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Week 6 [07.05-13.05.2018] What happens after the war?

Nowadays our world is very dangerous. It’s confirmed that a few countries have a nuclear bomb and other weapons which can kill a lot of people. We are after two World Wars. The results are inconceivable because these attacks have killed about 60-75 million people. We can read about generals who thought that war was the best option but did they think about people who were to die? What about their families? What about bereaved children? Currently, we can hear a lot of calls suggesting there could be the Third Civil War on the earth, there are too many conflicts which can lead to something seriously big. People are searching for a safe place in the world and we can call them “immigrants”.


  1. Should countries support pro-immigration initiatives?
  2. What is better to send money to countries where there are conflicts (caritas, red cross) or give people places to live and why?
  3. Should immigrants go back to their own country after a war or stay in a new place as long as they want?



Unknown said…
It is a very difficult topic. In my opinion we should send help to their country, but when there is a war, let them in until it ends. I often see that these mothers with children are really grown up heathy men. The reality maybe different because, as we know, the media shows what it wants. In my opinio the migration policy is badly conducted. My approach to this topic is different over time. It only depends on them if they want to return to their country. Personally, I would always miss my homeland.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
It’s not an easy topic to discuss and I think that shouldn’t be here but… In my opinion countries shouldn’t support immigration initiatives at all. Simply because as we can see it often leads to problems and other conflicts. Other reason is that none of countries supporting immigration initiatives can be sure that people simply come because of conflicts in their country. As we can see it’s almost always hard to determine what is purpose of immigrants and later it turns out to be negative. Of course I don’t say that countries shouldn’t help that’s why I think it’s much better to send them money and offer other ways of help but they should have opportunity to live in their country instead of leaving it.
Unknown said…
1. Immigration is a broad term. As I understand in the context of this video you are talking about refugees. Every country should have that responsibility to try and help other people if it doesn’t require that much effort. Since your country could be in similar situation.
2. That depends on the situation if there is a conflict in a country that spreads across vast part of it. There’s no other way. People have to be resettled in safe nearest countries. Then the help can be directed there. But its also important to contribute to solving the problem instead of just curing the symptoms.
3. Yes, In best case scenario they should. The impact of such a massive migration on bordering countries is often damaging. Refugees are often large and poor group of people that settles in ghettos forming their own community. This may be a problem especially in unstable parts of the world.
Unknown said…
Helping people who are suffering from war is a humane act but we need to take into account different possible consequences too. Sometimes good intentions can lead to negative outcomes.
Of course, sending financial support to countries which are in conflicts is the best, in my opinion, way to help those in need, but you never know if money will be spent on medicine and supplies for victims of war or on weapons which caused those all the destruction. Unfortunately, this question will have the too ambiguous answer. It's all about questioning human morals.
Those who run from war can bring it to your homeland and that's what causes a lot of concerns among world leaders today.
Yes, immigrants should go back to their own country when war ends, but sometimes devastation is so huge that there is no habitable place where you can return to. Besides not all immigrants wish to leave their temporary place of leaving.
Jakub Nietupski said…
Yes, we should help people that lost their whole lifes and belongings in a war. European countries should prepare material help but also means to fill the educational and cultural gaps between immigrants and local people.
If someone is fleeing war it doesn't matter to them how much money is being sent to their country because they can be killed every day. Therefore it is barbaric to deny such people asylum.
I believe everyone should be able to live where they consider it's best for them.
Filip Sawicki said…
No, current pro-immigration initiatives are very short minded and in the long run will lead to cultural implosion of countries with open borders. Obviously it is very hard to come up with good solution for that huge issue. One idea that feels quite reasonable states that neighboring countries should provide a shelter to everyone in need and UN with global community all necessary financial aid. Immigrants should go back to their country after war if that is possible. Economical immigrants (excluding professionals) are damaging both countries on economic and cultural level.
I think that massive immigration is bad thing because immigrants with themselves bring traditions of their country to another place end destroy culture of destination place. I think that immigration must be only in small amounts and immigrants must live by the rules of place where they live, in other case they must stay at home. I as Ukrainian don't like this amount of Ukrainians in Poland and think that this must be controlled more strictly except tourists. Tourists can be in any amount that it can be but tourist must not be able to work and live here for a long time.
Unknown said…
1. Immigration is one of the biggest problems world is facing today and it seems that it will be hard to solve it in the nearest future. Governments should support pro immigration initiatives and they should constantly improve and execute immigration policies in order to help people who really need asylum and support. However they also have to think about safety of their citizens and not take in people who can be dangerous.
2. It is hard to say which one is better as both actions are needed in such cases.
3. In my opinion immigrants should have choice and as long as they obey the law and assimilate to culture they shouldn’t be forced to relocate
Unknown said…
Should countries support pro-immigration initiatives?
This question is too general. Not every pro-immigration initiative is good for immigrants and/or citizens. And there are many immigration problems that are possible to solve without massive immigration.

