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Week 10 [08.01.2018-14.01.2018] Everything you should know about beer

Have you ever heard about beer revolution? If not then you should, because it is happening right now and it will affect your tastes! So why this is a big deal? Surely you have seen or at least heard about so many different wines, probably even tasted some. However with beer there is a pretty good chance that you have tried just a small drop in the ocean of its types. Only recently we have seen a huge boom in the variety and widespread of craft beers. With that came growing popularity and interest in the topic of beers in general.

Now let me walk you through the most important facts you should know about the beer

Apart from taste beers also differ in colour

Let’s start with the basics. How beer is made? Well… It is not black magic. In fact you can prepare your own homebrew beer with ease. You’ll just need few widely available ingredients, casual kitchen equipment, one large tank and a bit of time. I have prepared short recipe if you’d like to experiment on your own. Just be aware that brewing is easy to learn but hard to master. 

Ingredients: Barley or malt extract (preferred), hops, yeast, water, sugar
Equipment: Stove, pot, bottle filter, resting tank, thermometer

Step by step:
1.      Make sure you have all of your equipment clean and ready. Use sanitizer on resting tank, as all leftover microorganism can spoil your beer! 
2.       Pour 4 liters of mineral water into a pot and bring it to boil 
3.       Turn off the heat and carefully stir the malt preventing it from touching bottom of the pot 
4.       Once the malt has dissolved turn on the stove, add hops and boil it for 30 minutes 
5.       Pour 15 litters of cold mineral water to resting tank and mix it with created wort. Let the temperature drop to 21-24°C 
6.       Now mix yeast with warm water and sugar in a bowl (you can use honey too!) 
7.       (Optional) Add other ingredients, such as pieces of fruits or spices 
8.       Pour the mixture to the resting tank, seal it and shake for as long as you can 
9.       Let it ferment for about 2-3 weeks in the room temperature
10.  Attach bottle filter and enjoy your own beer!
Commercial production of beer is a bit more complex, as malt extract is usually replaced with raw barley, which first needs to be processed.

Now we’ll take a look at the most popular categories. Please note that this is just a glimpse and huge generalization of the vast variety of beers. However this will be more than enough to make you feel much more confident in this topic:

Ales Family – warm fermentation beers. Have full-bodied, aromatic tastes and are generally bitter to balance sweetness of the malt.

Pale Ale – Has very fruity aroma and surprisingly strong bitterness. Usually is heavy and full-bodied in taste. Currently Pale Ale is the symbol of “craft beer revolution”, as the variety of its different subtypes has exploded in recent years. The most famous are IPA (India Pale Ale) and APA (American Pale Ale).
Types: Bitters, Imperial, IPA, APA, AIPA

Porter & Stout – History of both types are intertwined and features are very similar. Taste is very unique and description may be just a rough approximation. However what makes them stand out is very dark and heavy texture. You can feel intensive flavor of milk, oatmeal, chocolate, coffee or even smoke. Undisputed king and the best example of stouts is the Guinness.
Types: RIS (Russian Imperial Stout), Baltic, Dry, Sweet, Oatmeal

Wheat – Traditionally comes from Bavaria and is made by replacing significant amounts of barley with wheat. When it comes to texture it is rather light or medium-bodied. Taste may vary but you can spot some bitter orange, banana, coriander or cloves flavors.
Types: Hefeweizen, Dunkelweizen, Witbier 

Belgian – As the name suggest it comes from Belgium, where beer is an integral part of the culture. Long traditions and mastership of brewing has made them create unique recipes. There are nearly 1600 different beers produced in Belgium every year! That’s why it is so hard to generalize as the tastes are very rich and complex. One thing that Belgian types have in common are their peach flavors.
Types: Lambic, Saison, Quadrupel, Trippel, Blonde  

Ales have very hoppy aroma, which adds noticeable bitterness to balance the sweetness of the malt

Lagers Family – cool fermentation beers, which have their roots in Germany and Czech Republic. The word lager originally comes from German: “lagern” and Czech: “ležák“, both meaning „to store“. They are much ligher in body than ales, usually have delicate taste and should be served in low temperatures.

