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Week 8 [14-20.12.20] Fast foods - are they really that bad?




Fast foods  - are they really that bad?


Fast food is present in most of people life, some people even eat fast food on daily basis. The number of fast food restaurants is growing incredibly fast. Let’s have a look at some statistics

  • Most Americans eat fast food 1-3 times a week.
  • People ages 20-39 years old eat the most fast food on any given day.
  • 34% of children eat fast food on any given day.
  • McDonald’s is still the most popular fast food restaurant with $130.4 Billion spent there worldwide in 2019.
  • Fast food consumption increases 2.2% every year.

Data provided by

United States of America seemed to be a bastion of fast food several years ago. Nowadays situation is a bit different, and the gap in fast food popularity between USA and other countries is becoming more narrow than ever. In these days and age most of us are in hurry and simply sometimes doesn’t have enough time for all planned activities. Often when we are in hurry some of us choose to stop in nearest fast food restaurant and eat something quickly – also the locations of fast foods are pretty convenient for busy people – city centers, train stations etc. According to provided statistics and the fact of huge fast food popularity many articles, tv programs etc. were made, mainly to point out fast foods negative health effects.  Moving to the topic – are they really that bad as described?



Of course, we can’t deny some science facts based on data collected for many years, such as 

  • Increased cholesterol level
  • Increased risk of hearth connected diseases
  •  Blood sugar spikes
  • Increased blood pressure

·         And many more…

But also they do not apply to all of fast food. Looking from a different perspective they can have some advantages in particular situations, such as 

  • It’s a quick meal, when we have no time or are in hurry, its convenient
  •  Fast food industry usually gives a large economic boost to the local communities
  • It’s affordable for average person in most cases
  • Usually the nutrition informations of each product is provided

Also in health terms, you don’t have to choose some let’s say ordinary fast food – nowadays competition on the food sector is increasing, and also people are more aware about their health. As a result some companies try to offer more healthy “types” of fast food, but unfortunately it’s not always as cheap as ordinary ones.


1.       What’s your opinion about fast food?

2.       Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

3.       Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?



Sources and some additional informations


Images used in article


How do we define what a fast-food is? Do we only count large, global chains, or does something like a hot-dog stand or a kebab diner count too? Large chains are, for the most part, a blight upon society. The only reason their unfair advantage of massive capital reserves and decades upon decades of building brand recognition worldwide isn't making local diners go bankrupt is due to their food being so utterly bad. Made from low-quality foodstuffs (often sourced unethically), using cooking methods and recipes which focus on being fast and logistically efficient instead of having any culinary value, and for places such as Poland - usually badly overpriced. While it may be true that McDonalds is the affordable and cheap option in the US, in Poland I can get far more for far less at the local kebab place.

Speaking of kebab, I'm actually rather fond of how popular it's become in Poland. Most of the diners are locally-owned and don't bleed capital abroad into the pockets of gigantic megacorporations, and the food is actually good and usually offered at a better price. Importantly, it's quick to prepare and I think as such qualifies as a fast food, perhaps the only good one in fact. I used to eat kebab fairly regularly, but since the lockdown I've had to sadly abandon this habit. There's this one kebab diner owned by a turkish immigrant reasonably close to where I live where I've been going for the past six years or so. They offer large quantities of food for reasonable prices, use high quality meat and spices, and always throw in a large salad free of charge. I'm rather fond of them, and quite happy to see that they appear to be doing alright during the pandemic thanks to their delivery service (which sadly doesn't reach my home).
Karol Michalak said…
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?
Sadly, I like them too much. Don't get me wrong I like to cook at home I even did this on daily basis, but I get borred by everyday meals. I like to cook some fun stuff and no ordinary chicken breast with fries for example. That said cooking takes more time by this and everyone lacks time these years. And fast food especially with delivery is very convenient.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
I eat it 2 times a week, depending on various stuff. If I am in journey I eat it more as you usually lack time to eat something good. And they're everywhere.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
Subway, Salad Story and North Fish actually have some healthier stuff then the rest with abundance of vegetables in their menu and lack of deep fried meals makes a good alternative to the rest.
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

I'm a bigger fan of healthy food than fast food but I agree that sometimes it's convenient. If I have to decide for this type of meal I try to choose "the most healthy" food in the range of fast food. Pizza Hut or Subway are littlier sin than McDonald for me. Additionally, after meals from McDonald I feel really sick, so I try to avoid it. Adding whole the gossips about McDonald I prefer to be hungry than eat there anything more than fries.   

