I’ve talked to different people and read a lot about marijuana and it’s effects on your health. And in fact, everybody has his own opinion and arguments. And still there is no deep enough and trustworthy studies, that can end these debates. I found a guy who tried to find only real and trustworthy medical studies about marijuana and its impact on human body, and I hope you will enjoy it and find something new for yourself.
1)Have you
tried weed?
2)Do you
think it’s bad for your health or not?
3)Do you
think it should be legal or not?
I think it should be legal and taxed. Weed doesn’t seems to be more dangerous than alcohol if used in proper moderation. Drinking a few glasses of wine may not have the same impact on internal organs as smoking a joint and that’s way people should be educated on the subject instead of it being a taboo.
As far as I know, weed is more healthy than drinking or smoking cigarettes, yet weed is illegal and drinking and cigarettes are legal. I do not understand that.
Weed is also good for people with cancer
I therefore do not see any reason why weed should be illegal.
We definitely need more research on that topic, but so far, even though we have some conflicting results, it seems that it's safer for you than other legal substances like tobacco.
Yes, it should be legalized because I believe that, even if a substance is deadly, it is better to educate people on the effects of taking given drug than to put them in jail for using it.
> short-term memory problem
> sexual problems
> increased risk of a heart attack
> decline in IQ
These are only a few (but the list is much longer) health issues that marihuana causes. People should be aware before trying it.
The structure of our lungs has not evolved to smoke.
As the Alcohol is legal, I think that weed must also be legal, so everyone in the community has the right to choose.
As was mentioned in the video there was a research but it was made on the group of 35 people. To my mind it's definitely not enough to be able to make some conclusions. Also as was mentioned marijuana has some positive effects(very little) but on the other hand it consists of even more harmful substances than a tobacco cigarette. Overall marijuana is legalized in some countries and it is used in healing purposes.
I am not an expert and I don't know all the effects that marijuana has. Before making such a decision it should be at least tested on the bigger number of people. Only after this test we could decide whether it should be legalized or not.
Yes I have and it is not bad in some situations - for example when you want to chill or you have food leftovers in your fridge that are about go out of date.
2)Do you think it’s bad for your health or not?
I think that on the long run all substances that are not in your body by itself are not good for you. However I do think that it is less harmful than cigarettes. I know that for some people it helps with depression and eye troubles, however it is bad for erection and motivation.
3)Do you think it should be legal or not?
I think it should. It should be regulated just like alcohol - no selling to the youth and in special situation, but in general people should decide for themselves if they prefer alcohol or soft drugs.
I don't know. In my opinion, I think that it isn't harmful so much. I think alcohol is much more harmful. Unfortunately, I don't know each other and this is only my opinion, but I think that there are much worse things that aren't banned.
I think it should be legal, why not? It would end in a way that people would try it and then the topic was not of interest.
I think moderation, as mentioned in the video, is very important in every matter and people tend to ignore that, this is way it's dangerous.
I think it both. From time to time could be good like other natural herbs in the world. I think natural health caring is good for people. On the other hand the dose make the poison, and a lot of people have tendency to excessively use marijuana. And for them marijuana could have impact.
Do you think it should be legal or not?
I think everything should be legal, this is individual choice of anybody.
I know that cigarettes are unhealthy but weed? I don't know, I have never read about that so it can be only guess.
I think that weed should be legal. It's the same as alcohol for me. If drinks are legal then why not weed?
2) It is hard to say and I didn't read a lot about it so I can't judge it.
3) I think that it should be a legal because as far as I know it is not less healthy than e.g. a alcohol so I don't see any reasons why we should punish people for it.
Is it bad for your health?
For sure it’s not healthy, especially for your lungs. Smoke is smoke, same with cigarettes. As I said - if you’re not overdosing it, it’s okay. If you’ll smoke too much, you will become lazy and muzzy.
On the other hand - if you have problems with eating - it could help you. I’m sure that you’ve heard about „gastrofaza” ;).
The most important thing is where you get your weed from. You should be aware of some chemical garbage.
Should it be legal?
Why not. You know - even now if you want to smoke weed, you can easily get it, but you can get some harmful chemical garbage as I said before.
When it’s legal, you can buy some natural weed, which is obviously better and „healthier”.
What’s more, your country can get money from it just like from alcohol and cigarettes.
No I don't, but I had a lot of chances.
2)Do you think it’s bad for your health or not?
I think my body don't need weed to relax, and I can entertain myself other ways.
3)Do you think it should be legal or not?
I think it should be legal, because you can buy weed in every place on the Earth, no dependend from legality, and better to ccontrol drugs, then to fight windmills.
2) Do you think it’s bad for your health or not?
I find marijuana bad for a regular human's health. First of all, if you were vulnerable to diseases like cancer for instance, it can easily get you one after a short period of regular smoking pot. Second of all, I find this tendency in people who smoke weed like chimneys, which basically melts their brains slowly and these people become simply slower in thinking, making decisions, calculating and processing a lot of information at once. However, marijuana has positive effects on some people, which I am going to describe in point number 3.
3) Do you think it should be legal or not?
In my opinion it should be legal. If not for everyone, then at least for ones who really need it. By need I mean addicts who try to quit, I mean sick people (multiple sclerosis) who use weed as a medical assistance and I also mean some artists. Weed can also boost our economy and introduce some regulations, so the next time you buy your weed, you are going to be sure that it is pure.
There is no specific direct answer to the question whether it is bad or not, regular use of anything is bad for health, constant use of sugar can damage more people than some drugs. Everything will have negative effect on person if you are addicted to that, and normal use of it ones in a while no.
Without question medical marijuana must be legal in every country. And if things like alcohol or cigarettes are legal, that cause quite annoying and bad for health addiction, weed should be also.
2. I guess both, it has both positive and negative issues. I guess it depends what kind of weed you smoke and how much and in what way. If you mix it with tabaco and smoke 5 pounds per day it cant go good.
3. It depends, i know many people that smokes weed like 3 times per day and they are functioning like that very well but there are people that do same thing and they are kinda loosers and cant get anything done. So i think it should be legal but only under some regulations.
Yes of course but NOT in Poland because as we all know it's illegal : D
2)Do you think it’s bad for your health or not?
I don't like weed actually because after smoking I am so stoned and unconscious that I can't do anything and sometimes I had "strange thoughts" so it's absolutely not for me.
3)Do you think it should be legal or not?
I think it should be legal cause it will generate huge profits for government.
Yeah, of course, not in poland) you can trust us, we wont tell anybody :)
Yes. I can see it when I'm watching my friends. When someone smokes weed every day it's making his brain "stoned", and you can clearly see that.
I think it should be legal, because it's a plant, not a chemical product. Everyone should try it, and decide what to do with it, not a goverment.