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Week 6 [07.05-13.05.2018] Another new order

In recent years the news were quite enthusiastic about a technology called blockchain, which i san underlying solution for every crypto currency. How much trust we can put in this technology? Does it really offer a completely new way of handling trust?

Is blockchain a totally new way or another overrated tech and economic bubble?

Does lack of in-depth knowledge about keeps poeple/you away from investing in blockchain? Why?

How would you validate the asset before investing money?


I think that blockchain is an innovative idea, but still a long way before it will be used on an industrial scale. I agree with the fact that people refuse to invest because of a lack of knowledge in this field. Both blockchains and cryptocurrency are virtually and intangible, what cause, that people can feel that this is not a safe investment.

Every investment in something new brings a risk, so you have to invest only a part of your money that you can lose and will not cause a lack of daily expenses.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
It’s hard to answer but blockchain seems to be great and new technology and as you’ve mentioned totally new way but for sure it may become economic bubble but as for me it’s impossible as for now to determine it. Of course that lack of in-depth knowledge doesn’t keep people from investing because as I think, vast majority of people investing consider it as a form o fun or they only wait for a stroke of luck. And those people allow others who have good knowledge to have high profits from investing. For much such investments have to be considered and you have to remember about risk.
Unknown said…
1. Blockchain is a smart idea. Technologically it’s not that complex and the speaker certainly tried to create some unfounded hype around it. Especially that it’s facing scalability problem. It will have its uses but claiming that it will revolutionize business and industry is an overstatement.
2. No. As the speaker said people don’t understand how internet works and they still use it. Could be said for anything really.
3. Like I would validate any asset I buy. I would still have to trust institutions.
Jakub Nietupski said…
I say blockchain is both new tech and also economic bubble. It is novel in the way it handles transaction encryption etc. and it can be used in many interesting ways - e.g. voting. That being said, what happens with Bitcoin price on the market is strongly influenced by hype created by the media.
I think I understand the technology, at least the basics of it, but I never invested in Bitcoin because I don't know the laws of the market and I can't predict the price and don't know how should I buy and sell profitably.
Before investing money I would check if the company or commodity is something well established and stable because I don't like big risks.
Filip Sawicki said…
Blockchain is innovative but at the same time overrated. There surely is a need for that technology, however the over-optimism is destroying its reputation. Everyone tries to use it as a “revolutionary” tool and apply to every part of industry even though usually it is waste of time and resources. Yes I think that lack of in-depth knowledge leads to decreased interest in blockchain/cryptocurrency. The issue for that is on the both sides, technology enthusiasts and general public. Technology enthusiast as stated before, try to pitch it to everyone at the same time overvaluing it. General public having greater experience with that technology becomes more and more skeptical and at the same time disvaluing possible applications.
Block-chain is a top topic of last year after bitcoin has rised to 16 000$ as I remember but after this hipe it has dropped to point of 6 000$ for one. I think that bitcoin is interesting thing for investors that trying to get more money each hour because market of blockchain money changes quickly than market of real money and usual people need to be careful with this type of money because they can loose a lot.
Iman Masjedi said…
advantage or Blockchain technology is Decentralized, not easy to take down, bypass middle men and governments.
Transparent ledger, everybody can see and download all transactions ever made.
Security, relies on cryptographic algorithms that make it very difficult to malicious changes in the ledger. Decentralized consensus on transactions.
Performance is the biggest disadvantage of Blockchains. When a transaction is being processed, a blockchain has to do a lot more than just a traditional database,Also in Blockchain, effort must be expanded to ensure that nodes reaches consensus.
Unknown said…
Is blockchain a totally new way or another overrated tech and economic bubble?
Blockchain rather something in the middle, it's have neache but it will never overtook the popularity of regular money.
Does lack of in-depth knowledge about keeps poeple/you away from investing in blockchain? Why?
Yeah, totally. You wouldn't invest in something you dont understand and have high risks. And it's requre at least middle skill with computer technology to operate that. Also there is not that much ways of spending it right away so you louse on conversion.

How would you validate the asset before investing money?
First of all if don't know how the tech works I would start with the basics and try to understand where it's value from and what factors make it more valuable. Then I would try to analize live news and predict how it effects market behaviour and only after verifying my thought with real money I would invest
Unknown said…
Im really not a fan of cryptocurrensy. But i guess thats because i dont use it. At this moment for me its hard to tell if blockchain is an overrated bubble or not. I dont know about it that much. And im not sure if my lack of interest in this thing is a result of lack of the knowledge, or my lack o knowledge is the result of luck of interest. I simply dont see the possibilities to use cryptocurrensy. The only thing im really sure about- earning money on cryptocurrensy is a bubble and lottery. You may be lucky to win a lot and you may be the one to loose even more.
I would validate stability of an asset during last years and future predictions and exspectations related to this asset. Of course, there are much more things, but these two are main.
Blockchain is definitely a brand new technology and it’s not so hard to get the idea of it. I still don’t understand why so many people think that it’s a rocket science.

