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Week 10 [8.01-14.01.2018] Black Mirror – a possible vision of our future?

         Black Mirror is a British sci-fi TV series created in 2011. The main subject of the show is to make us aware of how dangerous the uncontrolled growth of new technology can be. As you will see in a moment, consequences are pretty disturbing.

         Do you remember a presentation made by Denys Dorokhov about Boston Dynamics and their robots? These machines are amazing, they learn and gather the knowledge really fast, a lot faster than we do. In one of the episodes, scientists have created a big colony of mechanical bees to avoid the CCD – Colony Collapse Disorder, which occurs when worker bees disappear and leave behind all the
 food, queen etc.

Overall idea was great, but as you know – there is a possibility, that robots can be hacked. Some anonymous programmer took the control of the whole hive and started to kill people. Could you imagine how destructive it is? You don’t need any special rifles or hitmans to kill some important person. Just one barely visible bee and that’s it.

         Of course I wouldn’t tell you that without a reason. About six months ago, company named Draper created a genetically modified cyborg dragonfly called DragonflEye. Insect carries a small cybernetic backpack, which interfaces directly with the dragonfly’s nervous system to control it. What’s more interesting, it uses solar panels and gains enough energy to power itself. Does it sound familiar to you?

         Nowadays, gaming world is growing rapidly. We’ve got virtual reality(Oculus, HTC Vive etc.), augmented reality(Microsoft Hololens), but have you ever thought how could it be to be in the game? I mean your body, personality – just you.

In another episode we get to know the history of a man, who accepts a one-time job offer from a video game company. They implant miniature computer in his head, which allows him to play a Whac-a-Mole, using augmented reality.

After passing the test, he is invited to take part in a beta test of another game. They used the miniature computer in his head to find out what he is scared of. With all the gathered information, they created a game and put him into it. As you may assume, his life turned into a horror. He couldn’t tell what was real and what was fake. He literally gone insane.

With all the given examples, I’d like to talk with you about the Black Mirror.
Have you ever seen any episode? If yes, did you like it? Which is your favorite one?
Do you think that Black Mirror has the intended effect and managed to make people aware of danger?



Unknown said…
I've seen the episode with bees and I liked it. It is possible vision, when advantage changed into disaster. There was shown a thing often said in disscusions about robots and future - that it isn't 100% safe and we can't predict all of possible scenarios, what may happen and how it can be used. There was shown a strong example, but when you're watching it it doesn't seem impossible; what is more in some point you will think of it (it was well made, so you should find it on your own, before it will be said out loud by characters)
I've seen some episodes. As for me, they are very different, and there are ones I really liked, and some were neither interesting nor with good story.
I liked the one mentioned above, ep6 se03. I liked ep04se03 - San Junipero. There was shown an interesting fision of future and it makes you think about it. If you would like to have such opportuinity and if you would use it.
Episode I liked the most was ep01se02 - Be Right Back. It really made me think and I lead to a discussion with other peopole. Is thing we want at the moment really good? Or can't we just deal with reality and we are looking for something to lie ourselves? Can we lie ourselves forever?
Have you seen any of episodes I mentioned here? Did you also like them? Do you agree with me?
Unknown said…
I can totally agree with you, that they are very different.
Yes, I've seen all of them. I'm a big fan of this show :D.
Talking about San Junipero episode - I have to tell you, that it is an amazing opportunity. If I were the main character, I would definitely choose it.
When I was watching the Be Right Back episode, I was kinda concerned. For a moment she was feeling happy, but then she realized, that it's not what she was looking for. I think that we can't lie ourselves forever.
I also very liked the White Bear episode. What do you think about this kind of resocialization?
sasha | s14611 said…
I've never seen any episode of this series, but it seems interesting and I'm sure I'll watch it. About bees, actually, not only bees could be hacked and controlled by someone, it could be anything, cars, military robots and so on. But I think most people don't think about that, or just don't want to. Current situation in the world is ok for them and they don't think about future, and Black Mirror try to make people aware about that. I think they do right job.
Unknown said…
Great to hear that! Totally recommend it.
Yes, you're right - you never know what it's gonna be and that's terrifying.
I think, that people are just not aware of danger.
Thank you for your opinion!
Anonymous said…
To be honest I've seen all of episodes including the latest season. In my opinion every episode was great in some kind, but I've remembered San Junipero as really interesting.
I don't think Balck Mirror aims to warn someone, because some of episodes are so futuristic that it's hard to believe it might be our real life someday. On the other hand I found really realistic and trendy topic in one episode when a woman was trying to get some kind of likes from people. It's so true and it is our life now.
Unknown said…
I haven't seen it yet, but it is on my wishlist. I've heard a lot of good comments about the series.
As to robots that could kill people, this week we have another presentation "The dark side of robotics". And there is a video with the anticipated outcome of creating robots-killers. That presentation, then this. I'm afraid now.

