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Week 10 [11.01-17.01] Chess combined with the League of Legends universe? Meet Teamfight Tactics – auto chess game

 Chess combined with the League of Legends universe? Meet Teamfight Tactics – auto chess game

If you have thought more than once that chess is an interesting game, but a bit boring because of its conventions, I can assure you that you are not alone in this statement. Teamfight Tactics was created for people like us. Although the game with chess itself has a few common features, it is very different from them.

Auto chess / auto battler
Let's start with what auto chess is. Auto chess is a subgenre of strategy video games that features chess-like elements where players place characters on a grid-shaped battlefield during a preparation phase, who then fight the opposing team's characters without any further direct input from the player. By using your favorite characters to beat the ones you don't like, trust me it's great fun. Teamfight tactics is based on the dota auto chess game. Which is based on the Dota 2 universe. 


Teamfight tactics is a turn-based strategy game with 8 players controlling their little legends who control their armies. Each of them has a health bar and they start with 100 HP. Each player fights each other with his army, which is bought in the Rotary Shop for gold earned each round. The battlefield consists of hexagons, where players can strategically place units on the hexagons on their side of the game board between rounds. Players draft a unique team of champions to fight for the first place. To win you must be the last person standing. Victory demanding solid strategy.

This is how hexagons battlefield looks like.

The Rotary Shop

The most important part of this game is the store with the characters to buy. In the game we eraning gold from loosing strike or wining strikes and we have economy. Depending on the gold you have, the game gives you more gold. From 10 saved gold to 20 we get 1 gold extra. Analogous to 50 gold. Same for winnings or losses in a row. From 2 to 3 wins, 1 extra gold per round. 4 strikes are 2, and 5+ are 3. The most important thing is to have as much gold as possible to be able to buy better and better heroes.

In the shop we can buy champions. The main target in the game is to have the best composition, because of that we have stronger army.


We buy heroes from the store to create the best army and defeat everyone. To have the best army, you need to create the best composition. Each hero has a origin and class that determines his additional traits. Each hero also has different stats that define him. By purchasing and placing characters of the same class or origin on the field, they unlock additional perks depending on a given class or origin. The more similar characters of similar classes and origin, the more better statistics. Additionally, each hero can be improved by increasing his level by buying three of the same heroes of the same level. Bu It is all so complicated that we have a very small and specific amount of time for each strategic move.

This is how composition look (icons on the left)



 Each game consists of stages similar to each other. It starts with the preparatory stage, in which we compose the initial team consisting of as many characters as we have levels. Level points increase every round, or we can buy them with gold. Each stage has its rounds. During the first 3 rounds we fight with random opponents. In the middle of the stage we have a carousel where we randomize items with heroes. Then we fight two rounds with opponents again. Finally, we fight monsters controlled by the computer. Thanks to this fight, we can get items.


Battle with the other players

Fight with AI


Items are a very important part of this game. Items are obtained from the carousel or the fight with AI. For the most part, the components of the final items. From those components that have specific features, we can create complete items that give us additional buffs. This is a very important part of the game, because properly composed items together with the heroes who hold them we create OP builds that are hard to stop.

I hope that I got you interested in this topic, because this game absorbed me incredibly. Thanks for your attention. If someone play this game pleas share your nickname, maybe we could play sometimes. My ranking Diamond III


Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?

Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?

What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.




1 and 2. I have never played chess, but I have played LoL Teamfight Tactics. I think this is a great strategy game.

3. Yes, I was playing LoL. A few years ago. I played a lot. Currently, due to work and study, I don't have time to play computer games. But when I finish my studies in six months, I will be happy to catch up.
I have heard about auto chess the first time when Dota Auto Chess launched. It didn't strike me as something particularly enjoyable, but that about to change. In the past I have played a lot of League of Legends, but I grew a little bored and a little too frustrated at the game (started during Season 2). When TFT launched, one of my friends recommended me to play it. I played a couple of games during Set 1, but the game itself was quite buggy at the time plus, again, it didn't strike me as anything special.

