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Week 6 [20-26.11.17] Sal Khan: Let's teach for mastery - not test scores

Maybe some of you know about Khan Academy - the non-profit education organisation that had delivered more than 1 billion lessons worldwide, and is used by 40 million students and 2 million teachers every month. The reason this company was created is simple: our educational system could be better than it is now. And that’s what this TED speech is about.

  1. What is your opinion about the education system in our schools and universities?
  2. Have you used this service before?

As a bonus - a short video from Khan Academy:


Unknown said…
Interesting article. In my opinion the worst level of education in Poland is in high school. The worst thing is that we learn all the school subjects and at the age of 16-17 we have to choose what we want to do for the rest of our lives. For me it's a bit too early. No, I never used the above service
So, when it comes to Poland, you will get strong general knowledge (theoretically). After finishing high school in Poland, you should be able to know world history and geography, basics of math and physics and have some quite strong English skills. Bad part of story is that you will probably not have any skills to use in real life and if you would have mentioned skills, you learned it by yourself. Our teaching program is quite restrict so Polish students are one of the best in the world.
It is said that there will be a lot of "real" knowledge at the universities. Sad fact is that it's not true. Most lectures are useless. It's hard to say why it's so. Someone may say that courses are to general, sometimes not up-to-date and made by people that never worked in industry they teach about.
I quite often use sites like Khan Academy, Udemy, Udacity etc. They are great, but in my opinion only for beginners. Tutorials are good choice for learning basics, so if it's your reason to use it, you will probably be satisfied.
Every try of creating place where knowledge is free is a good thing. It may help people that can not afford books and still want to learn how to program etc.
Unknown said…
University provides knowledge by lectures and tasks. Lectures are provided by teachers, and our tasks are verified by teachers too. That is to say, quality of our knowledge on each subject depends on a teacher. I remember a few subjects that were interesting by themselves, but teacher was so bad that after 90 minutes of lesson the only thought in my mind was "what the hell was that?".
In Khan Academy some subjects like math, physics and chemistry contain a lot of materials for intermediate and advanced levels as well as for beginners. But, for example, there are only JavaScript courses for programming - maybe because there are a lot of other services that are already provide good materials on this subject.
Btw, which topics are you interested in on those services?
Anonymous said…
Education system in Poland is a very huge topics and I think we could talk about it for a very long time. When it comes to my opinion - I don't really have one... Some time ago I thought that our system is very very lame. Everyone says that in USA educational system is the best - you know - students can make choices, learn only their favorite subjects and so on. But wait - aren't Americans considered the most dumb people in the word? So like I said - education system is a huge topic. There is no way to make up such a system to make happy everyone. There always will be someone complaining.
Unknown said…
1. All depends on the person and not from school or University. If you wanna learn something new, you will do this.
2. I have never used this service before.
When it comes to IT I like to see some courses for beginners when topic is not very familiar to me, like machine learning. Sometimes I like to watch some video for advanced students made for example by Google employees when I'm quite good at particular topic.
Unknown said…
Well, I can't say much about the education system in Poland(because I only head the pleasure of meeting with education system in Ukraine, which is really lame), but, as I understood, those who really wanted to learn, gained from their schools a lot.
We are so used to the old way of learning in schools that is it difficult to find the better solution. From university student's perpsective I can say that our education path from primary school to the high school (HS including) is terrible- learn for test, pass the test and forget everything that you have learned. Repeat. I don't think that this is right.
I have heard somewhere about Khan Academy but I've never checked this service.
Unknown said…
Our education system in our schools and universities is perfectly described in above video. Firstly, we gather students together, group them by age and then teach them things without mastering it, because it is the easiest logistically way. I have never used mentioned service before, but I am amazed with this simple idea of mastering things before moving forward. I have trained martial arts and I didn't see this explained connection, so thanks for this one!
Alicja said…
Our education system could really use some improvements.
We put too much emphasis on memorization and not enough on understanding, processing complex information and creative problem solving. We have overcrowded classes (which is also a problem for teachers) and no good solutions for delivering education to overachievers and underachievers. The students are not encouraged to think freely and individually. I think each of us has some more or less traumatic experiences from school ("Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone"). Practically, the education system as we have it is less about education and more about having a place to keep the kids while the parents are busy working.
I can't comment on Polish public universities, because I don't have a first hand experience. From what I heard from past Polish public universities' students who later went to study to get MSc in PJATK our lecturers are much more encouraging and open to work with students. It reminds me of Canadian universities (I studied there) where a lecturer's main job is to teach, inspire and motivate students the best way they can, not to be a prima donna.

