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Week 10 [11.01-17.01.2021] A rich life with less stuff


Minimalism is becoming more and more popular these days. It is a term describing a specific approach in life, which considers owning fewer possessions as a way to better life. Consumptionism surrounds us. It isn't all bad, but we need to use it with a sense. 


I wouuld like to present you a short video about minimalism: 





  1. What do you think about minimalism phenomen? Why is it becoming so popular?

  2. Do you consider minimalism as a good approach in life?

  3. What is the most important for you in life?









Realizing that minimalizm is an actual thing was a turning point in my teenage years. The younger I was, the more things I needed around me. I surround myself with the most useless stuff like porcelain elephants and other things I bought abroad or on school trips at random fairs. I felt like I surrounded myself with beauty and wealth. I didn’t care that all of it was totally useless, kitsch and poor quality. I think that it all started with my friend who had a collection of porcelain dogs. I fell in love with it and with the way she was keeping them on her shelf. Once I started collecting such things, I felt like my room was as nice as her shelf with porcelain dogs. I still remember her coming to my room and saying “Wow you have so many things here. It looks like a mess, but a beautiful mess” and I’d never been more proud of myself.

And then, the turning point came. I became older and realized I do not need all those things. I started selling some of them or giving to poor children. As soon as I realized that the less things I have in my room, the easier it is to clean it, I was only more motivated to get rid of all this stuff. And I also think that this is the reason why minimalism is becoming so popular. It seems cleaner, better crafted and thought out. I started the story with my room, but it refers to many other aspects of life, like for example graphic design. As we can see in modern design the rule “the less, the better” is the most important one. Sometimes it is much harder to make a minimalistic poster as it doesn’t take you a lot of artistic work to do, but it takes you a lot of thinkink to actually make it work. And this is why it feels like it is better thought out.

I definitely consider minimalism a good approach in life. It makes it easier and cleaner in every aspect. When it comes to the third question the most important for me would be my family, love, respect and positivity. I do not have any philosophical thinking that maybe a minimalistic way of living is the most important, or any other way of living. Honestly, as long as my family is healthy and happy then I am happy.
Palina H said…
1. Actually my BA's diploma thesis was related to this. In short(like really short), as the number of different options for products we can choose became greater we started spending more and more time trying to find the best one. People became afraid of choosing the wrong thing, even more, when we have already made the decision and got the thing we wanted, we might still be unsatisfied with it just because other options had features that we're neglected(in the book that my thesis was based on, this was called "fear of missed opportunity"). People often feel like they drowning in 1000 available options. So, it's obvious that we will try and avoid that feeling, and minimalism being one of the possible ways to achieve it. Personally, I love it. Unintentionally I always had a minimalistic approach in life as I hate being in a clattered environment.

2. I don't think there are good and bad approaches to life. Personally, I believe there's the one that suits you and others that don't. Easy like that. For some people, it's comfortable to own less thing and that's when they feel their greatest. Others just love different "stuff" and that's what makes them happy and fulfills all of their wishes and that's amazing!

3. Personally, the one and most important thing is to know that my nearest and dearest are happy and enjoying their life. I can not describe how much it hurts me to find out that anybody in my family or friend group has any kind of problem.
Interesting presentation. Answering your questions:

1. I think minimalism is great these days. Why is it becoming so popular? I think people are starting to value simplicity and convenience.

2. Yes, I think that minimalism is a good approach in life. It allows you to focus and the surroundings are less distracting.