That changed couple of month ago. For a significant portion of my life I was a regular viewer in Scarra's stream (, who became, for the time being, exclusively a TFT streamer. Well, it did get me hyped. I started playing for real in Set 3 and haven't stopped since.

I think auto chess are a great mix between strategy, little physical interaction (as opposed to, for example, shooters) and deductive thinking. I love the fact that you have to use your head more than your hand. It's a nice distinction from what I used to play. It's chill, it's rewarding and, when you want it to be, it can also be very competitive.

As I already stated, I have played TFT. To expand on my thoughts about it, I feel like it's just a perfect game for me. Being familiar with LoL universe, its champions and interactions, but being tired of the regular Summoner's Rift gameplay, TFT brings something completely new to me, yet on a familiar ground (or, to rephrase, with a familiar baseline). I was actively looking for a game like that for some time and, unfortunately, I was underestimating how good TFT can be. I wish I was convinced earlier!

I'm extremely content that the game has finally established a stable position in the game industry. It's not buggy, it's competitive and what it is really lacking is simply a better competitive structure in terms of tournaments.

To answer your last question, while I am familiar with League's universe, I never really dove deep into the lore. I like the fact that they keep stories consistent and provide something else than just playable pieces of 3D modelling combined with textures and animations. I like the fact that the lore is expanding, that the characters have backstories, but what I believe is most important is the fact that you don't really have to care about it to achieve everything there is in the game. It's just an addition that satisfies the needs of some people, and I think developing it is a great strategy.
chess is Dota Underworlds. I think auto chess genre has really creative and fun game style. Something that is not common in games published today. With that in mind, it is not surprising that the idea of auto chess came from game modder, not in some big corporation. In the end the corporate version surpassed the mod, but still the game style is remarkable. I really love the fact, that you do not need high reflex to play those types of games. The fun part is the “chess” part, where you need to think about different strategies to outsmart all the opponents. However it resembles more of a poker game, not chess, because in auto chess you need to joggle your chances.
Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?
I’ve heard about auto chess games. Mostly my boyfriend was encouraging me to try but I was never interested. I used to play a lot of Hearthstone, but it’s a card game and so I do like card games a lot. I think that TFT was actually a game changer for me. It’s really addictive and for me relaxing as well. You don’t need to do much, by that I mean that you are just clicking, positioning your champions, building items. You need to think a lot, but in compartment with other types of games, even League of Legends, that is much less demanding. You can watch something on Netflix while you play, you can pet your cat, honestly you can do a lot.

Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?
I have and I would say that it was for me very addictive. When I finally tried it after many persuasions I fell for it. I was playing almost everyday, mostly because you have a reward for your daily first win. I even bought battle pass for more rewards, and of course season little legend. I really enjoy this game. As I said previously it’s quite addictive and not very demanding. I think that my laziness bought it, I can play it on the phone, on my tablet. I’m not forced to sit in front of computer and I like this a lot. I know that screen is still a screen, but after working all day on my laptop I found out that I started to avoid it in my free time. It’s quite hard to be fluent in TFT because patches are made very often, so many unbeatable heroes are nerfed and so you don’t really know what team build is on the top right now. Of course you can check this on many websites, I use gg the most, but copying most effective builds can be boring. :p Game is rewarding, but it’s still RNG so you never know what you’ll get. It doesn’t really depend on your skills, rather knowing basics (for example what item to build on particular champ) and patches, or in other words what is currently the best to build. As I said, I really enjoy playing TFT, right now I can’t wait for the new champion rotation. :)