Yes. I think lack of in-depth knowledge is the main reason why it’s not used almost everywhere now. After global economic crisis people are afraid of accepting something new. They consider everything to be a new economic bubble. This factor slows down the progress heavily.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
Blockchain is for sure new technology and it is not that bad, but as all new economical inventions it still has to prove that it is reliable enough to invest in. Unfortunately in last year it showed not the most reliable course changes, but it all has some reasons for it in background in which not all people are interested in and thats why it already lost a lot of investors, but nowadays seems like it has stabilized a little bit, but still everyday course changes are too big for a regular person to trust. Nowadays blockchain is market for a big investors with a risk, but as we know all investing in anything is a risk. Personally I didn`t invest in blockchain, because, to my mind, I am not experinced enough to make investments in that kind of projects yet, but in the near future I have planed to try and test my investor skills.
It is definitely a new technology that can find much more uses than just a currency and fraud system. It is not the lack of knowledge that keeps me from investing, but rather lack of money to invest =3. About validation i dunno, i just read as much as i can and then depending on my knowledge i try it out or not.
Unknown said…
I agree, that blockchain technology is a completely new approach to solving some day-to-day problems in business, economy and energetic industry but at the same time, it has some limits that most people ignore. Yes, I think that it is overrated today because of cryptocurrency hype. But like all trends, blockchain hype will eventually fade away and most people will forget about it.
No, for me it's not about lack of knowledge. If we talk about blockchain investment from cryptocurrency investment perspective than it's clear that such investment has a huge risk. Also, most problems can be solved even without using blockchain technology, so it's also the question if it really necessary for us to use that experimental technology at all if there are more reliable solutions.
Well, I would probably make some research about it before investing.
Foodocado said…
A blockchain is an innovative approach to finance and industry. It solves the problems in a new level. For me, it's an interesting topic. Of course, there are some people who think it's only a bubble and they think that crypto-world can make them rich in a few months. I like Warrens Buffet approach to business. He won't invest in something which is new and incomprehensible to him.

How would you validate the asset before investing money?
It's important to understand the asset before investing. It's also important to read some predictions. The big value can give us the conversation with people who are in the topic for a longer time.
Unknown said…
Blockchain is a legitimate technology that could change ourt lives that is being corrupted by its part in crypto currency technology and global trends/buzzwords. Blockchain has really big potential, just its current usage is really hurting how its received by public.
The buzz around crypto market and its volatility turns conscious investors away from it.
I really dont know. I would probably check competition and its competitors investment status first. If there is a chance that a competitor will pull ahead even with my investment i would not risk it.
Marcin Górski said…
I'm not a fan of blockchain and any other cryptocurrency ideas but I have to admit that is very innovative. My colleague is interested in it and love to talk to me about that. I don't understand prices, graphs and ideas but it's funny because he know a lot! In my opinion you have to be clever and a kind of forward thinker. It's very time-consuming too because you have to watch at all of these graphs, read all news etc.
In my opinion it's a trap because in one time something can cost about 5k dollars and after a half of day price have fallen by 50%. That is a lottery for me.
Unknown said…
Is blockchain a totally new way or another overrated tech and economic bubble?
For now it is both at the same time. It's new technology, but it's overrated by people that don't know anything about it's structure and how does it work. And it will become economic bubble in the first few iterations, when everybody will mindlessly use it.

Does lack of in-depth knowledge about keeps poeple/you away from investing in blockchain? Why?
Mostly I'm not investing in it, because it's too expensive to buy Bitcoins, and other cryptocurrencies are not stable enough, to be worth investing in them for that moment.
So I will invest in them, but in the future, when I will have money for invests.

How would you validate the asset before investing money?
This depends on the asset type - if it's electronic, that I will use more or less daily I buy the new one with the guarantee. In most cases I'm unable to verify quality directly, so I have to rely on the guarantee only.
Unknown said…
There is no doubt that blockchain is an new, noteworthy, innovative technology that have a potential to be very perspective.
Yes I agree that lack of in-depth keeps away people in investing it, mainly because they are aware of it and the popularity of it is making them cagy. They are looking for some loophole in it.
I wouldn’t invest any money in something I don’t have enough knowledge about and in something very risky, because it’s not on my nerves. I prefer to get rich steadily and safely.
Illia Kalinin said…
I agree with my colleagues, Blockchain is a useful technology that perfectly fits for its niche, but "cash is the cash".
It's always better to be in-depth of something-you want to invest-in.
I would validate the asset according to its history and future plans
Peter Clemenza said…
Is blockchain a totally new way or another overrated tech and economic bubble?
It is quite new approach, but countries wont allow it to exist. Many side alt-coins seems to be a bubble,but generally bitcoin blockchain is doing fine

