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Week 10 [16.12 - 22.12.2019] - Human relationship with the natural world.

The human impact on environment is huge. Now, we have to decide how we want to world looks like. If we do not start thinking about nature what how the world of our children will looks like?

The video below shows in what direction we are going. Let's think about it.

1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it? 


Bartosz Barnat said…
I have seen this video a few years ago. It really shows what many people think and how they act in our world. It shows that our actions have consequences and we should think before doing something. If we want to prevent the view of our future presented in your video we should really act now. We see a lot of changes in our world because of bad decisions that our ancestors made and we are doing every day. Noel is coming, it's December and we didn't even see snow this month. We can start from small changes like riding a bicycle or taking a walk instead of driving our car, using one bag for our groceries and not buying another one every time we go shopping, start drinking water from source and not buy them in plastic bottles and so on. When all of us would do this things it could really benefit our planet. I try to do all of this things, but of course it is not always working out for me.
Karol Michalak said…
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
Yes, the society goes the wrong way, closer and close to the inevitable doom.

2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
Many, less trees needs to be cut down for useless graveyards (burning bodies or cremation is much better nowadays with so many people), for churches or newspapers. Also we should do something with food wasting as this almost became a new sport discipline.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
I try to clean the closest environment if I have an opportunity and time for it. Also I am not smoking so no ciggaretes are thrown by me on the ground or pavement.
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
I don't quite like the type of portraying man as the source of all evil that once was beautiful, but everything got destroyed humanity. Let's not throw everyone in one bag, although civilization had to arise in some way, but the one presented in the film is very selected. Not all people contribute to what the world today looks like, I would say only a small part. After all, the film is done well, it shows very clearly a certain look at the man who got to the place where we are now through damage to the environment and slow destruction of the planet.

2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
Become better beings and take better care of the environment. We should use renewable energies to the maximum extent, limit the production of plastic and other materials harmful to the planet. We should reduce air pollution, which is generated primarily by greenhouse gases and car exhaust fumes.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
Of course. I segregate rubbish, I never pollute the environment with rubbish, I move by public transport and many more. In addition, I save energy and water every day. I lead a very sparing and careful lifestyle, in which the well-being of the planet and the environment gains a lot.
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
I don't agree with the concept presented in the film. Man isn't a source of evil in himself, we are really like a clean tide when we come into the world, the environment in which we grow up and the values ​​passed on to us affect how we are. Properly targeted people are good.

2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
Understanding that we are today doesn't mean that we cannot change. Only we can influence our behavior, we must understand it and want this positive change. If I am in the wrong environment, which I know is bad, it should be changed, regardless of whether the family or friends are the environment.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
I try to keep myself clean.
1. I do not agree with this narration, evolution made us develop ourselves, our cities and technology. What's arount us is a new nature, we created it and we are going to live in this environment.
2. No I can't as this view of future for me is wrong and improbable. When mankind approaches any difficulty or a problem it tends to fix it rather quickly, so if most of people will see the scenario from the video as "wrong" than it won't happen.
3. No I'm not doing anything to protect "natural environment".
Yubin said…
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
I do not agree with this "Man" at all, I had actually watched this video few years before, I felt sad about what human had done to our lovely worth, and after this few years I watch it again now, but nothing have improved, I think all of us should not just complain after watching the video, but try to do something for real.

2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
Plastic is a big problem, as for myself, once I was in a clothes shop H&M in Hong Kong, after paying, I was waiting for a bag(it doesn't matter plastic or paper one), and the cashier asked me "don't tell me you want a plastic bag? Sir" I was shocked, it seemed it was a latent awareness for Hong Kong people not to use plastic, he thought I was Hong Kong native and was so surprised that a native wanted plastic bag, from then on, I never ask for plastic bag, I bring my own bag everytime I go shoping. Also there were advertisement about not to use plastic straws in many places in Hong Kong.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
As I answer in last question, just use less and less plastic, and when you use disposable cups, try to support paper cups instead of plastic cups, if possible, we had better eat more vegetables and less meat.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?

It's very sad but we are heading in this direction. I think that civilization has already gone so far that there is virtually no turning back.

2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?

We should start with ourselves. Just don't buy too much food, pay attention to it. We don't have to have real animal skin. Today there are so many products practically not differing in quality from that of animals.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?

