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Week 6 [20-26.11.17] Is AI future or past for people?

Today, artificial intelligence has become more developed than it was before and more popular. Some people believe that AI is the best invention of mankind. AI represents very large opportunities, but there are those who do not think so.

Elon Musk said, "This will lead to third world war."
Watch this video and comment on it


1 What do you think about the AI?

2 What are advantages and disadvantages to AI?

3. Do you agree with Elon Musk about AI?


At the beginning I want to mention that I'm not any expert at the AI field, so if someone do not agree with me, please remember to cultural and calm. So, let's start. AI, imo is probably the most hyped field of IT right now. It is very popular to be one of "AI guy" but let's look at the results - real time face to emoji converter? Really? I mean results of AI are not as good as it should be. I do not know reason why it's so. There are way more achievements at the software engineering, system security or computer graphics.
Also it's important to mention that computer can not think. AI/ machine learning it's not magic, it's just math, nothing more. Computers are able to make some decisions while having earlier sets of decisions made by human ( good and bad decisions). So basically: computer can't create something totally new. Even if you find something about AI that creates music or paintings - it's not true (it doesn't "create" it).
Main advantages of AI is that it can be widely used, for example:
- Face recognition as a tool for chasing criminals.
- As a tool for medical doctors - AI may recognize some diseases.
- As it is very popular, it's very easy to find some resources to study about it. Learning new things is always good.

Main disadvantages is probably fact that a lot of people that have no idea about AI, talks about it or even works with it.

I do not agree with Elon Musk. In fact I don't like him. In my opinion he is created by media as a "real Iron Man". When it comes to technical knowledge, he is not so good. There is huge hype for Tesla and SpaceX, but still he is not a horse that I would put my bet on. When this all "Musk vs AI" thing was on, I talked to an one guy that is making PhD from AI, and he called Musk "total idiot".
Unknown said…
Yes, I agree with you about Elon Must and media. But he is not stupid.
And a few month ago I read one news about AI. And I found :