Pale – Currently most popular beer type in the world. Typically very light, has fresh malt backbone and noticeable hop aroma. Unfortunately, due to huge commercialization process of breweries around the world, the most popular beer subtype is IPL (International Pale Lager) which has poor quality and very mild, sometimes even watery taste.
Types: Pilsner, International, American, Märzen, Bock

Dark – Darker in taste and color than Pale. Has strong roasted malt texture and higher alcohol concentration. Some of more full-bodied beers may be very similar in taste to stouts.
Types: Dunkel, Doppelbock, Schwarzbier 

Lagers should have delicate sweet aroma coming from the malt, which is broken down by yeast into a sugar

  1.  Have you ever tried brewing your own craft beer?
  2. Do you prefer to spend more money on craft beer or less on popular international light lager?
  3.  What is your favorite beer type and which one would you like to try?


Unknown said…
I've never tried to brew my own craft beer, but I had got a pleasure to taste some home made beers, as it is my cousin''s husband hobby. He even took a part in competition - it was a contest to make a chocolate beer.
I'm not a great fan of beer, so I'm rather not buying one on my own. When I drink beer it is usual something popular, but sometimes I'm with a person who wants to show me something new and it may be a craft beer, they "discovered" recently.
Marcin Mróz said…
No, I have never tried brewing my own beer, I heard that these home made beers are of really poor quality and I think that I'd rather just go to the shop and buy some beer when I have a need. Maybe I will try when I will have a lot of free time, probably on my retirement. ;P
In case of buying beers, I rather tend to buy popular ones, I don't consider myself a beer passionate and I don't think that craft beers are that better to spend so much money on them. Of course I buy them from time to time to check the taste of particular ones, but on regular basis I stick to the popular brands.
I think my favourite type of beer is Pale or Pale Ale, I have to try some Belgian beers, because I'm not really familiar with them, but their desciption really intrigued me. ;)
I haven't ever tried to brew my own craft beer, unfortunately. When it comes to buying beer it really deepens. Sometimes I fell like just having normal popular beer like Corona or Heineken, other day I want to fell like someone special and try some unpopular beer. Despite normal lagers, I really enjoy dark beers with honey flavour.
Anonymous said…
I'm not a great fan of beer so I haven't ever tried to brew own beer. Actually I drink beer rarely and when I do it's some kind of those popular, international beers.
Filip Sawicki said…
That's right, generally homebrew beers are of poor quality at least at the beginning. In fact, this started to be a kind of stereotype, so if you want to make your own beer be ready for some criticism!

The main case with craft beer revolution is not its hipster tastes, but high availability and consistency with beer style. Nevertheless, I get that most of us are not yet convinced to the idea of buying such products for more money.
Filip Sawicki said…
Wow your husband's cousin must be a real beer geek. Making chocolate stout is quite of a challenge, even more if you are on a competition. How did it taste?
sasha | s14611 said…
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sasha | s14611 said…
I have never tried to brew beer, but my coworker started to brew beer few months ago. After few tries he finally made it and gave us few bottles to try. I can't tell that it tasted good, but as his first try it wasn't that bad. So we wait when he will bring us some more to try and I hope that it will be better then previous.
Unknown said…
I never tried brewing my own beer, and will probably never do, but I have a friend that will and I will take full advantage of it :)

I definitely prefer to buy one good beer instead of four regular ones. I never enjoyed drinking beer quantitatively, so craft beers are definitely something I prefer.

I am open to basically every type of craft beer, but my favourites are dark beers with delicate flavor of whiskey or bourbon, fruity sours, citrus IPA's and milkey/chocolatey stouts. But really, I'll try all of them.