Have you seen the last season? If yes, is it good? Because I've heard once, that it's worse than the previous ones.
Unknown said…
I've seen all the episodes from seasons 1-3 and I loved it. It is definitely one of my all time favorite shows. It's hard to decide on one favorite episode, but one of them must be the really creepy one where the woman got an interactive doll resembling her deceased boyfriend/fiance/husband. One of the more happy episodes that I liked was San Junipero. As I said, it's pretty hard to decide, because nearly every episode was a masterpiece. I really have to find some time to catch up with the new season!

I think the series has the effect you're talking about, they are not as unreal as they seem. It just takes to look at Sci-Fi movies from 20-30 years ago to see what things were unbelievable back then but are reality now. The ideas from the series may not be as distant as they seem.
Unknown said…
I see your point.
Yeah, that episode was kinda funny, but on the other hand it was terrifying and I totally agree with you - it's so our life now.
Thanks for your comment!
Unknown said…
It's a good TV show, I totally recommend to watch it ;).
Yes, I've seen all of the episodes and I liked it. I wouldn't say that they are worse than the previous ones. Maybe some of them are just different, but still it's worth to watch them.
Thanks for your comment! :)
Unknown said…
I'm glad you like it!
I remember this eposide... It's the first one of the second season if I'm not wrong. If you were given an opportunity to bring back somebody you love in the same way as in Black Mirror, would you do that?
Yes, San Junipero was great too.

Right? I couldn't summarize it better than you :). Totally agree with your answer.
Thanks for comment!
Unknown said…
Yes I saw almost all episodes of Black Mirror. This episod with mechanic bees is very good and long. It takes as much as a normal film. But I expect a little diffrent ending. I really like expisode with Star Trek. It's a very strange and interesting story. I recommend it to veveryone. I think that Black Mirror give us diffrent view on the world and our future.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I have watched all of the Black Mirror episodes so far and I find it to be a really great tv series. It touches a lot of the possible future issues in a really interesting way. Sometimes it seems to show it in a extreme, exaggerated way, but I think that's what makes this show so interesting. While showing everything in so extreme, often cruel way, we can imagine how could it really be in the future.
I can't really decide which episode was my favourite, but the topics which seemed to interest me the most focus on extending our senses and how could it be abused (blurring out the vision, banning other people.) That's pretty disturbing.
To begin with, I don't think that all of the people are aware of this series purpose. That's not necessary though, since it only needs to be noticed by some of the people. I'm sure it is, it's one of the most popular netflix series.
Marcin Górski said…
Hmmm, I have never heard about Black Mirror but it can be interesting. If I find a free time, I would like to watch it.
I think that films have better impact on our life than computer games. I will be able to answer this question when I will watch it :) Thank you for your presentation.
Maciej Główka said…
I love Black Mirror. In my opinion it is one of the best tv series in a world. There are 4 seasons and to be honest I can remember maybe 3 or 4 bad episodes. I can't name my favourite episode, because there are too many. I think everyone should watch it to make them aware of some dangers our progress might cause.
Unknown said…
I've seen all four episodes of Black Mirror, and I think that, after season 4, my favourite episode is "Black Museum".

I don't think that it can somehow affect people's actions in future. In most episodes you can see a main thought behind the plot, that shows, maybe a little overstated, but precise side of our lifes and why wesould be aware about it.

