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Week 6 [07.05-13.05.2018] Orthorexia: when healthy eating becomes dangerous

There is this common phrase: “You are what you eat”. The meaning of it is quite simple: if you eat crappy food, you are going to feel crappy. If you eat healthy food, then you will feel and look healthy. But what does it really mean to eat healthy? Is it possible that healthy food can be dangerous for us? Surprisingly, yes.
To “eat clean” is largely associated with gluten, antibiotics, fat and sugar free products. Some clean eaters go even further and have a wholly raw, vegan diet. But when an interest in healthy eating becomes an obsession, it turns into orthorexia. And it can have a devastating effect on a person’s life.
The term ‘orthorexia’ was introduced in 1998 and means an obsession with proper or healthy eating. Orthorexia is not medically recognised in the same way as anorexia and bulimia are, and according to psychiatrists, it is much closer to a phobia than to a food disorder.

People with orthorexia become so fixated on so-called ‘healthy eating’ that they actually damage their own well-being. As they become more and more obsessed with being pure, their diet becomes very restrictive. Their health suffers from nutrition deficiencies and their body systems and organs are not getting enough energy. What started out as a way of being “healthy” has become the thing that is causing harm. Additionally, by imposing very strict laws on themselves, obsessive clean eaters inevitably isolate themselves, skipping social engagements where food is involved. 
Doctors say they rarely see orthorexia on its own. It is normally a cap on anorexia, bulimia or binge-eating disorder. Some specialists believe that fixating on health is becoming a kind of religion in our society. If we think of the role of religiosity, it gives us community, a value system, routine and structure, somewhere to turn when we are feeling down. Now, we get that from our gym or our eating club. We go and get the shakes, and we talk about them. And the culture supports this. The organic section has come to the regular supermarkets. Parents are schooled that they can’t give their kids foods with toxins, antibiotics. When do we go from a belief in whole and fresh food to a drive to perfection and an extreme? We live in an all-or-nothing culture.

What does clean eating means to you? 
Do you believe you are what you eat? 
Do you know people who are obsessed with healthy lifestyle? 
When does clean eating cross the line? 



