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Week 6 [20-26.11.17] Test yourself

Have you ever wondered about your identity?

Not the one that smiles sweetly to friends and acquaintances, I'm talking about your inner self that is inside of you and drives your choice, actions and decisions.
In this post, I have prepared for you several psychological tests that will help you understand yourself and learn new facts about yourself.
I'm not a professional psychologist and the tests that I picked up for you can only show an approximate result!
 Are you ready to learn the terrible truth?

Below you can find some personality tests.

Here is a picture of four female silhouettes.

Which lady is the oldest?

You should trust your sixth sense, think and make your choice.

Well, did you choose?
Then it's time to sum up:
1.    If your choice is a green girl at number one, you are definitely a purposeful realist. This means that you bring to the end any business you started and in no case, do not lose your heart. Also, you do not like lie.
2.    If your choice is a blue girl at number two, you are single-minded and will achieve your goals.
3.    If your choice is a red girl at number three. You have talent. If you still do not know what kind of talent, think carefully or find him.

4.  If your choice is a yellow girl at number four, you have a lot of problems in your life. But despite all the troubles, you continue to be a positive person and you are upset over nothing, sociable and do not like to do extra work.

Now, look at this picture.
Who would you help first?

  1. If you chose the grandmother, you well-mannered and respectful to the traditions of the past
  2. Did you choose a baby? you are very impressionable and dreamy personality
  3. Is your choice a guy with a leg injury with crutches? Then, you are outgoing and sociable, people love you.
  4. Did you choose nurse? You're easy-going and an optimistic person who enjoys life and is not upset by trifles.

And the last test for you J

Do you see the girl rotating to the left or right?

1.If you see the girl rotating clockwise, then you are using the right hemisphere of your brain at the moment. You have an artistic flair.
 2.If you see the girl rotating counterclockwise, you are using left hemisphere. Linked to mathematical thinking.

3.If you can see both directions of rotation, you are likely to have a very high IQ level. You have a balance between thinking and creative thinking.certainly has a balance between organized thinking and more chaotic, creative thinking.

Now write the results in comments.

Was it an interesting test?

Did you learn something new about yourself?

Have you ever done some similar tests?


