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Week 6 [20-26.11.17] Robots, backflips, and everything else you need to know about Boston Dynamics

The world is full of technologies that are not yet part of our daily experience. They will change our world as soon as we are ready for them. But those things are just ideas without the participation of brainy scientists and engineers. The brainiest of the brainy (in the field robotics) are of course Boston Dynamics.

If we ever suffer the Rise of the Machines, it will be Boston Dynamics who provide an AI the ability to strangle us by own hands. In a more optimistic future, their robots will work in factories, load cargo ships, clean the streets, etc. This future may be closer than we think!

Boston Dynamics began as a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where they developed the first robots that ran and maneuvered like animals. The first robot that made them known in the robotics world was the BigDog: - with a mass of approximately 109kg, it can carry up to 150 kg loads. It’s maximum speed is about 10 km/h - quite a slow cyber dog, don’t you think? Then they introduced WildCat - “The World’s Fastest Quadruped Robot”, which runs  as fast as 32 km/h while maneuvering and maintaining its balance.

But those robots are just toys in comparison with the latest company products:

Handle can pick up heavy loads(up to 45 kg) while occupying a small footprint, allowing it to maneuver in tight spaces.

SpotMini is a small four-legged robot that comfortably fits in an office or home. It weighs 25 kg (30 kg if you include the arm). Recently, they released a teaser video of the second generation, and it looks nearly production-ready. I believe that the rest of their robot product line will eventually look similar to this one.
Thank you for reading this article!
1. Have you heard about Boston Dynamics before? What is your opinion of the company?
2. Which do you think will come first: human-like AI or human-like robots?


Unknown said…
I've never heard of Boston Dynamics but I would like to read it because it seems to be interesting. In my opinion The first will be artificial human intelligence.
I haven't heard about them, so I do not have any opinion about Boston Dynamics.

Your second question is quite hard to answer in my opinion. Before I will give you my response, I want to mention that I do not have any good knowledge about that topic, so it's quite possible that I'm not right.
So, let's start. AI is one of the most hyped part of IT right now. This big interest does not result in great inventions. People from non-IT related fields thinks that AI is some magic, that allows computer to think. Fact is, that it's not. AI and machine learning is just math. Noting more. Computer can't think. AI is making decision AFTER getting some sets defined earlier by human. Knowing that I do not see human-like AI in years.

Human-like roots- question is what we think of when we say "human-like" robots. If we think about machines like in Terminatior, it will not happen. Making high advanced bionic parts of human body like hands or leg - it may happen, actually I think that nowadays there are quite advanced fake parts of human body.

So if I have to choose, I will say human-like robots,

Unknown said…
As you mentioned, "big interest does not result in great inventions", and I agree with you at this point: nowadays every smart assistant is just a program with a huge database of answers.
Maybe you have heard of the "Chinese room thought experiment", it holds that a program cannot give a computer a "mind" and "understanding", regardless of how intelligently or human-like the program may make the computer behave.

