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Week 3 [22-28.10.18] What will 5G network revolution bring us?

5G is a fifth generation of cellular network and is going to be a successor of 4G that enabled LTE technology with its blazingly fast internet speeds. But why do we need next generation if 4G sufficiently fills the needs of personal users? You see, with the rapid growth of IoT (the Internet of Things) and increasing digitalization of our world, the current infrastructure doesn’t keep up with exponentially growing inter-device communication and right now suffers from vast technical constraints. 5G is going to be a solution to this problem. It will allow to manage almost thousand times more traffic than 4G and at the same time will be almost ten times faster. However, the implementation of such technology is by no means a trivial task, to fulfill the promises researchers must first overcome many issues and meet with technical requirements. Fortunately over the last 2 years we’ve managed to resolve most of these problems and it is expected that 5G will come in late 2020.

So what lies behind the technology of 5G?

Millimeter waves – Currently all electronic devices use electromagnetic waves between 3kHz and 6GHz. However this frequency spectrum is getting filled up pretty quickly with the sheer amount of transmitted data. That is why 5G wants to widen its bandwidth up to 300GHz. Unfortunately, higher frequencies have smaller effective distance as are easily absorbed and cannot penetrate building walls.

Small Cells – are small radio access nodes that help to provide network service to end users. Their range is between 10 meters to 2 kilometers and they are meant to increase network access in densely populated urban areas that cannot be sustained by microcells alone. With many of these devices installed in towns and buildings they will resolve the problem of millimeter wave inefficiencies.

Massive MIMO –(Multiple Input Multiple Output) is an enhancement of current MIMO technology, that conventionally uses two transmit and receive antennas to operate network communication. With this upgrade transmitters will significantly improve throughput, network capacity and coverage.

Beamforming – Will allow devices to stream data directly towards a recipient. This will prevent wave interference and make data communication way more efficient, thus allowing the transmission station to handle more devices at once.

Full Duplex – Radio transmitters cannot receive and send data on the same frequency because of wave interference. This results in doubling amount of used up bandwidth for a single connection. To solve this problem researchers came up with special device that allows to intelligently coordinate transmission and reception of data on the same frequency.

1. Is 4G LTE enough for your personal needs, do you need almost 10x faster 5G internet speed?
2. How do you think the world will change with the increase of IoT devices?
3. Have you ever heard about 5G or maybe been involved in a project with that technology?



Wojtek Protasik said…
No, I don't need that, I'm pretty satisfied with what I have now, but I'm not saying it's pointless. IoT is becoming more popular each day, it solves many problems and it needs a better infrastructure like better communication.

I believe it will change slowly like it does now. IoT allows to automate many simple repetitive tasks that are usually done by people. I think everyone can image a warehouse managed by many devices and robot instead of people.

I've read about it, but for me it's just an upgrade so I'm not interested in it especially.
Foodocado said…
4G LTE is enough for my personal needs. I would say it's even more than enough.

IoT solves many current world problems and makes our life much easier. In my humble opinion, it's much more profitable than AI.

I heard about 5G technology. I also heard about many protests around it. This topic induces mixed feelings. I completely disagree with those who want to prohibit it. I love to see how fast technology is developing.
Bartosz Barnat said…
For my personal need 4G LTE is enough and I don't need anything better.

When it comes to IoT I think it might change the future and help many people with everyday tasks. It will take few years from now but I think it is the future of the world and will be common in a few years.