What is better to send money to countries where there are conflicts (caritas, red cross) or give people places to live and why?
Better to support specialized in support companies, so the country can be rebuild, than taking people out of there and pushing country to the edge of financial and labor crisis.

Should immigrants go back to their own country after a war or stay in a new place as long as they want?
They should go back if they are not having citizenship it country they're temporary living. Otherwise it could lead to the problems with financing the camps for them.
Iman Masjedi said…
In my opinion, a lot of things have to be considered about the war and the problem of immigrants.
When talking about losing a home and the life and work of someone who has been in war in his country, we have to put ourselves in it, for example, suppose you wake up in the morning, all the banks are bankrupt, you have no money You do not have a job and lost your job. What is the first solution that comes to your mind? Go to a safer place until the end of the war or fight?
 Talking about the problem of compulsory immigration varies considerably with optional immigration, many of those who emigrate are registered as refugees, like us, who seek a safer place to save their lives. In my opinion, a safe area in the world should be created with the help of all the countries of the world. If, in a country of war, all the immigrants were taken to this place and under the control of the Red Cross they would be given all the facilities until the security and tranquility of Their country will be established and then returned to their country in order to build their country after the end of the war and begin a new life.
Unknown said…
I think that everything depends on types of immigrants. I think that countries that have small population should support immigrants because immigrants will work for this country, but they also should carefully choose them(I mean take only perspective people), so country can still keep it's culture and major part of population will still be local people. I guess it's better to give them places to leave, because money will be obviously lost somewhere in government machine and will never come to people.
And i guess, that the last question also depends on immigrant. If this immigrant is working, paying taxes and support the culture of this country and tries to become more natural to this country, then he can stay here. But if immigrant tries to bring his own culture to this country and make this country look more like his home, then he should be sent back.
Unknown said…
1. I believe that each country is interested in having beneficial laws for immigrants. I think that such countries as Poland, for example it is profitable to accept immigrants.
2. I'm afraid that giving money to countries where martial law, it's almost the same as sponsoring the war. Therefore, for me, a rational decision is to give an opportunity to live and work in a country with a stable life.
3. This is the choice of the person itself. If during the war in his country, he was already based in another country, has housing, work and with him the whole family, then probably there is no meaningful return to the post-war country. Of course, if there is a personal desire to return or the family has been at home all this time - another question.
I can have a bit biased opinion on the first question, but i'm gonna say that as long as a potential immigrant is willing to follow the laws, work and integrate in the society he is going to be in, why not support him? I do not beleive in international charity, it is pretty obvious that such organizations take huge chunk of charity money to themselves. On the other hand giving refugees a place to live is not a panacea as well and usually leads to internal conflicts in a welcoming country, i don't have an answer what should be a solution for people fleeing from war and i am happy that i am not supposed to provide it. I know i would like to return in peacefull country once the war is over, but if a conflict lasts for decades, and all you have worked hard is located in your new country it can be really hard to return back.
Unknown said…
This is a very difficult topic for discussion. But I will try to say what I think.

I believe that countries shouldn't support pro-immigration initiatives but only to help in countries that need it.

I think it's better to send money to countries that need it. I think it is better to help people in their country, because we can see how to bring a large number of people to the country, eg in Germany or France, and how many bad things happened every day

I think that after the war they should return to their country.
Unknown said…
I have nothing against helping people, I am even in favour of helping immigrants. There is no difference between what they believe and what they look like. Only in my opinion should this help be such that if they want to live in our country, then you're welcome, but nothing is free. Let them work for their place and let them help. I think there are a lot of places to work now and everyone, with a bit of will, will find it. And if they want to stay after the war, I don't see any contraindications.
1.Everything depends on country’s possibilities. Not every country is able to support refugees but even those which are able don’t want to do it because of certain beliefs.

2. I don’t have a precise answer to this question. Again it all depends on big amount of different factors. There is no such country that would like to give a place to person that possibly could cause a conflict in its own country.

3. Again it all depends. It depends on how a person impacts the country it lives in. It also depends on the general amount of immigrants as well
Foodocado said…
It's not an easy topic. In my opinion, we should help people who need it. Doesn't matter how those people look like or what are their beliefs.

It depends on the situation. Sometimes, people can't live in their countries anymore and they must change their location.

I think they should go back to their country and try to rebuild it. that's how patriotism should look like.
Unknown said…
I think this subject is pretty heavy, and being a challenge especially nowadays when we have so many conflicts in the world. The immigrants are not soemthing new as it was and it is natural for people to migrate for different reasons. One of this can be war. In my opinion countries should support such initiatives and help people who are forced to leave their country. There should be no discussion whethet to let those people come or not.