By "human-like" robots I mean robots that can walk like human, run like human and do any physical work that people can do. Why do you think that machines like in Terminator(but without skin) are impossible? What about the robots from "I, Robot" movie? They are even more advanced :)
Unknown said…
Ok, thanks for reply.
Unknown said…
Yes, I heard (or more likely - I read) about them a couple years ago, but I'm not interested in their job so much to be up to date with their achievements. But every time I see their constructions, I'm amazed with the progress, but still I'm aware, that they are testing those robots in labs (even if it looks like a house).
As for the AI it will take years for humanity to create self-aware AI, able to learn by itself and do any abstract task, that is in reach of average human being. It's much different to create self-driving car than create machine with empathy and real feelings.
So humanity definitely will create human-like robots first.
I have heard about Boston Dynamics before, and I was impresed by the fact, how their dog-like robots maintain the balance when they were kicked or were walking on ice. Although I do not support that their products are made for army use, Boston Dynamics team is doing great job as engineers. I think that first will be human-like robots, I hope that human-like AI will never be created.
Unknown said…
I have never heard of Boston Dynamics
But I think first will be Robots, after AI.
Because we AI - it's machine math which thinks how people ( it's my opinion) and after how robots will be better move or stand independently, etc. after that People will to integrate to this body AI.
Second, human-like AI will be the first. Because, why I should to buy robot without AI ? It's stupid. I think will be better if my robot understands everything and will be able to help me.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
Human-like robots are here now, so I believe that it will be first ;)
I've never heard of the company, but I've seen gifs, movies and presentations about their robots - I'm really amazed!
I liked bonus a lot :D
I have never heard about BD before but their work results are impresive!
I belive that that human-like robots will come first- the BD made a great step forward in order to achieve that. And thinking like a human is much more difficult than moving like human.
Unknown said…
I have seen these robots before. They are not perfect yet. The company is going in good direction. I know that walking robots are much more expensive than robots on wheels.I think that first thing will be humans like robots. In fact some people are like that.
About machines, I heard that they have vending machine with kebab. I heard that producers have orders from a lot of countries. If everthing goes well, in two years there will be kebab vending machines everywhere.
Unknown said…
The new achievements in this company happen quite rarely, so it's easy to just follow them on their YouTube channel.
Obviously they test robots in a lab, basically because all the equipment is placed in a lab and because there is no sense to transport those heavy things to test them in a house.
And yes, I have a similar position about self-aware AI :) As I found out, self-aware AI is also known as Strong AI (comparing to the Weak AI that is used today).
Unknown said…
I have heard about Boston Dynamics before, but I didn't have a chance to see their products in action. I enjoy watching above videos, but I wouldn't say any of these robots is production-ready. In my opinion BD may be the future of robotic world, they seem to be confident and smart about robots development and production. According to your second question, aren't robots using AI as the main core to process and calculate operations and actions in surrounding environment? Nevertheless, I think in order to create human-like robots, human-like AI must be developed first.
Unknown said…
This company attracted my attention after I so this scene with robot kicked on ice (I was excited how fast robot reacted on that kick).
Patryk Pohnke said…
I've heard bout Boston Dynamics a lot. They are the most known company developing robots. I guess it's because of hteir PR, which is good I think. Videos they publish are enjoyable.
As brain is our most complex organ I am amost sure that it is easier to make a robot which will copy our physical attributes and movement than creating an AI which will have same capabilities as ours.
Unknown said…
I saw videos with those wierd things already. I find it very interesting. I am looking forward for usage in military way, like i new wolfenstein game, mechanical dogs, spiderlike cannons. The future is here.
I spent one of my Saturdays of watching Boston Dynamics and i love the way these robots behave. Sometimes they resemble living entities, I mean they way they move/jump/run. My favourite Boston Dynamics robot is the one who does backflip and I'm not sure why but I like watching them when they fails. If i would be forced to decide what will come first: human-like AI or human-like robots, after seeing Boston Dynamics movies i bet on human-likes robots!
Filip Sawicki said…
Yes yes! I love videos made by Boston Dynamics and even more those astonishing robots they have created. It is so fascinating how they managed to do so well with advanced stability and movement. Besides their great results with walking and running robots, I find their videos quite hilarious especially the one with a banana peel.
The last question is very hard to predict. There is no sensible description of what human behaviour really is. Comparing something artificial (mathematically described) to undefined specification is impossible. I think that AI and robotics still have a long way to go before we even start comparing it with us.
sasha | s14611 said…
I think that human-like robots will be invented before human-like AI. Because it's hard to program a model of human brain with all it specifics. And create human-like robot seems simpler for me.
Foodocado said…
I've heard about Boston Dynamics before. I saw one of their robots about year ago. I wasn't impressed at all. As I can see, they've made a huge progress in creating robots since then.

I believe core of human-like robots should be based on human-like AI to process taking action. So in order to create this kind of robot, the human-like AI should be developed first.
Unknown said…
I've heard a lot about BD before. They robots are cool and funny to observe. I've seen a lot of good stuff made by BD.

Well, it should be robots first. AI, as it means to be, is very hard to program, but programmed human-like robots are more easier to produce. I just don't see the point of producing them - not mentioning the uncanny valley effect, it is simply not ergonomical solution at all.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I have not heard about BD before. But I enjoy watching this type of videos. To my mind to create to create human-like robot it is necessary to make powerful AI model and computer first and than implement it in robot engine and core processors. To my mind it may take more than 10 years to create first human-like robot prototype. I guess that first we will have human-like AI. Of course we are able to build human-like robot today, but it won`t act at all. It will be just a mannequin without any abbilities,so first of all we have to create a "brain and nervous system of a robot".
I have heard about it and ive already seen some of their prototypes. Also today i have heard about first human like robot that even have its own apartament in Dubai. It even gave some interview where its said that its dream is to make a family. Of course i have just heard it on radio so it could be
Unknown said…
I haven't heard of Boston Dyanmics before. The fact that it is a spin-off from MIT suggests that it has to be very powerfull company with lots of very smart people involved in their projects. I think first will be human like AI. Since few decades people are evolving with ideas about AI. Even google translate uses AI to transate English-Polish. We have autonomous cars, which also uses AI to make a decision.
Wojtek Protasik said…
I haven't seen it before but I find it amazing. I've read about companies that already replace people with robots on a large scale and I believe it will go this way. It simply saves costs.