I have heard about 5G from someone but I didn't read anything more about it. As every new technology there are some people who thinks it will help in a future and others who think it will be problematic and will lead to some problems in the future.
If we are talking about personal needs, using 4G LTE is enough for me. However, a normal person always wants more to explore. IoT devices will change the world in a lot of ways. It will help a lot of people to manage their time and do not waste it. Yes, i heard a lot about 5G and i know, that Japan is already using it. It is not a full version of it, but there are a lot of free 5G areas where you can test it.
Marcin Mróz said…
If 5G became a standar just as LTE and all phone manufacturers and network operators adapted to it, then I guess that I wouldn't bother if something would load up 10 times faster than now. ;) Of course 4G is not bad and actually its speed is satisfying, but as I wrote earlier, if technology moves forward, we have to take advantage of that.
I think that the future concerning IoT devices is really interesting and some of those new technologies could become very useful, but it means that we are getting more and more dependent on technology which could be dangerous in some cases.
I've heard about 5G, but I wasn't familiar with all those details mentioned by you.
Filip Sawicki said…
I hope that introduction of commercially ready 5G will spark rapid increase of IoT technology in various businesses. Right now this field is still in its infancy and solely based on research rather than industrial development. Maybe in a near future we’ll see these intelligent warehouses that you mentioned.
Filip Sawicki said…
I don’t think that IoT will be more profitable than AI. There is a huge number of applications which require both technologies. I would go even further and state that there wouldn’t be IoT without machine learning. In my opinion there is no use in comparing profit of generic technologies rather it’s better to divide by specific market application, like intelligent agricultural systems (which require IoT for data gathering, machine operations and AI for data analysis and decision making).
Filip Sawicki said…
IoT will certainly lead to some issues in the future, as with everything that can replace or even do better than human workforce. This topic is so vast that it would require separate thread to discuss it properly.
Filip Sawicki said…
I share with your thoughts on the lack of need for faster personal internet. For me it’s more than enough to conveniently download or upload anything with current LTE speeds. However maybe future technologies will require more data consumption and thus it’ll be necessary to upgrade our network system.
For my personal needs 4G LTE is enough but I won't mind if it would be faster than it is now.

I think the world will change in many ways and IoT will help people in everyday tasks, help to save time and energy by doing things for them. Im excited to see how it will develop in the future.

I have heard about 5G and I have read an article or two about it but I never was that interested in this topic to go deeper and gather more information

For me 4G is more than enough to fulfill my need in internet outside of home. In most cases I don't do any harder operations than watching video's on YouTube or something similar actions. For real hard tasks in most cases I use usual home internet that has delivered to me by cable and exist in wireless way at home because I use wifi router. I think that 5G is good for future but at this time I don't see urgent needing in such speed.
I don’t know where people will use 10x faster internet speed. If you want to watch youtube or something else on your phone LTE is enough for that. I don’t need faster internet, because I don’t know for what it would be needed. But maybe the 5G will replace the wired network in future if it will have unlimited tariff and cost not too much. With IoT devices the world will change very much, because we will see more automatic things. A lot of simple task we would no more do. I read about it before, but I didn't pay much attention to it.
Nataliya Tkach said…
5G networks will speed up the transition to the “Internet of Things” - IoT. It is difficult to imagine the Internet at such a speed so far, and what the world will be like when using the new standard. It is worth expecting self-driving cars, it is possible that there will be devices that will pick up human biorhythms. The possibilities of the new network are endless.
IoT will change everything: smart technologies will bring business savings, security and innovation.

The great demand for the Internet, it is constantly growing, the increase in coverage, as well as the speed of data transmission will affect the bandwidth. Today, a lot of equipment is being tested to ensure users have a stable Internet experience.
Unknown said…
As it was mentioned (a lot of times) above 4g LTE is just enough for me. It would be nice to switch to 5G but I don’t think that I will notice any significant impact. For my everyday usage 4G is more than enough: I don’t download or upload some large amounts of data so it’s not so valuable for me. But if we are talking about even 4k videos streaming, yes 5G is must have option. There are a lot of example where 5G can significantly improve our lives but it’s rather small niches.

Actually, I have no idea how the world will change but I hope life will become easier and more pleasant.

Yes, I have heard about 5G lots of times and that Japan was the first country that started using this cellular network but can’t say nothing more about this topic.

