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Week 11 [09.01-15.01] What is vitamin B17?
Vitamin B17, amygdalyn and leatrile - are 3 names for the same natural substance. Scientists found it in seeds of apricots. After that they found it in over 1200 types of plants.

Ancient Egyptians described it in papyrus which was 5000 years old and they wrote about its healing effects. 4500 years ago Chinese described similar effects of using bitter almonds. First information about healing effects of B17 appeared 60 years ago. The person who promoted B17 was Ernst Krebs. Since then scientists have shown its effect in more than 20 countries.

In many people who have cancer and ate raw apricot seeds and vitamin B17 in pills cancer disappeared. But people who aren't ill can have problems because their body is damaged after chemotherapy and tumor. If patient's body is completely "eaten" by cancer, seeds of apricots can make your life longer compared with chemotherapy. 

So why don't we use amygdalyn in cancer therapy?

AMA (American Medical Association) attacked Krebs and his team because you can't patent food or vitamins and patents give money.

Dr Krebs isolated vitamin B17 from apricot kernels and then synthesized it in crystal form. At this time FDA( Food and Drug Administration) gave information about a couple who had poisoning after they ate raw apricot seeds. The story was on the first page of every newspaper in  the USA. Journalists looked for this couple but they couldn't find them. Since then people thought eating apricot seeds is the same as commiting suicide. But Dr Krebs proved that B17 isn't harmful for people: after testing it on animals he injected a lot of vitamin B17 in his arm. He didn't die and he didn't have side effects. 

You probably have heard information that you shouldn't eat preserves made of fruit with seeds because there is prussic acid in seeds and you can get poisoned. It's echo of this situation with FDA. 

I have taken vitamin B17 for a long time. It's interesting that a couple years ago you couldn't buy it in Poland. I oldered it from the Czech Republic. Lately I saw amygdalyn in a pharmacy but I'm not sure if it was it. I'm still ordering it from the Czech Republic.

Have you heard of vitamin B17?

Have your parents told you that you can't eat seeds from fruit juice?

Do you want to try vitamin B17 after my presentation?


