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Week 10 [04.06.2018-10.06.2018] How to recognize rumors

Several methods and strategies for detecting rumors and false news
Our experience has shown that most of the rumors have a common structure and features that can be identified even by ordinary people and can have a significant effect on reducing their volume of publication. In this post we introduce some of these features.

The piece of film and photo slice are the main tools of the rumors
A picture as much as has thousand lines of text to say, may give a possibility to make thousand rumors too. The specific angle of camera, the uncertainty of what happened before and after the piece of the film, linking unrelated photos, manipulating photos and videos (photoshop), low quality, uncertain details and ... may create the opportunity for storytelling and rumors. 

Declare relative dates instead of the specified date

An hour ago, last night, today, recently, from tomorrow, the latest achievements ... For example, over the past three years, a rumor has been "recently launched by Google to change the name of the Persian Gulf by Internet voting." Or "The latest research by Japanese scholars ..."

Peculiar and ambiguous news
Doctors and scientists have discovered the latest medical achievements. Which doctors? Which scientists?! Quantum mysticism, secret law, water intelligence, etc. are more examples.  

Refer to unrealistic sources with strange names

(The French Alien News Network, Dr. Chuang's Team at Tokyo Center!) It's better to search for the name and website on the Internet to find out the truth.

Propaganda or anti-ideological and racist propaganda for a particular sect
The intense stimulation of emotion through exaggeration in tragic fictional stories, heartbreaking images, human emotional relationships, health threats, irritation, or religious beliefs ...

The lack of logical and specialized source communication with the text
(The head of the heart department of Japan main hospital says the mobile signal is harmful to the brain!)

Commercial advertising in the form of rumors!
All companies have products which are contaminated and carcinogenic with the exception of products of the company X . A perfect example was what happened to the P & G Company in 1980. It was reported that his logo, which showed a man on the moon, actually represented a devil with horns and with the number "666" hidden. People began to think that the company supported satanic sects and stopped buying their products, causing millions in losses.

Internet and Google are not sources!
These are communication and search tools. Anything found in it is not right, even if it has been repeated in several web pages. If the story has been written in English, still it does not confirm its authenticity!

Blind witnesses!
All of us have seen people who say in defense of a strange claim: "I have seen one of my friends or relatives with my own eyes!" If you are smart, ask for meeting with that third person and hear the truth in order to discover what the reality of the story is.

Know the rumor hot market season!
A lot of rumors suddenly emerge! The rumors are waiting for the opportunity to start folding in line with the events and news which are being released. If you are a little update with the news, you're highly likely prepare for seasonal rumors. 

Use of fallacy and sophistry
Examples: It can be seen in many messages or we already put many information about it on our Facebook page, which we will update it shortly.

The combination of lies and reality
It may happen to you before that you have heard or read news and you only being sure about the correctness of part of it and you may assume that the rest of the text or news is surely true as well.

-          Have you ever been tricked by rumors?
-          What do you consider to detect rumors?


Illia Kalinin said…
Yes, sure. Rumors are all about it, it is a big piece of distorted truth, which can't be called the truth in some particular situations. On the other hand you always can find something in this big and dirty story, that will calm down your curiosity.