Does lack of in-depth knowledge about keeps poeple/you away from investing in blockchain? Why?
It might, but its not a big deal, its a simple idea, every chain in the block is made partly from previous hash, that's why its called blockchain

How would you validate the asset before investing money?
First: stay away from gambling
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Blockchain technology is not a rocket sience or very hard to understand but it's clear that this techlonogy is the revolutionized currencies in term of trastactions. Everyone has heard about bitcoin or other e-currency but small part of them know how does it work so people are afraid to invest in it.
Unknown said…
1. I think that a blockchain is an interesting part of technology and it is an innovative solution but I think that it will be a long way to use it instead of money like a polish zloty or a dolar. Most or even all of cryptocurrencies are a economic bubble and even it can be occasion to earn a lot of money it is also possibility to lost everything what you have. You can't hold all of your wealth in cryptocurrencies and sleep well because this market is too dynamic.

2. I personally wouldn't invest a lot of money in blockchain because a wallets have poor protection. When you want to do a overflow and you misspeld one character you will lost all of your virtual money.

3. I already tried and I did some research before and after that I decided to stop investing my money. This market is too dynamic for me because when I bought some cryptocurrencies I was always afraid that I will lost it in 5 minutes.
Unknown said…
1. Is blockchain a totally new way or another overrated tech and economic bubble?
In my opinion blockchain is somewhere in the middle. It is not overrated technology, although it got a lot of attention lately, but I don't think it is going to revolutionise the world.

2. Does lack of in-depth knowledge about keeps poeple/you away from investing in blockchain? Why?
I don't quite understand the question, but I think lack of in-depth knowledge about any subject limits people from investing their money in anything.

3. How would you validate the asset before investing money?
I'd probably want to meet the expert, ask some questions, tell about my worries, present my investment plan and then decide after hearing him/her out.
Unknown said…
For me it’s hard to answer - I don't know this topic well enough. I think that blockchain is an innovative idea for finance industry. It's a new way of approach for sure - it seems to be great technology. It may become an econimic bubble - time will show.

You're right, I refuse to invest in it, because of a lack of knowledge in this field - for now ;)
I want to dive deeper in blockchain or crypto-currency, and I'll do it when I posses some kind of knowledge in this area.

It's important to understand the asset before investing. The risk is huge I think, but it can be worth it - it's good to have a conversation with people that know this topic well - it could give a huge head start
Illia Lukisha said…
Is blockchain a totally new way or another overrated tech and economic bubble?
I think it's a new way, but in my opinion bitcoin just opened doors for newer and more meaningful cryptocurrencies that actually can change money flow and replace MasterCard/Visa.
Does lack of in-depth knowledge about keeps poeple/you away from investing in blockchain? Why?
I think for last 5 years there was so lot information that even my grandma knows what is bitcoin, but I cannot pay for pizza by bitcoin, who need a currency that cannot be used for main purpose.
How would you validate the asset before investing money?
Bitcoin has not real value because people don't use it for everyday payments, so it's just a set of digital 0s and 1s that actually cannot bring you goods, who will invest to it?
But for now my goal is to collect money, and then think about investing, not vise versa.
Unknown said…
It might be, but we haven't found it yet, or actually, we heard about some ideas which unfortunate works only on paper. I think the blockchain is not old enough to name it investing. It's like gambling. You have to base your result on your luck. My problem with putting money in it is that I'm unable to validate the asset before giving my many away. Next question is the scammers. The popularity of this topic produced many companies which turned out to be a scam. It's the next thing you have to do before investing - make sure it's not a scam, and people who stand behind the idea are caplable of achieving their goal.
I'm not and investor, but I'm think that cryptocurrencies is the future. But bitcoin was one of the first cryptocurrencies ever, and his creator didn't think how people will use it in real life with real economics. Much newer currencies try to solve this problem, like Gram(Telegram Open Network currency), that launching next year, will use passport credentials to have trust from government and will allow you to send money to your contacts, pay for goods many other things, and that more valuable will allow to send money to your credit card and another way.
I think that the gold rush with bitcoin, inspired other with opportunities, and in next decade we will see the rise of cryptocurrencies.
Unknown said…
I would like to get more information about blockchain, in a few days in Campus Warsaw, a Google space will take place the meeting where Blockchain facts will be discussed. I do think that people don't trust blockchain because of the lack of the knowledge. I won't trust it myself for the same reason. So I would be glad to visit that meeting just to orient in that topic, though it is not so interesting for me. My first education is economy, so I know how to write a business plan, that is my only way to analyze the risks before the investing. but only in theory. I don't work as an economist:)
Cecylia said…
Personally I don't understand such subjects . I just don't know what to say about it . i cant say if its a good idea and if its the good future technology. i'm sorry its the only post that I don't truly understand and i don't want to write something that is not in common with that topic because i'm not into economics and i think i will never understand this .

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