Time makes sense being divided into small chunks but with the whole of its range, it can be overwhelming. Did you know that Mr Miso Okawa’s - the longest living person’s birthday - is closer to Napoleon than to the current day?
The video shows the supremacy of time and surprises with how small chunks are the times we live in.
What was your first impression after watching the movie? Have you ever thought that the times we get used to (Modern era with electricity, internet and a lot of comfort) are that short?
Do you think that our generation’s achievements would make its timestamp on the time graph like a few showed in the video?
What do you think about the time our planet needed for each of these breakthroughs pointed in the video?
The animation is well made and what I like about it in particular is the fact that it also considers (can't really call it explaining due the specific natures of those concepts) time periods before The Big Band and after reaching the 0-entropy level (it was called Heat Death in the video). Modern physics agrees that it's pretty much pointless to consider analysing behaviours of a universe before the start of time or during the Heat Death, but nonetheless I feel like the inclusion of those concepts was a really nice touch.
So, having seen similar animations I had a pretty good idea about how short our modern era is. Usually I would call that insignificant, but I really can't. That directly connects to your second question - I do believe that the birth of the Internet and globalisation will be marked on this kind of timelines made in the future.
Regarding the time required for our planet (or life on it) to reach the next timestamp seems to resemble a logarythmic scale. At first, a lot of time is needed to reach a point where one can establish a significant point in history, and between all of the following adjacent points those intervals shrink by a huge margin. One can wonder whether that's because we are developing in an exponential fashion (I do believe so - there are many evidence on that and people generally agree with it) or this is just an illusion based on the fact that the closer you are in a timeline to current timepoint, the more detail you know about particular events and time periods.
I never thought that the times we get used to are long. My grandparents were born in traditional houses made of clay with a straw roof, without electricity. And my parents bought their first computer just 20 years ago.
I think that technology development is something similar to industrialization, so definitely our generation achievements would make its stamp. But I can’t say that our stamp would be positive. As well as we develop technologies, we also develop consumption and many other negative things.
Facts stated in the video werent surpirising to me, time flies really fast. When they were presenting some historical milestones I was sometimes taken aback because I thought they took place much earlier than presented. Answering the second part of your question - yes, a few months ago I watched a similiar video about time (I dont know exactly which one, maybe the same one) and I drew this conclusion too, there were so much progress in such a short period of time which is impressive.
Yes of course they do, or maybe they will be packed in one let's say one large "bag" summarising technological progress because there were so many of them. But of course there were a few really important ones like creating the Internet etc. which should have their own timestamp.
I think in the previous ages development was getting faster, but it's going to slow down soon, maybe humans will reach some threshold which will be hard to cross.
I think that's a nice video you have send. It's actually pretty funny how the time flies. Sometimes when you wait for something it feels like eternity, than you remind yourself about the video and think "oh boi, how small the square could be compared to the ones presented". I knew that the times we get used to are pretty short but not that short. Overthinking about it could make people a little bit depressed - but thats just my opinion :)
2. Do you think that our generation’s achievements would make its timestamp on the time graph like a few showed in the video?
Honestly... I think we get to know it soon enough. I'm counting on Elon Musk to make such a stamp in history. To make it really memorable.
3. What do you think about the time our planet needed for each of these breakthroughs pointed in the video?
I feel like the time of each breakthough is getting shorter and shorter thanks to the avaible tools. I wonder if we finally hit the wall. Reach the moment when there is nothing left to do. Everything would be discovered and known. These would be funny times. And imagine learning all of these!
It's a tough question. Personally, I think that we won't make timestamps (like in video), as I'm not really expecting any revolutionary discoveries. Only branch of technology we could really advance in is space-travel, but I'm not too enthusiastic about that. So to sum up, I'm rather sceptic that our generation will make it's significant timestamp on the time graph.
I don't really understand the question. I guess I can just come up with some conclusions First, each timestamp/breakthrough/important event is happening faster and faster in comparison to before. As technology advances, we're more and more capable of creating new technology even faster. It's incredible how self sufficient science and tech is. To make my answer a little bit more reliatable to the question: I think that our planet need less and less time to "create" more major timestamps.
I am sure that the huge development of technology is already making its timestamp on the time graph, and also, not an achievement, but will be remembered, climate crisis that is going on.
The time our planet needs for each breakthrough is getting shorter, so maybe the next one will happen really soon.
2. Surely the internet will be a big time-mark and then there will be landing on mars I believe. Hopefully, Covid will diminish before it would become a big red mark on the timeline.
3. I think that the modern era of information takes its advantage of fast data flow. When pyramids were built in Egypt the Mammoths still roamed the earth. The knowledge of how to build them was already there but it didn't reach the Neandertals. This is why natural advancement takes longer than human. I don't find it strange, what's more, in a thousand years people would look at today's advancement and call it slow.
Funny you should post it now as some days ago a friend sent me an article of similar subject. It is in polish but if anyone would be interested here is the link: https://wiemy.to/list/15-historycznych-faktow-ktore-zaburza-twoja-perspektywe-czasu-19432
That was really interesting, I never thought about the life without modern conditions that we have I am so used it.
For sure it shows well known history of human-life evolution but we are used to it and I think we never thought about our past. At the same time this is so tiny compare to all our history
Do you think that our generation’s achievements would make its timestamp on the time graph like a few showed in the video?
Sure it will, because technologies are developing and new discoveries are waiting for their discoverers.
What do you think about the time our planet needed for each of these breakthroughs pointed in the video?
This is a very interesting passage. I once read in history that each of the existing evolutions reaches its peak and dies and it takes time to revive a new era in history
My first impression, or rather my first thought is that it's incredible that compared to earth's history, humans achieved so much in such a short period of time.
2. Do you think that our generation’s achievements would make its timestamp on the time graph like a few showed in the video?
I'm certain that they would. Technology, and our way of life changes rapidly nowadays, and in a few years we will see what inventions are "worthy" of a timestamp.
3. What do you think about the time our planet needed for each of these breakthroughs pointed in the video?
My only thought about it is that it needed A LOT of time, it's fascinating that humans have been on earth for so little time.
It’s hard to say whether this generation achievements would be remembered in the future, one thing is that we cannot really predict the future, other is that innovations accelerate exponentially, the more humanity achieves the less really significant achievements to remember.
I have no opinion, on the time needed for each of those breakthroughs, it is history and we cannot really change it.
1. What was your first impression after watching the movie? Have you ever thought that the times we get used to (The modern era with electricity, the internet, and a lot of comforts) are that short?
From a bigger perspective, the modern era is very short and is changing rapidly. It's very fortunate for us to live in a period when people achieved so much in such little time.
2. Do you think that our generation’s achievements would make its timestamp on the time graph like a few shown in the video?
I believe they will. With companies like Boston Dynamics, Neuralink, and others, technology is evolving like never before. I suppose the Great War and World War II were the times when technological progress was comparable to what we have now.
3. What do you think about the time our planet needed for each of these breakthroughs pointed in the video?
It goes to show that the time between each breakthrough is getting shorter and shorter. I really hope that we'll get to see some miraculous inventions that we'll be proud of.