greatest visionaries of our time. The great combination of mind, potential, ambitions and resources. Frankly speaking, it's a very little percent of people, who owns such resource and use it for world changing goals. I do believe, that he will play an important role in our the future. And I hope that the goal of Mars colonization is gonna be accomplished and we will witness this amazing event.
Even if no one will ever live on Mars, that mission must be done. Who knows, what will be discovered. And what if one day it will save the humanity? I just hope that we are not gonna harm the Mars and the whole Galaxy, like we keep doing to Earth...

Well, I do like to travel by air, and of course I wish I could see the outer space, but I would prefer to wait a little bit. But when I imagine that someone will offer me to be the part of the first mission, I am not sure I could resist the temptation:)
Elon Musk is a visionary , a visionary who has means to make his visions true. Colonizing Mars it's definitely possible other question is it necessary or useful to people. I don't think that colonizing mars would be as useful to people as we imagine it will be but it would definitely be a push forward into galactic expansion of humans. Having a Mars as our practice target will be huge down the line of our space travel and visiting foreign planets.
I don't think any of us here would not like to be famous and be written onto pages of history,
Problem would be being ready bit physically and mentally. By watching vlogs form ISS of astronauts who had left earth for longer than we will ever (probably) we can clearly see that having be first to colonize mars would be biggest decision of your life , we would have to leave all what we know here on earth with a creeping possibility that we would never return. Would any of us be ready to do so? When space travel becomes safer than it is already, i think that will be the time when we are comfortable with making such decisions. As for now the risk is too great.
Unknown said…
Musk is definitely a visionary, he really "does the impossible" - his reusable rockets have drastically lowered the costs of upkeep of the ISS. What's important, he actually uses his intelligence and vision to solve real problems, instead of just talking about them and creating unreal plans and sketches.
Wants to create online bank with secure payments, that would revolutionize internet auctions and e-commerce? Creates Paypal.
Wants humanity to faster colonize space? Builds a rocket that does 360* in space and then lands on an barge somewhere in the middle of the ocean.
Electric cars that don't look like cheap, "retarded" toys? Tesla motors.
Guy is absolutely a visionary.
>What do you think about plans to colonize Mars? Do you think this is possible?
It is absolutely possible, maybe even in our lifespan. Man was built to work that way - we invented boats, planes and spaceships to expand our kind and to get resources we need for our people, it is how we function and exist. Abandoning the idea of expansion would be denying our very human element, that makes us constantly progressing. Without progress there is no point in anything.
> Would you like to fly to Mars? Be in the first crew squad?
On one hand I think everyone would like to do so- have schools, streets and monuments with their names is something everyone would like to have, being a pioneer is also nice. But as far as I know, the first team/group of people who will achieve mars will probably stay there for the rest of their lives, as they won't have enough fuel to get back.
So, years later, when I'll have nothing to lose and nothing would hold me back here on Earth, I might choose to go, but definitely not right now.
Unknown said…
I personally think that he is a visionary. I change a topic but I have a occasion to drive a Tesla and it was travel to the future. He was able to introduce such a car on a market becasue he doesn't know a word 'impossible'.

I hope that it is possible to colonize Mars. I don't think that it will happened during my life but it doesn't sound like a sci fi movie. We have a one barrier - a technology.

It sounds like a great adventure to fly to Mars but I have a lot of people on earth who care about me and I care about them so I wouldn't risk my life. But I will keep my finger crossed that one day we will be a witness of landing on Mars.
Personally I cheer for Elon as he's one of the minds behind science today, but I see this idea as rather something stupid with infinite amount of resources that need to be spent for no real gain. I mean, sure, colonizing other planets sounds like a great achievement for humanity and everything, but do we really need to spend resources on that instead of putting those resources in use for our existing planet? Maybe he has hundreds of arguments why it is in fact beneficial compared to this, but I don't really consider this thing as the next big thing he should work on.
Anonymous said…
What do you think about Elon Musk? Is he a visionary or is he mad?
I think Elon Musk is a visionary. Until now, his ideas have been turned into real projects,
so I think his next ideas will come true. I think that nowadays we shouldn't ask ourselves
whether something can be done, but how and how much time it will take us. Technology is developing fast enough that I can even say that we are coming to times when there are no impossible things in this area.

What do you think about plans to colonize Mars? Do you think this is possible?
I think the plans to colonize Mars are only a matter of time. Considering how much we don't care about our planet, we have to think about a new place in the world where we could live in the future.

Would you like to fly to Mars? Be in the first crew squad?
I'd love to go to Mars. After all, life is all about experience, adventure and travelling!

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