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Week 10 [16.12 - 22.12.2019] Will telepathy come true? It seems possible!


3 years ago, a 19-year-old guy from Colorado, USA had invented a mind-controlled prosthesis, his name is Easton LaChappelle, and this prosthesis was called Anthromod, the principle behind it was EEG(electroencephalography) based controlling, it means to use human brain waves to control robotic arms in order to help people with disabilities complete the most basic moves. Easton invented this arm because he met a 7-year-old girl born without arms when he was 14, so he kept self-taught on this area for 5 years. After his success, he even received the offer from NASA, also meet with President Obama because of his progressive invention.        

As a Humanities student back then, I thought EEG could get us out of using physical controller in life, for example, we may open lights with a thought in brain but not to use sound sensor controller, turn on the TV also with a thought but not to use our hands to press the buttons in a controller, or even more complicated that we can talk to others without using mouth, but only sending brain waves (like telepathy).

Everything Easton did inspired
me to study science, but after being a science student, I was disappointed that I found out such EEG control could only return few useful distinguishable outputs, for example like below picture (only 5 outputs), also many research shows that human brain will create a unique noise wave when we blink, and this wave is distinguishable, so we have one more output for EEG.

Anyway, such a small amount of outputs is not enough to do many things, it turns out our brain waves are not like sound waves that each sentence we speak has a unique sound wave, it means no matter what we are thinking, the corresponding brain waves basically just look like the same.

Brain-to-text(slow one)

Let's see how is such amount not enough in other using case, for example brain-to-text. Currently, some EEG-based technologies for brain-controlled typing rely on measuring non-verbal movements of the head or eyes, enabling paralyzed people to type up to 8 words per minute, one popular example who was using such method to type was Stephen Hawking, there is also one more example you may know if you are into guitar topic--Jason Becker. Jason Becker is still composing music by such typing method with others help.

( e.g.

In a recent paper published in “Nature”, scientists have improved the EEG-based controlling technology, they have designed a new device that can convert brain signals into language directly without the need to work on any muscle, Machine Learning can directly read the brain, decode what it thinks, and achieve fluent communication.

Machine Learning

If you do not know what is Machine 
Learning exactly yet, in simple terms it just means giving an input (e.g. a photo) to a ML model, the model will return an output (e.g. dog) classifying the input, and training such model needs lots of times and works, I will give a simple example from my programs to show how model training works, for example as the GIF on the right side, above screen has two objects “Tim” and “GZ”, and below screen shows how the model is training, and finally the model learns which region “Tim” belongs to and which region “GZ” belongs, so next time when you randomly give an input(in this case it should be coordinate) to this model, the model will return you answer if the input is “Tim” or “GZ”.

Brain-to-text(fast one)

The research team is from University of California, San Francisco, the team includes Professor of Neurosurgery Dr. Edward Chang and others, the researchers chose a Machine Learning approach, to conduct the experiment, researchers recruited five volunteers who were treated for epilepsy in the hospital.
This research team use ECoG(Electrocorticography, same like EEG, the difference is EEG records on the scalp, ECoG records outside the cortex below the skull) instead of EEG, probably using ECoG as inputs gets better result than EEG in their research, In case of using difficult terms in the explanation, I will just skip it and show a result picture below to show how good quality result these scientists had, comparing the spectrum of volunteer speech and the spectrum of brain signals, you can see that they are very close. Researchers asked native English speakers to listen to synthesized speech, and the results showed that at least 70% of the virtual language can be understood, it is kind of enough at least in my opinion.
This new device invented by this research team can generate 150 words per minute, it is close to human's natural speech rate, don't forget it was only 8 words per minute in old brain-to-text devices as I mentioned before.
Again, It must be noted that the ECoG electrode array used in this technology needs to be placed in the brain through craniotomy as I mentioned before that ECoG records outside the cortex below the skull, so there is still a long way to go for wider applications.
Imagine that if Hawking was alive, with the help of this technology, he might no longer have to move the muscles on his cheek to spell words, and AI could really help him "open his mouth" and spread wisdom.


Can we communicate with each other without text as a medium? (I mean we feel the contents from others by brain-waves directly but not by the texts decoded from brain-waves) I think it also depends on biology, we still have a long way to go.


1.      Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)

2.      For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?

3.      Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)


Karol Michalak said…
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)
Only chat? Man I would love to write programms that way, laying peacefully on the couch and programming "remotly" without the need to type every single thing. But receiving memes that way sounds a little spooky but fascinating at the same time.