I segregate garbage, I try not to use plastic, I don't buy things I don't need. I save water and energy. I am using public transport in order to travel distances in the city during winter but when the summer is starting, I just hop onto my bicycle.
Olga Przytula said…
1. Actually, I’ve seen this video many times before. It was quite popular back in the day. Considering climate changes and economy alerts that we hear about day by day, I think it is partially true. Of course, we shouldn’t lump all the humanity with all the “bad guys”, but this video undeniably shows the inevitable future if we, as a society won’t do something about this.

2. I don’t really think I can. As I am not a scientist, but only a simple animator, I don’t know how people should deal with this kind of problems. Nevertheless, awareness raising is in my opinion one of the crucial elements in changing something in the way people perceive living on Earth.

3. I’m just trying to be eco-friendly, recycle all the materials that can be reused, I try to do economical shopping, so that not too much food (or hopefully none of it) would go to waste. I also pay attention to limiting my consumption of plastic bags, or at least reusing them as many times as possible. It’s not that much, but it’s something.
Anna Koca said…
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
I have seen this video some time ago when I wanted to make a presentation about consequences of people behavior. I try to catch up with all current and difficult topics and talk about them to publicize the problem. To understand the problem I try to watch movies like this and documentaries and read articles from as many sources as I can to be properly prepared.

2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
People should change their habits and want to understand the problem. Unfortunately in that case only global change can make difference. We shouldn't avoid that topic but slowly and consciously make healthy changes to our lives. Reduce consumption of plastic and pollution, use bicycles instead of cars, segregate garbage, don't waste food, try sometimes vegan cuisine which can be really delicious.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
I try every day to abide all of written above things. I can't always afford to buy bio products because they are much more expensive, but whenever I have a chance to change space around me I take it. It is not about being always accurate, because it is impossible, but to try apply new, better habits.
s18716 said…
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
I saw this video a couple of months ago, and then I was still thinking about the message that the author wanted to convey to the viewer. Definitely, I think everyone who looked at this material can say for sure that the attitude of this "Man" to the world around him is clearly not correct. A person feels himself the master of the world now and is abusing his position. Although possessing knowledge and capabilities today, modern man can do a lot for the good of our planet.

2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
Firstly, carefully treat everything that surrounds us, start at least with a relationship with other people. Probably only then it will be possible to go to everything else. In general, I believe that in the 21st century there should be a shift in the positive direction, and people should realize that our planet is not eternal and requires care.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
In the global plan, of course not yet, I haven’t made a contribution as an environmental activist or volunteer, but I started at least with myself, and try to treat everything that surrounds me wisely, to the consumption of goods and their disposal. I think if everyone makes such a small contribution, then there will already be results.
Merry Christmas!
Olha Romaniuk said…
I love these videos. I partly agree with the direction: I think humanity will interrupt each other earlier. Just yesterday I watched an interesting video - simulation of evolution (free idea for future moderators, videos from 8 to 15 minutes). And there the ability of individuals to survive depended directly on their environment.
Man has also adapted to his environment, and can survive in it without problems, but all these factories for industrial production of something change this environment. And I am not an expert, of course I do not know how to avoid it, but purely in my subjective opinion, mankind has long lost control over the intensity of influence on the surrounding world. At some point, we will cease to be those individuals who are able to survive in the existing environment, and when we realize this, it will be too late to change anything.
Like I said earlier, I'm no expert. Naturally, all environmental damage can be seen with the naked eye. But how do you avoid it? Just shut down the factories? Then how to produce the necessary things...
I like what Ilon Mask is doing. He's just offering an alternative that's much more environmentally friendly.
Wait, looks like I can give you some advice after all... start with yourself. You're already helping the environment with even the most basic sorting of waste.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
I think this video is a sorrow depiction of the consumerism society of today, even if it is portrayed in an extreme way. I do not agree with a complete disregard to the environment especially with the current data on how the climate change will influence the life on earth very, very soon.

2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
I believe that the individual consumers should not be held 100% responsible for the environmental changes. Corporations and oil industry giants should obligatorily introduce environmental-friendly means of production and should be sanctioned if failed to do so.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
I sort the trash, try to cut back on eating meat and generally I do not buy things that I find useless. I also do not buy a lot of clothes, just the ones that I know I will use. I know that I should also use less plastic, that is one thing I plan on doing more.
1. It is an exaggerated image, however entirely true. People as a race have no consideration for the planet. Some care, others don't but most of us don't realise how much we contribute to destroying the planet.

