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Week 9 [28.05.2018-03.06.2018] Fortnite

If you are a gamer or you love watching someone else playing computer games, surely you have heard about Fortnite: Battle Royal. This co-op sandbox survival game developed by Epic Games had a premiere a year ago and during this time it has over 45 million users.

Fortnite has simple rules and pretty, cartoon graphics which makes it pleasant to watch. It’s dedicated to people of all age. Ok, but what is it about? I could describe it by saying: the last man standing wins.

At the beginning of each game, you are dropped from the purple flying bus and land on the ground using the parachute. In the hands, you’ve got the pickaxe which can be used to deal the damage to an opponent or to harvest materials from walls, trees, cars etc., to build your own structures. The map is full of items such as bandages, weapons, shields etc. Like many other battle royal games, the whole action takes place in the habitable island. To make the game more dynamic, the living area shrinks. When the player is outside of it, the number of his health is decreasing. The game takes place until one person on the map is left.

We can play either solo or on the team. The game allows communicating in-game by using headsets and microphones. The time of each game depends, but It can last at up to 30 minutes.

Where did the popularity of this game come from?
Many factors have contributed to the success of this game. Nowadays, Battle Royal games are extremely popular. Developers from Epic Games noticed that and created their own version. It’s worth to mention, that we can play this game on PC, PS4, XBOX and the Epic Games is working on the mobile versions of the game. Before the Fortnite became popular the “PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds” was on top of Battle Royal games. The biggest difference between these two games is the graphics and the ability to build structures in Fortnite.

SuperData Research revealed how much Fortnite earned in April. Their report shows that this candy game earned $ 296 million in one month. It’s impressive, isn’t it? 

1.         Have you heard about Fortnite? What do you think about this game?
2.         What’s your favorite computer game?



Unknown said…
I have never heard about this game. I haven’t played games lately. I prefer doing sports at this time. I play only one cards game on my phone when I’m waiting for something. This game seems to be cool, maybe in the future I will try it. I still think that the best game in the world is The Witcher 3 and GTA V is in second place. As I said, I'm not a gamer but when I turned on the Witcher, I couldn’t stop playing and I completed it in 3 weeks. I walked all over the map and I found everything .
Unknown said…
I heard about the game but I didn't have a chance to play it. The idea is very nice but mostly based on PUBG, what Fortnite excels in is their ability to improve and "juice" the gameplay.
My favorite games are strategic games, especially turn-based like Civilization.
Unknown said…
Yes, I heard about this game, but I never had the opportunity to play it. But maybe it will change soon, because this game is very popular and I want to check why. For now, if I have a time, I'm playing FIFA because I'm interested in football.
Iman Masjedi said…
I think my favorite game is Resident Evil , because Most of the game is pretty easy as if you have played tower defense games before, you generally have the concept of base building. The only thing new in that case would be units.
Unknown said…
1. Have you heard about Fortnite? What do you think about this game?
It is hard to not hear about Fortnite if you're at least someway connected to the world of computers and/or games. I think it is a brilliant idea, simply because I didn't see any similar game before, so I think that was a key factor for Epic Games to success. I've played this game once and I liked it, but in my opinion it is harder than some people may think.

2. What’s your favorite computer game?
I am not considering myself as a fan of computer games, because I play the same 2 games for a long time now. Nevertheless, my favorite computer game is Hotline Miami and it's sequel Hotline Miami 2. I strongly recommend it to the fans of old, pretty retro 2D games with drugs and killing accent.
Unknown said…
Of course I've heard about it and I totally love it! It's super fun and creative. I really like the part of building things, it requires some skills for sure. Also the community is very big and friendly.

My favorite game? Hmm, CS GO/Fortnite.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I have heard about it and I have even played it for a while and I enjoyed it. Interesting game to play with friends, but no more.
I like to play games like CS:GO, Dota2 and single player games with a horror genre.
Illia Kalinin said…
I've heard and even played a little, interesting new online game where you need to spent a lot of time for skill to dominate then.
I've answered this question in the previous presentation, nowadays I don't have time for games, but sometimes I play "The last of us" on PS4, I've completed it three times already, so I can consider it as my favorite.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I have both heard of this game as well as I've already played it. I don't think it's a masterpiece of any kind, but it's ok. For me it's just it. Nothing less and nothing more - OK. There are plenty of games which are much more interesting than this one as well as require much more skills and effort to put into them. I'm not saying that FPS games are dumb, what I'm trying to say is that they don't require much thinking after all. It doesn't really depend on our age. We play with the toys as well as we play the games that we feel we can learn something from. At least that's how it should be. I consider FPS games as the ones which just provide a way of killing time.
There are some of the games that I really like and it's pretty hard to decide which one I enjoyed the most so far. I like many strategy games as well as the ones that tell us the great story. Since I really enjoy the universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski as well as the characters that he has written, I can't resist on putting The Witcher 3 as one of my favourite games ever. I consider it to be a great piece of work and I think I would play it a couple of times, again.
No, I have never heard about this game. As long as I have never played this game I can’t judge it objectively. To my humble opinion it is just an extension to well-known Counter-Strike or Team Fortress. Maybe the idea is not so brand new but as I see from the pictures the graphics is really amazing and pleasant.

