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Week 6 [18.11 - 24.11.2019] English Accents


            One of the my favourite features of English language are that there are many different accents you can speak with. You can easily recognise where someone is from just with listening to how they speak. For example people living in USA speak with different manner than Brits even though they use same language. But even in UK alone accents can vary between places.

            The most iconic accents from British Isles is Scottish accent. You can quickly learn how to do it by watching this:

1.       Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
2.       What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
3.       Which accent is your favourite and why?


1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
I think my English accent is correct. It's not super good. I also don't think my accent is bad either. It's in the middle. Definitely my accent is British. This is probably one of the most popular accents.

2. What is a quick way to learn a beautiful, British accent?
The best way to learn a beautiful British accent is to go to Great Britain. Nothing teaches like regular learning. In everyday life, we simply do not pay attention to it, but we learn. An alternative and more economical version are to meet the British and make friends with him. The daily phrasebook will definitely help us succeed. However, with age, it becomes increasingly difficult for us to achieve a different accent than I currently have. The easiest way to learn to accent is to be a child.

3. Which accent is your favorite and why?
I definitely don't like the Scottish accent. He is very hard and hard to understand for me. Because I know British accents best, this is my favorite one. It's just the most understandable to me.
Angelika Dutt said…
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
I think I don't have any English accent, maybe I only have a little Polish accent when speaking English.

2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
I don't know what is the best way to learn a British accent because I don't have one myself. I think it is easiest to go to Great Britain and listen carefully to what people say, the way they accentuate and the melody of the words. In addition, I believe it would be helpful to watch British films.

3. Which accent is your favorite and why?
I really like the British accent, it's so dignified. What makes it different is that I think it is difficult to learn it completely. In addition, I also like the Australian accent, there is such a welcoming and relaxed form of English, and full of joy.
1. No, my spoken English is not very good, and it doesn’t resemble anything specific. I guess it sounds like the grotesque mix of Polish and Russian accents. That’s actually very funny, because in most circumstances polish people can understand each other while speaking English while not being understood by native English speakers. I had such situation once during a meeting during which we were joking and laughing, but our English friend remained quiet just like if he didn’t understand.

2. I don’t see other options than just moving to the UK for a couple of years. You have to be constantly surrounded by a foreign language to be able to reach satisfactory level.

3. Definitely British accent is my favourite. It’s the most elegant and sophisticated and I like how those people sound, but American is also fine. I fact all of them are ok, but the British one is the best.
Alex said…
1. I was newer good at accents. Thinking of it, I never did anything to learn an english accent.

2. I honestly don't know how to learn British accent. I think that talking with British people would help and maybe watching this kind of videos and, of course, practicing.

3. I like scottish, irish and australian accent.
August Micota said…
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
I've tried learning and understanding scottish accent. I think that i'm kinda good now in it of course not as good as people who live there every day but i try to improve on monthly basis :-D

2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
I think the best way to learn anything is trying and trying and trying and practising a lot! I've learnt juggling in two weeks spending half an hour every day, so it doesn't really take much time but You need to be consistant.

3. Which accent is your favourite and why?
I like the way that Scottish people speak, that's why i'm trying to learn it.
Due to the fact that I am a hearing impaired person, I cannot say if I have a good accent, the more problem is learning accent. I can't answer the rest of the questions because they are abstract to me. However, many people think that I speak English very well, but without accent. It is enough for me :)
Damian Drozd said…
1) Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
No, but I would love to speak like a Cockney!

2) What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
Really quick way to learn British accent is by spending time with native speakers. Listen is the key so you need to listen to them and try to copy their accent.

3) Which accent is your favourite and why?
Like I already mentioned, my favourite is Cockney accent, mostly because of the glottal 't' sound.
s15385 said…
1. I can speak only British accent. Teachers in my middle school and high school emphasised to speak properly so I attach importance to it.

2. In my opinion the best way to learn British accent is stay in Great Britain for a few months. You are surrounded native speakers and you can try to copy their accent.

