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Week 9 [28.05.2018-03.06.2018] The brain-changing benefits of exercise

The brain-changing benefits of exercise

We all know that physical exercise is one of the key factors to keep our body in a good shape. Most people also claim that after doing some workout they are feeling better and they have more energy. Have you ever wondered why a physical activity impacts our mood and mental performance? In this video, a neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki describes key parts of the human brain and explains the processes which take place in it when we are doing exercises. She describes short-term effects like immediate increase of levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine or serotonin, which  boost our mood and enable us to shift and focus attention more effectively as well as improve our time reaction. What is even more interesting, long-term effects actually change brain’s anatomy and functioning. Physical activities contribute to the production of new brain cells and increase volume of hippocampus - major component of human’s brain -  which leads to improvement of long-term memory. She also describes physical exercises as one of the best protection from negative effects of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer.

  1. Did you know about the above-mentioned long-term effects on our brain ?
  2. Does physical activity really help you to concentrate e.g.: during studying or it rather makes you feel relaxed ? 
  3. What physical exercises do you perform on a regular basis in order to stay in shape ?


Well, not sure if exercise really does what she says it does because I exercise 4-5 times a week 2+ hours daily and I do not notice any improvement in mood or focus or memory! I speed walk for 1 hour and do weight training for 1+ hours, which sounds like a good coverage but I do not see any brain benefits!
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. Your workout routine seems to be quite intense, maybe you're not getting enough sleep and that's why you don't observe any improvement ?
Lukasz Mroczek said…
I've never heard about this effects but it sounds really interesting. As for me, it depends because sometimes when I sit in front of the computer for hours I need to take a break and simply go out for hour walk but it doesn't always work. Sometimes I feel more tired and the only thing I want to do i to go to sleep. So it's hard to determine. In order to stay in shape sometimes do pushups, play football or swim ;)
Unknown said…
Before I watched this presentation I had never heard of these effects, I think it's worth reflecting on.
Certainly a walk helps, once I heard that when we feel sleepy and we can't go to sleep ( especially during the session (: ), it is said that doing a few dozen squats helps.
When there is only an opportunity I try to play football or go to the pool.
Unknown said…
Yes, I've heard something about it. I think it is very interesting to learn how your brain reacts to things happening to you and how it influences your life. I think there are some patterns in our brains that we just need to recognize, analyze and start using to our own advantage. As it was mentioned in the video, our brains are the most powerful and complex tool we have and all we need is to learn how to use it properly.
I think when I perform more physical activities I keep myself more focused and concentrated on stuff that needs to be done. Also, I become less distracted by pointless and less valuable things in my life that don't bring me any positive results or help grow as a person.
Usually, in the morning I do pushups just to wake up my body and keep myself in a good shape. I've read that this part of morning routine can help you to stay active and full of energy for the rest of the day.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your comment. I have similar experiences regarding physical activities - they enable you to be more focused on your goals and keep you away from pointless activities.
Yes, I have heard about these long-term effects, moreover I experienced it on my own. It happens pretty often that when I leave the gym I feel myself way more better and more motivated to do something connected with my interests. On the other hand, regularly I just leave the gym fully exhausted and the only thing that I want is to take a nap.

It depends on my mood. Usually I try to split my studying process in a few smaller subprocesses with short brakes for lunch or do some exercises . It increases my productivity significantly and doesn’t let me feel tired. It doesn’t make me feel relax. By doing physical exercises I rather change my field of work what helps me to spend my energy more rationally.

There are a lot of them but mostly it’s standard gym exercises. The only thing that changes is their sequence
I have never heard of such effects before watching the lecture. Maintaining a healthy body condition has a positive effect on many things such as metabolism and well-being. As for me, if I regularly exercise, it is much easier for me to concentrate on work or study. Exercises do not make me relaxed, but rather more willing to act.
I try to run regularly, but the greatest pleasure for me is strength training at the gym.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. I agree that exercises make you feel more motivated, last summer I changed my workout schedule to the mornings and it was working great as I was feeling more energized at work after the training.
Unknown said…
1. Positive consequences? of course, I knew for a long time that physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the brain.
2. Of course, after physical exercises, I feel a rise in energy, studying is best, besides, the aggression accumulated during the day disappears and in replacement, I get a positive attitude.
3. Cardio training is 10-20 minutes every day. After that, I can make the most simple and banal turns with my head, with my hands, I stretch my legs. Sometimes I go to the gym and do exercises there with sports equipment.
Unknown said…
I wouldn't say that I've noticed effects of exercising on my focus, but it certainly gives me mood boost. But unfortunately, during an extensive study period - eg when it's exam session - I usually don't have enough free time to workout.
I didn't know about the long term effects the exercise has on a brain, but it makes me even more motivated to keep up to my routine!
Unknown said…
I heard that physical activity actually make you healthier and your brain also but didn't know about new brain cells in particular.
Usually I'm a bit exosted after training and performing any brain activity is not the best way to spend time productively.
As for past month started to go swimming to make my spine musculature stronger due to some back pain problems cosed by sitting lifestyle.
Iman Masjedi said…
Physical activity often leads to more energy and more motivation for long-term activity. Practice has always been effective.Exercise such as yoga can boost the brain and increase the power of the mind.
Unknown said…
Thank you for commenting. I agree that after an intense workout we are not able to concentrate and we think about going to sleep rather than solving equations in quantum mechanics. However 30 - 45 minutes of moderate physical activity like walking or cycling would help to clear our mind during exhausting mental activity.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I guess that physical exercises will help to you improve concentration and memory only when you take a break from a very active brain work, something like strong mathematical calculation or complicated code writing, otherwise if you only train your body without training your brain for sure there will be no effect. Personally I am taking break from a thinking process when I start seeing that my productivity falls really bad and further work won`t bring me much, that`s the moment when I just go out to take some exercises and when I come back my brain is rebooted so I can again feel it up with all info I need.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. I agree with your statement that we need to balance our activities both mental and physical. I apply similar techniques which help me to keep my productivity during long periods of hard work and I am also experiencing positive outcomes of doing some exercises as a break from intense mental activity
Anna Koca said…
Did you know about the above-mentioned long-term effects on our brain ?
It is no mystery that health is basically sports + good diet :) But it's always nice to hear a bunch of new facts that will motivate me to get up from the couch and in to the gym or swimming pool.