I think that you are what you eat is very wise. In my opinion, you need to keep balance in everything. For me, eating clean is paying attention to what you eat, or a balanced diet without any suspicious substance, for example chemical preservatives. I do not know anyone personally, but I have heard that many people are obsessed with the harmfulness of gluten products. A lot of products have "gluten free" stickers. However, from what I know, gluten is harmful only to people who are sensitively allergic to this substance. Clean eating crosses the border when people start to harm themselves and follow stupid dietary modes without thinking whether this particular diet suits them.
Unknown said…
To me clean eating is consumption of meals that are composed of ingredients with well-balanced nutritious macro but also tasty. A lot of things is perfectly fine in moderation. There are many things we don’t know yet about our bodies and we don’t live forever.
I know many people that are vegetarian or vegan but I don’t really think it’s their obsession. Still for me it’s crossing the line of clean eating.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
It may sound strange but for me clean eating simply means that I eat things that won’t make me feel bad or sick and aren’t very unhealthy. To explain a little, I think that eating pizza, kebab or Mcdonald two or three times per month isn’t unhealthy but you have to be conscious that eating more things like those I’ve mentioned may be unhealthy. What’s more I often try to add some vegetables to my sandwiches or eat fruits to get some vitamins. I don’t directly believe that I’m what I eat but I’m pretty sure that food we consume have great impact on our body and simply state of being. Of course I know people that are obsessed with healthy lifestyle but now I wonder whether are they obsessed because they like it or maybe just want to be fancy because healthy lifestyle is trendy nowadays.
Unknown said…
Sometimes I have orthorexia . It's obviously a joke. I study a lot about food and diets and test myself. The conclusion is that products that are considered to be fit and without gluten are in fact much worse than normal food. I'm not saying you must eat only healthy things because life would be boring without pizza and hamburger. Of course, not every day. Nothing will happen to anyone if they eat chocolate from time to time. It is ridiculous that 90% of people think that they eat heathy things. Do you know when you see that people are fat? You can see it when you look in their trolley.
Unknown said…
For me "clean eating" is a balance between eating healthy food like fruits and vegetables and unhealthy food like "fast food" and sweets. I think it's ok to allow yourself some burger or pizza but remember to not get too obsessed with it.
Sure, food you eat everyday play a vital role in your well-being but when it comes to health it's not the only thing that drastically affects your life. Overall, I think everybody should know limits of their body if they want to avoid going to doctors and taking digestion pills.
I don't know anybody who is obsessed with the healthy lifestyle. I would rather say that most people I know tend to restrain themselves by eating less than not eating a certain type of unhealthy food at all.
Healthy eating crosses the line when human body stops receiving certain amount of vitamins and calories that are important for sustaining proper metabolism thus damaging organism.
Jakub Nietupski said…
I don't consider myself picky about what I eat so clean eating life style doesn't mean so much to me.
Certainly, food is our main source of energy and resources so it has to affect us.
I know people that try to keep fit and follow rules of healthy lifestyle, but I don't think they are obsessed with it.
I think that clean eating crosses the line when it keeps you from normal functioning.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Maciej Główka said…
I know people, who did special tests that show you which products(eggs, milk etc) your body doesn't tolerate. Many of them had gluten in that category. After few months of gluten free diet, they did feel better. I think that such tests should be free and available for everyone. In my opinion they might help to prevent many diseases.
Maciej Główka said…
I agree with your clean eating definition. However I think that vegetarian/vegan food also fits that interpretation.
Maciej Główka said…
Very interesting point of view. I want to believe that all people are obsessed not because they want to be fancy but to be healthy. Unfortunately, that's not true right now.
Maciej Główka said…
I've read somewhere that as you mentioned, many products marketed as fit or healthy are much worse than normal food. I agree with you, that we should have common sense and McDonald or a piece of chocolate once a month won't destroy our health.
Unknown said…
I agree with your statement. I think that we shouldn't punish ourselves for eating pizza twice a month ;) However, we should focus on everyday food and try to balance it as much as we can.
Maciej Nowak said…
Clean eating means for me a well balanced diet that provides necessary nutrients with food of good quality without unnecessary chemicals. Of course, i believe that i am what i eat. You can watch documentaries about unhealthy food and how it changes your behavior for worse. I don't know anyone personally who is obsessed with healthy lifestyle but i also don't know too many people who absolutely don't care about their health and trash food. I think clean eating crosses the line when it becomes too strict and starts actually do more harm than good.
Unknown said…
I saw "Super Size Me", very good documentary. I think it should be shown in primary schools to prevent childhood obesity. You have mentioned interesting point about overly processed food.
Many people think, that only fast food like McDonald or KFC makes people fat. However, many beautiful salads for example from salad story, has got same amount of fat as fast food burgers or chips.
I think that there must be a balance in food and this is gold rule. We can't eat one type of food and be sure that all will be ok because different food has different type of micro elements that our body need and we must fill this needs.
Unknown said…
What does clean eating means to you?
Clean eating? Never heard this term before, but it sounds like eating anything other than fast-foods and drinking not much alcohol and soda drinks. And I'm trying to eat like this but, man, pizza is delicious.

Do you believe you are what you eat?
Yes, that's why I'm not eating beetroot and potatoes.

Do you know people who are obsessed with healthy lifestyle?
Fortunately not, or at least I'm not aware of it.