3. I believe that life and happiness are the most important in my life. That life would be full of joy and happiness.
1. What do you think about minimalism phenomen? Why is it becoming so popular?
I love the minimalism phenomen and I hope it will be more and more trendy than it currently is. The reason it is becoming popular is decline of western economies in perspective of young man. Relatively to older generation we earn less and everything is way more expensive. Especially a place to live, such as flats in large cities. The rent cost is enormous, so you do not have much money to buy staff you do not really need. I have read some article about a man that set himself hard limit of things he could own to 100. I will try something like that in the future.
2. Do you consider minimalism as a good approach in life?
Yes, there is a saying, if you own too many things, the things start to own you. Meaning you need to spend time to take care of those things and you do not have time for more important staff anymore. It is also way more ecological to own less things.
My dearest Anna! Thank you for this presentation! I like this topic and I’m happy I could discuss this with you.
1. What do you think about the minimalism phenomenon? Why is it becoming so popular?
I think the phenomenon of minimalism is logical. When we look at our history war times led to poverty. It took decades to rebuild the economy and wealth. While the world was developing our consumerism grow exponentially. Excessive consumerism has many negative outcomes. You become more stressed and you lose a lot of money. For me, minimalism is focusing on meaningful things me (fashion is my passion so I have loads of clothes and I feel just great with them). I started thinking more about my spendings. I realized that I hate home decor so I shouldn’t buy these things even if they are popular.
2. Do you consider minimalism as a good approach in life?
Yes! I truly believe everyone should become familiar with minimalism. Sometimes people think minimalism is about strict interior design and 33 pieces of clothing. It’s more about being conscious about what you use and what is meaningful for you.
3. What is most important for you in life?
In the first place, I would say a piece of mind. Second, my family and friends and the third one are expressing myself. I have a huge need to feel like “myself” to be happy.
ps. Love people and use things because the opposite never works <3.
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hi @Magdalena, it is great to read, that you have discovered this approach in life by yourself. For sure it is more valuable than following current lifestyle trends. I agree that makes life cleaner and less messy. I totally understand your past desire of purchasing more. Me and my sister used to collect figurine as well. We got rid of our collection when we grow older. So reading your comment I had flashback from my childhood ;)
At the end, I wish you and your family health and happiness <3
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hello @Palina! It is very interesting point of view. In fact we all have much more opportunities, not only to choose, but also to miss. For sure feeling of drowning in 1000 available options, as you said, may lead to increase popularity of minimalism. I agree that one concrete way in life isn’t good for everyone. We are all different. We all have different needs.
At the end, I wish you and your nearest and dearest a lot of happiness <3
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hi @Igor! I see you have concrete and simple opinion about it all. I am glad to hear that you found minimalism as something what helps you focus. I hope this advantage is helpful during every day work progress. I imagine that cluttered environment may be distracting.
At the end, I wish you life full of joy and happiness.
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hi @Michał! 100 things to own seems very little. I am able to pack myself in one bag for a month of bike trip, but for everyday life it may become difficult. I admire this idea, and I am very interested how will you face it. Let me know how this experiment ended. Sounds really crazy. But I keep my finger crossed!
I am glad you found it helpful. Purchasing more requires more time to take care of it. I agree. And ecological aspect I find important too. Good you mentioned that.
Good luck with your challenge!
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hello @Justyna, nice to see you again <3
Sociologists and others specialized in social behaviour often suggest, that World Wars had affected us as a consumers. They agree, that huge economy collapse and lack of needed products drove subsequent events. Just as you said.
I also agree with your words, that “it’s more about being conscious about what is meaningful for you”. It is important to find ones balance, not to follow concrete rules.
At the end, I wish you a piece of mind.
Love <3
Viktor Ryś said…
I think it's reached it's peak around 2015, but I agree that it's still a very popular phenomena. I like it, I think it's easier to focus on work when there are no distractions in your appartment, also it's good for the environment and for your wallet.

Yes, I think materialistic posessions don't bring you hapiness in life and we shouldn't pursue things blindly. If it's useful sure let's buy it, but not to get the newest trendy thing just to get bored of it after half a year.

This question is a tought nut to crack and many tried to find an ultimate answser but I would go with being healthy and living a happy, authentic life.
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hi @Viktor, I agree. Trends change so fast and barely no one is able to catch up with it. And before getting used to new look, another is in fashion. And being fashionable still is desired, so we are able to spend more and more money for new looks. This desire is crazy. But I understand, why some of us need this. But I wished we all could find healthy balance in all this fashion mess.
All the best!
1. I love the subject of minimalism and will be happy to discuss it! I believe that this is one of the major pathologies of our European continent. People's susceptibility to lying to them and, for example, calling their apartments apartments, has its foundation in the low ego of society. After all, it is so fashionable to have 3 rooms in a large place instead of 10 rooms in a house with a swimming pool on the outskirts of the city. The price is the same and calling "an apartment" in a block of flats is definitely worth it ;)

2. No, since minimalism ceased to be natural and I believe it is a disease to be fashionable.

3. The most important things in life are health, family / friends and money. Exactly in that order.
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hello @Paweł. I am not sure if I understand you right. I guess you consider minimalism as just popular movement, doesn’t giving real benefits. You’ve mentioned example of differences between three-room flat and 10-rooms house, which cost the same. But minimalism is approach focused on feelings connected witch purchasing less or more. If I would feel much better in three-room flat than huge house, I would choose it. I consider feelings more value than costs. But I understand why for you it may seems unreasonable.
I see you find following trends as a social disease. For sure acting blindly after others isn’t good. But what if some helpful approach became popular in society? Does fame have to decrees its value?
Thx for your comment. All the best!
You're right, maybe I was a bit critical about it and made myself unclear. But yes, I mean, I am a general opponent of minimalism. Don't get me wrong, I don't tell anyone how to live and what to do, I just express my opinion. For me, more is better :)
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. I like minimalism. It's beautiful and yet firm and very rich if properly used. Also minimalism highlights the idea. I think that minimalism became popular and possible because of theohcnological progress that made things minimal but yet still functional.

2. Yes, it's kind of asceticism. I think it's a valid lifestyle.

3. To be a decent person I think.
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Of course, neither I wanted to suggest anyone how to live. I guess we just had a good opportunity to exchange our opinions, so no harm feelings ;)
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hi @Roman! I also like minimalism in design. Term “less is more” is a fundamental quote of every designer these days. Leading this approach our work may be clearer and nicer to receive. We are tired of full of content, different fonts and colours graphics. But if anyone worked with client doesn’t understand the importance of minimal work, he/she knows how hard it is to explain, that more isn’t more ; )
1.What do you think about minimalism phenomen? Why is it becoming so popular?
I think this is a very complex problem. There is no simple answer. In my opinion, there has been an increase in the trend for minimalism recently because at some point we reached the peak of complexity and density in our lives. With the advent of the amenities of life, developed electronics, we stopped craving for ornaments, because we understood that simplicity is the most optimal form of communication.

