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Week 6 [18.11 - 24.11.2019] 1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine

Have you ever wondered how the most successful people in the world who earn millions of dollars each day spend their mornings? What are the daily routines that CTO’s of the biggest companies like Amazon, Tesla and Apple carry on day after day and how are these connected to their overall success? There are many examples pulled out of lives of people like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk or Tim Cook. What each of  them do is sometimes pretty different from one another but particular things are common to all of them. Each morning should be organized and repeated every day without excuses. One thing certain is that how you start your day affects the rest of it so the time in the morning should be spent well. I will explore the subject by looking at the day of Jeff Bezos founder of Amazon and by describing further some ideas for good morning habits.

Jeff Bezos

As a CEO of a huge company Bezos must have a way of organizing time in the most efficient way possible and of staying motivated and focused all the time. To do that, he has to recharge his energy and wake up rested. He believes in getting as much sleep as your body needs and mostly wakes up without an alarm. Usually it is really hard to do in practice when we have a lot of things to do during a day but still we should organize time and tasks to sleep long enough and rest for as long as we need. According to research,  sleeping less than 8 hours and waking up at unusual hours like 5am might be killing productivity and reduce happiness. Another good thing about his morning routine is that waking up without an alarm makes him avoid hitting the snooze button. It is known that hitting the snooze button one or even many times in the morning messes with brain hormones and causes bad mood and dizzy feeling for the rest of the day. When he is awake,  he spends some time on thinking, reading a newspaper and drinking coffee as a form of meditation. He also avoids getting distracted by work and spends time with his family eating breakfast instead. Jeff Bezos routine looks simple and doesn’t contain too many things. In addition it ensures he gets enough rest and some positive motivation for later. Spending some time without thinking about work boosts his productivity and focus. It’s sometimes hard to follow these rules daily but everyone should at least try to adapt some of these patterns in their lives.

Morning Habits

There are many examples of morning habits that improves daily performance and mood.
Among others there are a few interesting ones worth mentioning that aren’t included in
Amazon’s CTO routine.

- Avoid getting distracted by phones, work etc. early in the morning to give brain
some time to boot and focus.
- Stay hydrated (at least 0.5l of water in the morning) and have a good breakfast, some
supplements etc.
- Exercise for at least 5 minutes.
- Make a To Do list for the day.
- Take a cold shower.

Described habits are made for boosting productivity and are widely used by the most successful people in the world and many others to improve their day and fully recharge energy for the upcoming challenges. These are ways to organize your morning, take as much as you can from the time you have and then get through the day with energy completing all you have planned.


1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos's daily morning routine and other habits described in
this presentation?

2. How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do
and wasn’t mentioned in the text?

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines
really affect success in life?



Dawid Piotrak said…
1.What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos daily morning routine and other habits described in this presentation?
They are not really that special. I think most people are aware that sleep is very essential but oftentimes they discard this need that's why most of them wouldn't be able to apply the rule of waking up without a alarm because they would end up waking up later in the afternoon.
I believe however that other described habit like spending time with your closest ones on breakfast,exercising and staying hydrated are really important and more people should pay more attention to them on daily basis.

2.How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do and wasn’t mentioned in the text?
My morning routine is usually the same. Get up, take a shower,spend time and eat breakfast with my girlfriend and then head to work.

3.Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why?Does such routines really affect success in life?
I don't think that the start of your day affect your life. Your daily habits however does. It's like in this video showed in previous week presentation about little daily choices. They matter.
1. In my opinione everyone should have morning habbits, even little ones. I think Jeff Bezos has great routines, so that is probably a reason that he can be CTO in such big company.

2. Every day I woke up at 6am and exercise a little. I excercise about 20 minutes and than take a cold shower to wake me up. Then I eat breakfast and drink cup of yerba mate. This routies are keeping me in good shape and I have been doing this things for about 2 years and I am very happy that I managed to do it.

3. I think yes. I can tell that when I have started to do this things which I described in point 2 my life changed a little. After all, I'm not tired in the morning.
1. I wonder if he actually does all those things absolutely every day. Maybe he does – he is someone better than just a man, so it is possible that he is able to motivate himself to do so. I think that all he said is actually very helpful and we must remember that he achieved a tremendous success and built an empire, so we can trust his advices. I am only not sure about those probiotics. Taking any kind of medicine every morning “to keep his gut healthy” sounds a little bit strange.

2. I set about ten alarm clocks every ten minutes in the morning and I don’t wake up until at least three of them ring. Then I struggle to get out of the bed (when my cat comes to greet me it is even harder) and after I finally manage to do it, I don’t make my bed. Usually I forget to keep myself hydrated, I eat some breakfast in a rush and do other essential things before going to work. I’d really like to sleep 8 hours a day, but instead I stay up late to finish all my tasks and almost never go to sleep early enough. I hope it would end after finishing the master’s degree, but I am afraid it’s not the matter of additional duties, but just my way of living… I could change this and definitely achieve more.