I think it depends on particular situation in a country, how the conflict has escalated. Sometimes the financial support will be sufficient and sometimes not.

If I were in such situation I would come back my homeland but it should be individual decision of each immigrant. If someone wishes to stay he should have such possibility.
Unknown said…
NO they should not. I want every pearson who is pro"immigration" to take 2 immigrants into their home, give them shelter if u re so pro immigration - they wont.
Whats better ? Noone of the options are better no amout of money poured into those countries will make things better.
If they acclimatized and are not vegetation on social benefits why not ? The problem with immigration lies in their inability to acclimatize, to learn, to change their ways. Why should we deport an immigrant if he has changes his life enough to consider him a part of the community ?
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
It's hard topic to discuss and there are two sides of medal. I think countries should support pro-immigration iniatives because immigrants are not aliens. This is on side of medal but on the other side at first we should provide good living conditions and then support immigrants. The second question is rather simple for me. It's easier to send money, wait and check how situation is going on. Giving a place to live for those people would only move conflict in other place but neither first nor second solution isn't a solution. Answer for the last question is - if you gave a little possibility to live for immigrant then you shouldn't grab it back...
Very interesting topic, thanks for the video. The problem of immigration is very urgent now. Many people flee from wars, hunger, unemployment, etc. In other countries. In fact, there are many points of view on this issue. There is a point of view of the immigrants themselves, who are just looking for a better life because their country can not afford it to them. There is a point of view of the governments of the countries in which these people come. And there is a point of view of the citizens of the host country. I believe that immigration cannot be stopped, it can be artificially suppressed, but sooner or later all people on the planet are messed up.
Illia Kalinin said…
Should countries support pro-immigration initiatives?
I can't be sure, It's a very uncommon topic, but I may say that countries have to support
each-other, because we're all humans.

What is better to send money to countries where there are conflicts (caritas, red cross) or give people places to live and why?
In my opinion it is better to give places, because doing this you help people to avoid a conflict.

Should immigrants go back to their own country after a war or stay in a new place as long as they want?
If it was my decision I would say Immigrants may stay, but they have to be useful to the country they immigrated.
Unknown said…
It's very controversial topic - not an easy one for sure. I belive, that we should help people in their need. Ensure support in they way we could and help them rosolve their situation.

It always depends. Sometimes it's better to help country, just to help them stay "country" - but sometimes people can't live in their countries anymore, and then it's time to find the best solution. Like I said, it all depends - diffrent factors ale involved in every situation, and every situation is diffrent.

Like I mentioned before, country is priority to prevent culture of people - in my opinion people should go back to their country and build their own culture and traditions
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Unknown said…
As many people mentioned here - I'm not against helping people.
The only thing is - if refugees are respecting our rules, our lifestyle etc. - of course they deserve our help, but I think, that sending money is a better option.

As Fabian said "I think they should go back to their country and try to rebuild it. that's how patriotism should look like."
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Marcin Górski said…
Thank you for your comment.
Unknown said…
It's a complicated topic for me. I am unable to decide. Part of me thinks that we should not support immigrants at all. "You have a war, that's your problem, and you have to solve in on your own." on the other hand I am a human being, and I prise helping others, so naturally my body moves to help others even if my brain thinks differently. I feel like I do not want to be responsible for deciding it because all options would cause troubles either for the refugees or country civilians. I wish not to worry about walking in the city at night - that's all I need. If people don't make troubles, that's fine for me, if they do, I think they should be deported even if their country is under the war. We should learn them that they should be responsible for what they were doing and know the risk.
Unknown said…
Sorry, I don't think I am the right person to discourse the topic like this. It is hard to discuss it and to post an opinion. And at the same time it is "easy" to discuss when you are not there and doesn't face it yourself. So I can only say that people are facing the terrible circumstances and whether money or shelter would be better than nothing. And I think the whole world should try to understand first, and only then you can place the judgmental opinion. Ok, that is the problem for some countries to give the shelter for the immigrants, but I don't know how to answer these questions, I could understand the positions of the both sides.
Cecylia said…
Alright , after watching the video we all feel emotional because it was really dramatic and horror, but a do not consider myself to discus this topic because i am not into pro-immigration initiatives just because everybody has their own country and if there is a problem, war , the country should only be helped to peace and not let people escape and find new homes because there is no so much place for everybody in one another country , you know , like home for everybody . if there is war , the war should be ended and citizens should stay a fight for their country and not escape . they should not stay in the new home because its not their home . they are refugees a not citizens. I know i'm kind of brutal but lets respect our origins .

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