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Week 6 [07.05-13.05.2018] Gross National Product

Gross National Product

Gross national product (GNP) is the market value of all the goods and services produced in one year by labour and property supplied by the citizens of a country.

Although lots of countries live in prosperity there are places where people’s daily struggles are to get food and water. In order to consume other goods we need to address our basic needs first, then we move forward and start consuming for real. World’s industries growth brought us to a new level of thinking about goods. Common client is not concerned with anything but own satisfaction when getting new items. Nobody wonders how it is made, who made it and why. Basing judging on commercials and brand names is easy and comfortable, but how much time do we have till we can’t manufacture another iPhone? How is it that we measure our progress (GDP) by referring to the consumption?

Some facts
There are 300,000 items in the average American home and still many of US citizens rent offsite storage, which very often needlessly supports this segment of industry. The average American woman owns 30 outfits—one for every day of the month. In 1930, that figure was 9.
The average American family spends $1,700 on clothes and then throws away 65 pounds of it annually. Houses have more television sets than people. And those television sets are turned on for more than a third of the day—8 hours, 14 minutes. Americans spend more on shoes, jewellery, and watches than on higher education. Shopping malls outnumber high schools and women will spend more than eight years of their lives shopping.
There far more facts like that. Even though many initiatives has been started to counteract destructive habits, the consumption is having a good time and still growing in numbers of wasted resources. Many people introduce and promote more caring lifestyles like minimalism and offer the society something new, but they end up on a stage or radically interpreted and useless, too few is interested in caring about something more than own household.

Consumption vs Resources
Now let’s change the perspective and look at our basic resource that our lives depend on, water. How it is connected with  huge world wide consumption rates?
Water is bottled, flushes our toilets, runs in our households and of course supplies industries. It also appears the freshwater only makes 2.5% of the total volume of the world's water. Considering most of it comes from the ice covers and the fact that we can access only a tiny part of it, makes it a serious future threat.
For many companies it is a major concern and they are working hard to fix it. Overcoming this problem can be done in many ways such as providing proper education, inventing water conservation technologies, improving agricultural practices, developing water policies and regulations.
Here is a nice projection of water extraction and consumption.

Now the questions:

1.     Should we change anything regarding consumption or accumulating goods is in our nature and no point to bother?
2.     Should the governments make a change even against industries will and profit? What would you say about raising water prices?
3.     What kind of great inventions have you heard when it comes to water saving?

And resources:


Unknown said…
1. Consumers should be more aware of impact on environment of goods they consume. The current waste produced in developed countries could be reduced significantly if people prioritized more ecological packaging for example.
2. The biggest consumer of water is industry after all. And water deficit could be as dangerous for people as for industry itself. So yes. Governments should try to incentivize companies in some way to optimize their production chain to be more efficient. Raising water prices may be the simplest approach and it’s the one that is being used currently. Whether it works or not it’s hard to tell.
3. I didn’t hear about any great invention recently. And it’s hard to think of something on the spot.
There is no doubt that people should change their approach when it comes to the exploitation of goods. I think that activities such as increasing prices will not help in reducing waste of products and water. First of all, people's thinking has to be changed. The government should educate the public more about how to save not only water, but also electricity. In addition, the government could co-finance the development of technologies related to water treatment and saving.
I once heard about LifeStraw, which cleanses water from bacteria.
Jakub Nietupski said…
Definitely some of the spending and consumption habits in our society is harmful to the environment and potentially harmful for the future, so there should be some action taken to fix it. Nevertheless, it is very hard to predict what actual causes given regulation will imply. Because of that we need to think through very thoroughly every change that we want to make.
Government should consider the opinion of the industry, but it shouldn't serve it. Government's job is to make society good for its citizens so it has to balance opinions of different groups of people. I think that rising water prices would be a bad idea because it would harm the poor people the most.
I heard that there are interesting new technologies that could allow us to filter the salt water at a low cost. If we are able to do that, then out problem is basically solved.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…