3. Yes – definitely. For me not getting enough sleep drains a vast part of my energy to the end of the day. When I sleep well and even get up earlier to be able to do the morning routine slower and without a rush, I feel much better during the day. Sometimes I get to work so tired that I drink a strong coffee which allows me not to fall asleep for a second and then it is even worse – the life is too short to maltreat ourselves like that. Getting used to sleep more is essential to keep ourselves mentally and physically healthy.
Iryna Lehusha said…
1) What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos daily morning routine and other habits described in this presentation?
I think it's a very good list of habits to start the day. Such a daily morning routine looks quite simple and understandable. It seems to me that everyone should have some sort of morning order and habits. This will help to be restrained throughout the day and may help to form useful habits.
But it seems to me that this list is quite usual. After I read the title, I expected something more interesting. But I understand that not all people follow these simple morning rules.
2) How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do and wasn’t mentioned in the text?
my routine looks similar, but I also check my e-mail and all my messages every morning.
3) Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why?Does such routines really affect success in life?
Yeah, I totally agree with that statement. My personal example: if my morning is full of energy and do all the things from my "morning routine list" - the rest of the day will be wonderful and productive.
Damian Drozd said…
1) What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos daily morning routine and other habits described in this presentation?
Setting up an effective morning routine is very important. If you're motivated enough to stick to those habits it would definitely pay off. Talking about Jeff's morning routine I guess only few people have time for meditation in the morning, neither do I so it wouldn't work for me. Well I think that eating breakfast also wouldn't change my life.

2) How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do and wasn’t mentioned in the text?
I wake up everyday at 5.30 am, eat an extensive breakfast, if it's working day I commute by bike to work.

3) Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines really affect success in life?
Morning routine affects the rest of the day, for sure. It's important to boost your energy in the morning and I think it has positive impact on your self-confidence and productivity.
s15385 said…
1. All things he described as daily morning routine are really important and probably help starting better day but you have to be very motivated to do it every day without excuses and having time for these.

2. When I have to go to work or school it looks every day the same. I wake up at 6:30 am, go to the toilet, take shower. Then I eat breakfast and take medicines. After that I make my bed and leave home. If I have a day off I usually sleep a little bit longer :)

3. The way you start a day surly affects the rest of it but you can't forget to sleep enough during the night. You can do your morning routine but without sleep it's not so effective.
1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos's daily morning routine and other habits described in
this presentation?
Jeff Bezos have great morning routines which I would only like to have. It's good to have any of routines in the morning because It is the most important time of our day.

2. How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do
and wasn’t mentioned in the text?
I always go in the morning to bring some fresh bread.

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines
really affect success in life?
Yes it affects not only the rest of our day but our lifes.
1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos's daily morning routine and other habits described in
this presentation?
Everything except todo list is very useful and positive influence on life. I can't say more, because there are tons of videos and articles about this includes this one. Nice article.
2. How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do
and wasn’t mentioned in the text?
I try wake up 5-7 AM. First thing I do is drink glass of water too and at once go straight into coding problems. I do coding till 9 AM, then we have a breakfast with my family.
3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines
really affect success in life?
I think yes, it affects. Sometimes when I do physical exercises in the morning i feel better during the day, but it's rare, because it's too hard to force myself to do them)
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. Jeff's habits are really cool, he could spend time with family morning not be in hurry to work. But i think it's difficult to awake without alarm at specific time.
2. Yes, i have. I'm always sleep up to 1 hour before my house leaving. I'm always starting with coffee and breakfast with some morning news for 40 minutes. Then I take shower for rest of time, quick dress up and I'm leaving.
3. I've looked for optimal morning routine for long time and i found it. I'm strongly belive it affects really great for rest of a day.
Piotr Bednarek said…
1. I really admire his and I think that his daily routine and discipline are key to success. In my opinion it's benefitial for everyone to make a morning routine, because it's good for health and it boosts energy. Moreover it can help us to be more productive and save precious time.

2. From Monday till Friday I wake up at 6 a.m. to have enough time to make my daily morning routine. I drink a glass of water and take a cold shower to boost my energy. Then I eat balanced breakfast and drink coffee. I think that my daily morning routine has positive impact on my body and mind, because it reduces stress. Moreover I can gain time and I have more time to eat healtier in the morning.

3. Yes, I totally agree that our daily morning routine affect the rest of day, because if we start a day fresh we will focus on what is on front of us. In addition it allow us to control our shedules and to be more productive.
Kuba Berliński said…

1. I kind of admire anyone, who is consequently able to maintain something like a morning routine different than mine- nothing to be proud of.