When does clean eating cross the line?
When person is without energy and still eats no more than mice, and comments about what anyone nearby eats something less healthy.
Jakub Lisicki said…
For me, clean-eating mostly means giving up on the things that we feel aren't good for us. This isn't really specific, but I guess most of us know when we aren't eating healthy. Some examples are fast foods, energy drinks, crisps.
I believe that eating healthy has a great influence on how we look and feel. We shouldn't care that much about it, though. Having too restrictive diet doesn't make us feel happy either.
I know some people who are too obsessive about eating healthy, it's pretty hard not to know these people in these times. It's nothing wrong with that as long as they don't want to enforce their habits on me.
In my opinion, crossing the line is when we start to feel bad and stressed about what we eat. So many people love cooking, eating what they want. Some give up on everything just because of their obsession. That's where the line is crossed - once we can call it an obsession.
Iman Masjedi said…
Eat more of the good. Eat less of the bad. That's the whole idea behind clean eating. It's all about, well, cleaning up your diet so that there's a greater focus on whole foods (think fruits, vegetables, protein and healthy fats), and less reliance on processed or refined foods.
For the majority yes. But for some people with food intolerance it might not as i discovered. It can make my eczema worse for example i have a friend who has nickel allergy and some clean foods like brown rice, nuts and other clean foods are actually high in nickel.
Unknown said…
For me clean eating means that you eat food that helps you to stay healthy and in long term will make your life longer. The best example for me is my grandma, because she is eating only really healthy food and tries to be as healthy as it's possible, and she is trying to tell us(me and my family) how to eat and what to eat all the time. Despite sometimes it helps and comes in handy, it's sometimes irritating as well. And clean eating comes across the line when people forget that food is meant to give you health and energy as well as satisfaction. When people start to spend too much time or effort to make super-clean food that means that something went wrong
Unknown said…
For me, "clean food" is a food that does not contain many fats and carbohydrates. In general, I adhere to the position "You are what you eat". My diet is mainly vegetables and fruits because they give me energy, quickly processed and very tasty. I have friends who are obsessed with "healthy eating", even if lovers of raw food, that is, the lack of food of animal origin and it is finished that the grains are not processed. And then one of my friends for two years so fed until she had an attack, then gradually began to consume dairy products. I think that my food suits me, because I'm not a fan of "healthy food," I just eat everything I think I like and from which it's not hard for my body, of course I eat fried meat, once a week it even needs to not be tempted at sight meat.
Unknown said…
Exactly, this is a very good principle to live with.
Unknown said…
Who doesn't love pizza... Watch out, people obsessed with healthy lifestyle might be sneaky.
For me clean eating means that i should eat enough food of different types, and of course without consuming fastfood. I beleive that we are what we eat, it is pretty much scientifically proven anyway, but even examples from everyday life prove same fact. People obsessed with healthiness usually have some health problems because of their obsession, instead of listening to some youtube health experts or celebrities who just maintain some public style, you should listen to your body and certified experts. Clean eating crosses the line when you start giving it some effort and attention, it's just eating dammit!
Unknown said…
Very good definition of clean eating. One of the worst behaviour is to enforce your habits to someone, especially if this is connected to health or diet.
Unknown said…
Clean food for me is to avoid sweets, fast food and sweet drinks.

Yes, I believe. That's why I'm trying to eat only meals that I prepare myself.
But of course sometimes I happen to eat something from mcdoland or other fast food.

I know a lot. But everyone does as he thinks.

In my opinion, for example, when we are at a party and eat nothing because we only eat self clean meals.
Unknown said…
Clean food is a food where there is no place for fast-food, carbonated drinks, alcohol. Food that is rich in vitamins, etc. I agree with this statement, we are what we eat, because how we feel, how our body works depends mainly on what we eat and how we function.
I know a few people who are dedicated to a healthy life. I think that when people who use clean food, force others or this mode of eating has a negative impact on others.
Unknown said…
1. I consider clean eating as developing good habits concerning what and how we eat. It includes choosing right ingredients for meals, avoiding processed foods and proper portion sizes.
2. There is no doubt that what we eat has a great influence on our well-being. From my experience I can say that there was a time when I didn’t care about what I ate and it was a terrible experience as I didn’t have enough energy and felt tired all the time.
3. I know many people who really care about healthy lifestyle but I wouldn’t say they are obsessed with it as they can find balance between being healthy and other areas in their life.
4. Clean eating crosses the line when it becomes an addiction, so when people’s life is only focused on this area and they don’t see or care about any other aspects of their life.
For me clean eating is getting an appropriate amount of nutritions from food per day. I may allow myself to eat junk food but at most once a week. I don’t think that something bad may happen if you allow yourself eat whatever you want once a week. In my opinion it rather helps you to keep your diet clear for the rest of the week.

I would rather say that I believe than not because I can see the difference of my skin, physical shape, etc depending on what I eat.

Yes, I know but only 1 - 2 people that keep their diet and healthy lifestyle 24 / 7.