I am not a big fan of games because for the most of my life I have been playing only some games for a long period of time but now I may just watch some big tournaments or something like this.
1. Have you heard about Fortnite? What do you think about this game?
2. What’s your favorite computer game?
I have never heard about Fortnite and i have never played it. The only game i was playing is Counter-Strike. Honestly, i don't understand people who are playing games in their 20+ years. Our life is too short to waste our time for games. Of course, when you are doing it professionaly - it is your choice.
Marcin Górski said…
Yes, I have heard about Fortnite but Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is still better for me :) I think that graphic and fact that you can build your own fortress are advantages for Fortnite but PUBG gameplay is more realistic and that's why it's better for me. I think that BattleRoyal games are very interesting because it depends on cooperation with players from your team. Additionally, if you have random players from Europe you have to talk in English so you can improve your language. My favorite game? It depends... if I want to spend time with my friends then the best option would be FIFA or Pro Evolution Soccer. On the other hand, if I want to play on single player mode then I will choose GTA V :)
Unknown said…
Yes, I've heard about Fortnite before since now its one of the most popular games. I don't think that it's too good, but it brings money to epic games, and they have cool engine with a lot of free features, so I hope that this game will bring them even more money so they will make or post even more free cool assets and features))
Unknown said…
1. Have you heard about Fortnite? What do you think about this game?
Yes, I did. And I never played any kind of the "King of the Hill" game type before (modes in games is different thing). But I heard about the lawsuit against Epic Games form the creators of the Playerunknown's Battleground. And for me it will be a big mistake, if the PUBG will win, because Daybreak Games Company will hit them hard with their own lawsuit of the copy of H1Z1: King of the Hill game (premiere was in 2016, a year before PUBG).

2. What’s your favorite computer game?
Planetside 2. Until 2012 I never played first person shooter, that was bigger in scale than the 64 players at once. And there you are able to meet more than thousand players at once in single place. With the addition of land and air vehicles, constructions and combination of tactics and strategy (note that they are much different things!) it makes this game unique. In fact there is no other game like it on the market.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anna Koca said…

1. Have you heard about Fortnite? What do you think about this game?
I have only heard about Fortnite from memes on kwejk and mistrzowie ;)
I don't like that much the RTS games (and others in real time). I prefer games where you play in rounds and don't have to rush.

2. What’s your favorite computer game?
The Witcher. Although I do not play much, so you could say that I am not a good person to answer this question.
I have heard about Fortnite and I think that this type of games get their popularity after PUBG (player unknown battlegrounds) was in beta. I think that this is cool new direction in modern games and give for us more ways to get enjoyed with our friends through the internet. I have played in player unknown battlegrounds few times and I has enjoyed but that game has poor optimization and tons of bugs so I decided to stop play in it and switch to WOT (World Of Tanks) because I have played in it before.

