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Week 3 [22-28.10.18] Mystery behind Cicada 3301

Cicada 3301 is probably the biggest mystery of the modern internet. It’s a secret organization run by unknown people that has posted a set of puzzles with a purpose to recruit “highly intelligent individuals”. For past few years, Cicada 3301 has raised lots of different questions and conspiracies surrounding real purpose of these puzzles. One of the biggest questions is who is behind all of that? Some people claim that Cicada 3301 is a secret organization run by the US Government which looks for computer security experts with high-level skills in cryptography. Other people have claimed that Cicada is some kind of a cult or religion. Entire communities have been created in order to solve puzzles and find answers to all these questions. Here is the video that explains the story behind this internet mystery:


1. What do you think? Is Cicada 3301 a real thing or just another internet “rickroll”?
2. Would you like to try to solve them?
3. Who do you think is behind these puzzles?


Lukasz Mroczek said…
Wow! I’ve never heard about it before. I don’t know what to think but my mind tells me that it may be some kind of fake or something not worth paying more attention. Of course it sounds great like “Mr. Robot” but as I’ve said, I rather perceive it as a curiosity.
Of course that I’d like to try to solve them because I like puzzles. I’ve even stopped writing right now and check google :D I will go back to cicada later.
It’s hard to determine what may be behind these puzzles. Maybe a group of hackers or maybe a company that needs great it guys.

Bartosz Barnat said…
This is the first time I'm hearing about Cicada 3301. I don't know how I could miss that! I must say that it might be a work of a bigger organization that has an interest in it and I suppose that we will hear about Cicada 3301 once more few years from now.

I would love to try to solve this but I don't think I would get far. More likely I would be defeated after 2 weeks of struggle.

As I said at the beginning I suppose there is a big organization hidden behind Cicada 3301 that has a really big interest in it. The gaps of time between tasks might be intentional just to see who will be so determined to stay on this topic. Im looking forward to see what happends with Cicada because it gives me a feeling like it is some science fiction movie.
Unknown said…
1. Cicada 3301 can be a real organization. Someone is definitely behind the creation of the puzzle.
2. Definitely - yes. If I there will be the next puzzle, I will try.
3. I have no other ideas, so I can agree with the author of the video that behind this all is a group of people who are addicted to cryptography and they have one general idea. What is not the idea of "protecting the rights" uniting people?
In my opinion, Cicada 3301 it's just a number of hackers or random guys. The main thing about it, that nobody knows what is behind the wall. I truly believe in secret organizations, however, i don't believe in their recruitment system. Companies, organizations that own information - own the world. And if you own the world, why do you need to make such an advertisement for public? You just need to keep it in secret. But again, i'm not sure about it and it is just my opinion.
How is that possible that I have never heard about Cicada 3301 even when part of a puzzle was hidden in Warsaw? Wow!
In my opinion this may be a work of a big secret organisation which is just keen on cryptography or maybe the reason of looking for the best specialists in the globe has deeper meaning? I must admit that reason is what interests me the most.