If you enjoy Black Mirror, I suggest you to watch another TV series called Twilight Zone.
I have seen seasons 1-3 and now I'm watching 4th season. Black mirror is very enjoyable TV series to me. MY favorite episodes are: "Be Right Back", "White Bear", "White Christmas", "San Junipero" and "Men Against Fire".
I dont think that Black mirror is about making people aware of danger but maybe...
Oh Black Mirror, for me one of most mindblowing series of our age. Some episodes i love some i hate. Last one i have seen was this one when some guy had to make tasks coz some hackers got his "private data" hehe. It god damn make me think again about security in internet as we dont know when something will happen to us if we don't care.
Unknown said…
I haven't seen any episode of "Black Mirror". I don't think those movie made people aware of danger of new techonology. I personally don't think there is any danger. It is very good that technology is growing rapidly. We can live more comfortable.
This is interesting. Yes, technology being more and more advanced brings new undiscovered potentially scary possibilities - just think for a second how scared japan was when US dropped first two nuclear bombs, they did surrender immediately.
Unknown said…
It's a great episode too! And it's from the new season :).
Yes, I totally agree with you.
Thank you for your comment!
Tomasz Morawski said…
I've seen one or two episodes of Black Mirror and I really liked them but I rather prefer to watch light and "easy" shows. I believe mindblowingness is still the domain of books.
I think it did. Black Mirror have triggered a lot of discussions in the Internet and I'm sure it's going to keep doing that for a long time.
Unknown said…
As you said - thanks to showing everything in extreme/cruel way, we can see a possible vision of our future. I think it's great.
It's Arkangel episode, isn't it? ;) It's one of my favorites.
I see your point and I agree with you.

Thanks for your comment Jakub!
Unknown said…
I've seen all of black mirror and it terrifies me as well as amazes me, one of my favorite tv show. Can't forget the "San Junipero" episode, was very unique. Actually this particular episode won two Emmy Awards for something like "Outstanding Writing" and "Outstanding Television Movie". There are some references in the newest season back to this episode which I liked.
Not sure if the intended effect of Black Mirror was achieved. Some people like it and that's it, others stop and think what are the consequences and risks attached to developing or already available technologies.
I've seen every episode of Black Mirror to date, including season 4, which is probably the worst, simply because there are to many episodes with happy endings. My personal favorites are probably the 2nd episode from the 1st season and the holiday special. The first one where people were riding stationary bikes in order to earn credits. I really liked the ending, which I personally took as representation of capitalist system. The idea that even when you fight against it and try to destroy it, you are in a way becoming a part of it. The other one was also really great to watch and I think that there are many episodes in 4th season that try to further build on the topic presented in it. As I said I prefer the older seasons, because in contrast to most of the modern movies, they are not build on the idea of hope, but they present the world for what it is. Same thing can be said about technology. Most people believe that it so awesome to have this and that, while they forget about the beauty of simplicity. I would be fine without all these new inventions, just like my ancestors were.
Unknown said…
Totally recommend it!
That's an interesting observation. I think you're right, because more people are watching movies/TV series than playing games(Netflix power :D).
Have fun watching it!
Thank you very much for your comment.
Unknown said…
Another Black Mirror fan! I love it too. Yea, few of them were weaker, but still it's great.
Right? Even some simple things like covering our notebooks cameras ;).
Thank you for your comment!
Unknown said…
For sure it's one of the best/the best from season 4. Seeing all of the exhibits used in previous episodes made me feel concerned.
Thank you for your recommendation, I'll check it.
Thanks for comment!
Unknown said…
"White Bear" is definitely one of my favorites.
I see your point, but what about "Men Against Fire"? Could you imagine using that chip by military in real life? Maybe it's a little bit too much, but you never know...
Unknown said…
I've seen all the available episodes so far and I have to say that I love the premise and the idea behind the show but unfortunately the quality is in a constant downward trend. The first two season were creative, enjoyable and the plot was always engaging. The story made sense and actors where exceptionally picked. On the other side some of the stories introduced in the newest season make literally no sense and I had to angrily skip parts of them because I couldn't handle the bad writing and plot holes.
Getting back to the topic of the series - If you skip over the plot holes it can serve as a warning of how technology can affect us but shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Unknown said…
I think "mindblowing" fits perfectly :D.
It's "Shut up and dance" episode and it's absolutely amazing. Haha, so Black Mirror has the intented effect. I think that this episode is a perfect example to show us, that we are not safe in the Internet.
Remember to cover your notebook camera!
Thanks for comment ;).
I really love this series. I can not name a favorite episode. I think this is one of those cases when I would not want to watch whatsoever be episode again. Although at the same time they really like me. They have a lot of irony and ridicule over our lives. The series shows us how deeply we hid from the problems that surround our life. He makes us think and change something.
Unknown said…
Still, I recommend you to watch it in free time.
Maybe you'll change your mind?
There are few examples, which show us, that we are not completly save(especially in the Internet).
Thanks for your opinion.
Unknown said…
Wow, good example. You're totally right.
Thank you for your opinion.
Unknown said…
Okay, absolutely understand it.
I'm sure it will ;).
Thank you very much for your opinion!
Unknown said…
I kinda feel the same way as you. Really? I didn't know that! Thanks for information :D.
You know, even if only the half of watching people will think about the consequences - it's still good ;).