I definitely don’t need 10 times faster wireless connection in my phone at the moment. However I understand that growing up technology called as Internet of things needs such speed. The users, like myself, will not benefit directly from 5G, but we will use it indirectly. Devices connected to the internet will give us easy way of getting knowledge, information and allow us to improve time management as well as general management. I think that there is also possibility that new, unpredicted before, technologies will rise because of 5G. People have amazing ability to develop new things and maybe this high internet speed will be useful for common users too.
Personally, I am not interested in wireless network or IoT, so I am not aware of any new projects in this field.
Unknown said…
At this point, I do not need a faster internet than is currently available. However, the needs change over time, so it's possible that the future will need more speed. The entry of the 5G standard does not only change the speed, but also changes the data transmission and network structure, which aims to improve the availability of wireless Internet and eliminate interference.
Certainly, improving the quality and speed of the link will allow better implementation of IoT devices, but I do not think that 5G will revolutionize this area.
I've heard about this technology before, but I did not implement any project related to it.
Unknown said…
I am not a demanding person, therefore I do not expect too much from my operators and 4G is enough for me
Unfortunately, I have not heard about 5G, but in my opinion if something should be improved, I am in favor and support this.
and as for IoT I did not delve into the IoT device, but I think that the world evolves so quickly that it will be needed and people will make the most of it, and maybe even in the future.
Artem Lipovatyi said…
1. Yes, 4G is more than enough for me in terms of speed. However, 5G is not only high speed, but also a large bandwidth and stability, which is not always good in the case of 3G-4G.
2. I think most processes will be automated, accelerated. You should not expect big changes, because at the moment it’s more like DIY entertainment than full-fledged products that can drastically change the world.
3. Of course, I heard about it, but I did not participate in any projects using this technology. Nowadays more people learn about 5G. It is no secret that at this moment several countries make tests of a new generation of communication.
I like my Internet fast and lagless, so i think that new technology is always a good thing. IOT is kinda one of the new scientific/ingeneering trends, and will definitely change and increase quality of our lifes, making us one step closer to technocratick utopia, and if this technology needs better and faster internet, why not? I've heard about 5G the same as i have heard about 4G when it was a hot topic, but i do not find interest in web technologies so i never researched it deeply myself.
Unknown said…
For now, 4G LTE is enough for my personal needs but in the near future maybe everyone will say that 5G is enough and 4G wasn't.
I think that the world will probably change for better with an increase of IoT devices because our life will be much easier with it. It will help us with our daily tasks and much more things that maybe We are unaware of now.
Neither I have never heard about 5G (until now) nor have been involved in a project with that technology.
Unknown said…

LTE is pretty fast, but phone is quickly discharged and because of it I use 3G. For my everyday needs it’s enough.
After increase of IoT device will be fewer fires related to the fact that somebody forgot turn of some device. Also will decrease number of thefts in flats or houses, because I think that in future your smart home will understand who is in apartment and call to police in it’s unknown person.
But on the other hand IoT device not such secure as they must be. For example botnet Mirai. It’s a botnet which infect IoT device and make the biggest DDOS attack at the world. It infect devices because users don’t change standard passwords and Mirai easily hack it.
I’ve already heard about 5G and I think it’s great step to digital future.
Filip Sawicki said…
I also wouldn’t bother having 5G as standard network connection, however I’m a bit worried about the cost of implementing such a solution. Remember that companies (or cities) have to first adapt its infrastructure to make it possible. We’d need to install enormous amount of small cell devices and upgrade all antennas for Massive MIMO.
Filip Sawicki said…
5G and IoT will be a huge revolution for us. I just can’t imagine how many services will benefit from these technologies, so only time will tell!
Filip Sawicki said…
In fact with 5G you won’t even need home internet provider. I guess that internet providers will shift their business model to VPN’s, private or high throughput networks for larger clients.
Unknown said…
When it comes to me the 4G lte speed is enough and one think that I would change is the range of the signal. Sometimes it is hard to get the 4G and often I am forced to use H+ which is much slower.
In my opinion increment of IoT devices will be profitable for all. These devices will do many things for us and solve problem so that we wouldn't have to worry as much.
One disadvantage in my opinion could be our safety. If we are surrounded by so many intelligent things we will be more vulnerable to hacks.
I've heard before about 5G a little bit, but I wasn't curious enough to check more information or get involved with any project related to it.
Szymon Gibalski said…
1. To be honest, I do not need faster internet speed because 4G LTE is enough for me. I only use my mobile internet to listen to music or send a message on Slack or Messanger. But it is always good to have an option, maybe in 2020 I will need faster internet speed but for now, I am fine with 4G LTE.
2. It will definitely improve our life and it will make it easier. Of course, our privacy will be dead but I am fine with that as long as my fridge knows when I should order grocery shopping.
3. I have heard about the 5G for the first time in the following video: It was not the best source of knowledge about this topic, but it was pretty funny.
Unknown said…
I've never heard about 5G, but it certainly sounds very interesting. I don't need 5G and I'm completely satisfied with 4G, but it would certainly be a nice thing to have. However, 4G does not have full coverage everywhere right now, and I doubt that 5G will be any different - implementing it everywhere will take significantly longer than by 2020.

