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Week 6 [18.11 - 24.11.2019] Airsoft

            Airsoft is a competitive team shooting sport in which participants shoot opponents with spherical plastic projectiles launched via replica air weapons called airsoft guns. Players often wear tactical equipment, same as real special forces or military. Weapons are called replicas because they look exactly as real guns. If you are not familiar with this topic, you are probably thinking that it is not so easy to obtain such items. In reality it is as easy as everyday shopping.

Here take a look at a video captured during gameplay directly from player's point of view:

            As you can see, some players look identically like real soldiers with guns. I have been on couple of airsoft matches myself and it is real fun but sometimes there are poeple who get too serious about it. Some countries limit or ban such activities because of danger it creates in real life situations. Imagine walking through the town with gun in your hands that look real, stupid right? In fact there were many situations where some adults or even kids got themselves killed becuase they thought they look cool and carried it to public places. It doesn't matter if it is a toy. Police will not see the difference and it can end terribly.

So here are my questions:
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?


1. Yeah, why not, these are not even weapons, am I right? And even if they are, this is controversial, but criminals have access to the weapon anyway, so it is not that obvious that something bad would happen. Anyway, I don’t see any reason for banning life vests, or helmets and so on.

2. No, I don’t think so. Paintball is equally dangerous. Going around with fake weapons in public places is stupid indeed, but that’s a separate topic and sports or activities of any kind shouldn’t suffer because of people like that. Prevention is really frustrating and limiting our freedom. Punishment for breaking the law should motivate people, not some artificial rules which most people ignore anyway (e.g. speed limits).

3. No, and I’d rather not. I am not a fan of such sports myself and I’d just lose every time in a pathetic way 😊
I believe that every citizen should have access to a weapon with proper permission. this is a good idea, because to have a weapon you have to be able to use it. Another thing when it's a windbreaker or other dangerous "toy".

Airsoft is a game. I guess you should not forbid the game as long as players can take care of their safety through special protective rudders.

I have never participated in Airsoft. I have never participated in a paintball game, which is a pity, because it is definitely very fun fun :D
The action on the movie is a bit too scary for me :(

Life isn'tt eternal and I think you should try to do many things.
August Micota said…
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
I canno't think of a reason why it should be hard, i've just checked google for websites that sells that kind of equipment and there are a lot of them!

2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
I don't see any reason why it should be banned, it's fun for people who likes to experience it so why take away their fun when they doesn't bother anybody.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
I've been to paintball and laser tag several times, it was a really fun experience, maybe not so realistic as airsoft but still was really cool.
1. Yes of course. This is not a firearm or anything dangerous. Just apply the right protection.

2. No, I dont think that airsoft should be banned in sake of peace and security.

3. It's just entertainment for adults. Something like paintball, but more realistic. But not as realistic as a real war. I think that this is a great way to spend free time, especially for people who for some reason could not join the army.
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
Yes, I do not find a problem in that.

2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
No I do not. It is fun for them and no civilians are hurted.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
I was and I enjoyed it. It is really cool.
Kacper Gąsior said…
1. Yes, it doesn't seem to be dangerous, so I have nothing against it.

2. I think it should be banned in public spaces. As you said it may cause misunderstandings which may end up in a fatal way. I have nothing against it in special places, as it seems to be safe. People should be able to play with it in designated areas.

3. No, I haven't, but it looks really cool and I would love to try it.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
Yes, everyone is free to do their biding until it hurts others and wearing tactical vest cannot hurt others.

2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
No, it is great sport I've played it few times myself. People should be actually more familiar with gun and everyone should know how to use it properly and how serious such weapon is. If they would learn more about it they would be less bias about the airsoft or at least I believe so.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
Yes, I own few replicas myself, I prefer airsoft then paintball or laser paintball. It's more fun to do it in the world, in some ruins or huge forest.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. I believe that everyone should have easy access to that kind of stuff.
2.No, i think it need to be promoted because it's really important skill to know how to use gun in this days.
3.Yeah, i've been many times on that kind of event.
I'm also own the replicas of AK47.
Of course, that airsoft guns should be easily accessible after all it is not a weapon but there should be some age restrictions (or maybe such are). I do not agree that should be banned because such events take place on specially prepared training grounds away from the public sphere. When I was younger I was interested in airsoft, but none of my friends wanted to play it so I also resigned. I played paintball several times, I remember that I even became MVP and got a diploma :D.

