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Week 10 [08.01.2018-14.01.2018] Is it worth studying ?

                Studies are important in my life, soon I will finish first level of study – engineer. My core of study is developing. Computers and technology are very popular today. A lot of companies are looking for a developer at the moment. Anyone who goes to college that should choose the future specialization to get a job which should like. I am very happy with the direction when I studying.  When I was little, my father showed me how nice it is to work on a computer. There are many specialization in Warsaw that we can study. I believe that it is worth going to the IT or some medical profession. Our society is getting older so medical professions such as a doctor, nurse or a rehabilitant will be a good choice.   
               When I was choosing study I was guided by what I liked to do, what interests me and what makes me happy. If we like animals, we should go to the veterinary. This type of study  is develop our sensitive and the animals are always present in our life. Young people have minds that need knowledge. Money is important to someday support the family and enjoy life, if they do not want to learn, it will be hard for us in adulthood. This is not always the case, but you can often see such people very often. I would like to continue my studies further in my life.
I think that in 10 years there will be a lot of new interesting specializations which we do not know yet, but such basic ones are very much needed today. Of course, after studying, other things are important in life, such as love, respect or truth. I think it is worth studying because it develops every person. If someone has a different life idea, he can always try.


Unknown said…
Of course, it's worth. You can't be good at your job without studying. Whether you study at the University or do some courses, you always learn something. I mean, it's not necessary to go to the University, you can choose some courses or learn something you like online. Especially when it comes to programming.
Unknown said…
There's a huge difference between studying (as in studying at school or university) and learning things. You don't necessarily have to study at all to make a decent or even a very good living. The thing is, if you are self-taught and ambitious, you can learn everything by yourself. You can learn programming, sometimes better than on a university, because you are not using other peoples paths but instead make your own. You can learn everything, for free, on the internet, without taking a certain course or going to school. And if you're really good, nobody will care if you finished school or not. Then, on the other hand, finishing studies don't give you a warranty of getting a job. You can finish your studies and still become noone, because you're not exceptionally good at anything.