As for IoT, I'm worried about privacy - it's already very difficult to protect your personal information, and I fear than the advent of IoT devices will only make that more difficult.
Filip Sawicki said…
Probably in the near future we’ll hear more about 5G. Right now nobody really bothers with marketing, but as the technology matures and companies start to sell it to customers it’ll be everywhere.
1. I’m not having any problems with 4G but progress is always good. Let’s have even faster exchange of information. It will also provide more security

2. I think it will change the use of IoT devices scientifically. Not as cause of it but being part of its evolution. For me the most important will be improvements in communication between autonomous cars. It is great path for that technology that can improve everyone comfort and safety

3. I’ve read about it on some medium article. Never been involved on any project but I would try if I had more time, maybe after college
4G at least for me right now is more than enough but that's me i feel like many companies, streamers etc would appreciate stronger more capable mobile internet speeds, also with such capable network we could overthrow cable internet for personal uses.

With rise of IoT devices we will more and more adapt Japan like , South Korea like internet standards where most of the time internet itself is free but providers ear their money by seizing the opportunity of having more users.

5G was a mystery to me before this article, mostly because there are no sensible data plans in Poland and there wont be anytime soon .
4G is far enough for personal use. I think 5G will improve our internet usage so we could save a bit of time.
IMO 5G will bring a lot of changes to IoT devices. Improvement in communication between every devices will force us to go further into it. Every day technology is evolving and we need to evolve with it. I believe big changes in every part of our life is coming with changes in technology.
About 5G I heard few times and also read a bit. I've never beed involved on an project, but who knows, maybe soon?
Unknown said…
Not at all. I don’t need to download 5 movies at the same time or watch 2 4k videos on YouTube every time I turn my PC on. Right now I think that I would love more stable and cheap internet access and most of all a chip in my brain to use it directly. 10X faster internet is like… Having a car being able to move 500 mph in the middle of the city when you always end in traffic jams.

There is going to be a new type of hackers who will make your fridge lock itself if you open wrong email on your phone that happen to be connected with all your devices in home. Just imagine being able to hack someones toaster. And believe me, people are going to try hack everything the can.

No, never. I have heard about IoT but not about 5G. I have barely seen any difference between 3G and 4G.
Piotr Ciesla said…
Well for me for now 4G is enough but if I think that the only a couple years ago, 3G network was is more than I expected, I think I will need the 5G in the next couple of years. Amount information I will gather, will be much much bigger so I will need a faster connection.
IoT will revolutionize home industry for example there will be no physical lights switches. Lights will turn on and off automatically There will be some out outlets for old equipment, smart blinds for windows. Well everything will be smarts, and hopefully it will work together.
I’ve heard there was a protest in Poland against 5g but except that It would be all.
Unknown said…
1. It's hard to say... sometimes it's way enough sometimes it's not. You see.. it is enough in bigger cities like Warsaw where I study and work, but in smaller towns like mine (50km from Warsaw) it's sometimes not enough. I can stream music using LTE but while travelling bus in Warsaw or train from my town to Warsaw it's sometimes hard to load quickly FullHD videos on YouTube and it's sometimes annoying. I wish 5G will meet us soon :)
2. I don't think that'll be big improvement for smaller shops, cause it will only affect terminal's work. But for bigger organisations which are using self-teaching machines it will be big improvement. Those machines may gather information faster = less time spent on teaching = more money cause time=money. haha :D
For customer: it would be a big improvement for cloud systems I belive and more users will use that technology.
3. I've never been involved in a project related to 5G :/
Unknown said…
First of all, most mobile devices are not adapted to the 5G network. Few devices are able to handle with this task. Hopefully more and more devices on market will adapt to this network.
Today, I am slowly noticing that the 4G network does not keep up with users' needs. I personally don’t need faster network now, but in a few years it may be too slow, it's good to know that soon we will have an improved and faster network.
I think that along with the development of this technology the Internet will be much cheaper, not only the mobile one, but also the stationary one. It will also be possible that people who did not have access to the Internet now will have this easier to get.
I have never delved into the topic of 5G, it was good to read it here, I can’t wait for the technology of everyday life to be developed.
Cezary Róg said…
For my personal use, 4G LTE is definitely enough. I use the mobile internet a lot mainly for work purposes but also fun in my free time. I'm happy with what I have now. I don't need anything faster for now.