I think that the real AI is a holy grail and it won't come first. If you study machine learning and deep learning you'll realize we are so much behind by what people imagine.
I have never heard of Boston Dynamics
I guess first will be human-like robots case AI just need a lot of time for being complete and ready to improve itself.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately I have not heard of Boston Dynamics before. However, I see now this company doing great projects. WOW, some of these robots are unbelievable. I did not expect the robot to be able to do a backflip! SpotMini is the funniest of them haha!
But it impressed me as he walked up the stairs. I think that in the near future in big manufacturing companies robots will be sent everywhere. The human factor will be limited to the absolute minimum.
I think the first one will be human-like robots. Human-like AI is very hard to create ... We need to wait a long time if we want the AI to work well.

btw. The best part of this artice was "Bonus"! :)
Unknown said…
Wow, how cool it is. Atlas jumps better than me.
I don't know a lot about Boston Dynamics. But they don't sell their robots yet, do they? Then who sponsors them, who gives money on making new robots? It should be very expensive.
They acrobatics is so impressive, though.
SpotMini V.2 looks prettier than the previous version. Hope that people would be able to choose the color of the robot. But anyway it looks weird. I mean, it has a lot of ports and stuff like this. It could be dangerous for children. I think they should improve its design before selling this.
Amazing thing i've watched. I heard about boston dynamics, about their opportunities and what they are doing. But i don't believe them, and i'm pretty sure that they have some bugs,not critical, but important enough to make a huge mistake someday. Even after watching video about them, their movements seem like too weird.
Which do you think will come first: human-like AI or human-like robots?
Human-like robots will come first, and human-like AI will use a huge part of technologies used in AI
Maciej Główka said…
I've heard about Boston Dynamics few years ago, when they released their first robot video. Even then its capability was unbelievable. Watching Atlas now is mesmerising. It shows how big step forward we can do in just few years. I'm curious what will Atlas do in 2 years from now.
In my opinion human-like robots will be first. I think that we have already some human-like robots that can do a lot of things for us.
Unknown said…
I've heard of Boston Dynamics and I am in awe of their works. For me the Handle is especially interesting, as it is capable of keeping its balance having only two wheel-ended legs touching the ground. I hope their robots will soon be produced on a mass scale.

I think the creation of a human-like robot (in terms of the human body) can be divided into two stages: construction a robotic body and construction a system or an artificial brain that would control the body. While I believe engineers are quite close to constructing a mechanical body, the AI capable of thinking like a human being is far more complex. That's why I believe the human-like robotic bodies are going to appear first.
Marcin Górski said…
I have never heard of Boston Dynamics before but I'm reading now about it. They are robotics design company. It is very interesting that people can make robot which can move like human. It's real!
I think that human-like robots will be faster. AI is developing very fast but we have more informations about every kind of robots.
I have heard about Boston Dynamics but I don’t really have any opinion about them. They make really cool and interesting stuff but this is still a company so I think that most people don’t have any opinion about them.
I think that the human like AI will come first because the human like robots can’t really be human like without such AI. Looking how fast the AI is developing I think that it may happen much sooner than we think.
Unknown said…
Massive Dynamics.. errm Boston Dynamics? (Frindge anyone?) Yeah, I've heard about them, seen their robots before but this, this is crazy :D The progress with atlas, doggo sentry robbos? Sci-fi is already here, sooner, faster than expected. Put AI in those and do you want to have rise of the machines? Because that's how you get rise of the machines ;) Really impressive.
Those are human-like robots, just look how does it move, it's copied from human anatomy. And dog anatomy. Let's not forget about good bois.
Magdalena Popek said…
Yes, I've heard about Boston Dynamics before. I think the company is contributing to a huge step forward in robotics. I was impressed how their robots maintain balance, even on ice. It looks funny, but it is really incredible.
I think it's hard to answer second question as both of them seem to develop at the same pace.
Unknown said…
I have no knowledge about this company but I saw a lot of videos on youtube, its quite interesting. I would like to have one! I think that robots will be first because in my opinion its easier to make.
Alicja said…
excellent bonus! The JobTaker is me before my morning coffee.

Yep, I have heard about Boston Dynamics, the company is legendary in robotics industry.

Development of the original BigDog robot was funded by DARPA, which is under U.S. Department of Defense. DARPA projects have provided many truly innovative and important technologies that had influence beyond the military use.

Robotics is a very complex field. I remember my teacher dr Witold Kruczek from Warsaw University of Technology. He asked us to move our hands and forearms and imagine how many different rotations and in how many angles can only this single part of our body perform. It is still impossible to replicate these movements with a smoothness that a human can operate it. I find it to be a really humbling observation.