When it comes to the general idea of studying (as in learning things) - it is always worth it. The more you broaden your horizons, the better. The more you learn in life, the more you have a say about in the future, no matter what the topic is.
Unknown said…
I am also of the opinion that it is worth studying. Above all, people educate themselves but also get to know new people, experiences, etc. Well, after graduation there will always be a diploma which increases our qualifications :)
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I am absolutely sure that studying is important until you find the opportunity in life that you can not miss and if I would get one of those I would definitely choose this opportunity. If I would have to throw my studies I would, first of all because I can start studying whenever I want. Secondly, in programming world there is no certain need to get a diploma, because there is no need in it. Everything that good developer needs is good ideas and some projects in his portfolio.
Unknown said…
I think it's a very personal decision. For example, if you want to be a cooker and run your own business, you don't have to study at university. Restaurant business is also very profitable and moreover it can bring huge joy to the person, who manages a cafe or a restaurant. But, of course, when we talk about such traditional occupations as a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer etc. All in all, I believe that even if a person haven't finished any studies yet, it doesn't mean that he or she is a loser or a redundant.
Unknown said…
Studying can broaden horizons for sure but i think that is not necessery for some people. I admire people who have this power and self-denial to learn all the time something without studies. I have the feeling that they stay more creative than othes because they have the specialization on which they focus all they strenght. They don't loose time and energy fot things which they don't need. I admire them but i know that i'm not in this type of people and i can't learn like them. Maybe i'm too lazy or maybe i have a sweet enthusiasm. I have to work on it but studies for me it's the best time in my live.
I think it is worth to give a try and start studying. Even if you are not sure what you want to do for living. Studies will help you to decide the right (for you) direction in your life. Even if you realize yourself that it is not for you, you always have chance to meet really fantastic people, and make friend for life.
Unknown said…
if you actually study, not just pass through, it is so worth it. Overall knowledge will help in ever kind of situation. Of course practical knowlage will help you with a very specific problems but without overall knowlage you are just like a car mechanic :) i am pretty sure you know what i mean.
Studying nowadays is a joke, especially in "low-level" universities. In my opinion, the best studying method is to study by yourself at home. There is a stereotype nowadays that gives us an opinion, that you can't find a job without any kind of diploma. I know that it is true , but not for 100% situations and not for every job. For me, studying in university for lazy people and i'm lazy, so i'm studying in university. All the rich and 'big' guys, reach everything without studying in universities(facebook,apple,dropbox and etc.) - the main reason why, best study - study at home. And what about 10 years later, i would say that there will be a small amount of universities, but all you need to apply for a job is to have a knowledge in your area, which you can get not only from Harvard,Oxford, but from home and courses too.
Unknown said…
it's worth, but first, you should choose what do u want to do and understand that if you won't have a diploma and with work won't be okej, you will have a lot of problems in the future. Оne of million peoples able to find a job without education, but you don't Mark Cukerberk or who's else :)
Jakub Lisicki said…
I've gained much knowledge throughout my whole education at the university. On the other hand I think that much of it would be completely useless in my future. Getting a degree is pretty important now, since many companies require it from the start. We certainly can get a good job without it, but it helps a lot to have some real proof of our education. It's pretty hard to proof our knowledge without it, but it's still possible. I think it would become more and more difficult in the future to live without a degree.
Unknown said…
I think it's crucial to develop yourself in a field that you really like. But in my opinion university is not always a good choice. You can also find a job in IT without any studies. Then you learn by practice which is sometimes more effective and you don't waste your time for any outdated subjects or the ones you will never make use of. Everything has its own advantages and disadventages.
Yevhen Shymko said…
Getting knowlage is important not only during study if you want to be successfull in life. Time during you studies not only gives you time to think about whether you took the right path in you life but also to broad you view on life. And even when you got a job it's important not to fall into routing of every day life when you can't tell the difference between today, yesterday and last week. Develop your skills is what can be your motivation in life.
Maciej Główka said…
Of course it is! In my opinion you should study and try to be better in what you do during whole your life. Many friends told me, that most of their studies were useless. I don't agree with this statement. Of course, there were some lectures, that I'm 1000% sure I won't use in my life, but university should extend your view on your study subject.
Marcin Górski said…
I think that studying is very important in our life. I know that people can learn alone and then make a big career but skills are not everything. During the IT studies, you are not only learning how to make application. You are meeting a lot of people, you can share your solutions with them etc. I started working after first year and I can say that knowledge from my school is very important nowadays.
Thanks for PJATK I know what is systematicity - the most important advantage for me.
I believe we should never stop learning - that’s how you develop, broaden your view, define who you are and form an opinion. There are millions of subjects we have no idea about and learning just make us grow as a person. As it come to university I think it’s worth going. You shouldn’t think that going to university will assure that you will know everything on your first day of work. You will actually know nothing. But that’s ok. University for example doesn’t teach you one specific programming language but gives you a general knowledge about computer science and that’s a base for your own self development later. It also gives you an opportunity to meet and become friends with so many interesting and inspiring people.
Definitely, it is worth to study. I know many people are critical about our educational system, but I insist on saying, if someone wants to learn something, he’ll always find a way to do it in every kind of system and at every university. I’ve studied at traditional Technological University and I found it very inspiring, developing creativity, provoking to further self-development. This is simply a base you can build on.
Of course, the best experience you practically always gain at work. But as an employer working in private company I observe huge difference between people with higher education certificates and those without it. Studies force people to start and finish many things, they help them to cooperate with professors and other students, so in spite of theoretical knowledge they also give possibility to develop many social skills.
There are people that consider work as more profitable than taking knwoledge from university. "You will start learing at work" it's one of the most popular sentence I hear. In my opinnion to be a good expert (in IT, for example) you must be both good at school and then have some good job. Sometimes self-taughts are weak at doing something new.