3. It's definitely British accent. It's easy to understand compare to others like Scottish and I learn it all my life.
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
I have always used standard British English throughout the entire stage of my English language education, with no clever touches or accents or additional effects. I cannot speak in any specific accent, but I think I can speak quite clearly and my pronunciation is very clear. I attach great importance to the correctness of spoken words.

2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
I think youtube videos will prove to be useful, just like the one given in the article. I believe that good language schools are also an ideal solution to achieve the perfect accent. The most difficult challenge, but also the best and the fastest education, is definitely to go to Great Britain and stay with native citizens. Daily conversations and adaptation to the environment will help you learn quickly, but there are some exceptions. When it comes to accents, not everyone speaks the same way. You need to know how to distinguish some of them and be careful not to make mistakes.

3. Which accent is your favourite and why?
I don't think I have a favorite accent. I certainly don't know them all and I don't remember what most of them sounded, so it's hard for me to give an opinion. After all, I like the British accent very much and it's always easy to understand, which is why I like it very much and it would be best for me that every interlocutor with whom I speak also used it.
Heh, I can do Russian accent=) I think better way to learn it is to repeat after native Brit. I prefer open some youtubers and repeat after them, it's fun and helps me a lot) I like French accent, because one of my favorite movie is Leon - the Professional. I really like Jean Reno's accent and how he pronounces the name Mathilda)
Dawid Piotrak said…
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
I guess I'm talking with British/American accent.

2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
Moving to England would be the best way to learn it as you would have contact with the language on daily basis.

3. Which accent is your favourite and why?
I don't really have favourite accents. As long as i can understand someone clearly i don't care with what accent they're speaking. A lot of people say that Scottish one i one of the hardest to understand but I had the opportunity to speak with such an individual and it was very understandable to me.
1. I don't think I have a special accent when I speak English. I try to speak correctly but not to speak in exaggerated and artificial way. It is very difficult to learn a particular accent to speak like a native Englishman.

2. I think the best way to improve your language and accent is to use it on a daily basis. It would be ideal to go to the UK to learn how to use this language both at work and at social gatherings.

3. The British accent is definitely the best. It is so dignified and interesting. I definitely don't like the Scottish accent, it seems to be a completely different language so heavy and incomprehensible.
Piotr Bednarek said…
1. I can speak with British accent - the Queen's English.

2. The best way to start speaking English as the English is to sound more natives, for instance watch programmes on BBC or podcast in English. It's esential to listen it over and over agian in order to spot a differencies between your accent and theirs. Moreover you should practise for just 15 minutes a day.

3. My favourite accent is American English accent, because it transparent and sound really nice. I'm going to learn it on the future but firstly I would like to visit the United Stare to become familiar with this accent.
Kuba Berliński said…

1. Honestly, I don't think I can, but I've never tried to. The best I've done so far has been mimicing single words in the strong british way, like wotah instead of water.

2. Most likely discovering what this accent is about and practise. Though I'm not sure why would anyone want to learn another accent, unless you work as a spy.

3. I kind of enjoy the way italian people speak english. It just sounds quite funny to me.
I can't speak with a British accent, I can say a few words, maybe a few sentences but in a longer conversation it would come to light that I can't speak with a British accent. I have also heard that the English are very sensitive to accents and can easily tell if this is your natural accent or if you are trying to imitate it. The best way to do that is to watch British movies or watch movies on youtube. My favorite accent is definitely Russian because I like its hard sound and frankly it makes me laugh :P
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?

Unfortunately, I'm not very good at imitating accents. I only have my own English accent with slight Polish accents (or rather British because at all stages of education we learn more this pronunciation).

2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?

Listening and repeating is probably the best method.

3. Which accent is your favourite and why?

Geordie - maybe not my favorite, but one of the weirdest I've ever heard. It's a mixture of a Scottish and English accent.
Kgajewska said…
1. No I don't think so. Maybe I can say a few word or even a sentence with British accent, but apart from fun, I don't see any point at imitating accents. I was born without this skill and I didn't want to develop it on higher lelevs.

2. Practice I guess? It's the best solution to most of learning troubles. Listening to people with natural British accent and trying to speak like them it's the only way. I'm afraid that there's no quick way to achieve it. Time needed will also depends on personal predispositions.