What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.
I like LoL universe. I tried to play League of Legends, but the community is truly awful. I can say that I really suck in League of Legends, but even on the lowest levels you get a lot of smurfs, so it’s hard to learn anything when you are dead for most parts of the game, waiting looong time to respawn. Of course in the meantime you get a lot of comments that you suck, reports and the like, but fortunately you can mute everyone so the problem is solved easily. ;) Lately Wild Rift came out and that change things a little. For some reason I really like this game, probably I wouldn’t if I was forced to play on my phone, but luckily my tablet is a great solution. I think that League of Legends is not the easiest game, you can’t play without open item builds, or even correct runes for the champion. I mean... You can but it’s pointless, unless you are learning veeery fast, or just simply playing all the time so you remember all of that. Overall I think that LoL universe is very cool, champions, graphics and the like, the game itself is in my opinion easy to play, but hard to master. :)
Michał Gawron said…
I also think being able to do many other things at once while playing TFT is great. Lol takes a lot of time, and the ability to play in stages allows you to break away from the monitor a bit. I agree that it is very fun and useful to play on the mobile version. This is the only way I play the game now. At a higher level, it is a bit different due to the limited reaction, but sometimes you manage to win. I mostly walked away through comunity and now I'm a free man :)
Michał Gawron said…
Hey everyone, if someone is looking for a companion to the game, leave your nicknames in the comments. We can play together. My current rank is D2
s16427 said…
1. I've heard of auto-chess type games (although I wasn't sure what exactly did it mean). I used to play one of those when I was younger (tiki-taka lookalike). I really like that type of games. I'm big strategy board games fun. I also like the hexagon structure of the field (I saw it in Catan, it's a board game, not an auto chess but still.

2. I've never played Teamfight tactics, to be honest I barely has even heard of that. But as I've read the article, it got my attention. I'll definitely try, although I hope that system of buying armies will not result in pay-to-win environment.

3. I'm quite fond of LoL universe. I like that there are so many characters, with borderline different looks and abilities, that are placed in one, full universe. It' gives a lot, to play characters with backstory and purpose instead of grey huskus just doing our bidding.
Michał Gawron said…
@s16427 Yes! Catana settlers are great. I love playing this game with my friends. This board game is awesome. Don't worry, only what is paid in TFT are skins for little legends. The rest as is totally free.
Maciej Karnicki said…
1. Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?
Yes, I have. I really like logic games so auto chess genre is something I got into.

2. Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?
It's game that recently I've spent most time on. I really enjoy playing it, it's great to take a break from team based games. Sometimes the RNG can get a bit irritating if you'll get very unlucky though.
I even got to Masters in set 4 so I'm pretty happy, can't wait for the set 4.5!

3. What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.
I've been playing League for like 9 years now so playing it became more of a habit than playing for fun to be honest. I don't like recent changes to the universe made to better fit asian market. Every new champion is sugary, anime like character and I'd rather see some dark champions.
1. No, I have never played an auto chess game, but I have played each of its ingredients. I played League of Legends and chess. I think that if such games are created, it means that someone wants to play them. Personally, I don't like it, but it's a matter of taste.

2. Yes, I played a few games but I didn't like the game. Too little is happening and there is a large element of randomness.

3. I personally love League of Legends and probably spent the most time on the computer playing it. Together with my friends, we create a full team of 5 players and spend our free time playing the game.
Kacper N said…
Answering your questions

Unfortunately I have never ever played any autochess game. Nevertheless I was following the topic of autochess games some time ago, I have read some articles about DotA2 Auto chess and also about Teamfight Tactics. As far as I know the autochess variant from Valve (Dota2 Autochess) didn't get so much popularity, in opposite Teamfight tactics luckily got more attention from players community. If you asked me about my opinion about this genre I would say that's not my favourite one, and I would rather don't want to try it.

As I stated before, I have never played any autochess game and probabably would not want to.

It must be interesting if so many people plays this game for that long period of time. Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of it, and I have played this game about 30 minutes in total so I dont have to say more.
Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?
Yes, I have heard of this type of gameplay. Personally I haven't played the aforementioned mode, but I really like chess, so the subject is well known to me

Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?
Yes, quite a few of my friends play this mode. Personally, I've only played the basic version of League of Legends, and never had the desire to play Teamfight Tactics. Maybe someday I will try, but at the moment I have no plans to do so.