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?
Yes, I was trying to create an AI for my Engineering Thesis. But not enough time and skills. It would be nice though to learn it a proper way and have a time for finding an answer of some specific problems using it.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)
Maybe controlling a car using your brain or having a telepatic, intimic moments with your partner while being far away from them by some kind of device that may transport those waves to them and recieve such waves also.
Maciej P s16488 said…
I'd like to try "telepathy" as it would be really interesting. Funny thing about it is that technological telepathy wouldn't be that kind of telepathy we think about when he hear this word as it would still be transmitted by some kind of implants but it would be correct from etymological point of view.

You can learn about machine learning and neural networks in PJATK. It is interesting but this isn't direction i went with my IT knowledge so i guess my answer would be no, even though i actually learnt about it.

I think reading dreams would be pretty cool. It is already possible to make simple images from someone's dream but it would be really interesting to be able to watch it in better resolution.

I am also interested what was your source on Stephen Hawking using this kind of technology to communicate, as he was mostly using muscle in his cheek to type words that were read by voice synthesizer instead of what you wrote.
He probably tried this kind of communication but it wasn't major one that he used.
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)
Definitely not, people would start cheating on each other in a very short time with even greater ease than now. I like the expression we have when talking to each other live, hearing the color of the other person's head. Expressing emotions through text messages, in my opinion, also has more value than this.

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?
No, this is not a field of interest. In my area of ​​interest are databases if we are talking about computer science. However, this is a very important area in the future.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)
A message of emotion is felt by the other person who receives it. If this were the case, if such a person could feel what the other person feels, communication would be much deeper.
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)

I wonder if it's not too much integration into our minds. If we could talk through our thoughts, couldn't someone equally well read all our thoughts: our worries, dreams and secrets. I would prefer the real world to remain more separated from the virtual world.

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?

This topic is very hot now. I try to keep up to date with it and at least understand the ideas behind it. In fact, the current artificial intelligence is still very far behind the real one and we still have many years of development ahead of us.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)

I think this technology can make a huge contribution to improving the lives of people with disabilities. Their brains can be connected directly to the exoskeleton, allowing them to move like a healthy person. In the same way, people who are in the so-called Locked-in syndrome could communicate with the world without any problems thanks to this technology.
Kuba Berliński said…

1. I guess it is a interesting concept and if I had a oppourtunity I'd give it a go for sure. It could possibly re-define the way we communicate.

2. The whole concept seems very inetersting to a lot of people. However, I consider it super interesting only on paper. I guess it's just not my story.

3. I think we could manipulate mechanical devices. For instance, turn up a heating. It could be highly interesting concept for smart houses.
Kacper Gąsior said…
1. It's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure if it will be useful in everyday situations. Such technologies are always burdened with some errors - ML models are never 100% good, so it may lead to some mistakes.

2. I not only would like to, but also do so. I really like this field of IT - it combines programming with mathematics, algorithmics and the ability to understand data or context of related fields of science. This area of study is becoming more and more popular in many different fields - from voice assistance through better web browsers to even such sophisticated applications as medical imagining.

3. Except from brain-to-text technology, it may be useful in e.g. manipulating prosthetic limbs, but also control other devices, such as mobile phones or household devices.
s18716 said…
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)
I think this would be a great technological achievement, and most likely it would be accepted to believe that humanity has reached great heights in the field of new technologies. But it seems to me that this would negatively affect a person’s lifestyle. People every year become more lazy, just imagine what will happen if people across the planet have such technologies. Maybe this would negatively affect the lifestyle.

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?
Yes, because it’s the technology of the future. Sometimes in the learning process we come across various separate AI tools, but in a global sense have not yet been studied. But I think this is a promising direction, and most students are interested in this. Not only students, and ordinary people, because AI has a wide range of functions and can be applied in almost all areas of life. I think that it is attractive.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)
It seems to me that many areas of modern life will change their basic format and our familiar look. For example, if you take the field of science or education. Thus, it will be possible to pass exams, in which case the teacher will know exactly how prepared the student is for this test. Since he will read directly his streams of thoughts. But unfortunately, it will also be convenient for various scammers and intruders, because a very large amount of personal data may be more accessible.
Anna Koca said…
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too).
Absolutely yes, I like innovations like this. Maybe not for everyday use but for spontaneous moments to have fun or maybe to make hard conversations where sometimes it is too hard to use words.

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?
I learned ML for some time, and I even had a chance to work with AI in Orange. I had a chance to observe the whole process since the beginning of the idea and I could see how artificial intelligence evolve. That was a great experience.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)
I would prefer to make brain-to-paints, or brain-to-draws. I would love to be able to create a painting or drawing exactly how I imagine. Unfortunately it never looks the same, or not even close to my expectations. Such technology would make my life much easier.
Interesting presentation. Answering your questions:

1. I think not. I have some concerns. I think it would be an artificial conversation. I would definitely not decide to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone. Man was, is and will be the best partner for conversation.