My funniest memory from airsoft is a tank made by some Poles (I wanted to put a link in the movie, but it contains swearing and I don't know if I can :P)
1) I guess it shouldn't be prohibited. There is no real problem in easy access to some things. The only problem lays in people minds and in the way they perceive their surroundings. If you start thinking this way if you want to hurt somebody you can do it literally with anything. There are some countries where you can easily get permission for real weapon and even get profesional trainings and stuff. So in my opinion it's not the easy access that can make a problem here.

2) I guess if it's something used only in restricted areas, specially prepared for this like paintball curts it would be absolutelly fine. Limiting people's possibilities is not an option.

3) I'm not a big fan of such entertainments. First of all it's too loud and there is too much chaos in it. Too many people screaming, cursesing and running all around like mad. Not my thing at all.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
Definitely yes and I do not see a tiny reason why it should not.

2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
No, it should be fully legal as far as it doesn't affect anyone who doesn't take part in the game. So there should be special areas and places designed for the game.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
I have and it was amazing. I must admit I had a lot of fun. We played in the forest near abandoned swimming pool area with some also abandoned buildings. I also played paintball lots of times. about 30 i think and it is equally fun for me.
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?

I have never explored this topic but it seems to me that it should not be difficult, because it is not a real weapon. When it comes to wearing it in public, it should be banned because we can't tell it is real or not at first glance.

2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?

As I mentioned, carrying this type of weapon in public places should be banned so as not to cause social unrest. However, I do not see any contraindications to use them as shown in the video.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?

I have no experience with airsoft, but I used to be on paintball. One thing is certain for this sport, you need an unbelievable condition that I do not have :)
Kyrylo said…
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
Nope, but it is common knowledge that making something more difficult to obtain breeds counterfeits and smuggling.
2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
Why? Almost any sport bears a risk of trauma or even death.
3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
I would love to though I am mostly melee fighter and feel way more confident with a sword than a gun.
Maciej Sadoś said…
I think there is nothing bad about beeing able to buy such equipment and I wouldn't ban it. Although it could hurt you when used inappropriately, airsoft is not a weapon. And everything should be a weapon when used incorrectly. Weapon don't hurt/kill people - other people do.
Many people also just like such a millitaries and this is their hobby to collect various parts of equipment, not only guns.
I've never been either to airsoft event or paintball and any shooter in general, but I would really love to try it. Something about a year or so ago, I've been keen on these topics and I watched a lot of videos about the topic, but in the end I've neved went to such an event.
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
No, I think it shouldn’t be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens, because one can never be sure if the person buying this kind of equipment is reliable and mentally stable. There should at least be some serious test to make sure that person can buy that.

2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
I think if it’s used by professionals to train or people who are interested in this type of equipment then it’s ok for them to use it. O course as long as they don’t use it to hurt others.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
I have been to paintball. I wouldn't do it again, because I’m not interested in this kind of entertainment. And it hurts when you get shot.
1. I see no reason for obstructing access to this equipment, it is not dangerous and it is not life threatening. As we all know, banning these items would only arouse more interest among people. For many people it's hobby that help them cope with everyday struggles. But it is true that some people are not responsible enough and might try to use it for the wrong things, so age restriction could help a little with this problem.

2. No, guided by this way of thinking, we should prohibit almost all sports.

3. Yes, I have participated in several paintball events, I remember them very well and I would love to take pare in more of them.
1. I think a citizen should not have easy access to a weapon. In the US there is a law that you can have a gun, I don't think so
that in Poland it would work and the weapon would be used only for defense purposes. Our law is not prepared either
for this increase in the availability of weapons to citizens

2. I don't think so, because no one is hurt. I noticed that now the media say that everything causes aggression, e.g.
Computer games are bad, Airsoft is bad, school is dangerous etc.