Jarek_Ziem said…
Have you heard of vitamin B17?
Yes, a bit. I’ve read recently about it:” B-17 is present in foods rich in nitrilosides i.e. bitter foods like bitter almonds. One of the highest concentrations of B-17 is found in raw apricot seeds aka apricot kernels.” Like in your article. Here’s the link:
Have your parents told you that you can't eat seeds from fruit juice?
Yes. They said “a tree will grow in your stomach”. Every one of us probably heard that in their childhood times.
Do you want to try vitamin B17 after my presentation?
I think I’ll try to find Amygdaline in Poland. But I know that the apricot seeds contain prussic acid so we should remember it while using it. It’s not my area of expertise to know all vitamins.
Unknown said…
I'm mostly against artificial dietary supplements. I belive I eat fairly average amount of seeds whatever it is ;P
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I may have heard about it, all these A's, B's etc. have a lot of different numbers:) When I was a kid my parents told me not to eat seeds and it seems pretty obvious, usually they don't taste good and some of them are even toxic. I don't use any supplements, I just try to remember about eating some fruits/vegetables during the day.
Unknown said…
Nowodays, when beeing fit and healthy almost everyone are specialists and know everything about food, vitamins and diets.
I have heard about B17. Like most of the vitamins and minerals it's nessecary fot out organisms to work well.
I have never heard from our parents not to ear seeds and I see no point in scaring children with trees in theirs stomach.
Unknown said…
I heard about B17, as about most of the vitamins and minerals and as almost everyone one knows I know, that we need it, so we have to eat products that contain it or use some suplements - but remember, too much is unhealthy.
When I was younger I sometomes ate some seeds (cherry, apple) and today it also happens (watermelon). When I was younger I was told to not to do it (it was about cherry), because it may cause stomachache.
Unknown said…
I heard about it. I think that we doesn't apply B17 due to the fact that pharmaceutical companies offer drugs that only minimize the symptoms but not completely cure the disease so that they can still make money on us. Maybe it's a bit catastrophic theory but I think nowadays for companies money is more important than human health. I see that vitamin B17 we could buy online. Maybe I will try ;)
Moode said…
This is a very interesting presentation. It makes me wonder why it is so hard to buy this vitamin in Poland if it gives our body such benefits. I hope that I will be able to find it. I am also looking forward to reading more about this one. Answering your second question, I don’t remember my parents telling me not to eat seeds from fruit juice.
There were many supplements through the years that was "made" to do wonders (HMB, Glutamine). I would like to see it in a medical test group because right now it looks more like a marketing placebo for me than proven working formula.
Unknown said…
Very interesting topic. I don't really recall anybody saying that eating seeds from fruit juice is not healthy or even bad for my health. Although I have no idea about this vitamin. Maybe it will be possible to find it in Poland soon ? Some tests based on this vitamin also would be great. Just to make sure it is really working well for us.
Michał Pycek said…
I agree it is an interesting topic which can be helpful for some of us on the daily basis. I have heard of this vitamine and I think, as probably most of us, that our organisms need to get vitamins in order to develop properly and protect us as well.
I don't recall my parents telling me not to eat the seeds, but I recall that I have heard about the prussic acid inside the seeds, so I haven't eaten them anyways.
I could try to take a closer look at various vitamins and control what I consume more.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I have never heard about this vitamin before but after your presentation I would like to try it :). I’m impressed with B17 Vitamin benefits. I don’t remember if my parents told me no to eat fruits seeds, however, I always eat whole fruit without even leaving the cores.
Unknown said…
I have heard of it, I dont know how about its healing effects, but i keep some apricot seeds and eat one or two from time to time. I am quite a fan of herbal therapy so I when I am ill I eat some herbs. I don't know what to think about the fuss around amygdalin. On one hand its would be quite logical that pharmaceutic companies would not like "natural" competition to cancer drugs, on the other I haven't yet read any reliable source proving amygdalin effectiveness, so i also will not start a crusade against pharmacies.
I have heard about „vitamin B17” and for me it’s another scam based on pseudoscience.
“Vitamin is an organic compound and VITAL nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts” – humans don’t require amygdalin so calling it a vitamin is just misleading.
Clinical trials showed that amygdalin hasn’t got any beneficial effects for cancer patients, and for me it’s disgusting trying to make money of people who suffer from cancer or are terminally ill.
Also basic chemistry shows that amygdalin degradation process produces cyanide, so it clearly is dangerous.
Unknown said…
Yes I have heard about this vitamin before, I even used to eat dried seeds bought by my mum who is crazy about natural medicine. That's way I am quite into this topic , I totally agree that many vitamins or other this kind of products are unknown and i have no idea why. Probobly pharmaceutical business affects that but i dont want to look for any conspiracy theory.
From the other hand natural medicine offers so many different products which usually can help you for any disease you have that I lose my confidence abut that.
Unknown said…
Yes, I have heard about it and last summer my parents told me that they eat those apricot seeds. I've tried too and it was quite tasty, like nuts. That's why there are no problems in my family with the seeds.
As you can see, I am alive, no one was poisoned)
Adam Nowak said…
Another miracle medicine? I'm not a biochemist, but i don't beleive that one chemical compound could cure every kind of cancer. This prussic acid comes from breaking down B17 vitamin, or amygdalin, in a human body, so you can get poisoned if you swallow too much of this "vitamine". I know that people having incurable cancers try everything and blame "big evil corporations" for hiding those miracle medicines, but we aren't living in some african tribe, it is sometimes impossible to cure human with a magic drink or magical dance.
KamilG said…
I heard about a story, that an adult woman was diagnosed with cancer. She tried chemotherapy but it didn’t work. The stadium of cancer has grown from 2 to 3. After the chemotherapy which didn’t work, she tried another way of treatment. Herbs, vitamin C and B17 was added on to her diet. About 3-4 months with symptomatic treatment, the lung cancer decreased to a smaller size. I'm not sure, but maybe the vitamin B17 helped this women. I never ate vitamin B17, but I tried to buy it in an online shop. It didn't surprised me that this vitamin is hard to buy. Most of companies love money and that’s more important to them than human health.
I haven't heard of this vitamin B17 before but it's really interesting. This topic is worth to dig in. If it helps with the cancer it is even better. I am aware that pharmaceutical companies want to keep such information for themselves because that would probably just cost them millions. And they like when we are sick because that way they can earn more and more money. And vitamins are cheap and mostly easy to get. For sure thanks to you I will read more about it. I find it really interesting.
Unknown said…
good information.keep it up.
Vitamin b17 in Cancer

Sunny Atwal said…
Thanks for sharing this information. keep it up.

B17 injection for cancer

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