3. I don't have favourite accent. In my opinion all of them are unique and special, people should be glad for such a diversity, it makes us all different. One accent shouldn't be treated as "better" than the others - without the rest accents this language would be boring. As long as everybody else can understand you the accent doesn't matter.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
I can mock scottish but i can not really do it and use it in regular conversation.

2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
I think the only quick way to learn the accent is to live amongst the British people. The best place for that would be some small town or village in UK. London and other big cities would be a bad place for that due to the culture and accents mix.

3. Which accent is your favourite and why?
Obviously the scottish accent. I just seems very funny and extraordinary and the same time. I generally prefer the hard accents like this one, russian or even serbian above the french or indian. Those are the worst I can imagine.
1. I have no idea, there are many dialects in England so maybe some of them would sound like my version of English.
2. A quick way? Take specific lessons with someone like that guy in the video or just with a native speaker who is aware of their language, if you could say that – I mean, we don’t often think about or notice some small details in our native language as we’ve been speaking it our whole life. If you find an Englishman who notices all nooks and crannies of his own language, then I think you can learn the English accent rather quickly.
3. I don’t have a favorite accent but most people who try speaking non-native language have their particular accent which can show their nationality. Some of those accents are unwillingly funny and have already become some kind of joking stereotype, like Russian or Italian accents, for example.
Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
Only when I’m trying to make someone laugh. I think it sounds a bit british, but it’s honestly hard to tell what exactly it sound like.

What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
Probably listening to tutorials on how to speak with a british accent or going to the UK and listening how people talk. It also depends on which british accent you’re interested in, if it’s RP, geordie or any other.

Which accent is your favourite and why?
I really like australian accent, because it’s a bit different than the british one and it sounds really cool. It also requires more concentration to understand everything, because one word can sound completely different when it’s pronounced in australian, american or british accent and you sometimes have to guess what it means.

Mykyta Smirnov said…
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
I think the main accent I can do is Slavic one :P.
2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
You should talk interact and live with people that are speaking British accent.
3. Which accent is your favourite and why?
British royal accent is most beautiful for me, because it sounds like English should. Maybe this way of thinking comes from standard that were used in my school where I learned British English
I cant speak any accents but i really like the scotish one as well as accents from us like alabama accent or kentucky.

dont know. Maybe going to UK and try to listen as much as you can and trying to mimic what you hear.

Scotish and alabama. Idk why. Scotish seems more natural than classical british and alabama is just very funny.
Edit: I had problem with publishing as myself so im making reupload

I cant speak any accents but i really like the scotish one as well as accents from us like alabama accent or kentucky.

dont know. Maybe going to UK and try to listen as much as you can and trying to mimic what you hear.

Scotish and alabama. Idk why. Scotish seems more natural than classical british and alabama is just very funny.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. Highly doubt it. My spoken English was never good. Neither my spoken Japanese which I was learning briefly on PJATK. I was even going to a speech therapist when I was a kid, because I had speech defect, so even Polish used to be problematic I guess.

2. I don't know and I hope others don't too. While for some it's beautiful accent, for me it's actually probably the most hated English accent. I never had problems with understanding English speakers other than the Brits even if it was very broken speech. Also it's easier for me even with Scots which everyone complains about. Moreover British accent often repels me from their TV Shows or if I like them a lot makes watching them kind of painful

3. I never really paid attention to different English accents and their place of origin. Practically all of them besides one which I can easily distinguish from other sound nice :)
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?

I really like English accents but I can’t do any.

2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?

I think that being between people who has specific accent which you are interested in might be really helpful. It’s like a being a parrot in a cage surrounded by people you then repeat after.

3. Which accent is your favourite and why?

I really like Scottish accent but I can’t tell you why, it’s just I like the way they sound.

1. During learning English we get to hear a lot of different accents. I would say that my accent is a mix of everything I have learned and heard from other people. Polish accent will always be hearable in my English language but in some ways it is unique.

2. The quickest way is to spend a lot of time with people who speak with this accent. It’s hard to learn it from books or videos. Easier method is to have lessons with native speaker who can teach us all the accent tricks.