From this post, I understood, that maybe AI it's not "just math" because not every AI can create a new language.
Unknown said…
I think that AI is trendy right now, and there is tendency to develop it and talk about it - movies, games, TV serieses. Advantages and disadvantages of AI are often showded in movies.
And I agree with Elon Musk:
AI may be perfect soliders - non human army potencially would be invincible. Let's imagine that few countries have got an army based od AI - do you think that there are no countries which would like to use it to take more, for example land? Third World War guaranteed.
So we've got one advantage - soliders. Robots with AI may take care of humanitarian relief, thaey may save people (fires, when they sink). They may help at the hospitals, in home - as nurses, but also as maids.
But what would happen if AI would revolt? Maybe there would be another Orwell's Animal Farm? You have to remember that AI would be not only what it was programmed to be, but it will be able to learn - it can learn good things but also bad - what if it would resist people?
Patryk Pohnke said…
1. AI is extremely useful for us. It can develop infinitely, as there are no limitations for it. We have constraints such as skull size or they speed of our neuron signals. Computer doesn't. The biggest problem with AI is it should be developed wisely just to be sure all of its computing power won't be used against humanity. It is hard to predict if we manage to do it correctly, so I don't have opinion in a matter of the third war. I guess the time will show.
Unknown said…
I agree with others that AI term is very trendy and hyped nowadays. From my point of view term "AI" is used to describe rather two similar but not the same things. The first one is just "smart" phones, cars, all kinds of devices and software, and the second one is this mythical true Artificial Intelligence we know from Terminator or Ex Machina movies.
Despite if the second one is achievable we already achieved the first one in the form of face/voice/text/images recognizers, DeepBlue/AlphaGo players that beat the humans, drivers mood analyzing cars, bots that walk over the internet and write posts, tweets, comments imitating humans, recognizing the context, stock exchange bots that buy and sell depending on vast amounts of data, those are all "simple AI" containing just a bunch of "if" statements and/or using machine learning algorithms. Those are not terminators, those are not "true AI". Those are just simply tools, programmed for one goal, very limited in what it can do, used to serve and "make life easier". It is unlikely that a smart "AI" toaster which is analyzing your favorite toast will revolt one day because you threw away his sister microwave. It is not programmed/made to
"True AI" on the other hand, one that has close to infinite compute power, given true intelligence, "a will" so to say, open way to decide for it self, is something unpredictable and incomprehensible for us humans, Ex Machina example is something that is indeed dangerous without the countermeasures mentioned in the TED talk. At the same time it can be something wonderful and helpful to entire humanity.
While the first kind of AI without giving it access to nuclear red button is helpful and rather harmless, the second one can decide and gain access to the red button itself. I agree with Elon and not only him but Stephen Hawking also warns about the second kind of AI. It much depends on the creators (us humans) how it will turn out in the end though. Are we going to create perfect soldiers or problem solvers which we are in dire need of.
Yevhen Shymko said…
Look at the game of GO nobody could even imagine that AI can beat human in such an early stage of AI development. I think that future is for sure after AI and in 100 years humans will not imagine there life without AI as we cant imagine our world without electricity. We are leaving in the most interesting time in human history and I'm fascinated by what is weighting for us in the future.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I think AI is our future, because as it was mentioned in presentation it has no limit of learning on the optimisation example - if AI would have to solve mathematical task it would make a decision to create a bigger computer to increase its computing power. I also agree that AI brings with it a big threat, because at some point it can become uncontrollable, but I think that before investing in the AI development humanity has to be sure on 100% that first of all it will be safe and only later on to be sure that it will bring us more and more benefits, that it will evolve itself rapidly. With controllable AI things that today seems impossible will become possible in a minute, for example things such as hard operations or fighting with, some kind of illnesses, investigations that take us about a year machine will calculate in a second without any mistake.
There are lots of advantages of AI that its even hard to count, but the most important one that I would like to mention is a rapid optimisation of all humanity processes. And I want to say that there is only one disadvantage. It can become uncontrollable so fast that we won`t even recognise the moment when we lost a control under world biggest future and threat called AI.
AI is really impresive, it can learn to do tasks, that it was made to do, by itself. I'm starting to be worried about it capabilities, it is nothing when we hear, that it now can win with the best players of Go, or Dota2 players are training with OpenAI, that is beating every pro human player. More worrying is the fact, that some companies are starting to lose controll of their AI, like Google, they admit, that they do not know how one of their AI work anymore. I agree with Elon Musk, that someday it could become a threat like in a Terminator movie.
Marcin Górski said…
I think that AI is very useful for us. It is developing faster than experts imagined. I learn about that at my school. I think that is very hard knowledge but thanks for that we can realize a lot of ideas which was unreal a few years ago.
I was talking about Elon Musk idea in my work. I think that is unreal but my friends are agree with that. I hope that I'm right!
Alicja said…
It's a trendy topic :)
AI has definitely become a hi-tech buzzword. I believe AI hype will pass, as it happened with other buzzwords, the most recent one being "semantics". AI methods were developed decades ago (from 40s-early 70s) and it is only as a result of Google, Amazon and other big players pumping money into it that is has become "a thing".
AI is useful for solving problems that can be modelled using the provided mathematical frameworks. These frameworks have strict assumptions and each has its own limitations.
As a result of exploiting AI, I noticed many companies and start-ups automatically jumping on AI bandwagon without considering other solutions (it is partially due to the fact that it is easier to obtain investment if your technological solution implements a current buzzword).
It is also tempting to just download Google's neural network and throw your problem into it hoping for a bit of magic. Unfortunately, most soon discover it is not as simple as that.