I really enjoy going to bars where you can get a beer platter, basically you can get many different, smaller beers instead of one big. I often do that, try each one and then order a regular sized one that was my favorite.
Unknown said…
No I have never tried to brew craft beer but I have a friend who did this. When I tried my friend's handmade beer I didn't belive that it was so good and he told me that it was his first beer. Today his beer is better. I'm not a beer connoisseur and when I want to drink beer I choose craft beer. I like APA and bitter beer very much. Sometimes when I come back from my familly town I like buying beer from barrel in a special shop.
Filip Sawicki said…
So called „normal popular” beers can also be tasty! Personally I quite enjoy drinking Corona even though it is International Pale Lager. However I cannot say the same about Heineken.
Nice to hear that you enjoy drinking dark beers with honey, these are really good combination. Just be aware that both honey and full-bodied beers have very high calorie count.
Filip Sawicki said…
You should definitely try out craft beers especially Pilsner, Lambic or Märzen. These are generally good for start as flavors are unique and still somewhat resemble popular IPL’s. You won’t be surprised by overall taste, but believe me you will notice huge difference in quality.
Filip Sawicki said…
Brewing seems easy but it requires some experience to create good quality beer. It’s nice to hear that quite a few people here has some contact with homebrews. What was the type of that beer?
Filip Sawicki said…
I certainly can recommend you Russian Imperial Stout If you like dark beers with flavor of whiskey or bourbon. Just keep in mind that they usually have high alcohol concentration so it is good idea to let them mature in the room temperature for about 2-4 months. After that time beer get less alcoholic and more flavory.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I have never tried to brew craft beer and I have never seen this process before. Actually I would like to see the process in real life or even try to do it by myself. I prefer craft beer over unpopular or shop beer stored in bottles. I like dark beer
Unknown said…
I am not a big fan of a beer but slowly my friend is showing me "better" ones and sometimes i even like them. I know you can make some money on "rare" beer.
No, i've never tried to craf my own beer, but i want to try it. I know a lot about it, but after this article i discover more.
I prefer to spend more money on craft beer, cuz it's like another world with its own process. I like only light beer, because it is not so strong and you need more to get drunk.
I never tried brewing my own craft beer. As for spending money on a craft beer, sure I prefer a better quality product, then the mass production one. My favorite type of beer is wheat beer. But as for alkohol I'm more in a strong liquor one. And the crafting I'm interested in are alkoholic tinctures and whisky.
Unknown said…
I have never tried to brew my own beer.
When there is an option to try a new kind of beer I always do it. I don't really like normal beers from markets.
My favourite type of beer is a dark one. I try to find one with a honey flavour. Unfortunately I haven't found it yet.
Filip Sawicki said…
Your friend must have a great talent for brewing! Usually the first homebrew beer is not something to be proud for especially in taste and style. I am really curious what beer type he was making.
Filip Sawicki said…
If you’d like to see live brewing process I suggest going to a brewing show at beer festivals here in Warsaw. There are couple of them each year, where you can also try out different beer types and learn about everything in-depth about beers.
Filip Sawicki said…
Yes this is true! „Rare” and “complex” beers can go up to 1.000PLN for one bottle (500ml). This is especially the case with barley wine, which is another beer type with much stronger alcohol concentration +12%. Barley wine can be similar in taste to whiskey or RIS (Russian Imperial Stout), but it also depends on the brewery. Last year I was on the “Warsaw beer festival” where some rare porters, priced at 175PLN, would sell like hot cakes. Insane!
Marcin Górski said…
I've never tried to brew my own craft beer but I have friend who can do it.
It's not a problem for me to spend more money for better beer. I'm not a great fan of beer but I like to drink it sometimes. I like to find new tastes.
Hmm, I have tried a dark beer and it was too intensive for me. I prefer light beers.
Maciej Główka said…
I have never tried to brew a beer. I leave this to specialists. I really like craft beers. I have beer shop near my house where you can find lots of craft beers. Which types I like? Well it depends on a mood, but I drink mostly IPAs and APAs and good Wheats. I'm not really into Stouts.
I’ve never tried brewing my own craft beer I guess I have to get to know them better before producing my own. I prefer spending more money on craft beer there is more pleasure in drinking good beer than drinking just any alcohol. I believe it’s the same with good wine and good coffee. I have to try many more to decide which one is my favorite - can’t wait for that moment :)
I have never tried to craft my own beer but you have inspired me to try it!
I drink about 1 beer a month so I prefer quality over quantity.
I love APA and Baltic Porter and about beer that I want to try... I have no idea. Maybe Lambic?
If it comes to beer for me situation is really strange. I dont like 95% of beers by its taste. From popular ones only Corona Extra and White Tyskie is ok. When it comes to craft beers the story is the same. Only some taste ok/good. But then i had chance to have this special Artezan Chateau and it is worth every penny even if it costs like 35zl per 0.33l bottle. The aroma of wine and spices and fruits is so delicious you forget it is still a beer.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
No, I haven't ever tried, but I have a simple explanation. I should know a good recipe and have special apparatus, but I have neither recipe nor apparatus.
I spend less money on popular Polish, German, Czech brown beer. I think I can buy a good bottle of brown beer just for 5-6 PLN.
I love brown beer the best, maybe the second place is for light beer and I hate bitter ale. I've tried differend tastes of beer because I love it.
I never tried to make my own beer. I hope that in the near future I will be able to achieve this. I like craft beers and they aren't much more expensive than those that are produced on a mass scale. My favorite type of beer is wheat beer and stout.
Havent tried brewing own beer yet planned to do so to check for that "diffrence" people make out it to be in taste.