The market of all smart devices is growing really fast. That means that more data is being sent through the network. But I think it will take some time until we will need higher internet speed for that stuff.

I heard about the 5G before but I have never been involved in any project related to it.
I think that at the moment 4G internet is enough, but in a few years when the phone screens will have 8k resolution it will make sense.
"How do you think the world will change with the increase of IoT devices?"
I think that it will certainly improve everyday activities. For Example:
When a user arrives home and his car communicates with the garage to open the door and in the enterprise, smart sensors located in a conference room can help an employee locate and schedule an available room for a meeting, ensuring the proper room type, size and features are available.
"Have you ever heard about 5G or maybe been involved in a project with that technology?" - Only from your article :)

5G is very good for user needs. It will force out wired internet. Finally, the Internet will be available to all users in the farthest corners of the planet, for tourists for example. You no longer have to have two types of Internet - the Internet on the phone will replace everything.

My opinion on the author's second question is that the world will not change. The target provider for the population will change. Soon we will be completely wireless.

Yes, we all heard about the new technology and look forward to implementing it. And I'm waiting.
Unknown said…
Is it enough? Sure, would I like more? Of course, yes, currently at LTE / 4g we are not able to do everything and as we have to wait then. I imagine times where we do not need to have computers, televisions etc. at home, but only the screens that will be connected to a great supercomputer that will do everything immediately. Such times are no longer a dream but a short reality.

Have you heard about 5g? of course, I am a programmer that specializes in mobile technologies, but I have not tried to play 5g yet.
For me LTE is enough, but I can easily understand that other peoples have bigger needs - number of my personal devices connected to the internet might be small, but in future, I believe that almost every RTV device will have internet connection. IoT expands quickly, and it's better to plan and install new infrastructure in advance
This comment has been removed by the author.
For me 4G network is completely sufficient. I don't feel a need for faster internet than this. That may change in future, but for now I am perfectly happy with what I have.

I think that IoT improves our everyday life and it's growth can only be beneficial for everyone.

I haven't heard about 5G before. Personally I still felt like LTE was introduced not so long ago so I am glad that this technology is improving at such a rapid pace. It affects many aspects of my life so this is certainly important for me.
Marcin Górski said…
I don't need anything faster than 3G. It's enough for me. Of course, I have tested LTE and other options but I have noticed that my phone battery was discharging very quickly so I have turned back to 3G. It's okay for my wants.
I think that people are exaggerating with that. When they saw a faster option than they have then it turns out they need that. For example, 20mb Internet is enough for surfing but I know people who are having 300mb option for that. That's horrible! It's example of consumerism.
I have never heard about 5G because it's not my interest. I know that Internet exist and I'm very happy with that :)
At this exact moment im using LTE. It is my main source of internet in my home. I live in such dark hole that i have no real choise. I got to admit i was scared at begining. Transfer limist, signal strenght etc. After almost 2 years i think i don't need anything else for my private stuff. Sure, it would be nice to download 100gb file 10times faster but it is still impressive when you compare what we had 5 years ago. Back to your last question. Kinda yea, i have heard about it but didn't really got interested so i haven't got any knowledge untill now.
Personally for me, 4G LTE is enough, the main thing that the cellular coverage was good. I can easily download pretty huge files , stream music and movies and etc.. I think, instead of waiting for 30 seconds of downloading , we will wait 10 seconds with 5G. Cool? Cool, but nothing will change dramatically. Progress can't be stopped.
IoT devices will change the world and pretty fast. Smart homes gradually fill the market, smart city technologies are being introduced into big cities. But, question about privacy is still open.
I have heard about 5G in news , but directly I haven't been involved in projects with this technology, maybe in one day.
Maciej Nowak said…
Well, 4G LTE is sufficient for my personal need while using mobile phone, but the faster internet speed the better. And when it comes to internet in my home then I will always prefer cable Internet as it is more stable and usually offers smaller lag which is important for me as I play a lot of multiplayer games. With the growth of the number of IoT devices everyday life will be more comfortable but also people will get more dependent to technology. I have heard about 5G before, but only that it is currently developed and will be in some near future.
4G LTE is enough for my personal needs, but I think that the development of further technology in this area is the most desirable, because files such as HD movies weigh more and more, databases are more and more complex and in the future 4G technology it will be replaced by new, better technology, including 5G.