I have heard about Khan Academy before, but I have not used their service.
If it comes to Polish education system in our schools and universities, well, it's not the worst but it could be better. I think that system should give us more freedom at what we want to study. For example if you like more science-themed subjects, go ahead and pick some more math, physics or IT lessons instead of biology, geography and PE. I'm not sure 100% sure but the way of education I mentioned works similary at USA schools. I heard about Khan Academy but i never used this service before.
Everything depends on a teacher. In high school I had a math teacher that spend about 10 minutes of every 45 minutes class on blaming us that we weren’t good enough. She could have spend that time on some kind of revision. When it came to test she didn’t care if our grades were good or bad, we went forward with the program. On the other hand my brother had a teacher that would test them (even during every class) until everyone got a proper grade. That motivated students to study more and better students to help those who had problems. We both ended up good at math but one through terror and one thanks to good teaching. So I don’t think system in Poland is broken I think it just needs more good teachers.
Filip Sawicki said…
There is a hell lot of to be improved in education system in Poland. First thing what comes to my mind is too many students in a group taught by one teacher. Second, the lack of passion, empathy and care of teachers towards teaching and students. Third non-existent creativity in subject’s curriculum, only raw theory and equations.
I have used Khan Academy, because is exceptionally helpful when It comes to understanding complex and counterintuitive subjects. However, I do not recommend it as a main source of knowledge, as it explains theory on very basic level just enough to grasp a subject.
Yevhen Shymko said…
Used Khan Academy exactly for calculus classes when I didn't get something or waned to get it deeper and have some intuition behind it. I think it's very great that we have chance to change this system. Im from Ukraine and I hated thet you need to pass a test and nobody cares about the knowledge you have and this is why I picked programming for my carrier so I will do my job using brain and not just principals we were taught.
sasha | s14611 said…
It's really helpful organization. I've never heard about it before but I think that they do definitely right thing. Maybe it's my personal opinion but education isn't good enough in many countries. It's really abotu scores now, not about knowledge. In my opinion the worst thing that happened to education is test system. You don't need to understand subject, you just need to know some details without understanding what it's about, and for me learning is more about understanding.
Unknown said…
In my opinion education system in Poland is quite decent but there is always something that can be done to make it keeping pace with modern world even more. I think that the biggest problem in our education system is the fact that it is not focused on teaching students how to apply theoretical knowledge and solve problems using it. On the other hand, pupils in Poland have quite strong background in some basic skills as algebra, grammar or trigonometry comparing to children in other EU countries or in North America.
I have never used Khan Academy but I use other online courses to acquire new skills and extend my knowledge.
Foodocado said…
As many opinions as people about the education system in Poland. I personally believe it should be improved. The teaching program is terrible. Students are not teached basic, most important things they are going to face in the nearest future.
The other thing I don't like is splitting students into groups by age. In my opinion, every student should have individual teaching approach.

I used such service only once. It seems to be good option for beginners.
Unknown said…
Well, I think that almost in every textbook in school there is some explanation of what are you going to learn and why you need it. I think that everything we've learned in our schools has some practical use in different situations - but we couldn't new that when we were teenagers.
Unknown said…
I can't say much about Poland, but I can say a couple of words about Ukraine. I wonder why after so many years of education system existence there are the same problems as 20 years ago. Teachers have very low salary, so any successive alumnus would think twice before applying on such job. And maybe an online education system like Khan Academy is the only way to provide good education for everyone in countries where the government can't do this by itself or just doesn't care. The problem is, as you sad, that parents want to keep their children somewhere while they are at work, so an online education can't replace schools yet.
Unknown said…
Yes, I think we should just try to learn materials this way. We want to learn things that (as we think) would be useful for us in the future. Sooner or later we will understand that biology and geography are interesting and useful subjects too, and only after that we will learn them. This would be more effective way then we have today.
Unknown said…
Yes, everything depends on a teacher, I agree with you at that point. But I think that we can't rely on the idea of good teachers all over the world because a lot of countries just can't afford them. This approach requires competition, and competition requires good salary.
Unknown said…
I believe that Polish education system is quite good comparing it to the other systems of post Soviet countries like Ukraine or Belarus. Poland made great progress in university system though it should have done more for schooling. For example, there is a discussion on the removal of junior high school
No, I haven't used it yet but no doubt I will use it someday
Everyone in public cries about education in Poland and that is somethink i can't really understand. Same as many of us as i can see. Normal teenager after he end his basic education he knows how to read, write, do math, geography, basics of biology and most of us knows at least basics of english. Now take a look at our beloved US. Everyone praises them even if many of them dont know that Poland is a country or that Canada is on the same continet. There are only 2 things that anoys me and those are, lack of practicall lessons that will give us idea how to survive in world based on money, agreements etc. Second thing is that many of teachers looks like they don't want to learn. They are lazy, bored and they lack passion to learn others. I think that makes lessons much more boring.