To my humble opinion clean eating cross the line when you sacrifice particullary everything in order to eat clean.
Peter Clemenza said…
I spend my time on thinking about how my diet goes And What can I change in it. I feel like all the products I use in my daily routine are chemically processed and this is why I am always trying to find the best place to get them. I also take care about my workout routine- there is no day when I am not doing my favorite Pilates or strength exercises. I am also looking for a new solution. For me trying to be fit is one of the most important things in life . To spend it in a quality way.
Foodocado said…
For me, clean eating means to avoid fast foods, alcoholic drinks, sweets etc. Of course, we can do an exception and eat once or twice in a month a pizza or something.

Yeah, I believe that we are what we eat. I am sure that healthy, regular meals can make us feel better, we are no longer tired or we simply sleep better.

I know these kinds of people. They are obsessed with healthy food, fitness etc.
Thanks to the author of the article, I learned a lot, I had never heard about Orthorexia. This information is very important for me because I try to follow my diet. After several experiments, I noticed that my body is directly related to the quality of what I eat. I would not want this to turn into a mania or a disease. I fully support the view that we are what we eat. You need to know how each product affects the body and determine its value in the diet. I have friends who have refused different products, all for different reasons. Someone wants to lose weight, some of them because of their views on life. But they do it without thinking and doing themselves harm. Therefore, we need to deeply study and understand this aspect of our life.
Unknown said…
For me clean eating means everything what I can grow in my garden. I can be sure there are no chemical substances and other stuff that could effect my health. The food I buy in supermarket is something I eat but I am not able to check whether it is healthy or not and I can't be sure of that even if I read consumer information on its consist.
I have never been thinking of that but maybe it is like this. It is possible that more and more people nowadays idenify themselves with what they eat.
I know some people who are obsessed with healthy lifestyle, e.g. those who are addicted to the gym and various diets.

Unknown said…
I think that our body really good know what it need to eat. I think that clean eating is eating healthy but if our body give us sign that it need something else it's good to eat it. It's healthy for our psychology.

I know that we have something like metabolic age. I think that if we eat healthy and we are doing sports it is lower. It shows of what is our body is build. In that way we can say that we are what we eat.

I don't know people obsessed on healthy food. Rather in opposite i know people who loves unhealthy food.