I think that with the growth of devices world will change very much. I have read a lot of articles on this subject and specialists have very big doubts about the security associated with smart-houses, IoT, because some devices cease to be supported and updated over time. All it takes is that someone finds a bug in the code and can break into any device based on this system. In addition, many experts believe that artificial intelligence can be dangerous for humans

No, I have not heard or participated in a project related to 5G technology.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Is 4G LTE enough for your personal needs, do you need almost 10x faster 5G internet speed?
I think we need to enhance our technologies, and it'll never be "too fast".

2. How do you think the world will change with the increase of IoT devices?
I think the world becomes a better place, when your home is secured with small sensors, your car knows who sit in drivers chair, your phone will show messages only to you.

3. Have you ever heard about 5G or maybe been involved in a project with that technology?
I think everyone in Poland heard about 5G, because of the strange protests against it.
Unknown said…
Will I become happier with 5G internet? I'm not sure. But I don't have anything against that idea. For me 4G is more than enough now, but I don't know what needs I have in the nearest future when 5G will be introduced.

I'm not interested in IoT. I want to leave in an old fashioned way. I like when a fridge is just a fridge and my lamp is only giving a light. I don't want to talk with furniture in my house.

I have no projects connected with 5G internet and I hope that I won't have that type of projects in the nearest future.
I find 4G LTE to be perfect for my needs. Software development, which is my field of work, doesn’t require connections faster than what is offered by LTE. In addition, I have stable high-speed WiFi at home and in the office.

The second question is too ambiguous for me. Sure, the world will change. However, I think it’s not related to 5G at all. Most IoT devices operate on low-energy Bluetooth protocols in order to maintain stable connections and save power. The explosion of IoT will only cause BLE to become more popular and will have no effect on cellular networking.

I have heard of 5G only at the university and only as trivia. After reading the blog post, I admit the advancements look impressive and I can’t wait for them to be standardised in the market.
Unknown said…
1. Is 4G LTE enough for your personal needs, do you need almost 10x faster 5G internet speed?

I don't see any reason to prefer slower connection than faster one. I think that 4G LTE is already quite comfortable but if we have faster connection why not use it?

2. How do you think the world will change with the increase of IoT devices?

I think that for last few years we could watched fast growth of computers and smartphones. I think that in the next few years will be work on improvment common things like vacuum cleaners, electric toothbrushes, irons etc. Everything will be connected to the internet and we will be able to manage it by our smarthpone.

3. Have you ever heard about 5G or maybe been involved in a project with that technology?

I have heard about 5G but I have to admit that I don't know much about technical details. I know that it is faster solution than 4G but that's everything what I already know about it.
Wow, I'm just amazed by this article. 5G internet sounds fantastic. I just recently purchased a phone on which there is 4G, and for me, it is already magic. But of course, 5G is cooler. I do not feel the need to speed up the Internet on my gadgets, but technologies must evolve. If we stopped and did not look for something faster, stronger, smaller, then our computers would still be the size of a room, and instead of flash drives, we would use punched cards.
Patryk Górski said…
1. Is 4G LTE enough for your personal needs, do you need almost 10x faster 5G internet speed?

4G LTE is enough for me, but I don't mind something faster. Right now it's weird for me, that sometimes LTE is faster than normal wired connection. The main advantage for me of LTE is the availability - it's almost everywhere, and you have access to everything instantly.

2. How do you think the world will change with the increase of IoT devices?

It can be only better - I think that it will revolutionize the way we live right now. Imagine the situations, when device will let you simplify a lot of daily routine things.

3. Have you ever heard about 5G or maybe been involved in a project with that technology?

I've heard something about it, but it wasn't that much. Main thing that I've heard is that people think, that it can harm their health - I think that this is not true, and sometimes people act like they live in a Flinstones age.
Unknown said…
Internet 4G LTE is very fast and I don't need to have faster, but technology is moving forward and for sure one day such a speed will come in handy.

The world is changing all the time, not even from year to year, and more and more IOT items are going out from week to week. More and more interesting things, I'm curious what will happen next.

I've heard about this technology, but it's hard for me to say something about it.