2. My routine is just waking up, having a small breakfast, going to bathroom and leaving to work. Nothing special at all.

3. I think it is up to a unit. One may benefit from having a "quality" morning one may not. I myself think that the daytime is where you are supposed to shine, not the morning. In conclusion if the morning routine affect one's day, great. It may not work thise way for everyone though.
Olha Romaniuk said…
I think it's part of the success. But you have to work on it.

I have to eat well in the morning :). I never leave home hungry. I also have "no morning" habit: from evening to prepare clothes for the next day and collect my bag. It helps not to spend time on this in the morning and not to forget anything.

I think it affects success. I'm not, of course, Jeff Bezos :), but it's worth trying to develop at least one habit, which you find useful to yourself, and then you can not refuse it.
1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos's daily morning routine and other habits described in this presentation?

All this sounds very reasonable and I think it should be used by all people. Sleep is very important for the whole day.

2. How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do and wasn’t mentioned in the text?

There's nothing special about my morning routine. I always try to sleep well so I have no problems getting up and often wake up before the alarm clock.

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines really affect success in life?

I think the main impact on the whole day is on how we slept. When it comes to morning routines, it's worth choosing those that make us feel good to charge our batteries for the rest of the day.
Kgajewska said…
1. Let's be honest - it ain't special. This routine can be classified as normal, healthy habit for someone who doesn't want to waste any time and is focused on productivity during work. I think I'd improved anybody's life. Maybe some artists could have different opinion but generally speaking this routine can work for anybody

2. At this moment I'm trying to form better version on my daily routine. Compering to the presented routine I'd change the 0,5 l water to some water and green tea and excersising to stretching/yoga. Also it works better for me when I plan to do list in the previous day - in the morning I'm just checking it and sometimes do slightly moderetions

3.Yes, of course. When I'm waking up in good mood the rest of day is easier for me also. But, when I sleep late and my routine is interrupted I'm mad at myself and I tend to be more cynical and angry all day long. Such routines really can affect succes in life because this gives us a feeling that we can control our life more, but even the best morning routine without any other effort won't guarantee us any success in life.

s15487 said…
1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos's daily morning routine and other habits described in this presentation?
I think that good and durable morning routine is really important and help people keep their mind clear and focused.

2. How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do and wasn’t mentioned in the text?
Unfortunately, my morning routine is quite poor comparing to what you mentioned in the text. I just drink a glass of water just after I wake up and I think it's really essential, as my organism dehydrates really easily and I can't concentrate if I didn't drink enough water in the morning. I also try to listen podcasts and audiobooks while I prepare my breakfast and when I eat. I definitely would like to improve my morning routine and start reading books in the morning, as well as running or exercising a little bit.

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines really affect success in life?
For sure. It's really important to organize your day and prepare the organism to work. I would also claim that such kind of routine is strictly related to success. I think that success is a result of consistency in action and aiming to achieve a goal and such routines might be helpful in learning discipline and work incrementally.
1. Honesly, after watching the video i draw the conclusion that to do all that I probably should wake up something like 3 am. Bezos's morning routine is simmilar to mine, only on week days I never manage to eat breakfast with my family because my day starts much earlier and I wake up with alarm clock, but I never hit the snooze button.

2.My morninng routine is pretty fast. I am focused on myself and getting ready. I eat breakfast, I prepare my to do list for the day and while drinking my coffee I read the news.

3. I don't necesarly think that. I had days that started very bad and ended quite good and vice-versa.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. I believe that daily morning routine allows us to prepare for the whole day and start it in a carefully planned way. I used to wonder why American soldiers are learning how to make a bed as the first activity after waking up. Apparently, the first activity we did should be done well, which will set us positive for the whole day.
2. Unfortunately, I don't have any morning routine. Sometimes I wash before breakfast, sometimes the opposite, sometimes I don't eat breakfast at all.
3. I think that having a morning routine affects the day and how we experience it. However, I will not agree that this can be reflected in your success in life. We can prepare for the day, but there are so many things independent of us that we can not foresee everything.
Paweł Hadacz said…
1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos's daily morning routine and other habits described in this presentation?

1. I think that we should imitate the habits of such people because they have achieved a lot and their daily routine is carefully thought out and effective. Although his daily routine does not seem to be unusual and revealing, often such simple things as described in the presentation are crucial to increase your efficiency and happiness.

2. How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do and wasn’t mentioned in the text?

2.I don't think I have such a routine, at least not consciously. I wake up depending on the start of classes or work, I take a shower, eat breakfast during which I watch YouTube videos, but when nothing hurries me I just like to wake up, sit down at the computer or watch a series.

