How video games turn players into Storytellers
1. Have you ever heard of a term like storytelling in games?
1. Have you ever heard of a term like storytelling in games?
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
Yes, I am a passionate of gaming industry and I always pay attention to storytelling techniques in games.
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
Mostly these kinds of video content do not offer a possibility of choices, but instead they offer the best possible set of action given by the author opinion. So, I don't expect it from a movie or cartoon, but in my opinion the ability to change the scenario should be present in all single player games.
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
The first game of this genre which made a huge impression on me is Fahrenheit (2005). It is even hard to call it a game, it's rather an interactive movie. Also from the more recent games I can point out Detroit: Become Human, extremely interesting game, where you have 3 main story lines and you have to make a crucial decisions which affect the common storyline almost in every level.
2.Who didn't? For example, in horrors there's always bizzare scene, when hero is alone in creepy house and upon hearing spooky noises, he follows them into the basement. Why? What for? That and some curses, are things I'm screaming at the tv. And when it comes to cartoons/tv series, there's always (well, almost always) a character that I hate. And it's not just regular hate. I deeply hate it's guts. And whenever that character succedess I'm triggered and my day is ruined.
3. Yes! "The Wolf Among Us" by brilliant (but recently closed :( ) studio: Telltale Games. There is no running around with gun in your hand. It's incredibly immersive story, merged with your decisions so well, It's hard to tell what is pre-programmed and what is cause dby you decisions.
Storytelling in games is really important. Creating a game that also deliveres maximum amount of feeling to the player can deliver the bext experience that makes you want to dive deeper. In many cases the graphic doesn't even matter - its all about the voice actors, the story and the unvierse created behind.
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
When it comes to the movies i have never thought about it. When I feel that person in the movies is making a wrong decision, I'm just thinking to myself - "Oh boi, you' re not gonna make it!" and preceeds to watch him as he fails. Its the course of actions we have no influence on.
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
Personally I prefer the games that are rich when it comes to the story but they don't feel intirely like a movie. Delivering experience of a rich story is important but it doesn't have to be thrown at player direcly. What I mean is creating characters with hidden lore which you can but not must discover. These things could be hidden in item descriptions or conversations and they can but not must tell player direcly why for example Lady xx visited the town and why is she in hurry or the meaning of gemed dagger by her waist.
2. Sometimes yes, but with great movies and series, I think people appreciate productions as they are. However, sometimes I wonder what it would be like if the action turned out differently.
3. Yes, I did. I played, for example, Heavy Rain or Detroit: Become Human. Heavy Rain was okay, but Detroit: Become Human is one of those groundbreaking games. The way the narrative, the world presented, the decisions the player can make and the gameplay are great. I was very involved in playing this game. When it comes to games that are supposed to resemble movies, I think Detroit: Become Human is one of the best such games.
Yes. Storytelling is the most important aspect of games for me. I really enjoy the games that aren't just about pressing correct buttons at a proper time or just protecting some castle. Adding a story to each of those mechanics makes games much more interesting media than movies.
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
I think that we all sometimes think of the situations inside movies, and how we would act in the place of the main cast. But unfortunately, this topic is too complex to change movies in a way where the watching person can change the action, according to their decisions. There are some series that have tried this kind of interactive storytelling, but usually, it ends on a simple "game over, try again" scene, than actually taking into account player's actions.
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
Yes, I've played some of them. My favourite game like this is Heavy rain, which is one of the previous games of the people that made game visible on the presentation. It was a really good thriller!
I agree that films are an idea of the author and director, and that it should be taken as a finished work. But everyone has their own opinion on this or that situation. And sometimes it seems to me that it could have been done differently.
It was also a big discovery for me when I first played Foreingate. For me, storytelling in games has a special place in my heart.
I am also a fan of the Mass Effect series of games and The Wolf Among Us, and I am glad that there are those who share my views and hobbies.
Yes, I understand what you are talking about sometimes in films there are such failures, from which you experience "Spanish shame".
I myself have not played RDR, but I often watched the walkthroughs on YouTube, as well as different story stories in the game. I was very interested in the game with its storytelling as well as the created game world.
It is true that indie games and indie films are quite interesting, as the main idea of this genre is mainly about creating an idea and showing a story to the audience, rather than commercial creation of works.
2) Sure, I think that such an approach can create a more emotional impression on the viewer/player. Being able to make decisions that have a real impact on someone's fate involuntarily makes you identify with that character.
3) Of course it does. I'm a fan, I really think that games are much more about the plot and the story than even the way it's told - at least I feel that way.
Yes. Plus, I really like games that tell good stories.
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
No. When I read books or watch something, I never try to change the story. I just accept it as it is and possibly think about the wider consequences of the heroes' decisions.
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
I played Detroit: become human and it is a game that I spent a lot of time on due to the variety of endings and decisions. A very nice game, but after passing it, I do not want other titles of this type.