I am not good at puzzles and I think I wouldn't be able to solve any but it sounds misterious I will defenetely check it out
I really liked this video as I never heard about Cicada 3301 before. And I'm actually glad - without the whole explantion from the author it would be an unresolved story. And I hate those :)
I think his explanation seems plausible - a group of people with the interest in privacy could indeed organize such an elaborate puzzle. This whole event was definitelly real for all the participant and it's incredible how creative and difficult those puzzles were. As much as I consider myself an intelligent individual, I doubt I would be able to solve all of them and get to the end of it. But it would be nice to be a part of the group that was working on cracking them down.
But who knows, maybe Cicada 3301 indeed managed to reach their goal, maybe the work done by the first group of winners was enough? Maybe emergence of some technology (like blockchain) invalidated their research. Or maybe someone just wanted to publish his own ideology in the form of a cryptic book which was the core of the third puzzle? We might never actually know this.
Anyway, I'm glad I got to know this story, thank you!
First of all I would like to thank you, because it was really interesting presentation. You have my respect ;)
So, moving to your questions:
It's hard to say for me what actually is this group but I don't think it's just another rick roll ( but if it is, it's really epic one thought). Maybe this is some kind of recruiting tasks for company like Google? Who knows?
I think that I do not have so much time to solve those puzzles but if I were jobless or something like that I would give it a try, cause it looks super fun + it makes you to think a lot.
Nataliya Tkach said…
PR the usual fun, which has become fashionable by adding the words "hacker", "Internet" and "online." Against the background of the popularity of Anonymus, the first busy tags and the ones that came to the attention of the right journalists.
Unknown said…
Yeah, story behind Cicada has some Mr. Robot vibes, but that's make it even more interesting. I think that maybe creators of Mr. Robot were inspired in some way by Cicada 3301 when making series.
Unknown said…
Well, there are some people who claim to solve all these puzzles, but I doubt that those who made to the end would even tell the truth. I agree with you, that it makes sense to make gaps between tasks just to observe how serious do people take this puzzles. If you might be interested more in this, you should probably checkout this subreddit:
Unknown said…
I wonder if this is a real organization then how such an organization can exist in first place. Do they work under cover-up?
Unknown said…
Maybe because such public announcements won't be taken seriously by the majority of people? I think they wanted to see signs of engagement from the public that's why they introduced themselves in such mysterious way.
Unknown said…
I agree, the "for what purpose" is the most controversial part of Cicada in my opinion. But maybe that is indeed just a group of people who try to make this world a better place, maybe they are another internet vigilantes.
Unknown said…
I glad you liked it. If you really liked it you should probably check out Cicada's subreddit: . They have some really interesting posts.
Unknown said…
I'm glad you like it. I personally don't think this is some PR stuff. I'm pretty sure these guys take themselves seriously. I don't think they would waste such amount of time just to create some viral story.
Unknown said…
I was very interested in this topic, especially since I have never heard about Cicada 3301. I love solving various types of puzzles. I'd like to try to solve these too. I have no more ideas who can stand behind these riddles than the author. There are various organizations dealing with the field of cryptography, maybe one of them? I think that if it was recruitment for programming companies dealing with cryptography, then the results of such recruitment would be announced in order to promote the company. In fact, the complexity of the riddles and the fact that the next stages took place on different continents raises a question mark when it comes to the purpose of the riddles.
Unknown said…
I believe that cicada 3301 is a real thing that was created by a genius who is looking for other highly talented people I think I would like to solve such puzzles, but I think I'm not genius enough to take it
Unknown said…
I don't know, what to say. Of course, it is easier to think that it is just a joke, but the concept behind it isn't a joky one. Puzzles, posters, a books with a specific historical meaning included, why would anyone make such a joke?
I can't even imagine, who is behind the Cicada. Maybe it's just a group of friends that got boring the other night and decided to throw a party, and all these riddles was just invitations. I am pretty sure, from what I've heard from the video, we will hear about Cicada 3301 once more, when time will come.
Artem Lipovatyi said…
1. What do you mean asking whether it is a real thing or not? Cicada 3301 as an event is real. I think this question is more related to the final. We cannot be sure that there was no final. Maybe someone has been recruited and do not tell us all the truth. I believe one day the true creator of such a thing will be disclosed.
2. Of course, why not? At least it can train the brain and help to discover some cryptography things.
3. People. I think it is a group of people made this just for fun.
I am pretty sure that it is a joke or a fun hobby for some scientifical guys who are bored by their work, it's just a praank bro. I don't like these types of puzzles so i think i would not like to try solving them and i am pretty sceptical about the origins of this organization, so "mystery card" would be lost too. I thnik that some bored cryptografers hobbyists or real funny scientists are behind it and it is just a joke.
Unknown said…
First time I heard about Cicada 2 year ago and I like the idea of finding intelligent people using real-life quest. I’m trying to solve existing task which I find in internet and give up on the first. I think the cicada it’s a real group of people who trying to find “new brains” for some special task. I’ve read some interview with winner of this quest(can be fake) and he said that after last task he receive an invite to secret chat in the darknet. Also he said that Cicada search people with knowledge of cryptography to create new secure chat. I think that behind of these puzzles stand group of cypherpunk’s, who are seriously concerned that government or hackers can hack your favorite messenger and read all your personal data.
1. Hard to say but I like the idea of recruiting experts that way. Maybe Cicada 3301 is a real thing, maybe not but things like that makes the internet life more interesting so I wouldn't be mad if it is an internet "rickroll"
2. I would like to try to solve them but I know I would fail. But the amount of new skills I could learn from just trying would be enough for me to be pleased.
3. Maybe a group of people that are highly interested in anonymity on the Internet. Or just bored people with passion for puzzles.
Unknown said…
1. I would like to believe that it’s a real thing. After so much build up it would be quite disappointing to find out that it is just another internet “rickroll”. Nevertheless, this is the internet we are talking about. Abraham Lincoln once said “If it’s on the internet, it must be true”.