3. My favourite one is Jamaican English accent, maybe it’s not as beautiful and sophisticated as British but it sounds very funny and it’s hard to mistake it with anything else.
Cem Ates said…
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
Unfortunately, I cannot do any, but I do understand the differences between accents.
2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
Getting married a British person
3. Which accent is your favourite and why?
British or French, both languages are sounds so romantic and smooth imo.
Szymon Kluczek said…
1. Yes, I can speak with a traditional british. It’s not so hard to learn the specific accent, so maybe in the future I’ll be able to speak with another one.

2. From my experience I would say that the best, the most efficient and the quickest way to learn beautiful and real British accent is to move to the UK. But if you can’t move there, I think that watching british movies, videos or even listening to british music will be very helpful in learining the accent.

3. My favourite accent is a strong Irish accent. This accent is really specific, the ‘l’ and ‘r’ pronunciation is very strong, you can clearly hear those letters if they are in the sentence and that makes the accent sound really funny sometimes, but it’s quite easy to understand at the same time.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. No, I can't. Whenever I try to speak with an English accent, I have a French accent.

2. I don't know. I have never learned it. I once read that only children can learn a foreign accent correctly.

3. I do not have a favorite accent. Each accent has pros and cons. I certainly don't like the Liverpool accent, it sounds terribly rural.
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
It's very difficult, I haven't succeeded yet. I can say that I have an accent but my own. In South America they laughed at my accent.
2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
Conversation with people who have it. The best way is to repeat the words they say.
3. Which accent is your favourite and why?
Definitely a British accent. I like it very much, it sounds elegant.
Marta Matysik said…
1. No, I can’t.
2. Probably the best way to learn accent is listening and talking with native speakers. They will how you and told you how to do this.
3. I like Australian accent and Spanish, especially when they talk in English.
Vitalii Ohol said…
1. It very hard to judge about yourself and if I say something about myself, it will not be unprejudiced. But I can say that my accent brilliant and flawless... And it's a joke. Actually, I don't have enough practice with English accent, so it's more resemble Slav accent that normal or even bad English accent.

2. I believe that the best way to have a good British accent is to live in Great Britain and interact with people every day (practice, practice, and ever more practice).

3. I never thought about that, but I like how Scottish people speak, so maybe Scottish is my favorite accent.
1. Yes, I can do a Russian accent. I'm from Ukraine, so it is not difficult for me, although I don't speak with this accent in English.

2. I think the best way to learn a British accent is to go to Great Britain. Communication with the British people should help with this. But I think it's important to be attentive because a lot of things can just be missed or overlooked. The second way to learn a British accent is through a video, where someone talks about the difference in each sound.

3. I don't have a favorite accent. To be honest, I like ordinary English, where there are no pronounced accents.
1. Not really, I have never take care about that. Nowadays it's changing.
2. I think living there and speaking with people who has perfect British accent. Imitate how they pronounce words.
3. I like New Jersey accent. I think it's because I'm big fan of Bon Jovi (band is from New Jersey) and want to speak like Jon.
dominik.samsel said…
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
3. Which accent is your favourite and why?

1. I think my accent is quite good, espacially in English. However there are times when I sound like Russian and these are the times my friends have a good laugh.

2. I believe that everything which is good comes from practice. In my opinion the best way to learn British accent is to head to Great Britain(the faster, the better, when we think about political situation).

3. I don't know why, but I have a lot fun hearing and speaking in German, west side of Germany especially. It has something quirky. When you can accent those phones in harsh way, personally I feel satisfaction.
1. Can you do any English accents? If yes, which one?
I don't think I can do any. I try to pronounce words correctly but I don't think anyone would mistake me for someone from UK or US.
2. What is a quick way to learn beautiful, British accent?
I think the easiest way would be living in UK. You would pick it up in the meantime while just talking to people everyday. Learning it just from lessons with native speakers is definitely way, way harder.
3. Which accent is your favourite and why?
I think scottish accent presented in the video is one of my favourite. I love movies where people are speaking in this manner. It sounds so unusual and different. Accent that you can hear in India makes me laugh sometimes so that would be my second favourite. I have nothing against those people just sometimes they pronounce certain words in a specific way that sounds funny to me.

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