3. I heard many times, I even participated in such an event
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. If we speak in the context of obtaining clothes - yes. I don't see anything wrong if someone likes to wear a uniform. When it comes to airsoft it is not an obstacle for me, but real guns should not be easily accessible.
2. No, airsoft should not be banned. However, all games should take place in areas away from people or forest walkers. Of course, you should not forget about special clothing that protects your eyes from plastic balls.
3. Yes, I even have airsoft myself. When I was younger I liked running with a rifle and shooting plastic balls.
Mykyta Smirnov said…
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
Only for people that prove their mental stability and aims they are going to use such weapons.
2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
It should not be banned, it's like any sport, less or more dangerous, but nothing else.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
I was at paintball match, from my memories it's a lot of fun while playing and a lot of pain after :D
I would go again, but I should ensure the equipment will protect myself from injuries
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?

Why not? There are lots of civilian passionates who consider tactical equipment as their hobby. It's just something tht interests them so why should anyone take that away from them. I get the point that such equipment may cause wrong people to be more effective in their wrong doings (for example thieves) but those are only few selected exeptions which in no way should ban other from such equipment.

2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?

I don't think so. People think that if somebody is running with a weapon replica that will make them look for something more later. I've heard this opinion that "it starts from plastic bullets, later there are real bullets and at the end somebody gets shot". I think this has nothing to do with reality because people who know how to use a gun and how it works are less likely to use it for a wrong purpose.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?

I have been few times at a paintball event and once I have played lasertag. Unfortunately it is not something that I do very often but I really enjoy it. Lasertag not that much but paintball is something that makes me excited. It is basically a harmless way to get rid of bad emotions, think tactically and try to outsmart your opponents. More complicated than some people think. I love it.
As i stated in the post, the problem I believe are people that are unaware how dangerous it can get. Sure vests and replicas are not real but they look so. Certainly i agree that if a criminal want such equipment, he will get it anyway so restricting this equipment would not do anything. It is hard to decide what would be a good move in this situation.
With proper tests, maybe it would be a good idea to give access to weapons for citizens. The problem is corruption within authorities. I am 100% sure that people not fit to wear a firearm would still get permission. That is why I am against implementing this in Poland.
I do not think airsoft should be banned either. I asked this question to see how many people would consider it possible threat to public. As mentioned in comments above, if a criminal wants to get real gun and equipment, he would get it even if it is illegal.
I agree, it is real fun. Sometimes there can be few morons on a field who think they are unstoppable and do not call shots but overall it is a great experience.
I believe every citizen should be trained to use firearm. I totally agree with you, people then would understand how serious it is to carry a gun or use it in dangerous situations against criminals.
I actually know what video you are refering to :D
There is an age restriction for using replicas and pneumatic weapons. The problem is with ordering them through the web. There is no verification of identity so even a 10-year old kid can order stuff that is not allowed for him.
I believe that if every citizen finished firearms training, it would be easier to understand how dangerous it can get if you carry this kind of stuff on you. And for sure age verification on internet orders should be improved. You can be 14 and still order things like knifes, hunting bows, etc.
I cant see why it shouldnt be available for everyone.

I dont think so. I think as long as airsofters will be carefull with the equipment and not showing it in public it will be safe.

I have never been on such event but i would like to go and try to have some fun.
Ivan Mazuryk said…
1. Yes, why not. It's rather toys that look like real guns.
Kitchen knives could be more dangerous than airsoft weapons. And if you are stupid enough to go in airsoft equipment into the public places that's only your problem.

2. Usually, airsoft events are well organized and take places in the closed territory to avoid different incidents. So I don't see any reasons airsoft to be banned.

3. Yes, once. I mostly liked it for its atmosphere. It feels like a game in real life.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. There is nothing particularly dangerous about them, so why not?

2. Air-soft polygons are usually distant from cities. At least in my city. So I don’t get why air-soft should be banned.

3. I have never been to air-soft, but I very much enjoy shooting real guns.
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
I don't think that ordinary citizens should get tactical equipment so easily. Citizens would then lose their sense of security. You never know if a psychopath is buying it.