Does physical activity really help you to concentrate e.g.: during studying or it rather makes you feel relaxed ?
Definitely relaxed. It lets go of all the stresses and energy that accumulate in my body. Whenever I see that I start fooling around with no reason and just being too much to the people around me, I realise that it's time for exercise.

What physical exercises do you perform on a regular basis in order to stay in shape ?
Running, cycling and less often swimming and roller-skating.
Unknown said…
I didn't know that much about that, but I heard something about it before.
Oh yes, it really helps me. When I cant solve some task from programming or math I usually do some exercises or work out. I usually run, do some exercises for abdominal muscles, arms, legs and all muscles in general. Also Im doing box
Unknown said…
Did you know about the above-mentioned long-term effects on our brain ?
I have never considered that so explicitly, but I had that idea somewhere on the back on my head. In the other words I know that physical workouts has good influence for ours all body including brain. Now It is good to know how exactly it works.
Does physical activity really help you to concentrate e.g.: during studying or it rather makes you feel relaxed ? 
I think yes, always when I had some long term task like studying something, I tried to workout in the middle of my work. I noticed then that after workout my mind was like after restart, still ready to hard-work.
What physical exercises do you perform on a regular basis in order to stay in shape ?
That is sensitive topic, because I think I workout too less. I work in the office when I don’t have any work-out. I try to go to work by bike which is about 1,5h of ride on a day, but when the weather is not good I have no substitution to workout.
Unknown said…
Did you know about the above-mentioned long-term effects on our brain ?
About some of them I knew before, but not in detail. And now it's much more clear for me, why this works this way.

Does physical activity really help you to concentrate e.g.: during studying or it rather makes you feel relaxed ?
In fact both. When I'm relaxed its easier for me to concentrate on task than I'm not.

What physical exercises do you perform on a regular basis in order to stay in shape ?
Cycling and swimming, but lastly I got problems with my bike and I have to repair it.
The brain-changing benefits of exercise so that is really funny and intrigues video which I’ve even seen. My opinion is that everyone just need to try to do this exercises 4 times per week. And it’s just 30 h. per day. Yes, as Wendy said so many transactions were written and even me for 15-18 years deliberate life, heard about this. I also think about starting do some exercises but I don’t have so much time you know, and I think that not so many people also have time for this.
Yep i knew some of these effects, though not in details and entirety, that is why i always find time for exercises even when there seems to be no spare time. When studying or working at computer with high intellectual pressure i usually find myself wery tired and my efficiency drops drammatically, but magecally if tired "Me" decides to do some exercise energy seems to fill myself again and i become concentrated and relaxed to do more work or even to call it a day. I do some basic morning exercises, wisit swimpool and gym.
Unknown said…
1. I’ve never heard about it, but it seems very interesting!
It’s worth reflecting on.
2. It depends. Sometimes I need to take a break, when I’m sitting in front of the computer for too long and then I stretch out, but I think that it just makes me feel more relaxed.
3. Hmm, pushups, squats and swimming.

Yes I've read about good benefits from workout to our mood and comfort. Unfortunatelly I don't have much time for daily exercise. I am trying to workout on weekend but it's not enought to feel any changes. Yes I could say that because 2 years ago I used to train everyday adn I have to admit I felt better. Workout on a gym is a most common regular basis exercises in addition I am trying to jogg every morning but as you could imagine I jogged once ;D
Unknown said…
Yes, when I found out about it, I immediately starst my gym routine.
Maybe dont directly, but for sure it helps me sleep better - so I wake up fresh and well rested. My body feels good, and so my brain.
I just trying to keep up with gym and training baseball at the same time. It's not always easy, considering my field of study - exams, project, dedlines - my routine is changing sometimes weekly. But I'm trying to mentain my habbits ;)
Unknown said…
I have heard about the effects, mentioned by Wendy and I can say that I could agree with her - after the workout I have so much energy - just give me this world and I will change it:) and I do believe that exercises are better than not doing exercises, but only when you are doing it wisely. It makes me sad when I see some people spoil their health in the gym by doing the exercises in a wrong way or when I hear about some stupid ways of making sports. And the problem is that people don't even want to hear the advices - in such case I know for sure that it doesn't make their body or brain healthier:)
Cecylia said…
I've never heard about the long-term effects on our brain but after this video i am much more inspired to make some changes to my brain and to become more focused because right now i'm just confused about everything and tired. It depend of the physical activity because if its some kind of must do it , it logical that it makes mi tired but if i'm doing a lot of thing that will organize myself like cleaning the house before working it will increase my concentration . I don't usually exercise , that the problem but instead I have a child so everyday Is an kind of exercise day . cleaning the house, I live on the 4 level without elevator so climbing that high is an exercise for me.

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