2. I tried artificial intelligence and machine learning a bit. AI is interesting because you have to think a lot, but I did not like machine learning. AI is a very future-oriented and profitable IT field.

3. Hmm... This could be useful during police investigations. By controlling brain waves, you could "enter" the suspect's brain and learn the motive. Certainly it would allow to solve murders quickly and efficiently, at a low cost. In addition, the number of crimes would also decrease.
Olha Romaniuk said…
1. Probably not. In this case, live communication will disappear in the world, because people are really so lazy.
2. I'm not really interested in that. It's too complicated for me. In my spare time, I'd like to travel or spend time with friends.
3. I guess people who speak different languages could easily start communicating. If you "hack into someone else's brain," you can avoid unfair charges in courts, or better help a psychologically ill person. But like any invention, it can be used in bad cases as well...
1. I think I would like to try it but I don't know whether to use it on a daily basis.
2. Yes, AI technology is increasingly needed and will be used more and more often.
3. Surely there would be useful for people with disabilities to build devices that will help them daily functioning.
1. I don't think I would like to chat like that. It would defeat the purpose of chatting in my opinion, to hear other's voice

2. I'm an IT student and I don't realy like to learn AI deeper. It's not as interesting as I thought at the beginning. I imagine this being monotonous.

3. Maybe controlling a robot to bring you a snack from kitchen by using a brain-wave-controlling? I would definetly use that
1. I don't think that would be a good idea. I think that someone could somehow read these thoughts. In our minds there are tons of thoughts we don't want to share with others.
2. There are such classess at our university, but that's not for me. I struggled to finish it with positive mark.
3. This could help people with disabilities - maybe controlling limbs or some devices. that would be life changing for them!
Mykyta Smirnov said…
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone?
I think such technology can be very dangerous, anyone can somehow hack your thoughts or thoughts that are "telepathed" to you. Also such kind of communication is not common for human and can lead to personal psychology deseases.

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?
Yes it can handle a lot of tasks that humans are not so great at, but for me it's boring.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling?
Hmm. Have you watched "Avatar", people will use such technology at dangerous jobs. Also such technology can be used by militaries, they will be very interested int it.
Roman Batyuk said…
1. I wouldn't use such technology at all. For me, such a thing is scarier than zombie-apocalypse. Nowadays, our brain is the only private place where we can think and imagine what we want. Those thoughts could be used by other people to put you in jail or to get your secrets. One of the reasons why I think that this technology will be prohibited because all systems that use passwords for authentication will be in danger and those systems are used literary everywhere. But if not people will invent some devices that can prevent reading your thoughts.

2. It is a very interesting topic but I am interested more in software development.

3. For example, you thought about stealing somebody's car and the police can use that data to put you in jail
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)

It is very interesting, I would love to try, but I think that just for one day tho. I think we would stop communicating in a traditional way, which would be super weird.

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?

I'm interested in artificial intelligence, this is a very developmental field and certainly the future I don't like machine learning. I am actually using AI in my Engineering work.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)

It would be very interesting to know other people's thoughts. We would not have false friends, murderers would not have a chance to conceal their crimes. I think that this technique will be available in the future.

Roman Dubovyi said…
1. No, of course no. I don’t think I would be able to control my mind in such manner that unwanted thoughts will never be “sent” to my telepathy-partner. That’s the first problem with this idea. The second one is that this would require some complicated hardware and software, and it will probably be branded by some huge corporation.
Everyone is already mad by idea that cookies are used.
Imagine the same situation when someone could access your thoughts.

2. Yep, I am currently trying to start a career in ML. Because it’s ambitious, well-payed, it’s a future and it’s interesting.

3. I think the most useful and realistic implementation of brainwaves would be precise control over bionic prosthetics.
Mehmet KONUK said…
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)
It would probably be a nice experience in the future but it sounds very creepy to me. What if the data is collected and used for other purposes?
2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?
Sure I would. Artificial intelligence is a very entertaining topic. And the selector slides that way. In the future we will see and see artificial intelligence in the system of many things.
3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)
I've never thought about it, but we'd better remove the keyboard when you think everything is typed quickly. Eliminate the possibility of fatigue of the hands, everything was written easily from where you lay.
1. Yes, such way of comunicating would be perfect. We would be able to express ourselves accurately and there would be less misunderstandings, I think.