Marcin Mróz said…
My results were that I'm single-minded, outgoing, sociable and has artistic flair. I think in some degree this is true, but I don't know on what grounds this type of tests are based. Especially first question and its results are a mystery to me. I believe that everybody did this kind of test once, particularly the one with a girl is very popular on the internet.
Unknown said…
I'm not a professional psychologist and the tests that I picked up for you can only show an approximate result .This does not mean that is 100% true . I think it was interesting for you :)
Marcin Mróz said…
It's ok, I'm just curious what's the logic behind them, because I can't see any connection between choosing given female silhouette and being talented or having problems in life ;)
Unknown said…
This rotating girl is making me sick :) first rotating counter clockwise, then clockwise switching directions. However as i remember my IQ test i did in high school wasn't that high :)
It was quite fun, but if I have to be 100% honest and do not belive in test like those one above. I do not find myself as
very high IQ and that's what one of test's result said. Also I do not like idea of creating rally advance theory after simple image choosing or answering yes/no to something.
I've done a lot of test like that, mostly when I was younger. As I said, I do not find them very revealing. I may not see point of this tests, but I'm not saying that those tests are total garbage or are useless.
I'm more fan of a hard puzzle that makes me to think about it for hours.
Maybe that's not actual point of this article but I have idea (maybe it was already done) that there could be some hidden tests on some social networks, web apps or even games that could say if someone is potentially dangerous ( like terrorist or pedophile).
Unknown said…
okey , no problem :)
When I was studying at school, my teacher gave me interesting puzzle.
I think for you will be interested.
"I ask people at random if they have two children and also if one is a boy born on a Tuesday. After a long search I finally find someone who answers "yes". What is the probability that this person has two boys? Assume an equal chance of giving birth to either sex and an equal chance to giving birth on any day."
Unknown said…
I agree with. But I see all the time how she rotating clockwise.
But my friend sees that she rotating counterclockwise all the time.
It's really interesting... why :)
Anonymous said…
Oh basing on your test I'm realistic, easy-going and creative ;) That's nice!
It's was fun but I can't understand first question. On what we are basing here? Colors? Shapes of characters? It;s really strange.
I think everyone have ever tried this kind of tests.
Unknown said…
Yes! It was interesting test. I like such things. Human psychology is so exciting and I’m always interested. I often wonder how people can tell something about you basing on your answer in first test for example. It’s amazing.
Generally there is one thing about me that came to me as a surprise but the rest wasn’t new. Those were things that I’ve already know about me and this test just confirmed them.
I think that everybody had opportunity to do this kind of test, me also and even now such tests are common when you are on job interview.
The test was very interesting. I was curious about my "final score" during reading this.
The tests says, that I have a talent and I'm outgoing and sociable (I skipped the rotating girl test because I saw her many times on the Internet- so this could be considered as cheating :D)
During this test I realised that I choosed the 3rd lady because of her hairstyle- it looks old-fashioned to me. And hairstyles was the first thing I was looking at while guessing the age of these women. Funny observation.
I have done a lot of tests like this a few years ago. It was always interesting because you are curious is the test going to describe you right.
Unknown said…
basing on your the attitude and care :)
Unknown said…
I would pick red lady, I would help first injured man an lady is rotated both ways (but last one test is not objective, because I've seen it a lot)
I liked it! It was very different for what is presented here and it was fun to take part.
I like taking such tests - it is funny, sometimes after reading results (especially when someone you know takes same test) there is reaction like "True! How did they do that?"
Thank you for your article
Unknown said…
Tests show that I'm talented and impressionable. I don't believe in such tests. They are like horoscopes from newspapers. Someone made a decision that if I choose this girl I'm like this. I don't know how and where it comes from. I'm not interested in it.
Unknown said…
It was interesting test, but I find these on my facebook's feed every tenth post. I don't believe in the results of such tests and they also give divergent results. The most annoying are results, which content is very universal and always fits for any given data - like horoscopes. Therefore, I didn't learn anything new about myself. According to your third question, I did some pro psycho tests some tome ago and these were really good. They cost a lot, but I would still recommend to do some every 5 years to track your psycho changes.
Patryk Pohnke said…
I don't believe in such tests, especially when there is no explanation why this exact choice makes u such kind of person.
Such test are very common in social media. I enjoy solving online tests as long as they are not boring. It is just because you can't really tell if test is good or not until you solve it.
The test says that i have a talent, I'm easy-going and optimistic person who enjoys life and is not upstet by trifles and i have an artistic flair. By the way, i see the lady rotating clockwise and I'm wondering how some of us see her rotating counterclockwise. However, I still think that these tests says nothing about us :)
Yevhen Shymko said…
Honestly I don't believe even a bit in such tests. For me it's like horoscope where you get general information that can be applied to anyone. Im my opinion people are so unique that you cant simply put them in such a small categories it's much more complicated. It's like puzzle you can have a piece of everything but if you got another one it would change the whole picture.
Unknown said…
Allegrdly I have a talent, I am easy-going and use the right hemisphere of my brain, though I don't agree with the result. But as you wrote the results are approximate.
Yeah, the tests were interesting, I like doing it because I had a lot of them during studying at school

Your tests suggest that I have talent, I’m outgoing and artistic. Who would’ve thought? That was fun! I like those kind of tests, even though I’m not sure about science behind them, they make you ask questions like wow maybe I have some talents after all. xD
Foodocado said…
it's hard to believe for me that such tests can tell us who we are. the results might be correct in tens of percent. it's like fifty fifty the results will fit to us. Despite this it was really interesting article. Two of those tests I've already seen on facebook. The picture with rotating girl is quite famous. I used to be able to see both directions, now I can only see one.
Unknown said…
It's your opinion :)
If you don't like something like that, it's not a problem .
I made this post for some the people who will be interested :)
Thanks for your comment
Unknown said…
as I wrote in the post "I'm not a professional psychologist and the tests that I picked up for you can only show an approximate result!"
I told about that results maybe will be not true :)
Unknown said…
everyone has a talent, but need to find him :)
Filip Sawicki said…
Sometimes I think that these tests don’t show your personality, but idealized profile of who you’d want to become. I don’t believe in in-depth analysis of your identity just by a couple of pictures and questions. I haven’t learned anything new about myself, but a lot of falsely assigned features. I have done a lot of personality tests and none did manage to describe myself enough to say: “wow you decoded me”.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I do not think that psychological tests can show anything about ourselfs. Passing any such test there may be many coincidences, however, I believe it is impossible to show the character of a person basing on results of this test. I like to pass such tests, about once a year. According to the test I have talent but I still don`t know about it, easy-going and optimistic person who enjoys life and I have mathematical thinking.
This test was very similar to those I took in the past. I have made some tests on my classes in school. Sometimes it overlaps with my personality, but I have not learned nothing new about myself.
Unknown said…
I've took a lot of such tests at school. It is interesting, yeas. I can't say more. I find it funny to create different combinations of answers and observing the changes in final result. After a while, I've realized that these test can't tell me something that I don't know about myself.
Marcin Górski said…
It was interesting! I've never seen that personality test. The test says that I'm outgoing, sociable and have talent.
I remember that I have made similar tests in high school.
Alicja said…
The first test shows that I'm a single-minded individual and that I will achieve my goals. The second test result indicates that I'm a very impressionable and dreamy person and the third one that the rotating girl is definitely making me nauseous ;) (I think Kacper had a similar result :))

The tests were entertaining, thanks, but I would take their results with a grain of salt.

