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Week 11 [09.01-15.01] Lightsaber from Star Wars – is it possible to create Lightsaber ??

Lightsaber from Star Wars – is it possible to create Lightsaber ??

Every fan of Star Wars knows Jedi use an “elegant” weapon called Lightsaber. It’s a light sword which can cut most things. To use Lightsaber, a person need to pass special training and find special crystal to power his/her Lightsaber. Only few people from the Galaxy can use that weapon because only a person with force can pass this training. Now let’s think “is it possible to create Lightsaber ??”.

First of all let’s think how to create a blade. We need to find some material which can cut most things and adjust its  size to Lightsaber. Laser is good but it has  one disadvantage. We can’t adjust it because the laser can only stop on a thing which it can’t cut. For example, if you use that weapon in a flat, you may create a hole in the floor. So that kind of material is unacceptable. The second material which we can use is plasma. Plasma is  better than laser because it’s very hot, we can cut with it most of things and with this material we can create a blade for our Lightsaber . But there is another problem. Plasma can’t stop another plasma. We can solve that problem creating a core of our Lightsaber from an alloy of metal and plasma. Of course we can also create an armor which can stop every single Lightsaber but “whatever”. We are not wondering how to stop that sword but how to create it.

Now let’s think about energy which is the biggest problem now in existing battery can be used only for a few seconds. After that time we must switch the battery or plug the sword into some source of energy. Now scientist are working to create a battery which may hold much more power and which may load in much less time. So now it’s impossible to create usable Lightsaber. Maybe in the next few years we will create that “Legendary” sword from Star Wars.



Jarek_Ziem said…
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Jarek_Ziem said…
Not today and likely not ever. George Lucas never intended scientific accuracy, ran by “the rule of cool”. doesn’t matter if it makes sense, it’s cool. But to contain a laser within itself is impossible, and heat generation of magnetically contained plasma would never reach/maintain such cutting power with modern tech. There will never be a technology so advanced to reach this level of development. Not in 100 not in 200 years. But who knows, maybe reality will prove me wrong.
Unknown said…
Plasma is a very good bet as it can be controlled and contained by magnetic fields due to its ionization. Same property with extremly advanced field control and perhaps some quantum effects could bu used to achive it being able to 'clash' with another similar beam. As a powersource tiny fusion reactor or antimatter anihialtion chamber could be used. While probably physically possible it would require many (probably hundreds) years of technological development above our current level.
Unknown said…
I'm not sure if there should be created a lightsaber... It would be useful for science of course, but it's too cool and popular gadget, so after creating it everybody (all right, I assume mainly boys at every age)would like to have it and I'm afraid what it could be used for.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I guess it's not meant to become a real thing, if it's implementation was obvious then it wouldn't appear in the movie in the first place - movies based on obvious and predictable future technologies would be really boring.

If some fans want to implement this idea I think that the easiest way is using a one-side frame that will stop laser beam at some point, add some smoke generators to make the beam visible and here you go:) But in my opinion it's not an effective weapon, as others have mentioned it's just "cool".
Unknown said…
I'm not so sure if it won't be created. Great part of sciensists are Star Wars fans and I believe that they dream about creating lightsaber, but probably there is a problem with money - no serious investor is interested in creating a "toy" for boys and big boys.
But maybe some day, some rich fan will pay, so he can have his own lightsaber or something similar?
Dajana Kubica said…
I never watched Star Wars and I'm not a fan of this type of movie. I think that most of the gadgets in the film remain in it and such a weapon, in today's world of firearms would be useless. Only Star Wars fans could have cut off their hands and feet. However, for the use of such technology in science, is an interesting topic.
Unknown said…
I'm a big fan of Star Wars and I always want Lightsaber but now I think it's impossible to create. I think even if such weapons existed wouldn't be available to all because normal people could get hurt. In today's world probably blasters would be more popular than lightsabers because long-distance weapon is more effective.
Moode said…
I guess that many of the Star Wars fans would be really happy if the Lightsaber was real. I can already see the ques lining up before the stores.
I don't think it will be possible to build a Lightsaber with all of its features in the next few years or even decade (if ever). Like others pointed out, it would probably not be really useful, but I have to agree that it would be nice to have it anyway, because it simply looks so cool. Anyway, if someone will build such a weapon one day, you will certainly find a lot of sparring partners here ;)
Why we should try building that ? Because we can :) It would be good to see it in action.. but massive production and probable usage is way far too dangerous.
Unknown said…
I also don't think that this is possible to build one. Not in the near future at least. But of course it would be so cool to have one! All the Star Wars fans - and there is a lot of them all over the world - would love to have one. Of course it would be like a gun or a sword, so probably not everyone could own Lightsaber, but if there will be something like this in the future every Star Wars fan will do anything to have it. Who knows what future will bring?
I doubt that we'll ever see a prototype that works the way people want it to. I mean, Star Wars is great and has definitely one of the most futuristic concepts such as lightsabers, but from technological point of view, creating a prototype that would work like lightsaber is simply put unrealistic, and I don't think it will happen anytime soon. Although this is also what people have been saying about discovering space and other things, so who knows...
Michał Pycek said…
I think that Star Wars fans and freaks would do anything to get a Lightsaber for their own. In my opinion, if anybody created it, it would be definitely somebody who has the urge to have it. I don't see any other use of it than creating it to prove that you can and want to have it - maybe one day we will all be surprised and hear about it in news :)
As cool as it sounds a light saber I think is unlikely to ever come into existance as a real weapon. Outside of the Star Wars universe, it doesn't make any sense. I mean why would you run around with a glowing sword when you can get easily shot from a distance. Laser guns make more sense and that's what we probably should expect in the future.
Unknown said…
Personally I’m a big fan of Star Wars and a vision of creating Lightsaber is intriguing and exciting but nowadays this kind of weapon will be useless. In my opinion long-distance blasters will be more effective on the battlefield. However I’m not quite sure that it is possible to create this laser sword.
Unknown said…
Its fun and games on screen, but really, even if it was possible, what use would such device have? Don't tell me about fighting, we have guns, also I don't believe that even extraordinary person can stop bullet midair. Lets keep it as cool fantasy.
Unknown said…
I always wanted to have my own lightsaber. A lot of times I wondered if you can do it and I think that it is physically impossible because it works like a laser which has an end. I hope that I am wrong and someone will invent it. Personally, I love the world of Star Wars.
Adam Nowak said…
For me, star wars are just unrealistic fairytale, and lightsabers symbolize it. It looks cool, but it is just stupid. Why would you use a lightsaber when you can use blaster to kill your oponent? Those incoherences are killing movies for me.
Unknown said…
I think the issue of the lightsaber creation is obviously interesting in terms of technology, which would be used to do it, but our current technology is still on low level and it does not make much sense. Now, we should better focus on other issues.
Unknown said…
Yeah i agree with you but lightsaber its more popular weapon and some symbol of Star Wars and thats why most of Star Wars fans wondering is it possible to create that kind of weapon. Well blaster certainly will be more useful weapon than Lightsaber because to use Lightsaber you need force (maybe except 7 chapter of Star Wars where that black guy fight on the same level like Kylo Ren (i hate this chapter) for 1 minutes )
Unknown said…
Lightsaber can reflect off shot of blaster and of course people who use Lightsaber in Star Wars can stop that shot by there own force so in Star Wars blaster its not very effective vs Jedi.

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