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines really affect success in life?

3. I'm not sure though I've heard many opinions that this is how I think sleep is much more important. Although I have to admit that a quick shower in the morning makes me more efficient and focused. Maybe the way the day starts is important, but the daily routine alone is unlikely to achieve great success.

1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos daily morning routine and other habits described in this presentation?
I strongly agree with Jeff Bezos. It is important to establish an effective morning routine. It is also important to have sufficient motivation to stick to these habits. Unfortunately, it seems to me that hardly anyone has time for meditation in the morning. I don't eat breakfast because there are a lot of people on my morning train and I will feel nauseous. This advice may not be useful to me either.

2. How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do and wasn’t mentioned in the text?
Unfortunately, I get up at different times. I always prepare everything for myself tonight. I just get up when I feel like it, morning toilet, I get dressed, take lunch and go to work. I try to be at work before 10.

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines really affect success in life?
The way you start the day affects the shape of the day. If you start to be late in the morning, you may not get it all right, but the most important thing is a positive attitude.
Kristina Moroz said…
My morning ritual is very similar to this, though more extensive. And it help to tune for the rest day.

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines really affect success in life?
I don't know about success, but for the day it's much better for me.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. In my opinion, the morning routine makes sense, and millionaires have easy access to specialists who can optimize it.

2. My routine is to turn on the television, make breakfast and take a hot shower.

3. The beginning of the day certainly has an impact. Routine helps you start your day calmly.
Olga Przytula said…
1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos's daily morning routine and other habits described in this presentation?

Sustaining habits is one of the hardest and most amplifying ability of our times. It’s hard to sustain appropriate routine, it takes discipline and commitment. Especially, when we are surrounded by hordes of distractions. Daily routines are undoubtedly a first step to achieving success, as it creates different brain habits and mobilizes it to give 200% from itself.

2. How does your morning routine look like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do and wasn’t mentioned in the text?

I don’t think I have some kind of specific morning routine. I tend to focus on taking all my supplements, eating healthy and nourishing breakfast, drinking water/tea and taking some time (around 5 minutes) to rest and concentrate on today’s goals. Nevertheless, I do it rather unconsciously, so I’m not entirely sure if I should consider it as some kind of a routine.

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Do such routines really affect success in life?

I think all kind of routines helps us become more efficient and dedicated at work, limits tendencies to distract from our activities, and at the end of day leads to having more free time. I don’t think it’s necessary to have morning routines, my brain works definitely better during the nighttime (or after 4pm), but it’s useful to have some kind of habits, that leads us throughout the day.
1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos's daily morning routine and other habits described in this presentation?
I think that it looks like a dream-morning. But Unfortunately it is not always possible. For example, I live alone and the best thing I can do for communication is a phone call.
2. How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do and wasn’t mentioned in the text?
Yes it looks like this:
Open one eye
Open the second eye
Cup of Green Tea on a balcony with a view of a sunrise.
I try to do almost everything that was mentioned, but I could not ever haves a cold shower. I need water to be hot, almost boiled, or I would have wanted to get back to bed immediately after shower .

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines really affect success in life?
I can reassure you that starting your day without hurry, with some kind of routine makes it definitely more productive. I have experienced it myself!
1. What is your opinion about Jeff Bezos's daily morning routine and other habits described in
this presentation?
When it comes to Jeff Bezos's morning routine I have no doubt it is great for both his productivity and well being. The thing is for me, it wouldn't be possible to maintain such routine. I have to wake up at certain hour and get to work in time. I can't let myself wake up without alarm because I can't be late. Since he is one of the richest people on Earth he can do whatever he pleases and that is a difference here. Same goes with spending time with his family in the morning. My responsibilities make it impossible for me. However, I wish I could maintain similiar morning routine and I am taking some steps towards it.
2. How does your morning routine looks like? Do you have any? Is there anything that you do
and wasn’t mentioned in the text?
Usually I wake up around 40-50 minutes before leaving for work. This gives me additional 10-20 minutes of "free" time. I think it works out great for me because I am less stressed in the morning. I don't need to do things in the hurry, I have time to eat my breakfast slowly, drink coffee etc. Sometimes I fail to wake up in time but I always try not to use "snooze" button on my alarm.

3. Do you think that how you start your day affects the rest of it? Why? Does such routines
really affect success in life?
Definitely the way you start your day affects rest of it. I can say that from my own experience. For example if I sleep too long (above 9 hours) I feel tired whole day. Often if I am late to work in the morning I spend at least few following hours being distracted and not fully focused. When it comes to success in life, I think proper routine (not only morning part) is one of the factors that are needed for it. However, there is much more need in order to be successful than just waking up in proper way.

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