Thank you for your comment!
Unfortunately I have not seen any episodes but i saw a lot of comercials in Warsaw about new season in Black Mirror. I didn't see the movie, however i think that people usually doesn't don't draw conclusions from watched movies so i would not be optimistic about the fact that Black Mirror managed to make people aware of danger.
Unknown said…
Yes, I can agree that the last season is a little bit worse than the previous ones. "15 millions" and "White Christmas" if I'm not wrong :D. Great episodes aswell.
Representation of capitalist system? Yea, good point!
I respect your beliefs :).

Thank you very much!
Unknown said…
I have the same feelings about the 5th episode of season 4. It was just weird. I didn't like it that much.
Okay, I understand your opinion.

Thank you very much for your comment :).
Unknown said…
Same here, I have my favorites episodes on each season :D.
Yes, I can agree with that :).

Thank you very much.
Unknown said…
Maybe you'll watch it someday in free time? :)
You wouldn't be disappointed.
Of course there is a possibility, that people wouldn't draw a conclusion from watched movie, unfortunatelly.

Thank you for your comment.
I have seen all episodes of Black Mirror series, at the beginning I wasn’t a huge fan of it but now I really love it. My favorite episode is probably the “Hang the DJ”, it was cute and it was a nice surprise when they were theirs’ “ultimate compatible other”.
I don’t know if Black Mirror managed to make most people aware of danger, but it sure did make me.
Especially liked the episode about likes in our world. Very sad thing to watch but as I am looking through the days I see it is happening right now in current world. Also like the episode with prime minister and terrorist - that was a pure shocker for few of my friends that watched this episodes.
Zygmunt Z said…
I have seen only one episode of Black Mirror where British Prime Minister had a sexual intercourse with a pig and it was hideous. I know that this series is popular among people and many of my friends strongly recommend it to me but I think that I may have some sort of aversion after watching that one particular episode. That is why I can't say if Black Mirror made me aware of various dangers but I think it did to some of my friends who watched it
Unknown said…
I love Black Mirror! My favourites are probably San Junipero, White Christmas and USS Calister. I had lots of conversations with my friends about the possibility of some of the episodes coming to our lives. So yea, I think it does make people more aware of the danger.
Unknown said…
I've never seen any episode of this series. Now is the new season and netflix promotes it very much. I don't have enough free time to watch another series. Unfortunately... Black mirror reminds me of Mr Robot. I haven't seen both series but are probably close to each other? Am I wrong? I don't think Black Mirro can make people aware of the danger of new techonology...
Unknown said…
Hah, it was good, isn't it? Very interesting one.
Glad to hear that :).

Thank you very much for your comment.
Unknown said…
Right? More likes you get - more possibilites you get... That's sick and yes, it is happening right now.
That episode with prime minister was cruel... Funny thing is, that it's the first episode of the series :D. I watched it with my parents and we were sitting in silence for 5 minutes after it ends.

Thanks for comment, Jakub!
Unknown said…
I know your feeling, bro... That episode was so cruel. On the other hand they show us how easy it is to control masses. At the very beggining people said, that he shouldn't do that, but when that lady lost her finger, they totally changed their mind. What's best - it wasn't her finger.
What can I say - I ensure you, that it's the one and only hideous episode in the whole series.
I think you should give it a chance ;).

Thank you very much for your comment, Zygmunt.
Unknown said…
These are great episodes!
Great to hear that :). I often talk with my friends about it too.

Thanks for your comment!
Unknown said…
Not really, there are not similar.
You know, maybe when you'll find some free time and watch it, you'll change your mind.

Thanks for comment.

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