What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.
I find League of Legends a very good game to play with my friends. Last year I watched the world championship in this game and I must admit that I did it with great interest.
Jakub Parteka said…
Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?

Yes, I did heard and even played some of them including Teamfight Tactics, Auto Chess, Dota Underlords and Hearthstone (separate mode) so you can count me as an experienced one. As you probably assume I like this kind of games but to be honest only recently I gained so much more interest in Teamfight Tactics because I always thought that those games are mostly based on luck but I was wrong. After watching some top players playing on Twitch I came to conclusion that this game is strategic game witch in my opinion requires a lot of thinking, that is when this gained in my eyes.

Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?

Yes I did and I think it is great but it has a lot of unresolved issues like bugs, weak AI (pawns movement) and it can be boring in longer terms.
What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.

Well, I played League of Legends a lot when I was younger but honestly it was mostly because my friends were into it that much. To me it was just a game with no backstory, I have never got into this universe so I do not have any story related to it.
1. Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?
Yes, I have heard about auto chess games. I used to think that it is so boring and unattractive. One day I was curious what is the phenoma of these games because a lot of my friends where talking about LoL Chess and I have tried it. I have been playing LoL since I was 14 and I have a lot of breaks but I knew the champions in this game and abilities so it was great to see them in this kind of short strategy game. I really like Teamfight Tactics. Sometimes I am still playing this game.

2. Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?
As I said before sometimes I am playing Teamfight Tactics and I really enjoy it. I like the concept of the game. Even if you are weak in the beginning you can still win the whole game just because you are patient and know how to use the possibility which are in every game. Also I like to competitive and sometimes you have to admit that you are not going to be the first so you have to be in the first 4 of best players in the lobby and it is also very interesting in my opinion. You have to decide if you are going to risk everything and try to be first or just play safer and finish in top 4.

3. What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.
I am not playing that much to know the universe and history of champions and LoL but I like the game and really enjoy to play it with my friends. I don't know the stories of them and I am to be honest not interested at all.
Illia Kalinin said…
Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?

I have not heard about this implementation of LoL, it is a great combination of 2 genres, I have to try myself.

Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?

I used to player Dota, LoL, APEX, PUBG, CS GO a lot because I like Teamfight Tactics, but it takes a lot of time to build and then to keep the good skill of playing. These days I don't have that much time so I prefer single player games.

What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe

Sure, in my opinion it a brilliant game, I have played it for almost 2 years.
Rafał Halama said…
1. Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?
Yes, I have heard about them a lot. Auto chess games aren't some niche games that have only a handful of players, they are really popular and once they were even one of the most played type of games. I always loved watching people playing auto chess games, although my love for it ran out after I started playing them myself. I noticed how luck-based and boring they are. I don't think I will ever touch them again.

2. Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?
Yes, it is the only auto chess game I have ever played. Even though I played it for less than a month, I reached master tier, which is the 2nd highest rank you can achieve. It just proves you don't really need any skill for this kind of game, because I mastered it in less than a week.

3. What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.
I played League of Legends a lot, mainly with friends, because otherwise I get bored to quickly. If we're talking about universe as a whole world of League of Legends, the plot, characters and stuff like this, I'm not really interested in it. The only things I know are the ones that my girlfriend told me.
Jakub Dzień said…
Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?

Yes, I heard about auto chess games. Seems like a nice kind of game, but not my type.

Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?

I have never played Teamfight Tactics. This is not the type of game that interests me. I definitely prefer single player games with a storyline.

What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.

I have never been interested in this universe, but I have heard many good things about it. Maybe someday I will try to get to know it better, because I like movies presenting new characters and their stories.
Tkach Dmytro said…
Yes, I did, I prefer dota underlords mostly, coz it’s the first one that I tried. I play it with my friend in a duo competition and we really enjoy it. I don’t think that regular chess is boring coz I play it also to develop analytic skills. For me chess its a kind of hobby where I can improve myself with tactical skills and improve understanding of the situation at this moment, I can analyze different ways of movement my opponent and try to beat him.
I have never played Teamfight Tactics and I don’t think that I would like to try it, as I mentioned I prefer another kind of this game and I want to improve my skills there in duo format.
Three years ago I was a player in LoL univers, but I stopped playing MoBa to save my time for other interesting things 😊
Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?

