Today I want to share with you some informations about my hobby which is a car races. I have in mind not typical cars but a bit smaller which are controlled by remote radio and what is interesting they are not much slower than real cars.
How does it work?
This cars has receiver inside and you control it using a transmitter. This cars are made very similar to real buggy cars but in smaller scale. They have a really resistant construction which can deal with a serious accidents during a race. I mentioned before that they are fast but how it is possible that such little car can drive more or less 100 km/h? They have nitro engines fueled by a special mixture of nitromethane, methanol, and oil. The best engines of them takes 45000 rpm which is 3x more than in real cars engines.
A toy or not?
Most of you probably think that is is only kind of toy but I can provide that of course it gives a lot of fun but it doesn't has much similarities to rc cars which you can buy in a supermarket. The price of such models starts from 1000 PLN to even 6000-7000 PLN. It is a barrier which limits popularity of this hobby in Poland but we should remember that all of extreme hobbies can costs a lot of money.
RC Championships
Around the world there are organized a championships which usually are a very big events. Such events are take on special tracks and atmosphere is like on normal scale motor races. Drivers have to respect rules during the race because they could be ban for inappropriate behaviour on the track and sometimes it happend because races gives drivers a lot of adrenaline and all of them want a win.
This sport in the USA or in Asia is much more popular than in Poland. There are event exists special TV channels which shows only a rc races and there are drivers who are professionals and they is their way for living because they even earn a lot of money by winning races.
How it looks like?
It is really hard to describe how much fun gives being a rc car driver so please watch a video and later answer to questions below. Thank you very much for your attention and I am glad that I was able to share my interests with you.
2. Do you think that such races can be treated as a motor sport?
3. What do you think about the future of radio control racing in Poland? Will it be more popular in Poland or it stays a niche?
For me these races should be treated as fun, competitive, not as a sport. I don't know if such races are organized in Poland. I think that in Poland it will not work
I think that it can’t be treated as motor sport. It is great, it can be treated as a sport but it has nothing to do with motor sports. I love real cars and I love rc cars and I would like to keep them separately.
It is hard to say but taking into consideration the growth of popularity of rc cars from my childhood to now I think that it won’t grow much more. It will be niche.
It's hard to say if it's motor sport, but I don't have problem with fact that people are calling it sport. If chess or Counter Strike: Go are sports, why races of radio-controlled cars can't be?
From my own experience it's so hard to predict what will happened in future, that I will not even try to do it ;). When I was younger cars like that were popular, I don't know if they are still popular among kids nowadays. Maybe drones are reason why those cars won't be popular in future, but I dunno.
Races of radio-controlled cars can be treated as a sport, but not the motor sport but some other type of sport.
In one of your replies you have already mentioned that such races are less popular than before because of expensivenes of that hobby so the future of RC cars races looks pessimistically. But who knows, maybe it will change for batter?
Of course races like this can be sport. I think that this kind of races will never be very popular in future in Poland. Personally I like drone races.
I reckon that such races can be treated as motor sport but only when more people around the world will be keen on it
Actually, I have no idea about it though I am sure it's for rich people
2. Not really. It is a great source of fun and of course RC races are very competetive, but they shouldn't be called sport.
3. It will become even more niche. Nowadays young people have tendency to desire electronic gadgets not oldschool tnings like radio-controlled cars :)
I believe every activity which require practice, skill and is about competing might be called as sport.
I assume the popularity of rc cars will stay as it is.
RC races and Drone flights should be treated together as a separate sport from motor.
I think that RC races will stay niche. However, it may gain some popularity, as RC cars are more affordable nowadays.
Yes,i think this type of races can be treated as a motor sport, but not today, maybe a little bit later, when technologies would grow up and cars would use more features, speed limit would increase and this process would be more entertaining. Don't even know in Poland, but in USA,for instance, it would be more popular i think,but who knows, hot it would be after 10 years here.
But better to drive small radio-controlled cars than the big ones. Even it's expensive, it's cheaper than the big ones. And I'm talking not about the cars costs. It's safer. And people can't die in a car accident/crash.
I wonder, do they have cameras? It's difficult for drones to follow such small cars and record everything.
Can it be a sport? Mhmm, interesting question. In my opinion it is more fun than sport.
Racing cars controlled by radio in Poland will remain niche for sure. It's not like for example, football or basketball where all you need is ball and pitch. These cars need to invest a lot of money and not everyone can afford it.
As for the RC championships in Poland, I've seen a few events organized in BlueCity shopping mall in Warsaw, but they probably weren't addressed for the professional RC enthusiast, as the track was only 5 by 5 meters large.
In the future, who knows. It's a fun hobby, but apart from spare money it requires specific conditions, like good weather and proper terrain. They have plenty of deserts to use for that in the USA, but I suppose you could imitate that with beach races in Poland.
I think that races shouldn't be treated as a motor sport, as a competitive? Of course!
In my opinion radio control racing wouldn't be more popular in the future because It will be too expensive hobby for a most of people.
Of course such races can be treated as motor sport. They can be really fast, you have to have a lot of skills to drive them. Can they be more popular in Poland? I think so, but not without some big sponsor or some tv programme. shou
Such races treated as a motor sport? From the video it already looks like, why not. In Poland it's gonna stay a niche for a while yet, one because of cost, second because I wouldn't know where to take it and play with it. As a kid I knew, but now I can't think of a place.
As for the classification of this sport... Well, it shouldn't be a motor sport, because it's much less dangerous during the crash than the F1, Nascar or in other non-RC car contests. All RC sports (cars, planes, drones, etc...) should have category of their own.
In Poland it would be niche, because of the price barrier and lack of support from the society. But when there will be more and more autonomic cars on our roads it may change in the future...
I guess I would like to try driving RC car, but I don’t find it amusing really.
Hmm, do I think that these races can be treated as motor sport? I think that if playing computer game can be considered “sport” and gamers called “athletes”, I don’t see why this wouldn’t.
I think that it will stay niche.
I was like "Whaaaaaat? 200km/h?!", its awesome and I would like to have one someday. I dont think that it should be treated as a motor sport but more as fun. I think it won't be more popular because it's "DRONE TIME":)
Today we've got a lot competitions in sport. I think this might be one of them easily.
I don't know anything about the people who do this in Poland. If you have enough enthusiasts to make it profitable then community will grow and follow. I don't see it coming to be honest.
For me it's a motor sport because you have to have huge knowledge about cars and how it works. It isn't like a toy. Really i think that is greater than normall races because you don't risk your live. It's saver but your knkwledge and abilities have to be similar.
I think that it will be more and more popular because polish people like competition and cars and races. For sure my famili (my dad and his brothers) will love it'it! And i also like cars so it's my new dream from now!
I love remote controlled cars. I own one and also a remote controlled motorboat. This is a great fun and I would recommend to anyone. You do not need to have the great skills to have fun like a baby in a sandbox.
Unfortunately I do not think to treat it as a sports moto. I think that in Poland the popularity of this sport will not change due to the considerable costs for the average citizen.
I would pay attention to the fact that
between the real drivers and those that control cars there is almost no difference. Driving a car requires same skills as
real riders. I have no idea how it would evolve in Poland, but I think that the younger audience would accept this idea positively.