If you are asking how I collect rumors I'd say that I'm just like Lord Varys and the little-finger from the Game of Thrones use people. Ha-ha-ha
By the way is there any other way to collect them?
Jakub Lisicki said…
It's pretty hard not to ever be tricked by the rumors. Especially since so many companies have started to spread the rumors as an April Fools pranks. When it comes to the more serious matters, though, I try to be much more careful. I've tried not to prejudice anything for a really long time and I don't regret the time I've spent on developing this skill. Rumors are literally everywhere and much of them are just that - rumors. Many of them can destroy or seriously influence our relationships with other people (usually in a bad way.)
There is no one best way to detect rumors. We have to learn how to listen carefully as well as to keep our own opinions to ourselves. Some matters need to be researched and verified throughly, for some it's pretty easy to guess that they are just raw lies. So, in a nutshell, we shouldn't believe everything we hear.
Unknown said…
It is very likely that in my whole life, I have been tricked by rumors many times, even though I try to be vigilant. It is well known that many people tend to lie for no reason, just because they want to feel better or less awkward. But sometimes the lie or rumor becomes very dangerous. It happens when people want to abuse you or get your money. You have to be careful because it may lead to some serious or tragic consequences. I personally try to rely on my intuition and if I have an opportunity, I do a research about the matter which I am concerned about. I think that your tips may be very helpful as well. The features that you have presented seem to be more related to detection of fake news but I consider them to be useful for detection all kinds of lies.
For example - journalists are ideologically driven and lazy. Many fail to separate their personal beliefs form their news reporting, and a lot of them like to mix in their opinion in a "news" article. It takes a thousand times more effort to refute bullshit than it does to say it and to have it believed.
Maciej Nowak said…
I have definitely been tricked by rumors many time before and I don't think that there is someone who wasn't. There is a lot of articles or films that present some events out of the context and with fake description that can't be checked easily. I try to not get carried away by shocking title or thumbnail and if a subject is important to me I try to get information from other sources.
Unknown said…
Yes, I remember one time when I was tricked by a false rumor. I think that everyone at some point in their lives was tricked to believe in some untrue story. Unfortunately, today it is so common for people to spread false information on social media like Twitter or Facebook. Usually, most of those people who spread rumors are not one who created them and that makes finding and verifying the source of gossip much harder.
I think first what needs to be used is common sense. If a story sounds very unrealistic that probably means that something is wrong here. Secondly, if the rumor is connected with some place or people I will try to start to seek for truth from there by asking people to confirm or deny situation. Also, it's always good to remember that internet is huge and there are people who always spend lots of their time on solving such things and you always can ask them for help.
Iman Masjedi said…
Rumors are always part of a distortion of a reality, and sometimes they are formed on the basis of a fabricated false lie to destroy a person or company.
I think rumors can not always be part of the truth; sometimes it can be a lie that, according to wrong evidence, the rumor's broadcaster gets the result.
Iman Masjedi said…
you wrote interesting sentence : we shouldn't believe everything we hear
That was exactly what I want to say in my text. Anything that can be seen or heard about the possibility of a mistake in it, and these errors sometimes make a wrong decision on a subject.
So the more we accrue about the hearings, the less chance we get wronged.
Iman Masjedi said…
The false news and rumor detection both use almost identical methods to find the truth. The mistaken decisions made by the rumor have resulted in very devastating and unpredictable in some societies. In many countries, this method is used to control more public opinion and broadcast targeted gossip through the use of newspapers or television.
Iman Masjedi said…
You have posted a very interesting comment. I agree with you, to find the truth, you should always spend a lot of time searching and researching.
Unfortunately, many people do not have the right research knowledge or the right to research about a rumor, so instead of spending time trying to find out the truth they prefer to accept it or try to add reasons to prove their rumors with their evacuation.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
Of course, I'm pretty sure I've been tricked by rumors in my whole life. I’m also sure that there were situations that I was tricked by mistake but also there were situations that someone did it on purpose. Generally, it may be tough to detect rumors but I often keep distance to things I’ve heard from people. If there is something interesting or intriguing I will always find a way to know out whether it’s true or not. For example, I always can find a person about whom those rumors were and ask. I always try to validate information I get.
Foodocado said…
Currently, I can't remember any situation, but I am quite sure I was tricked by the rumors (like everyone else).

I think the best way is to keep the distance from the things that people say. It's worth to confirm in a trusted source. For sure, we shouldn't spread unreliable information.
I think I have believed in false information many times. I assume that many times I did not realize that I was fooled. Often, when browsing the news portal article headlines say something completely different than the entire article and mislead. Some time ago on a social networking site a girl was looking for a boy from Warsaw, whom she met at a concert or event. Girl uploaded video with a description of the boy and asking for help in searching. Many people tried to help her, and even more spoke about it. It turned out that it was a clothing brand campaign.
I try to check the information I read. However, it is hard to check everything.
Unknown said…
Yeah, i guess we all are sometimes tricked by rumors) Nothing, i guess. I just try to not listen to them and avoid them as much as possible
Unknown said…
I have never been tricked or fooled in my life.
To detect rumors I always check the source of an information and decide whether it is reliable or not.
Unknown said…
Yes, of course, It's really hard not to ever be tricked by the rumors, its a normal and you can't do nothing. When it comes to the more serious matters, you need to try to be much more careful. Only way what can i do it's verify information for be sure.
I have been tricked by rumors more than once, it is normal especially in a more jounger age, when you are not to skilled in filtering an information. As for means that i use to not fall for rumors, i check everything that can be checked or just simply ignore news if they do not influence me or my life in any way.
Illia Lukisha said…
Have you ever been tricked by rumors?
Yes I did. But I didn't remember any specific situation.