I have worked in AI and semantic processing so I know its limitations better than the limitations in robotics. In any case, I do not expect Blade Runner replicants anytime soon.
Unknown said…
No, I didn't hear about this company before, but now it seems to me that they're going to make revolution in industry. Almost every employer would like to have such workers, who don't need to have a rest, have a cigarette or lunch. However, I don't care if it's really cynical, but it's plain truth. I would like to point out that today Germany, the UK etc has hundreds of thousands of refugees, who are looking for the job like cleaning, stowing the cargo etc. If these robots become do such work, crowds of immigrants will be unemployed. What are the probable results? try to guess. These robots are useful in mine clearing and other dangerous actions, which could make harm for people.
We have already people like robots, because they use smart arms, legs, which help them to move or just live.
Yes, I've heard about Boston Dynamics before. I am stunned by their inventions.
I think Boston Dynamics will lead robotics to its peak in future.
It's hard to predict what will come first: human-like AI or human-like robots, because everything changes rapidly, but most likely both more or less at the same time. Afterwards,in future, we will have intelligent human-like robots but I am not sure if I like it or not.
Unknown said…
Few days ago a friend of mine told me about human-like robot, which can do some crazy backflips, but I didn’t know that it was Boston Dynamics actually. Well, these robots are crazy! It’s very impressive. I think that human-like AI is needed to create human-like robots. Robots need to learn how to walk, how to keep their body balance etc. and for those things machine learning is needed. And machine learning = AI.
So I think that human-like AI will be first.
Unknown said…
Of course I have heard about the Boston Dynamics. They are legends.
This is a right usage of a human's potential. Maybe one day we will fly for a vacation on moon on the Boston Dynamic's ship.
I've heard about them before and I think they're awesome at what they're doing. Human-like robots will probably be first since it's easier and actually already possible to create a decently programmed hardware rather than decently programmed AI.
Wojtek Kania said…
I heard about Boston Dynamics. I think they are amazing and have a lot well done projects. I've heard about dog robot and I've watched a few movies how this robot works.
I think human-like AI will come first.
Unknown said…
Boston Dynamics are amazing, I watch them for a few years. My favorites are their "doggies". Such a cuteness:) I hate when their testers constantly try to hit the poor things. Oh yeah, of course, I know, they are not real..)
Their creatures are impressive, and I hope that one day it will be a common practice to own similar robot at home as a helper or a "pal".
I have no idea, what is gonna come first, but I think, that robots have more chances.
Unknown said…
I've heard about Boston Dynamics before. I really enjoy watching their films on Youtube. I wonder when will be the day when their robots will begin to help people.
I think that robots will appear sooner than AI. When it comes to robots, the most important thing is to understand the physics and nowadays people are good at it. However creating human-like artificial inteligence requires a good knowledge of human mind and we barely know anything about it.
Marta Kowalczyk said…
I've been observing the work of Boston Dynamics for some time now - their works are amazing! It is incredible how fast thay improve and every robot they make is amazing. I beliebe that human-like AI is still a thing that will not become true in the near future. It is far too complicated for us still. A robot moving and looking lika a human on the other hand, I strongly believe is something that might happen in next 10 years. We are closer and closer to that goal every year.
Unknown said…
>Have you heard about Boston Dynamics before? What is your opinion of the company?
I've seen it before - its really innovative company, designing one of the most advanced walking robots, that use dynamic balance (i.e, the one every living thing uses for not overturning itself). With their tech, it will be possible to have your own robo-pet sooner than some people may think (as it's way easier to program some pet-AI, rather than human one)

>Which do you think will come first: human-like AI or human-like robots?
Well, I've answered this question above, but I'll say it again - human is far more complicated than anything on earth, when it comes to psychology and emotional "part".
Besides that, building humanoid robot is as easy as buying a mannequin and some servos, and putting Google Home/Amazon Echo inside its head...
KamilG said…
Boston Dynamics is a well recognized company that specializes in robotics and artificial intelligence. It's the company which rapidly grows in that field, especially in developing robotics for military uses. I think in the future there will be robots that will help to increase the quality of our life. That's why Boston Dynamics is evolving in the right direction – to the future reality.
What will come first? It’s too hard to say, but I would say that human-like robots. Why? For two simple reasons: firstly, artificial intelligence is a difficult science of study and it requires very intelligent programmers with great programming skills, secondly - right now there are first, active, great prototypes of human-like robots.
I haven't heard of them, but their work looks promising. There definitely would be a market for home robots that could perform simple house tasks, especially for young people who spend most of their time at work, and then come home to be greeted by a mountain of chores.

I certainly think the dog bots will come first, though human shaped bots would probably perform better when it comes to chores. After all, all the tools they would use we designed to be human operated.
Unknown said…
Wow, really? Can you tell more about your experience with AI field? Sounds very interesting :)

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