2. Previous puzzles – not really, future puzzles – yes, as long as there are no costs involved.

3. Either an organization of influential free thinkers or yet another internet troll.
That is quite interesting topic, I have never heard before about Cicada 3301. It maybe some organisation which decided to looking for people in this extraordinary way, however I think that it could be some internet troll as well. The complexity of the riddle and its multi international character are no arguments against “troll” thesis, for me. To be honest, it wasn't really that hard, for sure it required a lot of intelligence and some knowledge and I wouldn't solve it myself , but I am sure that are a lot of much harder problems in cryptography and cyber security. Also, posting some papers around a globe doesn't require some huge organisation and resources. In modern world it is extremely easy to communicate with people on the other side of the globe, so that group of boring friends form different countries may easily organise something like that.
As I said before, I probably wouldn't be able to solve the puzzle, mostly because my lack of interest in web, networks and cyber security topics. But maybe if I would have a lot of free time I would try.
Unknown said…
I’ve never heard about Cicada 3301 before but it sounds really fascinating. I don’t know whether it’s true or not. As was mentioned above it sounds like "Mr.Robot" but taking in consideration all the facts(mainly those posters in different places of the world) there is a probability of its truthfulness.

Everything connected with cryptography and stenography sounds really impressive for me and I would like to solve this puzzle but seems like it takes a lot of time and efforts and I am not sure whether I would like to spend such huge amount of time on it.

Probably some bigger organization or group of enthusiasts that have lots of money but rather not government. Frankly I have no idea.

Really impressive and fascinating video. Thanks a lot!
It was a very interesting presentation, I've never heard about Cicada 3301 before. Maybe Cicada 3301 is a real thing. It could be an international organization that keeps records of individuals with highly intelligent and then watch them and if there is a need for such a persons for some reason, they will come for them. For myself perhaps I would like to solve them but clearly not to get into this organization.
Unknown said…
That's sounds very interesting and it's hard for me to say if this is real. However, in my opinion this is not run by any government organization, rather some IT company which looks for the best specialists. The whole case and organization of this puzzle doesn't seem like a joke and creates a professional impression. I am surprised by the fact that
whole thing has been silent for so long and no one knows what it was.
I don't think so that I would like to try solving these riddle because it really time consuming.
I heard something about Cicada 3301 a few years ago. Personally, I'm more inclined to the version that it's just group of skilled friends or something like that. It's was mentioned in the video, that nowadays it's possible to create an illusion of everything, the only limits are money and fantasy. We live in strange technological world , it could be anything. But I think , we all can agree that this "phenomenon" - Cicada 3301, was prepared and implemented at a high level.
I would like to try to solve them, the world of cryptology is new to me so it's dazzling and quaint.
Szymon Gibalski said…
1. I think that Cicada 3301 is a real thing. I do not say that there is a “super special secret agency” that is looking for people to join them based on the results of their puzzles. I think that a bunch of people had an idea to prepare some puzzles and post them on the Internet to see if someone can solve them.
2. Probably not, because I do not have time for such a thing. It was really interesting to listen about it and watch how to solve those puzzles but nothing more.
3. As I said a bunch of friends with too much free time 😊
Unknown said…
It is just another internet puzzle. As hundreds of them. People are bored, they create stuff and find it funny when other believe and follow it. And every time when I hear “secret society” I just think about lizard man and other stuff that is just made up.

No. I have better thinks to do.