At this time my favorite game is WOT but I also like GTA series and I think that this game gives movement in game industry.
I think that any person playing a computer games these days has heard about fortnite. I do not like this game, not because it is bad made, or has horrible idea or gameplay, but because i don't find it entertaining. It is essentially mix between PUBG and minecraft, which attacts less mature auditory (especially with all the "cool" looking cartoonish designs). Essentially it is a game for kids and it is not a bad thing, but it makes game uninteresting to me. I am more of a strategy and RPG guy, i really like Total War series, especially last warhammer ones, but i am not sure that i have "The One" favourite game.
Unknown said…
Have you heard about Fortnite? What do you think about this game?
Today is the first time I hear about Fornite, and it actually sounds great. I promise If I have had a little bit extra time this will be my first choice. Style of the game sounds great, anyway the number of players shows us a lot about this game.
What’s your favorite computer game?
I do not play a lot on computer, a little more time I spend playing on console. The game I played last on my computer was hardstone, I think this game is not needing to introduce also but it is fantasy card game and is very addictive.
Foodocado said…
I would recommend you to check it out. It's awesome!
Foodocado said…
Yeah, I also love this game. The great thing about the game is that there are no cheaters out there.
Foodocado said…
I heard "The last of us" is a great title. I would love to play it in the nearest future.
Foodocado said…
Games improve the strategic thinking, reflex, team play and lots of more. It's also a great way to relax after a hard day at work. Some people prefer books, others prefer video games.
Foodocado said…
Totally agree with you! Epic Games has got the great policy.
Foodocado said…
I also played Hearthstone for a while, but this game requires a lot of knowledge about all the cards. I didn't have much time to get pleasure from this game.
Maciej Nowak said…
I have heard about this game and I have seen gameplay, but i haven't played it myself. I might try it sometime, but i have other games in my queue before Fortnite. I can't specify my favorite computer game as I can't specify even my favorite genre.However, the best competitive multiplayer fps for me is definitely Counter-Strike.
Foodocado said…
I love the GTA series. This game is worth every hour spent on playing it. Every new premiere makes difference in the game industry.
Unknown said…
If you are a gamer (even casual gamer like me) it is impossible not to heard about Fortnite and about all this new survival games like PUBG or H1Z1. I think this is very interesting type of game and I will be watching how it will evolve. I try it this weekend and I really like it. If I would have more time, for sure I would be playing this all the time.
It is hard to chose one best game, but I have many that I would be remember for all my life: Gothic, Wiedźmin and Tibia.
I have heard about it and I played it. But to be honest I don't like this cute weapons and cute costumes I feel like this game is targeting younger people than adults but to be fair, feeling of this game is very good. Playstyle is very fluent and easy to get used to. The idea of building your own bases being under fire is brilliant but I am not a fan of battle royals, I used to play PUBG but as it turns out they won't do anything to improve gameplay I droped it. For now, my favourite game is Overwatch , I like playking competitive games versus real people in a game that require a lot of skills and game knowladge I contrast to mentioned earlier battle royals when you can get head shot out of nowhere.
Cecylia said…
I’ve Heard about it but Its not my type of Games .my favourite game is dishonored , dishonored 2 and death of The outsider .
Unknown said…
Yeah, I've heard about it. But I don't know how it excacly works, I know that a lot of people enjoy it so it must be a fun game. I know its FPS and "Hunger games" in one. You can customize your soldier and play how you want - thats good.
My favourite computer game is Battlefield, I sticked to it since BF3. It's the only FPS I play, sometimes I play HOMM too, but only with friends ;)
Unknown said…
Great game. Unfortunately, I didn't have time lately for games. But I definitely have plans to play in the holidays and make up for lost time while studying. I can't wait .

I love a lot of computer games. Especially from companies: Rockstar u Ubisoft. I like playing GTA, assassin creed or far cry the most. Now, due to the small amount of time I haven't played, but in the summer I have plans to play.
Unknown said…
I have never heard about that game and, to tell the truth, I am not the one who orients well in the world of gaming. It looks pretty fine, but I don't think I will ever try it. There were a few games that I claimed I would try for sure, but unfortunately I don't even remember the titles. Many years ago I was playing CS, Half Life and some other games. Sometimes I like to play Mortal Kombat on PS with my friends, but that is all. Also I love to watch someone else is playing, with modern games it is like watching the film. And I have no problems with people who are gamers, if they are not too fanatical.
Unknown said…
1. I have heard about Fortnite and I have even tried it once. I have to say that I don't like this game much. The world of this game is too sweet for me. I prefer games like a Rust which is more realistic for me. I can say that dynamic of Fortnite is something what can attract but it is not enough for me to play in this game. I think that this game is very popular also because it is free.

2. I was a player and maybe still I am but for sure I play much less now than few years ago. I spend so much time in front of computer's screen because I am already working as a programmer and it takes 8 hours every day and also I have to do a lot of projects on my studies which takes another hours so because of it I have stopped playing computer games. I am sure that I will back to this entertainment but when I have finished my studies.
Unknown said…
I have not heard about this game. I'm not gamer. I like play in board games when I can spend time with my friends and play together.
My favourite computer game was The Sims so it show that i'm totally not in time with computer games.
Patryk Górski said…
1. Have you heard about Fortnite? What do you think about this game?

I have played it, but it's not my kind of game. I am a type of person, who likes to shoot other people in online games, not to see them building big forts and just wait for people to come. This game is very big right now, even it's esport scene is very big, but I'm not into it.

2. What’s your favorite computer game?

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It's a very tactival FPS game, which I like the most
Unknown said…
It's hard not to hear about this game at least once. It's quite popular among people in my age, so most of the futures gameplays videos on Youtube used to be about this game for some time. I understand why it's entertaining for most people, including myself. I enjoy playing it alone and playing it with friends it's even funnier.

I don't have my top computer game. I'm a console player, I have fallen in love with Zelda and Horizon Zero Down recently.
Cecylia said…
I’ve Heard about it but Its not my type of Games. At the same time I've never tried to play this game so it is hard for me to judge about it. A lot of kids enjoy it but also adult so I think the system may be easy and nice to play. Personally I would not wast my time on a game that everybody plays , I prefer some game on the side that not a lot of people heard about. for example my favorite game is dishonored , dishonored 2 and death of The outsider . I love it because of great story and the design of the game is amazing.

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