2. In my opinion AI is a very overhyped term and while machine learning can be a very useful tool in some cases, I'd rather spend my free time learning other aspects of IT.

3. We would be able to use computers without any I/O devices. The only thing needed would be the computing unit and an interface to our brain.
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)

Yes I would, it would be awesome! Imaging talking to my friends without lifting fingers or letting them know on the party about something without others seems like a superpower to me.

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?

Yes, I was thinking about learning AI as it seems to be very futuristic jobs as AI can be used in so many things and it will be developed over time more and more.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)

I would like to use my brain to controll other things. Imagine using your brain insted of smartphone to turn on your tv, make shopping or write a blog comment on this page instead of doing it on devices! Playing games just in your brain also seems to be very cool!
dominik.samsel said…
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)

It would be definitely interesting experience. However, when I think it would be comfortable, it's a science-fiction-type idea. In my opinion we are still years behind such technology

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?

I think it's way harder that we may think and actually I'm not that interested in subject Machine Learning. There are a lot of passionate people who are born to do that, I'm not one of them.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling?
(Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)

Moving around things with mind sounds really great. What I need more from mind controlling is to use a computer without using keyboard and mouse. Just imagine, programming, playing games with your brain!
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)

I would love to, but only with some people. It could be a great problem if anyone could reach out to me using telepathy. If I would be able to “pair” myself like a Bluetooth device to somebody and then be able to talk to that person it would be amazing. Letting anyone to “call” me would be a nightmare.

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?

I am not an IT student, but actually I would love to learn such science. It has some unbelievable opportunities which would completely change a course of our work and living. I would love to be a part of that.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)

I think that a possibility to generate pictures using our brains would be amazing. Our imagination already can create dreams and other real-looking pictures so why not discover its possibilities when it comes to sharing such scenes with others.
Quite interesting topic. I’ve never thought about progress in this science area. Intriguingly but also scary. How I would control what I would like to share and what don’t ? Don’t it be to much overheads to do this? Don’t it burn my brain? Maybe the reason why I ask such question my lack of knowledge of AI. This is I would like to learn AI in free time to fill gaps in my knowledge. Hacking, hacking and one more time – hacking. It would be super amazingly unreal cool as well as dangerous and our world would be something else after inventing this. Thank you so much for such an amazing presentation and useful information.
Yubin said…
This is a good idea that I never thought about, I would definitely like to write program this way too! it save our eyes haha
Cem Ates said…
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)
I have Telegram. close but not the same. but telepathy... hmm, what if we send memes to the wrong person?

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?
I already do learn, unfortunately, the technology is keeping going to develop itself, so we need to learn new things every day to catch the trends on it. Basically, AI is one of them.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)
We could use this on disabled persons, that would be amazing opportunity i guess.
Yubin said…
Unfortunately this field of knowledge they teach in PJATK is very limited and basic, and I also can not wait for the day that we can read others dream by this way! and I mentioned both two ways how he spoke, but you may be right, I am actually not sure did he use that one when he was younger, just some source said he does, but it might be wrong.
Denys Pogurskyi said…
Honestly, I would like to try to communicate telepathically, but sending memes telepathically is a little difficult to imagine ...)
Well, I already tried to do this once, after which the desire to continue simply disappeared.
Well, it would be very embarrassing if someone could read my thoughts with the help of hacking, I would be very sorry for the person who would read them ...
Yubin said…
I agree, you are right about emotion and expression, but if someone want to cheat, he/she will always have a way to cheat, no matter how the technology is, right? but also students will be much easier to cheat on exams too. I came from DB to ML after I firsted heard about ML, both are important field, maybe you would like Datamine which is DB but contains a bit ML concept.
Yubin said…
I agree, this is also a point I considered, then we will have to develope more and create something like firewall to protect our minds, and AI is really very far behind real one, we are just building every AI tools with choosing math formulas randomly until we will get good result, in my opinion AI actually encounters bottlenecks now.
1. I am not sure whether I am ready to express myself with brain-to-robot function, because I do not fully trust this technology. I think it takes time for mankind to adapt to this, and then perhaps I will be ready to use it, too.
2. I think Machine Learning is interesting. From what I have learned from the article, I think it helps to develop a new form of memorizing data and expressing oneself. It either may be useful in the future or it may help develop further and expand other learning methods for my brain.
3. I think robots need to be limited in function. I do not fully support this idea. Once again, I just want to see it will not harm anybody to adapt to it
1. Would you like to chat by such "Telepathy" technology without any move of body instead of phone? (Suppose you can send/receive memes as brain-waves too)
That is very interesting from the science's point of view. The symbiosis of computer science and bio technologies can make (and makes) a huge progress in both those areas. I would like someday to try such a way of chatting, but for sure there would be a lot of questions about security. We all know that our phones are listening to us, so what would be if corporations have access even to our thoughts?