As to how much i spend on beer is determined by 2 factors what occasion im drinking too and what i feel like - taste wise - today. I dont mind spending more on fine beer if it tastes good for me.

I would like to try Anchorage Galaxy a white IPA, but its extreamly hard to get your hands on one or six.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
I've never tried brewing my own beer, but I brewed kvass a few times. I am a big fan of kvass and I am always happy to try a new brand. It's actually quite similar to beer and it doesn't contain those disgusting hops. Hops are my ultimate enemy, I regret brewers started to add it to their beers.
Wojtek Kania said…
I have never tried brewing my own craft beer, but maybe when I finish studying and I will have more time I will try ;) Yes I prefer spend more money on beer, I like Belgian beers. In Poland there are only a few Belgian beers in market. I recommend a Leffe.
Unknown said…
I haven't tried to brew my own beer. I wouldn't like to spend my money on international light lager. My favorite beer types are ones that have very little alocohol and are sweet.
I've never tried to brew my own beer, but your presentation made me want to at least try :). I've learnt so much things that I'd not learn otherwise, so thank you a lot for that.
Unknown said…
I've never tried brewing, because i never had time nor patience required for waiting till it's done. I think that the beer industry is living its second renaissance, mostly due to those craft beers. What I don't like about it is that many people go "the easy way" - "Hurr durr craft beer = APA/IPA or other bitter soup, AHH DEEZ TASTE!" and drink this dense soup, pretending they are cool. Of course I'm not talking about drinking objectively crappy international concern "piswassers" like Tyskie, Żywiec or Harnaś, but drinking beer that tastes like bitter soup and makes you flush your tongue with water is quite pointless. For me beer has to be refreshing and because of that, I prefer Czech lagers - Kozel, Gambrinus, Radegast are the ones I like the most, with some cheaper Staropramens, Budweisers and others when the first three are unavailable.
Finnaly a great article! I didn't ever tried brewing my own craft beer but i would love to. However, i'm too lazy to do it so i would probably never try it out. It depends, sometimes I want to try something different than popular beers but on the other hand sometimes i just want to drink common cold industrial beer. I think that wheat beer for me is the best but i like them all and the most important thing about the beer is the fact that it must be cold.
Thanks to the author for the article. I learned a lot for myself. I'm quite indifferent to beer. I do not like his bitter taste and smell. Once in my childhood, I was treated with hot beer, it was disgusting.
Home beer or beer, which was created at a private brewery, is much nicer than beer in the store. Because the store beer seems me like urine. Radler beer with various fruits is very good. In addition, I like red beer in which the egg is added. Nevertheless, there is the beer with honey and other additives. Perhaps these kinds of things I could drink without harm to myself. I think I'd like to try a real ale. It would be an interesting experience.
Unknown said…
1)Never tried it and i still don't have much time for this but perhaps one day...
2) That depends on situation. If i'm to have a chillout evening then craft beers but when i'm at a party then i'd buy a few normals.
3) There was a beer that i liked it was called Bojan black ipa.
Magdalena Popek said…
I've never tried brewing my own beer, but I have a few friends who do it. I prefer to spend more money on a craft beer because then I support local breweries. Big ones will earn money anyway. I don't like dark beer. I usually drink beer when I'm out with my friends or at parties, so I prefer "light" ones.
I have never tried brewing my own craft beer, and probably I won’t in the nearest future. I just don’t drink beer that often.
I usually prefer to spend more money on craft beer, especially if I know that I won’t be able to find in supermarket.
My favorite type of beer is definitely Pale Ale, to be honest it’s the only type of craft beer that I order.
Unknown said…
No, I have never tried brewing beer, I’m not really a fan of beer. I haven’t tried any craft beers so maybe those could change my view on that drink.
Unknown said…
I've never tried to brew my own craft beer... Usually when I want to drink one or two beers I choose the more expensive ones.
However when I drink more than 2 beers, I choose the more popular ones for example Żywiec, Tyskie, Ciechan etc. To be honest, I don't have my favorite kind of beer. It depends on the day. Recently I chose stronger and darker ones.

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