I think that clean eating cross the line when you can't take pleasure in eating other food. It's unhealthy for our psyche.
For me eating clean means eating healthy food without all those junks they are selling us in fastfood restaurants. I think each meal should have balanced nutrients, and our diet shouldn't be focused on meet/vegetables only. It depends, if by saying "you are what you eat" you mean I eat potato I am potato then obviously no, but if you mean that you should eat healthy to be health then yes.
Yes I know a lot of people like this and to be honest they are not happy (joke).To be serious it is hard to be in a relationship with ludicrous obsessed healthy-eater. If would say that crossing the line is when you never pleasure yourself with some kind of reward like donut or something like that.
Unknown said…
Clean eating - for me its eating food that has been naturally grown.
Kind of i believe that what we eat greatly impacts how we feel. I believe that eating healthy will greatly improve your quality of life in a long run even if those few first weeks are hard.
Yes i have some health obsessed friends and i can clearly see that its ruining their life and experiences. When u spend more time reading labels on food than actually eating it there is something wrong wit you.
When a clean eating person starts trying to influence me and starts to meddle with my choices thats where clean eating crosses the line.
Unknown said…
From my point of view clean food is a well balanced diet, where you deliever everything that your body requires – i mean macro and micro nutrients.
There is some truth in you are what you eat, but as i noticed when i eat healthy, well-balanced food i have more power and energy in the gym, but when I eat pizza i feel mentally happier.
I know lots of people that believes in diets that only look healthy but in fact they are destroying your metabolism. I know a person who didn’t eat any carbohydrates to lose weight and what’s even worse he believed it is healthy, slimming diet.
Marcin Górski said…
Clean food? It's to avoid fast foods and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. It's very hard to do it everyday for me but I'm trying... swear me! :) I believe in sentence 'you are what you eat' because I have experience with that. I had time when I was eating a lot of fast foods I was very tired. After a month with balanced diet everything was changed, now I'm felling better. I don't know any obsessed person but I have read about that. I understand, you want to be fit - no problem.. but you shouldn't hyperbolize with that. Nothing will happen when you will eat one chocolate per month.
Unknown said…
For me, eating clean means that my body feels good. That my silhouette is on point, my skin looks healthy and my mood is fine in general. If You;re asking me if I belife in that phrase, I'll answear You - Yes and no. I belive that there should be a balance in food. I'm trying to eat clean, to be fit but I also love McDonald's and some kind of junk food - but if You find the right balance this phrase don't neccesy will fit You. Despite mixed eating(healthy and junky) You can still feels and looks fine.
Yeah, I know couple of them - I don't like the way they obey it. I admire their determination but on the other hand, they refuse so much pleasure. For them, eating clean means no cheat meals, no candy's, no sweet drinks, no alcohol - I know, that they maybe don't need it, but for me, it's not worthy - As I said, You have to find the balance. When does clean eating cross the line? - When people that stick to this lifestyle, starts to bully people that lead they life diffrent. Showing perspective is diffrent from imposing perspective ;)
Kristina Moroz said…
1. As for me clean eating means that you eat what your body could absorb, it's what makes you feel better, more powerful, it gives you what your body need to live full life.
2 In some point, yes. I really feel how my body reacted on what I eat and when I eat it.
I like feeling of lightness.
3. Actually yes, but they look like not healthy.
4. When you started feel anxious, tired and exhausted, lose a lot of weight.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Very interesting article for me. I rather like to eat healthy but it doesn't mean that I don't like fast foods. What does clean eating means to me? I think it's a balanced diet within reasonable limits. We can't always refuse not healthy food - it's boring and difficult to do. I have two friend that are obsessed with their healthy lifestyle and sometimes they are annoying. They can't eat burger because there is a lot of fat, etc.
Unknown said…
1. What does "clean eating" means to you?
It means to eat your properly washed and/or cooked food in clean environment using clean dishes and cutlery.

2. Do you believe you are what you eat?
I agree with this phrase partially, as I can see how people (myself included) look like, how they're feeling and how they're changing depend on what they're eating.

3. Do you know people who are obsessed with healthy lifestyle?
Yes, I do know some healthy freaks and some of them are pretty close to me in my life. It is very good to stay fit and have a healthy lifestyle, however it not cool to keep talking about this all the time.

4. When does "clean eating" cross the line?
Well when you find yourself in the situation in which you're totally obsessed and freak out about every little detail about your food and the way it is prepared or not.. I think you'll know that you've crossed the line.
Unknown said…
For me healthy eating is a balance of fats, protein, carbohydrates and essential vitamins. I try to eat clean, but when I feel like eating a burger from McD, I go and buy it - not a problem. So it is also a balance between what is good and what I want. Avoiding things that are tasty for you will lead to being unsatisfied, and your mind is the part of the body. So if I want Pringles, my mind will suffer until I won't get it, I don't want my mind to suffer:) I used to be sport lover and I spent some years on diets and stuff, it didn't spoil my life, but I think I was to serious with that. Now I eat almost everything that I want and feel good. But ok, I just don't like sweets and fats - so healthy eating is not such a hard thing for me.
Unknown said…
Clean eating means to me that I eat in the way all food is made from ecological resources. Like, we do not transform the food at or modify it. I feel better when I eat healthier, so I think there is some truth in that sentence. I know some of the people like this. I admire them that they have time for all of the preparations. As it comes to me with others topic unless the other person wants at all cost convince me that I should change my diet, I don't have any problem with that. Everyone has a right to decide on himself.
Cecylia said…

Clean eating means to me that the food is all natural without any additions like toxins or antibiotics and it is better to buy it from a local farmer. I believe that you are what you eat because the body absorb all the nutritions and also unesessary things that can make us powerless, ill and tired. Yes I do know some people but only from the internet. some youtube vlogers that are very obsessed by healthy lifestyle and I watch them because I was curious what they consider healthy and how much they actually know about .
The only time I remember that someone crossed the line was when a read an article that vegan parents were accused to starve their newborn because the mother didn't want to breastfeed because SHE IS AN ANIMAL ...

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