I'm not sure if I agree with Musk on AI leading to the third world war. I'm much less optimistic than that. I think we will get there sooner than we will see this magnitude of innovations introduced in AI mathematical frameworks.
Vyvyan said…
AI is an excelent tool for us. It can be used in criminology by recognizing faces or in medicine by identyfing a diseases. It can help in recognizing speach and transforming it into text form for deaf people. It's very popular IT area now a days because of it's usability.
Maciej Główka said…
In my opinion AI is the future of our world. Even now, we don't realize how many things we use is managed by some sort of AI. For me as a developer, it is beautiful, that programs are able to teach themselves. There are countless possibilities to use such technology. Of course, it can be used against mankind. That's why it is important to create international group that would observe and eventually warn us about such projects.
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Personally I think AI is a brilliant invention. Nowadays AI evolves relly fast and helps us in many life occasions. AI has huge potential and a lof advantages, but the world is not fully ready for such changes. Intelligent machines can replace human beings in many areas of work and I am not quite sure if it is good or bad. I agree with Elon Musk in several statements but generally I think that is too early to talk about third world war.
Unknown said…
I think AI is very helpful. It helps us in many ways. In cars it shows us best way to reach some destination, in games it allows us to play with computer, but it has also cons. It tries sometimes to think instead of us. For example, GPS is navigating us, based on AI algorith, how it wants us to reach our destination. Elon Musk certainly doesn't like AI. But I like, so I don't agree with him. AI is very good. I'm sure Elon uses in a lot places AI, but he doesn't see that.
Unknown said…
For me AI is very useful thing, without limits! We can talk about face recognition and its helping when we are chasing criminals but it has a disadvantages too like if robots begin to replace humans in every field, it will eventually lead to unemployment. I agree with Elon Musk, it can be true.
Unknown said…
What do you think about the AI?
Artificial intelligence is lastly more and more frequently topic. I think that now are the beginnings of AI era. Thera are many of these speculations about it right now and the time shows that we ware right or not. I think AI is very interesting topic and I keep my fingers crossed for success of all that filed.
What are advantages and disadvantages to AI?
From advantages there are many related with human living AI could help many people from every day problems, to science very taught problems. In the other hand some of the speculations can become real which is scarring and difficult to imagine.
Do you agree with Elon Musk about AI?
This is one of the speculation from kind of scary one. But is hard to tell that could be real.
Unknown said…
AI is one of the biggest things in technology right now. Hype is enormous. I’m really into it. All these facial recognitions stuff, robots using machine learning(mentioned in other article), medical tools for doctors, I think it’s just the beginning. On the other hand it only shows us, that people can be and will be replaced by robots in future. That’s little bit scary.
Elon Musk is a great man, who rarely makes a mistake. I hope, that he will this time and we won’t be participating in a war with robots.
Wojtek Kania said…
I think that AI is the future. And I think it will change the world like the Internet. I think that AI will change a lot banking sector. I totally agree with Musk. I think AI may be very dangerous weapon.
Unknown said…
Vision of humankind exterminated by AI shown in Terminator movie is scary, but first this is way to early for us to create such an AI. Second i think all in all we will need that advanced AI for space travels to keeps astronauts alive when traveling lightyear distances.
Of course AI is fascinating and dangerous at the same time - the ability for AI to improve itself is the weapon that will probably kill our race sooner or later, as any smart AI would see humans as a danger to the world AI is living in :).
People in the 60's believed that they were about 20 years away from creating artificial intelligence. It might happen one day in the future, but it will probably take some time. I agree however that we should be wary of the abilities of such a super intelligence, and we should take precautions to possibly prevent it.

I haven't yet watched the Ex Machina, but I've seen this same problem raised, although in somewhat more light-hearted fashion in another movie called Chappie.

The movie takes place in a future where police used somewhat intelligent robots as officers, and an engineer who created an AI algorithm. He installs the AI onto a decommissioned robot, which turns it into a learning bot. The bot starts with an intelligence of a toddler, but it's gonna advance to the level of an adult in a matter of weeks.

The problems arise when the task of raising the bot, lands on a group of local gangsters. A struggle begin between the creator of the bot trying to instil proper values and the gang leader trying to turn the bot into its personal killing machine.

This might be science fiction now, but according to this lecture we might one day find ourselves in a similar situation, we a rapidly advancing AI that needs us to guide, before it's too late. And seeing what we do to each-other every day, can we really trust ourselves to be up for the task?
*instil it with some proper values
*with a rapidly advancing AI that need us to guide it
I think that in the near future AI will be widely used and will help people in many works. AI has many advantages that can be used in all areas of automated work, but not only. Advantages of using Ai is the reproducibility of the work, learning from the examples, much faster execution of tasks. Unfortunately, many of us will say that uncontrolled AI can cause a lot of harm, and disputes in court will be groundless. Therefore, it slows down the introduction of artificial intelligence until the legal gaps are filled. Elon Mask is a dreamer who successfully implements innovative solutions. Unfortunately I will not agree with him.
Unknown said…
I am afraid even to think of AI. This idea doesn't seem to be safe and I am agree with Elon Musk. But no matter what my opinion is, one day it's gonna happen. And I this is the first time I wish Elon Musk was mistaken. Because AI could be a powerful weapon against the humanity. Of course there is a possibility it could be helpful in some aspects of life, but we will see...
Tomasz Morawski said…
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Tomasz Morawski said…
Whether we want it or not, AI is the future since it can greatly reduce workload in some fields and lower the chance of human error in others. I believe it will completely change our lifes someday, but for now our electronic devices don't have enough processing power to handle such technology independently. It has some problems though, and one of them is that people will become more and more lazy due to relying on AI too often. It may also go out of control if we don't take any precautions.
I think Elon Must may be right but I wouldn't treat him like some prophet. He is perceived as visionary but in fact a lot of huge companies have futuristic projects, for example Microsoft is already creating tools for developers for quantum computers and Google is looking for a "death cure" for few years already.
Unknown said…
I don't agree with you. I write this comment for all who agree that AI is good idea.
For example, you are looking for a work ( Web developer ), and AI is very strongly developed. I think you will never find a job, because it would be better and more economical for employer.
second, AI will be smarter
Third, AI every country will be using for war....
Mb Elon Musk He's not the best person in the world , but you should thinking and understand what will be bad or good not only for you, for all !

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