I think you have to try to study even though we aren't sure about the field of study. Often, studies allow you to develop general skills that will be useful not only at work, but also in everyday life. A young man often does not know what is really interesting in life and he doesn't know what studies he should choose.
Unknown said…
I think studies are always important. Even in software developing in IT. There are few great companies who show need for them. And they are very well paid. Also studing makes you better person. You can learn how to work in groups for example. Of course there are programmers who learn by themselves, but in my opinion sooner or later they will face obstacles and they could regret that they didn't finish studies.
Unknown said…
Depends on what you understand as studying- When I came on the college, I thought of it as a way to get my knowledge and learn some new things, become an expert or at least not-a-noob in some domain.
Well, life has quickly revised my thoughts- now it's just a way to get "this darn paper", so I won't have some plain "education: highschool" in my CV. When I wanted to look some more into e.g. programming, the semester ended and I was tasked with some utterly boring diagram-drawing stuff that wasn't interesting for me. Having nothing left behind to hold me interested in the previous subject and being tasked with completely uninteresting things, I eventually moved on to something other, forgetting half of the things I've learned. Now I feel like I've learned almost nothing than basics, and when I tried to learn some more, my enthusiasm was killed by huge load of boring subjects, which felt like I was assigned to some other class. Each semester it was less "programming and practical things" and more "draw me an eye-a$$ diagram, and tell me why it is a proper way of implementing a vibrating engine in a handheld massage device"- but of course you had to pass all the tests, and even be present on some lectures.
And after you "get your paper" and her a job, it turns out that you again know nothing (cause you learnt the basics of basics on all those 8-9 lectures in a semester) and you have to learn again, this time for real..
University is mainly about you getting a degree to help you do what you enjoy. But an almost equally important part of university is getting to know yourself, scouting for your talents and limitations, exploring what you enjoy and finding out what kind of person you want to become.
Studying != Learning. I see studying, or rather universities and colleges as institutions that >show< you various different paths in your life, teach you basics and then say "now choose the one you like the most and go become good in it". You won't learn a lot of practical knowledge even in the best technical schools, it's simply impossible considering how much time it'd need to learn everything that you might possibly need.

Is it worth to study? Definitely. You do not study for knowledge, at least in IT, but you study to >realize< what you >can< learn. It is actually useful knowledge to know what you can learn about, since this information is typically not really accessible just like that without proper guidance. You also learn basics that are crucial for any kind of specialization, let's say algorithms & data structures in our case of IT, that normally you wouldn't simply bother with otherwise. And it is crucial, I can't even point how many times I made use of it in practical and useful ways, even though I'd never consider to learn all of that myself.
In my opinion, depending on the chosen specialty, it depends on what kind of future your life will be. I am very pleased with my choice. I spent a lot of time searching for a way. The direction in which I want to follow. And I am sure that I will not change my decision, and if something changes, it will not be in the next ten years. To love your life, you need to turn your hobby into a job. Then do not fight routine and boredom.
There no question, studying is worth it. Not only does it let you further hone your scientific skill and further develop your knowledge. It shows you how much there is that you barely know anything about.

Becoming a doctor is nice and all, but mostly in private healthcare. IT shows a bit more promise today, considering how rapidly developing it is, and how many people are and will be needed to accommodate for that development.
Zygmunt Z said…
What an abstract and stupid question - studies and universities prepare us for our future work. Of course, usually they give us only the most important pillars which are a must at work and rest depends on us. Studying without hard work usually has no worth but asking if studying as itself is worth is completely hopeless.
In some cases you can learn a lot more useful skills at work, and studying isn’t really necessary.
However there are a lot of jobs that you just have to study to be really a professional for example a doctor. Ultimately I think that it’s worth to study.
In economical way - yes it is. It is the best way to have more money in the future and do not stop your development process. For me sometimes studying things that you do not need in a future is really a time waster but you cannot say what will help you in the future to deal with your problems.
Unknown said…
Well, this is a good question. I used to think that education is so important. I have started to study at the University when I was 17, and I had no idea whom I would like to become. I just had to study and get the higher education. Now I am a student again, I have chosen my new speciality after the years of working and analyzing. I still think that education is important, but not for everyone. For example, I know, that all the things that I wanna learn, I could learn faster by myself all attending some courses. The half of the subjects is a waste of time for me. But if I studied medicine, I would never say that.
Also, the years at the university is a chance to get new friends, connections, to socialize and just to learn useful of interesting things.
Patryk Pohnke said…
Studies are good way to spend early years of adult life meeting people, socializing, extend your horizons, gain knowledge in specific, narrow field of science. They give some insights of what you will be doing in future and force you to develop. Probably there are better ways to acquire certain skills, but they require more motivation, and aren't so common and easy to start. As long as your not decided yet what do you want to do in your life(through hobbies for example) studies are good way to examine some possibilities.

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