I have recently done a personality test for the project management course (ZPRO) in PJATK. As our homework, we were asked to take Belbin test, which is a behavioural test that attempts to assess your role in a team.
Haven't learned new stuff about myself but i had such a huge problem with choosing oldest lady ughhh. So i think it was still enjoyable if i have spent so much time thinking about it. But its more like i like logical tests etc becouse i don't really believe in those telling you about your personality.
Unknown said…
So, I'm single-minded and will achieve my goals; well-mannered and respectful of the traditions of the past; have an artistic flair.
I saw the girl from the third test before. And some years ago I saw her rotating and clockwise, and counterclockwise. But now I see only the first case. Does it mean that almost 4 years of studying programming made me more artistic person?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Yes, I like this kinda stuff.
I’m single-minded, outgoing, sociable and I’m likely to have a very high IQ level.
I do not know about this IQ level, cause I’ve never done any IQ tests before, but other results describe my personality.
Yes, I’ve done it few times - in work, etc. It’s fun ;).
Vyvyan said…
Personally, I don't believe in such tests but I was forced to do many of them in high school.

The tests results posted above:
talented, outgoing and sociable, mathematical thinking

I can't agree with the results in 100% but it was interesting
experience :).
Maciej Główka said…
My results where number 2 in first test, 1 in second and clockwise rotation. I would really like to achieve my goals as mentioned in first test. I think I can agree with second result. I'm a developer, so I thought I was rather scientific than artistic mind. However, some say that creating good applications is a sort of art, so maybe it is true ;).
Unknown said…
wow! what an interesting article! The test which you gave was really interesting. Some questions were tricky, for example I don't know what I would choose in situation number two. Unfortunately the question number one is strange. The result is hard for me to understand. The best question was number three.
seriously ?! WOW! I have to ask my friends about it!
Now I know I'm using the right hemisphere of my brain. So I have an artistic flair!
Yes, several times in the past I have solved tests like that, but I never treat them seriously. I usually did tests like that for fun. I didn't expect miracles from these tests.
That was very fun test to do, It said that I’m talented, outgoing, sociable, artistic (don’t really believe it but ok) and that I have a very high IQ. Although it’s really flattering, I don’t believe it. Those kind of tests base on Forer effect (also called Barnum effect, or horoscope effect). As Wikipedia describes it “The Forer effect is a specific example of the so-called "acceptance phenomenon", which describes the general tendency of humans "to accept almost any bogus personality feedback".”
You can read more about it here :
Test 1 - no idea
Test 2 - 3 (I think the guy who is about to fall and loose some teeth requires a more urgent aid, that an old lady attacking an office plant with her cane)
Test 3 - apparently I'm and artist :D

Although I do believe some such tests to hold merit, they obviously require some complexity to discourage people from cheating or manipulating outcomes. Furthermore, as any thing based on complex rules, they too require proper interpretation. Correlation does not equal causation. The fact two people received same scores in some test, does not necessarily mean they did so due to two identical sets of circumstances.
Unknown said…
Yeah, those are fun tests to do. Even though there might be no scientific evidence/research behind them.
Obviously blue lady is the oldest one. I've seen the dancing figure many times before.
i've got a test for you:
Unknown said…
Was it an interesting test?
Some kind yes, but not reliable in my opinion. I think the answers could depend from our emotional states. Also is easy to manipulate the results.
Did you learn something new about yourself?
I think not, but answers was close to the reality.
Have you ever done some similar tests?
Maybe when I was younger and explore the internet.
Personally I think those tests are quite pointless but in general interesting in some way. The most intriguing is definitely the third test. My results are that I'm single-minded, outgoing, sociable and have artistic flair. I guess it can be related with me, but still nothing new or specific.
Unknown said…
First test was fail, I got no idea, which girl would be the oldest :(

Second is false, because of me helping the injured guy and I'm not very sociable...

And rotating girl was changing the rotation while I was looking at the picture.