What do you consider to detect rumors?
I try to find sources I could trust, and ignore screaming titles.
Unknown said…
Yes, I have been cheated by rumors. I think that every day i’m cheated by messages that circulate around me. Rumors are and always will be. The worst is that they have such power. For example, when we know a person only from bad rumors without knowing him ever before, when we meet for the first time, our approach is different.
Well, obviously in some point of life everyone will be tricked by rumors,it is sad to say but they are part of our social life. Some people live for talking about others private life, this is sad but it is also a truth. I guess rumors became a real problem when Internet become such power, nowadays everyone should be aware of what they are posting online or to whom we are confide.
I think detecting rumors is pretty hard as you usually can't simply ask a victim to explain some situtations. The best way is not to be involved in rumor and avoid this in social life.
Anna Koca said…
- Have you ever been tricked by rumors?
Yes, many times. Rumours are everywhere around us and it is really hard sometimes to locate them and tell them apart from the truth.I think the points given in this article are really useful.

- What do you consider to detect rumors?
I usually consider radical opinions rumours in advance, just to stay on the safe side, before I check the reliability of the information they carry. Usually world is not black-and-white and extreme cases are quite rare, like for example - new deadly disease is a threath to humanity, or Kim Jong Un has set out the nuclear weapons on the US. Usually they are just used to draw people's attention and as a clickbait.
Have i been tricked by rumors ? Of course and im probably not realizing how many times in fact. What we have to remember while dispatching rumors is that companies and people tend to backtrack on their words after rumors are out based on the public opinion/response. So if u ever felt like something wasn't a rumor "i clearly heard him say that!" they still might backtrack on those.
my take on filtering rumors is to check as many sources as possible and not to judge based on non facts.
Yes, sometimes I'm able to detect rumors but not always. I have noticed that when someone rumors me he will not have a lot of details to tell me and sometimes information can be changed. But really I not able to detect rumors always and I think that this is bad and I need to train ability to recognize rumors.
Marcin Górski said…
Yes, I have been tricked by rumors and in my opinion it's normal situation. I hate that but we have to deal with that because it's a part of our lives. What do you consider to detect rumors? I think that the most important is source of information/article. For example, if I want to read some news about Liverpool FC I know about trusted journalists and I know that their tweets are legit. I'm always trying to read only reliable informations and it's a key for me.

Yes, I have been tricked by rumors lots of time. Actually I am curious about the fact why people are tend to create rumors. On one hand it’s pretty common to pretend to be not who you actually are especially with growing popularity of social medias such as Instagram or Facebook where people live the whole another life. It’s pretty disgusting to see people you know showing the whole another life on FB or Instagram. Knowing their real style of life and seeing what they show to the others make me think about their duality.

I try to verify news that my mind consider to be suspicious. I have no idea which factors my mind take into consideration but it somehow does it
Unknown said…
Have you ever been tricked by rumors?
I don't remember it in fact, but possibly yes.

What do you consider to detect rumors?
Mostly I check the source and if it was not changed recently. And history of that changes.
Unknown said…
Of course, if someone says he didn't he lies or he is not fully aware of the world he's living in. Everyone is susceptible to rumors, fake news and noone is able to protect against it. the only thing to avoid being manipluated is checking every information, but we, generally, don't have time for it. That's why we have two options believe in it or ignore every information we receive.
Everyone wants to be so clever to avoid being outsmarted, but I think the best option to detect rumors is just checking every information we get.
Cecylia said…
- Have you ever been tricked by rumors?
For sure but then the truth come out anyways .
- What do you consider to detect rumors?
I do reasearch or some „stalking” type of Research because if something is shoking or hard to believe i like to know The truth
Unknown said…
I think everyone at least once in a lifetime was tricked by rumors. Especially right now, where fake news are being created and spread in the internet every second.
How do I fight with rumors? I Try to check the rumor in few, not related to each other sources.
Kristina Moroz said…
Have you ever been tricked by rumors?
If we are talking about a person in a narrow circle, then the answer is no, I prefer to make a conclusion about the person by myself.
If we are talking about some media rumors so I guess I was tricked so many times.

What do you consider to detect rumors?
I think comparing few sources that not based on rumors.
Unknown said…
Have you ever been tricked by rumors?
I think that is hard to find someone who haven't been tricked by rumors. I'm rather gullible so it wasn't hard to do.

What do you consider to detect rumors?

Sometimes it's not so hard. Of course the best idea (if it comes about our friends) it's try to talk with main caracter of rumors about them. If it comes about rumors about famous people or things whith don't have influence on our live, i think that the bes option is waiting. The truth will always come out
Cecylia said…
It is not hard to get tricked by rumors. Some of them are clickbaits and even we know it we can think “oh okay I know it’s a click bait but I’ll check”. Some of articles can be written in manipulative way – author choose words to make us believe what he has written even if it is totally nonsense. Before I have read some books about manipulation I have been easily tricked by some articles. If something was written in scientific language and words were chosen good it seemed to be true. To no get tricked I check news and I attain knowledge about persuasion. It is better to waste 5 minutes to check if it is fake than believe in everything and then repeat all stupid things to friends or co-workers.

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