Yes, I have seen quite a few of these games and movies. I played the “Detroit: Become Human” which was written by a person from the movie. Video games turn players into narrators by allowing them to choose and how to end the story. The game that we are as the narrator I played a few. For example “Heavy Rain”, “Until Dawn”, among others. I like games where we have the ability to create stories ourselves to some extent. These are also games that look more like a movie than the game itself. We can also go through such a game several times, each time creating a different variant of the story.
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
Very often watch movies or series where the choices of heroes irritate me. In such situations, I would very much like to change their decisions. This makes the stories non-trivial and we cannot predict their ending because anything can happen. An example of such a film where we can change the course of events using, for example, Pilot is an interactive film "Black Mirror Bandersnatch". It is a movie that has several endings and it is only up to us which ending we choose through our choices during the movie. Therefore, more such productions should be produced, I think this is a big step in the development of cinematography.
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
As I mentioned in answer to the previous questions, I have played a few such games. I like these games, and I especially like to come back to them and create a new and different story each time. My favorite movie-like game is the game called "Until Dawn". I really like thrill movies, that's why I liked this game. I was able to create a story full of emotions, which to some extent was created thanks to me.
Yes, I enjoy playing single player games from time to time so the storytelling is something I attach importance to.
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
No, I don't think so. Maybe when I'm watching some horror movie and I see the main character walking into a dark room or a basement because he/she heard some weird sound coming from there :D
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
Yes, some from Telltale Games but I didn't like them. I felt like my actions didn't really matter and they were advertised like they are great at allowing the player to make decisions.
Yes I have. The games which are about telling a fascinating story are my favourites. I like games which are about competing with others and scoring points but I most often play ones with good story. Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2, God of War and Half Life Alyx are my favourites at the moment and they are mostly story driven. Nothing beats a good story with some interesting characters.
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
Very often I find myself wishing that the story which I saw had a different ending but I know that it's not the point. If I like something that means that I can trust the writers and I wouldn't change anything. If I would like to change something that means thay I didn't like the story so there is no point in changing something that I don't care about.
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
I have played some of those games and I really like them. Heavy Rain and Detroit Become Human are the basic examples but some people also mention Uncharted as the "game like a movie" type and I support that. I am glad that games are not arcade-only anymore and the story plays a huge role in their development. I am a fan of such games.
Yes, I have. And in my opinion it is one of the most interesting jobs. And I personally would love to do it even for free.
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
Sometimes yes. Also after reading books.
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
I have heard about a game The Last of Us. First or second, I do not remember already. But I have heard that the story is just so good.
Yes. I used to live and breathe video games, so the concept is nothing new to me. I remember industry-changing releases, like Mass Effect or Bioshock, which pushed the envelope of storytelling standards in video games.
2. When watching movies / TV series / cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
Oh yes, I did, for sure. I usually abandon a movie whatsoever if I want to change the action very frequently. Maybe that's the reason I rarely can watch any horror movie, as the actions of the main characters are just too dumb for me to digest and accept.
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
I like them the most. One of my favorite examples is "what remains of Edith finch". It's almost like a movie, as you don't have any influence on the story. maybe just a length of it, depending on the pace. Unlike other visual novel games, it takes full advantage of being in an interactive environment. The story itself is very gripping. I recommend this to anyone, gamer or non-gamer :)
Yes, especially in horror movies when characters make very stupid decision but in any kind of movies I can find something that I want to change. I can't to identify with character when he or she make in my opinion wrong decision.
Yes I played in some of them. For example previously mentioned Heavy Rain and other David Cage games. In my opinion, nobody makes this type of games. We have other storytelling games like Life is Strange but in this case we still know that we are playing computer games. Gameplay are similar to others.
2. Yes especially in horror movies when the main character is always the most deciding one and always makes a choice to go somewhere where it could be dangerous.
3. I have played in a lot of games which are more like the movie than the game, and it's a one of my favorite kind of video games. In my opinion it is way better to just empathize with the character than you can experience it with the regular movie
2. I believe as a child I used to want it. Also, I used to rewrite the books and fairy tales as I didn’t like if someone dies or gets lost in the plot…
3. Yes! I love watching streams with such games. It almost the same thing as watching a film or series. It’s exciting and interesting, but also quite relaxing.
Yes, I have even if this is not my type of game I like to play. I only like Fifa for now.
2. When watching movies/TV series/cartoons, did you want to change the actions of the characters or the events that take place?
Definitely yes, I really like watching movies and TV series but even my preferred ones like Game of Thrones or Breaking bad there is always something that I would prefer to be different from what they gave us, for Game of Thrones is the entire last season. the season was very rushed and I didn't like it.
3. You have played or heard of games that feel more like watching a movie than playing a game?
Not really but maybe someone else might look at some games and think it might be a cartoon or a 3D animation movie but for me, I can directly differentiate games and movies. My mother used to tell us that watching us playing Fifa on PlayStation is the same as watching a real match she can't see any difference, she said she always need to see if we are using controllers or not to know if it's a real match or a game.