So I think for sure we should do something about it but I have no idea what. I have a lot of things myself that I couldn't really have. When it comes to wasting money and buying things though they don't t really have money, this is my girlfriend. I don't know a second person who on average buys one pair of shoes WEEKLY !! Her shoes are everywhere .I have to take her shoes by hand because she wouldn't notice any of them disappear. She doesn't know what shoes she has. Once I saw that she bought shoes and even didn't walk in them but he must have them. Some people collect stamps, she collects shoes.
Filip Sawicki said…
People seem to forget that deallocation of resources form one source and using other won’t simply solve problem. Water is abundant and easy to extract, replacing it with some substitutes is economically inefficient and will result in increased prices of goods. However there should be a higher emphasis on water reusability and efficiency in the industry. They have resources to research technologies and achieve even greater reduction of water usage. One of the best inventions that I heard of is the water collector that gathers water from air. It’s efficiency is not that great but with law of scale it provides necessary aid for people in Africa.
Unknown said…
1. I think the most important aspects is educating people on consuming goods in a conscious and reasonable fashion. As it was mentioned in the article, this especially applies to well-developed countries where many people are not aware that such basic resource as water is limited and they just can’t waste it.
2. I don’t consider rising water prices as the best solution in this case as water is the most important essential for human life and it must not be restricted by high prices. Governments should focus on executing environmental policies which help saving natural goods and should impose penalties on companies which do not respect them.
3. I have heard about water harvesting systems which is probably the oldest idea in this area. Water collected and stored in a typical household can be used for watering gardens and after filtering can be used as drinking water
I thing that we need to use water as much efictlevely as we can. For example some times it is possible to use same water several times and also we must install cleaning stations everywere where we use water so we can reuse it again and make less polution in to the nature.
Maciej Nowak said…
It is definitely important to educate people about consumption and to teach them how to preserve resources that are not unlimited. I don't believe that rising the price of water is the best solution and it might make poorer people more careful about wasting water and therefore money, but it would much better to raise awareness about shortage of resources and promote environmental protection. I haven't heard about particular new invention which helps saving water.
The statistics you provided made me realize that people mostly spend their time and money on things they simple don’t need and will most probably throw away very soon. I always liked the idea of minimalism and to my mind this can help to save a lot. According to this approach we would be able to spend more time on education and self-improvement rather then spending hours on shopping or watching TV.

As was mentioned the biggest consumer of water is industry that’s why I consider that water prices should be raised for industries and reduced for everyone else in order to hold a balance.

I haven’t heard about great water saving inventions.
Unknown said…
It's simply not possiable to change habbits that people have. For example I really like to take a bath but I do realize that people in Africa might not have access to drincable water and this 200 liter bath could have been water supply for a long time but I also realize transfering that would make most of the cost. Bottom line is that just not possible due human nature.
Raising water prices is not a good solution for economy in my opinion. That whould focre price increace of all basic goods and qualtiy of life for all people.
Vladlen Kyselov said…

It seems to me that this topic is related to the ecology questions that have been raised more than once and what we need to do to save it, preserve it. Well, my opinion remains the same, everyone can do something personally from themselves, for example, use less water in the shower, wash dishes without spending a lot of water. However, without global changes, at least at the level of one country, namely the country and not the city, in my opinion nothing will change. Well changing price for water as a global change has a hardly predictable results, but still it might one of those global solutions that could change people attitude to water consumption.
Unknown said…
1. We must change the attitude to the consumption of natural resources. I believe it’s a real problem of overconsumption when people buy a lot of stuff which they will use once and then just forgot about it. As result spend very limited natural resources.
2. I could not answer for the government, I was not interested in saving at such a high level. Prices for water can increase not because of the difficulties with the extraction of fresh water, but because for the technical treatment and filtration of water you need many other materials and channels for admission, prices increase for plastics and metal, so filtration becomes more expensive.
3. I have never heard of special inventions; for me, saving is the rational use of the resource.
Unknown said…
Of course, we should save the goods. Certainly the gathering is in our nature, but I think that we should act in this direction and show that those goods that we have someday can end and we should start saving them.

A good idea. Every industry uses very large amounts of water. Raising the price of water is certainly a solution, but is it certainly a good one? I have no idea..