Nope i have never used this service.
Unknown said…
I think our educational system in schools and universities is bad. Especially in universities. They have high expectatiions and students don't have time to learn what they want to learn. It is my first time I hear about this service. I know many internet learning portals, but not this one.
Wojtek Protasik said…
I used it a bit few years ago. I am a bit confused when I think about Khan Academy. Sometimes they provide a really solid knowledge, but sometimes it's pure nothing.

There is only one part of our education system I don't like. Teachers are not paid enough. We end up having people who don't want to teach and can't even sort out their own lives and they come with these problems to schools. It affects pupils, students other teachers and the whole sector.

There is no way of developing a perfect education. Everyone needs something else and this is why I believe whining and grumbling about everything that is wrong actually makes it wrong. So we can move forward or talk more.
To enjoy learning, among other things, one needs to take pleasure from accumulating knowledge.
This requires a curious mindset, and this mindset takes time to develop. For some people, school just passes by too quickly to fully grasp all the concepts to enjoy them.
For example, some students somehow think that even if you "get" the material, a 100% should be for the birthright gods of the subject.
So, a lot of people think they are somehow genetically not suited for education, but the truth is that if you have a functioning brain, you can almost learn anything, as long as you have the desire.
Unknown said…
Wow,very fascinating video! It gives you a lot to think about.
Unfortunately I have to agree with the content of the video. In Poland, the teaching system is quite weak. It often happens that there is a multitude of theoretical material. Then we do not have enough time to practice. The second thing is that even a teacher who has a knowledge is not able to explain in easy way for students. Sal Khan is right. Even if we know 95% of the material what about the remaining 5%? These 5% in the future make the difference.
Unfortunately I have not used KhanAcademy yet, but today I will visit this site.
Unknown said…
Oh boy, the education system. In my opinion it's not tragic and of course not perfect either. It all comes down to right people and funding. I consider personal education and mass education as most crucial issues in nowadays societies. With so much information and disinformation going on around, knowledge and critical thinking is a "must have". It makes us as a whole stronger and allows us to better decide on our future and future of next generations. Gotta be aware of that, uneducated society is easy to rule over and manipulate. That leads to a disaster.
I've used some Khans Academy and I liked it. Great place, wonderful philosophy, idea.
Education system nowadays is so ridiculous. Even in top universities there are a lot of "trash" giving by teachers and the program of studying, but i agree with a statements above, that everything depends on the teacher. I know that you can told me, that you must improve your knowledge not only in 1 sphere, to be more educated, but you must know a border between knowledge and information.
I've never used this kind of service.
Vyvyan said…
Polish education is focused on remembering a lot of things that are useless, destroying creativity and learning how to think like the others do. It kills our original "form" and teach us how to be common citizen.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
The idea is ok, it would be less stressful for students. But this system has disadvantages too. No employer would be able to assess the knowledge and the skills of the employee without testing it. If we'd get rid of the assessing system at schools/universities, we'd have to introduce this system to companies, when applying for jobs.
But as an addiction to the academic model, it's ok. I personally did similar stuff. I watched some videos on YouTube before tests, because I couldn't understand lectures. And it worked well for me.
And there are some services like Coursera or other, where you can get courses, learn them. The courses are provided by Universities. And you have a choice. You can buy the course and after finishing it get a certificate. Or you can only listen to the course and that's all. Many people choose the first option.
Unknown said…
Education in Poland it’s not that bad, but I think it should be better. All I know about universities other than PJATK are my friends opinions and most of them are not happy. Old materials to learn, teachers who don’t care etc. Talking about PJATK - I like learning here, teachers are good, you can really improve your programming skills.
When it comes to schools, it’s worse. You need to learn things that you’re not interested in, for example: learning chemistry, biology etc. when you would like to be a programmer is strictly for the birds. Secondly, one teacher for too many students - it’s a big problem too.
No, I have never used Khan Academy, but I know it and it seems great for beginners.
Marcin Górski said…
I think that Polish education is not okay and could be better. In my life, I met a lot of poorly educated teachers. Their knowledge was very miserable. During that time, I had to learn on my own. I think that classes should be more directed on one knowledge domain.
I've never heard about that service.
I think that our education system might be greatly improved but it won’t be easy. We would have to change how we think about school and teaching. I think that Polish education system is quite good but it could be greatly improved, if some smart people took care of it.
I haven’t used this service ever before, but I will definitely read some more out it.
Unknown said…
In my opinion education in Poland is no that bad but could be better. It depends on teachers mostly. For example I had problems with math in high school because my teacher couldn't explain us many things and I had to study on my own. At PJATK I learned more in 2 months than in 3 years in high school, thanks to Ms Turska.
I never used mentioned service.
Unknown said…
Educational system is in critical shape - it was good enough for XIX century, but it didn't change from that time. Now the most of the information revolution will make some of the tasks obsolete and not worthy for any kind of studying. And not only educational system is bad - whole education/science in Poland is in bad shape. For example there are science institutions, where are less researchers than the bureaucrats...