Did I broke the test? Is there any kind of reward for it? :) I don't like such tests, because many of them are not accurate in my case.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Human psychology is very interesting thing, I like tests like that. It seems that I have talend and I have to find him. Well, ok! will try!
Have you ever done some similar tests?
Actually I did it several times long time ago when I was exploring internet.
Zygmunt Z said…
Although I can say that the test is interesting, I can’t say that it perfectly matches my personality and I didn’t learn anything new about me. Maybe that is because you can’t describe person’s personality basing on a few simple tests, it is more advanced entity. I did a few similar tests out of clear curiosity but they ended with a similar effect like this one – nothing new.
Unknown said…
It is an interesting test. Unfortunately, it's interesting in a negative sense :P

I think it's unprecise and far-fetched. Three questions seem too little to specify ones character, I believe.

The third question is quite amusing, though. I mean the rotating lady. Sometimes I see her rotating in one direction and then it changes in a moment. Unfortunately, I don't feel like a genious because of that. I had to look at the gif for like a minute to see the change of rotation for the first time. Then it started to swap directions quite often :)

I've done similar tests in the past but I have never believed in their results. For me it's similar to old gypsy's tricks - it's done only for ones entertainment.
Magdalena Popek said…
It turns out I'm single-minded, sociable and have very high IQ with a balance between organized thinking and more chaotic, creative thinking. Uhm, okay. I'm sociable only when it comes to people I know. When I have to meet something new - I'm out. I'd rather stay home. I didn't learn anything new about myself and I doubt the results. I don't like such tests, because they are like horoscopes - everyone will find something for themself so the answer is always, even partially, true.
Unknown said…
I have found out that I am a genius, talented and sociable. Heh, this is an awesome combo. I've gone through a lot of tests on the Internet, but finally I have understood that this is just a joke. Maybe and these are? I really liked the Socionic's test. Try it:).
Wojtek Protasik said…
I've done some tests on the web. I like to learn about people so these things are always interesting for me. Can't say that very useful but still I like them.

What caught my attention was the last test. I originally see saw her turning clockwise but then it's not so hard to see the opposite but it takes some time. I wonder how our brains work in everyday's life. Ho many times do we do such context switching? Is it worth and possible to develop significantly parts of your brain?
I got 2x 3 and girl rotating left, I agree with all of those points, it's awesome. I'm shocked how much can be said about ourselves from those simple choices, psychology is truly a work of art. Thank you for interesting presentation!
Marta Kowalczyk said…
I am very sceptical of such tests - to me they are about as trustworthy as horoscope. I have done similar ones with friends for fun couple of times but I never believed a single one. For example - according to one of above tests I am an outgoing person, according to another I'm artistic. None of that is true.
Unknown said…
It was really interesting for me, I could learn something new about me and accept my suppositions.
I didn't know anything new, but I think that the first task lets me believe that I am really single-minded person, last time I was thinking over it and now I can agree wit it.
I have just done it, but only once. I believe that every person is different and such tests are generally too.
This test was a great idea! It was fun to do and to know something new about myself. From the first question it turns out that I have a talent. I'm just not sure what kind of talent i can have as for now, so i have to think about it. The second test shows that I'm a sociable person and people loves me, what I guess is true and I can agree with that. The last test leads to conclusion that I have artistic flair. It's courious that two tests have proved that i am a talented person. This task lift my spirits a little bit so thank you very much! In the past I haven's done similar test, because I didn't believe that results can be valuable for me.
Ok I have chosen:
Girl number three.
The old lady.
Both ways depens on which eye I close.

I studied psychology as a free listener at my first studies so these are known facts. Also love stuff concerning Mentalists.
Something new learnt as everyday especially after reading the description :)
KamilG said…
Finally, on this website appeared an unusual article :).
I solved the test and results showed that I'm a determined person and also a dreamer with ... mathematical mind.
Something didn't work out since one result was a little different from the another. Overall, I'm not a fan of this kind of tests. I don't think it should be taken seriously, because
human nature is so complicated that any simple test could show all its complexity.
Recently I have stopped solving such tests, because I don't believe the results they show
Unknown said…
I've already seen these tests on the Internet, that's why it wasn't new for me. I really wonder what is the explanation and who wrote these texts about personality. I enjoy the Luscher's color test, where the test-taker chooses the card color they like best and then orders the rest from most-preferred to lease-preferred.Luscher argues that the subject's choice of color shows the state of their psychosomatic and emotional status and how they feel about themselves. I have tried it a few times and it was almost saying the truth. So I recommend you to try it too.
Tomasz Morawski said…
Doing tests like that are fun, especially when you are comparing the results with others but they are quite useless for me, as I don't believe you can assess person so easily. Another problem I can see with them is that they are too general and most of the time you can link the result to yourself, since people behave differently in different situations.
BTW: I have talent, high IQ and I'm well-mannered.
Unknown said…
Thank you, really interesting test :)

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