All streets of big cities have advertisements, big and small, bright and dim, with lights or only a big paper. We pay a lot attention to some advertisements and pass by others. Companies have to capture our attention to their products, so they try to make bright and interesting advertisements. If we start thinking about the advertisement, it means a product will succeed. Canon is one of the most popular brands in photo cameras. Advertisements of this brand are in the top ratings of all advertisements in the world. They make us stop, think, and analyze.
“Canon Cyber Shot.” Canon. Digital Image. Google Images. Web. |
This picture has a very interesting story. This leopard was running; furthermore, we know that leopards run at railway speed. It is very difficult to take a picture of leopard, but still this picture is very sharp, even though this leopard was running very fast. The ability to stop a moment is the main point of Canon’s advertisement. They chose an interesting method to show a moment. A stop was made by using many tripods. Usually, tripods are used to stop some moments, but the camera is held by the tripod, not an object of photography.
This advertisement has a clear visual purpose. It shows that Canon can catch every moment, every piece of object, no matter how fast it is. It is not only one example of a Canon advertisement.
“Canon SX20 IS.”Canon. Digital Image. Google Images. Web. |
When people take their first look at this ad, they see only a picture; but when they look again, they can see a lot of sense in these advertisements.
The text in the picture says, “Let Your Camera See the World,” which means that we should take our cameras everywhere we travel. Figuratively, the camera cannot see the world, but we can; we can see it, and we can show it to everyone. William Lutz in his essay “With These Words I Can Sell Anything” said, “Every word in an ad is there for a reason; no word is wasted.” When I compared this citation with an advertisement, I saw something new in these words. This poster persuades us to travel with a Camera .While looking at this picture, people are thinking about traveling with a Canon camera.
Not only Canon but also Nikon make great advertisements. Nikon is the second most popular brand of photo cameras. They make advertisements very different from Canon, but still very interesting.
Nikon has a very popular phrase for their advertisements. At first, they used this phrase in some of their advertisements, but now they have changed the second part of it to relate it to their posters.
“Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera.” Nikon. Digital Image. Google Images. Web. |
A good slogan is a very important part of every advertisement. I read an essay of Bill Bryson “The Hard Sell: Advertising in America,” and found an interesting quotation: “Very early on, advertisers discovered the importance of a good slogan.” Even a hundred years ago, people understood that a brand has to have a memorable slogan. Nikon got it; however, Nikon made it better.
In this poster, we can see a man with his small daughter taking her first steps. Nikon transformed its slogan to link it with the depicted situation. Everyone knows that Neil Armstrong is the first person who stepped on the Moon. I can understand why advertisers compare the first steps of a child with the first steps on the Moon.
“I Am Nikon.” Nikon. Digital Image. Google Images. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. |
We need photo cameras to capture the moment: not only travels or beautiful places but also our everyday life. Smiles of children and parents, broken hands, precipitated teeth. All these things are very important for our life; however, we cannot save them all in our memories. I think that every family has to have at least one photo camera to save happy and emotional moments. Advertisements remind us about it; furthermore, they show us more opportunities to take great pictures.
Bryson, Bill. “The Hard Sell: Advertising in American.” Reading Pop Culture: A portable Anthology. Ed Jeff Ousborne. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s. 2013. 120-35. Print.
- Do you think we still need DSLR cameras in our lives and why?
- Do you have a DSLR camera? If so, what brand is it?
- What brand would you prefer? Canon or Nikon?
I know that making photos with proffesional camera is easier and may give a great result, but c'mon - it's not only about a camera, it is mainly about skills of photographer. I know some people, who have got expensive DSLR cameras and always use "default" settings. Of course, photos are nicer, but I believe that it's not about it. There is so many possibilities and I believe that real photographers know most or every setting on their camera, becasue they were practising and looking for something new, something different.
I don't know which cameras are better - Nikon or Canon, because as for me both companies are well known and their products are mostly recommended, so I can't decide.
Nice article :)
Yes, they make beautiful and great advertisements, the Canon and Nikon. These companies know that visualization of product performance it’s what will make people way it. I highly agree with the statements that Advertisements remind us about it; furthermore, they show us more opportunities to take great pictures.
1. capture moments in some interesting places, with nice views, funny situations, family or friends meetings and so on... but primarily I love capture moments with my girlfriend who is perfect to take a photo - then I use mostly DSLR
2. Second case is to take a photo of notes or some information. Then I don't care so much about quaility because I just want to save things very fast. Then I use (as most people) my smartphone which is sufficient.
A lot of people ask me: "do you think we still need DSLR cameras in our lives?" or "come on, we have smartphones, we don't need cameras". I don't agree. Of course, smartphones are small, we have it all the time and take photos with good quaility, but it's not enough if somebody cares about it. Of course, there are programs, which try to follow such possibilities, but still it's not enough. For example, it's impossible to gain a deep of field using a smartphone. If I remember well, Apple try to put into new iPhone two cameras to reach such effect, but still in my opinion it's worse quaility and smaller effect than in DSLR.
So I can't imagine my life without my camera.
If we talk about brands - Nikon. Only Nikon. Just Nikon. Nikon is at the heart of the image.
Why Nikon? Because not Canon ;)
To be honest, I just like Nikon and the same - don't like Canon. Maybe it's a habit - ok, but still - Nikon ;) I just have equipment of Nikon and I'm really glad so maybe it's a reason.
I don't have any DSLR camera.
If I were to choose, I would like to try Canon. I have heard many great opinions about it from my friends and from people who test cameras and know a lot about them.
I use an old Canon and I am really happy with it. I might be facing the need of getting a new one soon and I think that I will keep loyal to the company.
Of course, such cameras have very specified functions which differentiate and help camera experts and photographers, but in my case it was not that I didn't use these options, but I simply didn't have the possibilities for it. When I travel, I prefer different solutions, as I mentioned above, and on everyday basis I don't need so developed and specified options and characters.
2) I have one used mostly when traveling. It's Pentax K-R with two sets of LENS.
3) I've chosen Pentax - less commercials, good quality.
I'm at Canon's side. That's because of times, when video DSLRs were appearing at the market. Nikon was faaar away with video quality produced by their vDSLRs. At this time Canon 5Dmk2 was the king :)
I think that most people don’t need DLSR camera, we all have cameras in our phones which is much more convenient than carrying separate bag with DLSR.
Even when I travel and have my Canon in the bag, I very often use my phone camera, because it’s much quicker than getting my DLSR from bag, and often I don’t really care about the quality of the picture.
Sometimes I am to tired to take my heavy camera while traveling. That's why I have many cool pictures made by phone camera. And I believe that it is not very important to use only expensive camera to make the good pics. You are making it, not your camera. Of course if you are a professional you must use the best technologies, but for your pleasure you can use whatever you like. For example, I like to walk and make pictures with my old Praktika made in 1960's.