Unknown said…
Is 4G enough? Of course it is.
Would I like more? Of course I would, because why not? I’m using my mobile devices all the time, mainly on surfing the Internet. But you know, it’s not that simple. We will need a whole new infrastructure and new things = lot of money.

I think that IoT is going in great way. It solves many problems and maaaany services will benefit from it.

Yes, I heard about it, but I wasn’t involved in any project with that technology.
Marcin Zając said…
1. 4G network is currently enough for me. But ofcourse I don't mind getting faster connection and maybe I will need bigger speeds in the future.

2. We can see a lot of IoT devices now for example looking on smart homedevices all connected to the internet like bulbs, toothbrush, vacuum cleaners, electric sockets and so on. Also wearable like smartwatch and in the future maybe something like Intel Vaunt:
Some devices can increased our free time. In my opinion this is the main advantage.

3. I knew about 5G, but without technical details and I haven't been involved in any project with this tehnology.
Unknown said…
Of course, the current internet speed is enough. Problem is in the range of the fast internet. In my opinion the should build more radio transmitters to solve the biggest problem with the mobile internet. We don’t need faster mobile internet in one place, better to have fast internet everywhere.

I think that with the increase of ioT devices it will simply be more dependent on electricity and all this technology. People will not be able to cope with the situation when technology fails. I've never heard anything about 5G technology. Honestly, I have to catch up.
Actually the whole point of Internet of Things scares me. Just let that sink in: our home equipment is forming a s-o-s-i-e-t-y. Basically, one day your vacuum cleaner will ask your microwave oven: "Hey, what was that that did our human eat on his supper? Did't smell good." -- "It was some overheated popcorn. He spilled almost half of a bowl around the place, as usual. You will have a lot of job here, buddy. Sorry." -- "Aw, jeez..." And you will not even know about it. And the best thing here is that machines require only one hundred of a second to have such conversation. We, humans, better catch up with them.
Unknown said…
I have never heard about 5G internet. Thanks to this post I know what it is and how work but I think it's only marketing gimmick. For using normally internet it's enough 4G LTE to search difrent information. Iot is a long way to develop global but It can work for small city.
Unknown said…
LTE is enough for me, but I wouldn't mind paying more for faster internet connection if such option would be possible. Having 10x faster internet as standard it will open many opportunities for developers to make even more amazing applications, so I would love to see what it would change.

Noone knows how IoT world would impact on us - humans. For sure it will change some of the aspects of our lives like transport or how we keep our house clean.

I have heard about 5G, but as far as I remember at the time when I heard about it, I was at the very early stage of development.
The problem of nowadays 4G LTE doesn't speed. For my everyday needs, it’s more than enough.
But I want to have 4G LTE speed everywhere. I mean that there a lot of territories where you have 3g only or even H.

With the increase of IoT devices, everyday life in this world will become even more comfortable. With the growth of AI, the possibilities of IoT devices is growing too. And I will always have work as a Data Scientist :)

Yes, I have heard about 5G. But just only heard and nothing more else.
Unknown said…
For me personally it's gonna be insignificant change so far since other technologies like battery for example is not quite ready for such a media quality and screens also but it's like chicken egg problem since something gotta go first.
Technology will go further in our life and take much more space in our life. Smart things are already doing it but it's still kind of outside of our life and IoT will allow it to be symbiotic
It's quite popular but the most gains is for telecom companies.
5G is just a natural next step in the progression of communication technology. Seeing people claiming they don’t need higher connection speeds reminds me of people back in the age of first trains, claiming that they don’t need a mode of transport faster than horses, or Bill gates claiming that users won’t need more than 640kB of RAM in their computers. We live in an age where Internet connection is slowly becoming nearly mandatory to survive, so saying that we’re good with what technology we have is awfully short-sighted in my opinion. My home Internet connection is based off LTE at the moment, and despite being supposed to run at top speed, it barely pulls of more than 10Mbits in the middle of the night, so I’d welcome a 5G connection with open arms. More and more devices will be connecting to the network, as we’re developing smart phones, smart cars, smart lightbulbs, smart salt shakers and so on – therefore a technology that lets all those things connect wirelessly without trying to scream over each other must be developed as fast as possible. I believe in IoT (I have a wireless light dimmer in my room) and how it can make our everyday lives more comfortable, so I’d be happy to work with 5G solutions if given a chance.

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