2. It would be very hard. There are too many people, too many views, habits and traditions to get to everybody, however, if people values don't change soon it could be too late. I would advise that everybody would make a little change in their life, that would mean more to the planet than just a few individuals directing their life completely to the cause. I'm not sure how to convince people, as I can see logic doesn't work, so maybe we should push more laws, such as what happened with plastic bags. Maybe some irrational price on plastic bottles would make people choose more ecological materials. In Germany, plastic bottles can be given back to the shop for a small amount of money, just like in Poland with glass bottles. Maybe this kind of changes would work?

3. If I can I choose ecological or organic products, I don't buy stuff unless I really need something, I use my clothes as long as I can, rather than buy new ones. I also decided to cut meat, it was mostly about my empathy to those lovely creatures, but because of it my carbon footprint also got smaller. I try to do what I can, but as a student, I don't have enough funds to lead the eco-life I would want to. Which is a paradox, those things should be cheaper than the ones that damage our planet...
1. The human impact definetly goes way too far at this point. Unfortunately i don't think there is anything we can do to stop this.

2. Like i said previously, I don't think we can change it, because the impact of it is too deep. As long as there will be demand for anything, people will be killing animals and ruining ecosystem

3. I do segregate trash and that's about it to be honest
1. I've seen this video several times before. Every time I watch it, I confirm that, unfortunately, the world shown in it is the most real. The man presented in this video considers himself a king who gives himself the right to treat everything that surrounds him in this way. This is depressing but true.

2. I'm afraid things have gone too far, but it's never too late to try to do the right thing. First of all, man should realize the importance of nature around him, which he should treat with respect and use it wisely.

3. On a daily basis, I care about the environment by sorting garbage, using reusable products and using much less plastic.

1. I think it shows very realistic point of view on our society. It is very sad and brutal but also very true. People generally are focused on consumption. They are taking more than giving.

2. We need to care for our environment. We should pay more attention to recycling and usage of plastics. The usage of water and reaping the benefits from forests and natural deposits should be kept to a minimum. It is already too late for changes to take place only individualy. We need to react quickly as people delayed for too long with some serious actions. It needs to become political issue that can affect masses.

3. I am trying my best to in the first place stay oriented up to date with the topic. Taking part in activities aimed at large scale changes but also combining this with working on private habits is necessary to achive anything at this point.
Mehmet KONUK said…
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
I've seen this video a few years ago. Yes, we are destroying nature for our own interests.
2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
Social awareness is needed. We have to do everything carefully. We plant more trees than we cut down trees. We need to feed animals in healthy conditions and do a lot of things that I can't think of properly.
3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
I'm paying attention to recycling as best I can.
s15487 said…
It seems like a nightmare, but when we think a little bit, this video seems like a reflection of our reality and it is not exaggerated.

2. People should start thinking in a broader perspective and consider the consequences of their actions. A lot of people care just about them and the human species. We are not better from other animal species in any way and we should start all of them equally.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
Unfortunately, I don't do too much to protect the environment, but I try to not be a contributor to this terrible vision. For example, I am vegetarian since I finished 6.
dominik.samsel said…
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
It definitely makes you to stop for a while and think how world will look like if we don't change our attitude. At the same time it's hard for me to believe that it's possible in easy way.

2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
We should workout a solution to planet which benefit both worlds. What I mean is that we still must move on when it comes to development, growth, but be ready to face consequences for environment, take care of it.