Probably a group of cyberpunk fans with good IT knowledge and to much free time.
Unknown said…
1. I think that Cicada 3301 is troll but made by a group of inteligent people. That may explain why the winner havn't joined them after so many years. Another theory of mine is that it may be made by some IT brand, but after resolving puzzles by some people they were afraid to show themselves cause they were afraid of failure which "Reserved" for example faced some time ago with their AD.
2. Simply not, I don't have such skills :/ I like puzzles, rubik cubes but I found Cicada and cryptographic puzzles way to hard.
3. Already answered that in first point. Organisation or group of inteligent people.
Well done troll.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I have never heard about Cicada 3301 before but I think that explaination given by the author of the video is probable. Someone who prepared those puzzles has some great knowledge about cryptography and IT overall. It definitely took a lot of effort to prepare but not that many funds actually. Posters being located near the airports are a great clue about how powerful the group could be. When it comes to solving those puzzles. I am sure I wouldn't be able to pass even the first stage of it. To sum up, the topic is really interesting and I wonder who might be behind those tests.
Unknown said…
It seems to me that this is just an internet paste that was invented by 4chan users, but I thinks that this may be a way to recruit for secret CIA type agencies or something where they need great hackers / intelligent people, etc. Ordinary recruitment of course, they could not take place because most of the people who are in danger of threatening such agencies are below average, so they need such people to defend themselves against it.
Unknown said…
Wow, this was by far is the best material I've ever seen on this blog. I am interested in such puzzles and even more in answers. The history of Cicada shows that there are many interesting methods to find people with similar views or skills around the world. The resources that people can have at their disposal are darkened, we can only imagine what kind of things this can lead to - good ones and bad ones.
I think that Cicada can be a real mission for some people who have set themselves the goal of uniting and doing something in life. It is not an easy task but seeing their riddles do not go easy.
It's clear that I would like to try to solve such puzzles, but I feel that I would not be able to solve them.
You can only guess who is behind such a big action. I suppose they are people who don’t have much to do with politics, but as they say they want to create something safe on the internet. I would be glad to meet them.
Marcin Górski said…
I have never head about Cicada 3301 before. It's crazy! Anyway, I think that is created by big organization. It's abstract for me and I can try to solve it but it can be only a waste of time. I don't know about cryptography. It's very hard to learn about that for me.
Behind these puzzles? As I said, big organization which have a special plan but it's only my guess.
I have heard about it some time ago. Yet it was just a rumor so i didn't catch this topic. It really doesnt change anything for me. If this organisation really exists, fine congratz. If its just some guy makeing up whole story, it is fine too, i really dont care to much. When it comes to your second question, yes. I love such puzzles. I really like idea of creating things that seems to be imposible to solve but usually its just simple trick. Check out Chris Ramsay on youtube. He got different puzzles that those from cicada but yeah, still cool.
1. Hard to guess... it might be a rickroll, but really advanced and expensive one
2. Yes !
3. I think that an explanation from the movie You have shared is quite reasonable. Who knows - maybe those who solved this mystery are still being "watched", and after some time, we will hear about Cicada 3301 again ? Also, what about the rest of their book, which hasn't been translated yet ?
1. I’ve read about it once on Reddit. I think there was too much effort put into that project to end it as some kind of joke. I think people responsible by that were really committed into creating those puzzles
2. I do. I think the most fun part of that project is that it still happening.
3. It’s too hard to say. For me it looks like some kind of modern art. Everyone knows Banksy but that would be a blind pick
Unknown said…
Yesss!!, I heard about this. This is very interesting. I thing this is a type of research to find people who will work for a group like it was in Mr. Robot series. Maybe if I was too much free time I will solve it but I thing I prefer escape room instead of Cicada project, there is more fun and interact with other things. I thing we can expect something associated with this in the nearest future.
Unknown said…
Definitely it's a "rickroll". This puzzles could be interesting for people who have a lot of free time and don't want to fill that time by watching videos in youtube or playing computer games. But it still doesn't have any sense.

I don't think that I want to try to solve them. I don't think that I will suggest to try that kind of puzzles for my friends or even for my enemies, because behind these puzzles a world of deep infinite nonsense is covered.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
I read about it some time ago. I think it’s definitely a rickroll and not some secret organization trying to achieve God knows what. Yet I don’t consider it stupid or harmful. It’s actually quite opposite. I believe this is a very smart idea and interesting challenge to take. Also, it is really impressive. Just imagine amount of work needed to think through all the details and create such a big and rich maze of mysteries to solve. Of course, it might have no practical sense, no goal. There is nothing to achieve by solving the puzzle, but I think the process of solving it is the main reward of Cicada 3301. In future, if it gets continuation, I would like to try it.
Patryk Górski said…
1. What do you think? Is Cicada 3301 a real thing or just another internet “rickroll”?

Nowadays it's very hard to tell - a lot of people are just making fun in the internet. There are a lot of "trolls", who will try to trick you every single time. I've heard something about Cicada 3301 some time ago, but I don't know what to think about it.

2. Would you like to try to solve them?

No, I don't want to and I think that I would fail miserably :P

3. Who do you think is behind these puzzles?

Maybe internet trolls, or real serious people. Who knows?
I've never heard about Cicada 3301 altough its very interesting topic. I guess its just a "rickroll" as you said. If organisation like this really exists it would be too powerfull to remain silent.
Yeah why not, I could give it a try but I am not a genius. If this riddles are for the greatest minds I don't think i'll be able to solve any of the quests. I have no idea who could be behind the puzzles, It could be CIA, FBI who recruit people through this riddles or any other secret organisation.
Interesting thing, for something that was supposedly all over the net, I somehow managed to miss it entirely. As weird as it sounds to post a… ‘recruitment ad’ on a site like 4chan, it’s the one sure-fire way to attract attention of the Internet, especially when a grand scale mystery is involved. It wouldn’t be the first time that 4chan would be involved with secretive organisations anyway. As much as I was willing to dismiss it as an ARG prepared by someone with a little too much time on their hands, after the inclusion of scavenger hunt located all over the world, and then a clear filter put on the participants, I’ve changed my mind. There certainly is (or was) something brewing under the name of Cicada 3301, because of the effort put in by them to retain authenticity, and by the apparent manifesto that was created. In my opinion the version with a group of likeminded individuals seems to be the most likely, as it would explain the sudden disappearance and lack of communication. As much as I like a good puzzle, I doubt my knowledge of cryptography and data filtering is sufficient for me to get far in. Though I do admit that I sympathize with some of the core values of the group.

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