As for this service I didn't use it, but maybe I will in the future.
Unknown said…
If you think that education in Poland is bad, you have never studied in Ukraine. Of course the online courses are much more interesting and productive but the higher education is necessary in this world. I will hope that my children will have a possibility to develop their selves in a totally different and much more productive way.
Unknown said…
We should learn less academic things and more practical. Why someone does have to be hit be reality/life right after graduating school/ Shouldn't school prepare you for work/life? I think it should. Less bullsh*t/redundat or tangential information more practical information. Like in pj.
Magdalena Popek said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Magdalena Popek said…
I don't like the fact Polish educational system doesn't teach students to think. I graduated from the International Baccalaureate programme and I can see huge difference between students of each of these systems. The first one teaches to meet the mark scheme, the second one teaches to be creative. Also the education system in our universities is way different from the one in, for example, England. I don't like the fact on our universities theory seem to e more important than practice. Students, instead of focusing on what's important, have to learn unneccessary theory. Unlike abroad.
Yes, I've used Khan Academy when I was studying for my physics exams in high school.
It depends upon school. I'd say that education level in let's say PJATK is quite decent and while it could be better (everything could), it's definitely not nowhere close to be considered bad or impractical. I'd say we achieved pretty good balance between theory and practice, and while I still don't like tests as a form of verifying knowledge, I also can't think of a better way that would measure creativity instead of plain knowledge. How do you measure creativity in the first place?
Wojtek Kania said…
I think everyone should elementary knowledge (like how our brain works, what is gravity law, etc.). For me in first 8 years should learn biology, math, foreign language. After 8 years our education should profiled. I used to use Khan Academy in my first years in at collage and Khan Academy was very helpful for me.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
In my opinion, everyone needs elementary knowledge in fields like math, history, biology etc., but we should only master two or three of them. Mostly Polish schools are good at teaching the basics however if you want something more there might be a problem. Now I try to find interesting Master Studies in Poland, but I can't really find any. Everywhere they teach you things that you don't really need and on a basic level. I also think that there is one problem in Polish educational system. It doesn't encourage young people to learn.

I've only heard about Khan Academy but never used it. May I will check few courses after reading your article.
What is your opinion about the education system in our schools and universities?
I think we have great education level. Many things we learnt we forgot and that is completely true but sometimes it is more important to achieve a goal and raise a bar in our life.

Have you used this service before?
Never heart of it.
Unknown said…
>What is your opinion about the education system in our schools and universities?
Its good for basics, but it's more like "HERE- just read those books, and you will pass those tests", nothing more but few marks that theoretcially tell other people that you are either smart or dumb, even if you have already forgotten everything and don't know what is 2*2. They don't encourage you to actually pursue the knowledge, just squeeze it in your head, until the next test, then you can forget everything, no one cares.
The same is with universities - I feel like im "as dumb" as when I came here in 2014. In the meantime, I had some episodes during which I really wanted to know some more about some things that seemed interesting for me. Guess what- I didn't have time to actually extend my knowledge on that topic. I just had to learn some other things, and leave behind the ones that were important to me...

>Have you used this service before?
Its one of those e-courses, like udemy and stuff, isn't it? Well- "The real knowledge starts where Google can't give you answers on your question", and usually those courses are nothing but basics...
I think the current education system is the outcome of the need to provide cheap education to masses. Unfortunately in such environment not much focus is given to exceptional students who learn ahead of the curve, or people who for variety of reasons might have fallen behind.

Thanks to the modern tech however, we can finally adjust to individual needs of each student by providing additional learning materials, for very low costs. We see it on YouTube with a variety of small channels dedicated to making general knowledge videos. But there are also some heavy-hitters, MIT for example owns a YouTube channel where they publish video recordings of all of their courses' lectures for free.

I think this is what the next revolution in education will look like. People having access to sources of knowledge, learning at their own pace, to get the most out of the time spent.

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