3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
For a long time I didn't care for such things like environment or endangered species. With more years flown by I started to see my mistakes and really try to repair them starting from the bottom - recycling, producing less plastic waste.
I think that the vision in this video is very real. Of course, not everyone is so blinded about well being of nature but in general we can present humanity in this way. This is really terrible but if we won’t start to behave in more ecological way we just may end like the “Man” in the video. Well the only solution to prevent this is to start thinking about nature and not only ourselves. It may be hard but people all around the world are starting to do it and maybe we will be able to stop this vision. I’m trying to help environment by segregating thrash, save water or limit the use of plastic. It is not much but we have to begin with something, and this is the first step to do it. Of course, the most important thing is that everyone needs to start from themselves.
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
Yes I agree, as it shows very brutal and true way of our nature which makes me really sad about it.
2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
The first step would be to start looking at ourselfs and try to becoming better versions of ourselfs. We cannot change anything around us without changing ourselfs.
3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
Yes, I support organizations like the ones that fighst with plastic problem in the ocean or the ones that supporst animals
Jakub Kisiała said…
I think I can agree with the film because nowadays people are exposed to high consumption without caring for the natural environment. The best way to avoid this is by caring for the environment, e.g. by segregating trash or not buying excess items.
1. What do you think about this video? Are you agree with this "Man" direction presented in the video?
I once saw this video as I was looking through linkedin feed and it really moved me. Unfortunately, it shows how a human can destroy everything and how we don't care about our planet and the animals living on it.
2. Can you give any advice how we can prevent the view of our future presented in the video?
I think everyone should care about planet, segregate waste, stop doing things out of animal skins or stop cutting down the trees. We should do everthing we can to save out planet.
3. Are you doing something for our natural environment to protect it?
I try to segregate waste as much as I can, also I try to not use plastic at all or use reusable bottles or other things.
Thank you Bartek for your comment, I agree with you, and your thoutgs about snow in December. I am glad you are trying to do at least something for our natural environment. Good luck!
Thank you for your comment, I am happy to see that you agree with the statement about going in the wrong way. It is good to see, that you are interested in cleaning the closest environment. Moreover, it is nice from you that you are not smoking.
Thank you for your comment, I like the idea of using renewable energies. Limiting the plastic usage is now very popular. I hope it will chage for real. It is great to see your activity. Saving energy and water is very important.
Thank you for your comment, I like that you think diffrently, and dont agree with the presented video. It is a good start to keep yourself clean, maybe in the future you will try to do more.
Thank you for your comment, It is an interesting opinion about cities and technology. Maybe in the future you will see the importance of protecting our environment.
Thank you for your comment, it is nice to see people who want to do something for real rather than just complaining about it. It is interesting about eating less meat, I will check this topic.
Thank you for the comment, I think also like you, that is way too far to go back. On the other hand we have a lot to improve. Segregating garbage is a good move, I see you are doing a lot more. It is great, more people should think like you.
Thank you for your comment, I have watched it before also, but the topic is still "hot", so we should all remind about priorities like our planet. All of us should be more eco-friendly.
Thank you very much for your activity, There are a lot of great examples of reducing consumption of plastic and pollution. I agree with you that is important to do not waste the food.
Thank you for your comment, it shows exactly what you wrote. We are destroying everything and do not care about our planet. It is a great idea to use reusable bottles rather than one use bottles.
Thank you for your comment, I agree with you. These days we are exposed to high consumption. How about you? Are you segregating trash? Do you do something to procect our planet?
Thank you for your comment, is is brutal but real. It is good to feel sad about it. You are not alone with these feelings. You are the only one who says something about supporting organizations. It is a good way to protect the natural envirnment.
Thank you for your comment, yes, I agree with you, it can end like in the video. We surely are able to stop this vision. You are doing a great job then. It is a lot, look around who is doing the same. I also agree with your last statement.
Thank you for your comment, I hope it is like you said. It should change people attitude. The most important is that, you started to care about it. Starting from the bottom is the best way to achieve the succes.
Thank you for your comment, Yes, it looks like a nightmare, but together we can avoid this scenario. Moreover, as you said people should start thinking in a broader perspective, it is good to not be a constributor, but i will be better to be from the opposition. Good luck with vegetarian!
Thank you for your comment, I am happy you saw this video before. Have you change your opinion about it? It is a good idea to plant more trees, the balance is needed. Recycle is a good way to start.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, it is exactly like you wrote. People are taking more than giving. We have to react now, what is more I think that making it political issue is actually a great idea. Great job!
Thank you for your comment, I agree with you, it is depressing, but have you changed your social activity during the time from the 1 time you watched the video and the day 22.12.2019? It is good to see you are caring about the evironemnt. Well done!
Thank you for your comment, the human impact is huge. It is said to see that, you do not believe we can change and stop it. It is good to segregate trashy anyway, I wish more people do did at least. Thank you one more time!
Thank you for your comment, It is a great idea of giving back the plastic bottles for money. I think maybe in a few years it could change and be in Poland. It is great to see people like you, your impact on our planet is huge!
Thank you for your comment, I really enjoy reading comments like yours. I agree with you about modern man who can do a lot if he has willings. It is true, we should all make a samll contribution and surely it will be a big result of this.
Thank you for your comment, I would like to see the video which you were writing about. It seems to be very interesting. We are not experts, but the way of thinking is logical so I agree with your statement.
Thank you for your comment, it shows the planet definitiely in an extreme way, but it has to be like this. I think if it will be more pleasent less people would clicked it. You are doing a great job, keep it more!

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