Unfortunately, I haven't heard of any great ideas about saving water. There are probably ideas but unfortunately I don't know about it.

Unknown said…
For now, it's obvious that we use more natural resources than we produce goods based on those resources. And with all our knowledge in technology, we can change the correlation between consumption and accumulation of goods. But we also need to change the habit of overconsumption in society.
Well, I'm pretty sure governments are aware of the dangers of such behavior and they do some actions to at least stabilize the current situation regarding resource use. But it is clear that there is no positive effect and raising prices for fresh water is evidence of it.
I've heard about the way of creating water from organic waste. As far as I remember this method was tested in some Scandinavian country but I do not remember details.
Unknown said…
I think that humanity should care and should change amount and costs(for nature) of consumption as soon as possible. The speed of destroying nature really scares me.
I think that industries should be the first to suffer, since they are destroying the nature. Yeah, I know, a lot of work places and other factors, but still, if we will just follow and accept everything that industries want and do, we all gonna die. I think that there is no need to increase price of water. Everybody needs water. Price shouldn't be too high. But i think prices of water for industries that make products that are water-based or include water should be much much higher. I mean nowadays we have a lot of things like beer or cola that costs less than water. And price of such products should be increased dramatically, in my opinion.
I haven't heard anything special. Some unique ways of reusing the water and cleaning it- seems like it's everything that we have for now
Unknown said…
Should we change anything regarding consumption or accumulating goods is in our nature and no point to bother?
Well, accumulating goods is in human nature - for centuries human was traveling without fixed place to be. And we were taking everything, that was useful. But now it should be changed, but not in the "I won't buy more clothes" way, but "I won't turn on every single light in my house, if I don't need to".

Should the governments make a change even against industries will and profit? What would you say about raising water prices?
This is wrong question - change against but in what way? Raising water prices to achieve what? It's much more complicated problem, that it could be solved with the first "good" solution, because it can have complex consequences.

What kind of great inventions have you heard when it comes to water saving?
I didn't heard about any great invention for saving water. But I do hope, there will be a lot in the nearest future.
Unknown said…
Of course we should but we will not unless a catastrophe happens.
Yest they should but again they wont. SO when it comes to government there is a think line that should be crossed in order to gimp companies and their profit for the good of environment. But unfortunately money rules our world and as long as politics need money to fund their campaniles our reality wont change.
Greatest invention i heard of was simply NOT WASTING IT, trying to be conscious about how and in what volume u use water.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I think that living in comfort is a people’s nature. And it is not subject to any discussion that we should change our behavior, but I don’t think that increasing prices is an effective way to change us. I think we should start with changing our mentality. Parents should shine as an example for children how to behave and how to respect nature and our worlds health
I don't know any inventions worth mention, but I think in near future water is not going to be a problem for any country, because of techonology and transport development. At least i hope so.
Unknown said…
Well, I try to use less water not from the point of the price, but from the point of water saving. I turn it off during brushing my teeth or washing the dishes - to avoid a useless waste, and it is so easy. Some of people I know do the same, some are not thinking about such things. And in the society where people don't want to start from themselves maybe only rising prices could help to solve the problem. I would be glad if there will appear some new inventions, but I haven't heard about any.
Unknown said…
Needless to say, there is the way we can improve our processes. The most significant problem, in my opinion, is the knowledge of how much wastes we produce while manufacturing the good. We should teach people more about the environment and how important it is to keep it clean and healthy. I do not like the idea of manipulating the prices by the government. I think if the water waste level would cross some point, yes. Governments should place the country in the first place.
I'm not into the topic, so I haven't seen anything revolutionary recently.
Cecylia said…
In my opinion we are consuming too much and changing that would be better for everybody because there are a lot o things we actually don't need or need something made with simple resources. It true that everybody like to have nice stuff because of the influence , to show what you have or because of jalousie. personally i love to have nice things , good clothes and electronics . I don't know how i would change that but i know its a need for everyone better life. Maybe raising water price if its about production, industry, but not for people because water is the healthiest drink so raising the prize would be for our worst. I've heard some inventions but right now i cannot remember well because it was an article that i read a long time ago so i'm sorry but i won't tell .

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