2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
In my opinion, airsoft should not be banned for reasons of peace and security. If it is used for training by professionals. Each such person should undergo psychological tests.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
I was on paintball. It was fun, but the balls hurt a lot. I had a lot of bruising after that.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. Yes, I do. In my opinion, limiting freedom only by similarity in appearance is stupid. We should educate and not prohibit.

2. No, it shouldn't. It's just fun.

3. I have never participated and I do not intend to. This is not entertainment for me.
Mehmet KONUK said…
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
I think it's normal. This is not a damaging game, of course there may be problems, but it is a really fun game because there is no direct harm.
2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
No. I think this is not a military training but a simple game. So we should not confuse this with military systems.
3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
Yeah. I attended such an event in Turkey. I couldn't attend because I didn't have a dialect here, but if there are English groups, it's from friends. If you invite me, I'il be happy to come.
s15052 said…
1.Yes, I don't see any obstacles to this. If you don't harm anyone, why you should you have problems with buying or getting such equipment.
2. Of course not! It's team game that requires high skill and accuracy. People who train or play this are not criminals or terrorists.
3. Yes, I took part in the paintball event. I liked it and I'd really like to try airsoft, because It uses replicas of real weapons.
Mateusz Hefner said…
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
I think it's not that hard because there are plenty of people who managed that.

2. Should airsoft be banned for sake of peace and security?
I don't think airsoft is something dangerous enough to be banned. It only depends on people if it's safe.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
I have played plenty of games in paintball and I really enjoyed it.
1. Yes, because in my opinion it is not the weapon dangerous, but the one who is holding it. If we want to limit it, we should probably limit also some military knifes etc. To sum up, I think it should be easy to obtain it.

2. I don`t think so. It is just a game. It shouldn`t be banned. Following thouths like this all the paintball games should also be banned. It is giving people a pleasure and good time with friends.

3. I have never been on something like this. I am not interested in this kind of spending free time so probably I wouldn`t. But if I have an occasion, I would try it for a while. It looks really fun.
Anton Chechel said…
1. Do you think it should be easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
Well, as far as I know, the weapon is spoiled there (cut from the inside of the barrel), so such a weapon can not be returned to battle without replacing the parts that ordinary citizens are not so easy to get. So why not? And as for equipment like bulletproof vest or helmet, it is always useful for ordinary citizens. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow. So I don't see anything wrong with that.

2. Should airsoft be banned in peace and security sake?
Don't think so. firstly it is entertainment, people have the right to rest and they are free to organize it as they wish, and secondly the risk of getting some damage is always exist(even in a vacuum you can get frostbite), and the players go for it deliberately so I do not think this game is so bad. Well, in addition I will say that it is a good practice in case of necessary defence. Life is an unpredictable thing.

3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar to paintball? If you wouldn't consider going to the one like in a video?
I have never participated in such an event, but during my whole life I would like to go to one. It's fun, it's interesting to check what I'm capable of.
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
It's not the best way to share tactical equipment with ordinary citizens. There are different people and different thoughts so that why it should be obvious. And living in such society will become dangerous.
2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
I think it should be somehow regulated and restricted rather than to be banned. It should be possible to have special places and should be allowed to only those people with some permission.
3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
Yes I've been doing it for some time. Everything depends on personality, some people just visiting such places simply to have fun but another prefer to satisfy their own selfish ideas
1. Do you think it should be so easy to obtain tactical equipment for regular citizens?
Yeah I think it should be. I am talking about vests, helmets etc. , not about real weapons obviously. That is a completely different story. I think that restricted access to guns is enough in this case.
2. Should airsoft be banned in sake of peace and security?
I have no idea how banning airsoft could possibly improve our peace or security. It is just a game people play. Like football, it is their hobby. Of course you shouldn't be allowed to play it anywhere you want but I think this is something obvious. I am glad that people have different hobbies and are passionate about them. In my opinion it makes our society and lives better.
3. Have you ever been to an airsoft event or something similar like paintball? If not would you consider going to the one like in a video?
I have never been to such event and I don't think I would like to go to similiar one in future. It is just not my thing, I watched few videos like the one you posted and I must admit it looks a bit fun but I just don't see myself doing it.

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