Yes, I've heard of these kinds of games. Unfortunately, this is not my favorite category. I believe it is largely randomized, which is a nuisance with a good strategy. A good example to support my thesis is the situation of choosing the priority of goals. we cannot control who to attack first. This is a big minus of auto-chess.

Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?

I had the pleasure of playing this game. However, as I said before, I don't like this kind of game. The game offers very interesting solutions. Despite the selection of our heroes on the board and combining them into better units, Riot Games added items that improve our pieces and add skills to them. I also like adding themes time to time, changing the meta in the game.

What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.

League of Legend is my favorite universe. I have been playing in the league for 10 years and I have many good and bad memories. if it comes to some interesting story, I can boast of the theft and killing of the baron, special skill of Ashe. For those who do not know, it is very difficult to do and I was very lucky, because this skill only offends other players and only after the explosion causes very little offense to monsters. It happened a year ago, but I remember like it was yesterday
Mateusz Wietrak said…
1.Yes, I've heard of these types of games. If I remember correctly, a lot of them were created about a year ago. I think this is an interesting idea for a game.
2.I played for one day but I didn't like it. I cannot say why. Something just turned me down.
3.I've never had any interest in League of Legends history. I've played a game but I'm not interested in the universe.
Marcin Sekrecki said…
1. Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?
I've heard about auto chess games, that is kind of a new computer game genre. It may be fun for some kind of players but It doesn't really fit my requirements for a game. It has a lot of randomisation which I am not a big fan of.

2. Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?
I've heard about the game long time ago but didn't really have time to play it before. Actually one of my friend asked me to play with him yesterday and I tried it. It was very long and boring for me.

3. What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.
I've used to play League of Legends 11 years ago when it was in beta. I played for like 4 years and I loved it. It's been one of the best free to play games for years. I like coming back to it once for a while but I don't really play it any more becaue I don't have that much free time.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?
Yes, I've heard of auto chess games, I've even played Teamfight Tactics, and Hearthstone Battlegrounds, and I liked them both.

2. Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?
As I've mentioned earlier, I've played Teamfight Tactics, I liked it, it's easy to get into.

3. What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.
I'm not really into League of Legends universe. Sure, I like the game, it's fun when you play with friends, but storywise it's just not interesting in my opinion.
Adrian Zygo said…
Yes I heard a lot of auto chess games. The first one was the mod to Dota 2 and the other companies took the idea from them. Now the most popular is Team Fight Tactics which I like the most. Auto chess games are so chilling after a long day in work/school it's good to have a game like that one to chill out.

Yes I have played in Team Fight Tactics and my current rank is Diamond 2 so I am quite experienced player in this game. I have played in Dota Auto Chess and Auto Chess and in my opinion Team Fight Tactics is the best one.

I'm playing League of Legends since season 3 so it was a long time ago. From this time the game has changed a lot. The map, skills, abilities, items, objectives all are different from the time when I started playing.
Have you ever heard of auto chess games? What do you think about these types of games?
Yes, I've heard of them when Team Fight Tactits was released. I think that these games seems fun.
Have you ever played Teamfight Tactics? What do you think about this game? If you didn't play would you play?
Yes, I tried it. I liked season 1 and enjoyed it but now it's too complex to casually play it. You have to be in the meta to know which compositions are the best and since I am more focused on League meta I don't have time to follow TFT, so I'm not playing it.
What do you think of the League of Legends universe? Do you like it or not? If so, tell about your story related to this universe.
I am very into this universe. I'm playing League since 2012 or so, I had a few years break and now I've returned to it. Now I think that the game and the universe is a lot better and I'm looking forward to play Blade Of The Ruined King which will be a singleplayer RPG game in LOL universe.

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