2. For the IT/other major students, would you like to learn AI(e.g. Machine Learning)/science in your free time? Why?
I am already studying machine learning, this area is very interesting for me because of its opportunities of applying. Now I'm mostly working on image processing, but someday I also want to try myself in other aspects of applying ML, such as banking or advertisements, for example.

3. Except for brain-to-text, what interesting idea do you have by using such brain-wave-controlling? (Suppose text-to-brain to hack your or others' bodies to control their actions will be possible too in the future)
First of all I finally want to hear what is doing inside cats' heads. In my opinion, it must be something incredible :D
Yubin said…
I totally agree, I guess all of us will rely on this a lot and become lazy, it is not good even for health, though I would like to try coding by this "Telepathy" technology at least once haha. It will be so scary and stressed to pass exam if this technology will come true, but at least students will study harder, not bad too haha.
Yubin said…
Yes, especially when someone is not that good at English, it will be so comfortable for him/her to use this "Telepathy" to talk, and I am in this case..haha... , woow that is great you did it, I would like to have such experience too, because I am self learning in AI and usually encounter bottlenecks and it is very hard and time consuming without help in AI. Good idea! then I bet there will be more people drawing more abstract than van gogh haha
Anna Moskalenko said…
Well if memes can be sent also then sure, I’d like to try that :D But seriously, it sounds great, and it’s really groundbreaking, I cannot even imagine how I’d feel using this technology.
Oh, I was very interested in AI and Machine Learning when I was doing my Bachelors, but looks like I’m not that smart :) It is very complicated and I admire people who can do it, they are geniuses!
I don’t really know, I mean I’d like to play games using my brain to control character, that’d be great. But the thing you said sounds horrible, and that exactly what I’m afraid of if we’re talking about any manipulations with brains. What if somebody will be able to take control of my body? Horrific. But if this technology is safe, I’m absolutely there for it.
Yubin said…
But remember that using phone to chat is an artificial conversation too, and in general, AI bases on thoughts, but such thoughts microscopically base on Machine learning or some relative subjects. Your idea is very good and useful! I think it really helps decrease the crime rate.
Yubin said…
laziness is our choice, but we could choose to use technology on the good side, but you are right, I hate this stealing our time, I wish to have more time in life.
Yubin said…
Yes, I agree with you, and I had watched "Avatar" as it was like the first 3D movie, just hope human will use it on good side.
Yubin said…
Anyway we can turn on or off such "Telepathy" device ourselves even if we implant it in our brains, so we have the choice to protect our thougths, but people must invent some devices you mentioned.
Yubin said…
"We would not have false friends" this situation will be very interesting haha, I am curious how many true friends will we still have then.
Yubin said…
just imagine such “unwanted thoughts" is telling some friend that you love him/her, and it sent to them mistakenly without your will be funny haha. That is great, hope you will succeed in this field with your ambition!
Yubin said…
"write a blog comment on this page instead of doing it on devices" this is exactly what I want to do too, it will save so many time! haha
Yubin said…
especially when it is AD Calls, it is already a nightmare with phone but not "Telepathy", seems you are the first one who is not IT student, it is nice of you that you also would like to learn it! Yes, use it to paint as art will be great too.
Yubin said…
You are welcome! you are very nice!:D I am glad that my presentation could help you be more interested in other areas of AI.
Yubin said…
I guess it is not about "wrong person", it is about what memes you send:P
Yubin said…
"I would be very sorry for the person who would read them"
What are "them" exactly that would make you feel embarrassing and sorry? I hope it is something legal hahahaa
Yubin said…
It is not only about robot, but of course, most people might like to use it for robot, before technology being trusted, I think mankind should be worth being trusted by each others first.
Yubin said…
I totally agree bio technologies is also so important, and I can not wait to see more progress of combination of this two areas! and I hate it my country is also doing such listening to us, it really hinders technologies' developments somehow. I can already read my cats remotely: "Where are you? I miss you feeding us"...XD
Yubin said…
Yeaa, since we could imagine/think a meme in brain, so I guess when we receive meme brain-waves, hopefully it may appear the same like when we are imagining it. I guess it is not about you are smart or not, it is just PJA has tons of homework waiting for us hahaha. Just like when I will play league of legends with brain controlling with my friend, he will control me to jump out the window when he see my "kill-0, die-15":)

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