2.Do you consider minimalism as a good approach in life?
I definitely believe that minimalism is what we should follow in life. Why? Because it means going back to our roots, our ancestors' way of life in a way. Simplicity makes it easier for us to focus on what is really important. For example, a mobile application. Undoubtedly, we prefer to use a transparent application in which we can quickly achieve the expected goal than an application in which there are many decorations, colors and many steps to achieve this goal. The application with decorations may be liked at first, but if used frequently it will irritate the user and consequently, will not be used.

3.What is the most important for you in life?
I want to live in accordance with the principles that followed our distant ancestors because it is the healthiest for us. Since then, the chemical reactions of, for example, a threat have not changed in humans. Staying outdoors in a natural environment, moving a lot and subjecting ourselves to slight stress, we are able to live the longest and healthiest. In my interpretation, it is minimalism, because today I could benefit from the comforts that today's times have provided us but I do not.
1. I think that it's just simpler to find yourself when fewer things are all around you. There's also an economical benefit - less usually means more money in the bank account.
2. Yes, I believe it is the key to settle down and make your life simpler. Too many things don't bring happiness.
3. I like when things simply happen as they should happen. Unfortunately for a long time, I'm struggling with getting things done on time and not feeling depressed almost every day.
What do you think about minimalism phenomen? Why is it becoming so popular?

I think minimalism is a very good idea and I actually even like it. First of all, the less stuff we have, the less we trash. Also, I never thought that the more the better - houses that are cluttered with souvenirs and lots of decorations don't look good at all. I think that minimalism is becoming more and more popular because it is a new style that people like.

Do you consider minimalism as a good approach in life?

I think minimalism is a good approach to life, I don't see anything wrong with it. Moreover, it is useful - we don't waste resources and we don't bring unnecessary items home.

What is the most important for you in life?

I think the best thing for me is to have some peace and quiet, for example, a place away from everyday problems, where I can relax and have a rest. I definitely consider such moments as the most important.
Jakub Dzień said…
1.What do you think about minimalism phenomen? Why is it becoming so popular?

I think minimalism is a great thing. It is convenient and simple. It allows you to control the space around you in a convenient way and avoid distractions, which is quite difficult these days.

2.Do you consider minimalism as a good approach in life?

Yes, I do. Life like this is just more convenient and it's easier to concentrate on the important things. In addition, it is a more ecological approach.

3.What is the most important for you in life?

I just want to be happy and be able to achieve the goals that I set for myself.
Dariia Koreiko said…
• What do you think about minimalism phenomen? Why is it becoming so popular?
Well, I think today people simply have too many choices. And it is so difficult for our brain to process them. And sometimes it can even bring anxiety to some people. So minimalism coming very handy at a time like this. This is literally a solution for your brain to feel more peaceful.
• Do you consider minimalism as a good approach in life?
Yes I do. It can help you to reduce stress, and also to save some brain resources.
• What is the most important for you in life?
Realized human potential. This is also the thing I am afraid the most, - do not realize my own potential.
Piotr Marchewka said…
1. I think the phenomenon of minimalism is becoming more and more popular because of the environment we live in. We have access to a really large number of material goods and we can buy whatever we want. Often things are also very cheap so people hoard it. People in the past never had the opportunity to own so many things at once, so now that we have this opportunity everyone wants to take advantage of it. However, some people are starting to see that it is unnecessary and also pollutes the environment.

2. Definitely yes. People don't need that many items to live. Sure, it's nice to have tools for everything, but it's not always necessary, which is why I'm glad people are noticing this minimalist way of living. Thanks to this approach to life, we can also save our land, which is pretty much exploited anyway.

3. I think that not only for me but for everyone it is the pursuit of happiness. Now you just have to answer the question what happiness is. For everyone it will be different. For one person it will be a family, while for another success at work.
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hi @Adrian, I agree that there isn’t only one reason of minimalism popularity. For sure technology had huge impact on that. I think your comparison minimalism approach in life to user experience is very clever. Better way to explain that to graphic designer ;)
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hi @Jędrzej, I think your comment “less usually means more money” could coax a lot of people to change life approach for minimalism ;)
I feel you. End of semester isn’t an easy time. I have much to do as well. I hope you will have your things done on time with a great results.
Keep warm!
Ania Rzeczyca said…
Hi Krzysztof! It is nice that people finally notice that purchasing more doesn’t give happiness. And I am glad that you have similar opinion. And ecological side of minimalism is something, what should coax more people for a change.
During pandemic we receive recommendation to stay home, which turned into everyday workplace. So now we have no relax-place after work. I hate that to so I deeply understand your desire for a place far away.
Keep warm!

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