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

How I wrote in above answer, I do it rarely. "Lighter" fast foods are fine, but after meals from McDonald I often feel sick. 

3.       Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

I hope it's Subway, my favorite fast food. Ingredients always look fresh, vegetables are not possible to refrigerate, melt and refrigerate again and higher price should provide higher quality. 
Palina H said…
1. I believe in a balanced lifestyle. Also, I think that food is just fuel to keep our bodies going. So with that being said, my opinion on fust food is neutral. Sometimes it's convenient, others it's just a craving we might get and I see no point in restricting cravings. Personally, I do prefer to eat a healthy well-balanced diet as that just something that makes me feel good and provides proper nutrition for my body.

2. Not really, I'm rarely getting a craving for it(like twice a year maybe😅). In the past couple of years, I've read quite a lot about nutrition and how it affects our health. So 99% of the time I would rather eat something that will make me feel good and bring proper vitamins and minerals into my body.

3. Well, right now there's a trend on living healthy so people are paying more attention to what they eat. Fast-food chains were forced to keep up with this trend in order to preserve as many clients as possible. Just compare McDonald's menu 10 years ago and now. They offer quite a few healthier options nowadays. Like salads, different wraps, yogurts, pieces of fruit become an option in Happy meals. Even how they advertise their products have changed. Now the main focus is on using fresh ingredients. And we can see this happening not only with McDonald's but other chains too. So actually, I believe that you can get a healthy meal almost everywhere if you just pay a bit more attention to the options you have available.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1.What’s your opinion about fast food?
My opinion is that fast food is tasty, hearty but, unfortunately not good for our health as a regular meal.
The great advantage of fast food and the reason why it is so popular is saving time and money. Also, some of my friends have worked at McDonald's in different cities and countries. And all of them emphasizes cleanliness and strict rules there. And as I am a fastidious person, I prefer to take something there instead of unknown restaurants.

2.Have ever eaten some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
Of course, like almost all here I have eaten fast food. I allow myself to eat junk food when I want for pleasure. It can be once a week or once a month. I try not to make diets/limits in food because I think it often has negative results in the way of overeating. Also, when something is forbidden, you want to try it anyway.

3.Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
I will also name Salad Story and North Fish. The last one is my favourite because I like fish, and there are not so many fast-food restaurants which cook it.
Also, I agree with the previous comment, that nowadays fast-food try to follow the trend of a healthy lifestyle and add to the menus salads and wraps.
Olga Przytula said…
What’s your opinion about fast food? Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

When I was a kid, and it was somehow “in fashion” my dad used to take my brother and me to McDonalds as some sort of a treat. It was mainly caused by the fact, that takeaway foods were not a thing back then, and my dad was unable to prepare something edible apart from a sandwich witch cheese. I don’t think that it was something worth approving, but on the other hand I can understand it, as back then no one talked about health hazards caused by fast foods. Luckily, we were active kids, and it did not affect our weight or health.
Nowadays I don’t eat at fast foods at all, apart from McFlurry ice-cream from McDonalds, which are my guilty pleasure from time to time. I do try to eat healthy meals and limit meat, plus I think my body feels quite heavy after this kind of dishes, which in my opinion suggests it’s a bad nutritional choice.

Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

The first thought that came to mind considering this topic was a restaurant called “Krowarzywa”. It’s a small restaurant chain known mainly from their vegetarian (or probably even vegan now) burgers. As they are a small company and are paying a close attention to ingredients used, I think they may be considered a heathier replacement for fast foods in general. I hope this counts :D
Interesting presentation. Answering your questions:

1. I like fast food a lot, but on the other hand, I know that it is unhealthy and I try to limit my consumption.

2. Honestly, I eat fast food on a regular basis. I don't have time to cook.

3. I don't think I know of any restaurants that offer healthier fast food based on higher quality / healthier ingredients.
Saloni Nayi said…
All of us know that fast food usually isn't very healthy. A lot of salt and fat is contained in burgers and chips, both of which can lead to health problems when eaten in large quantities. Calories are another issue. Fast food offers fast, convenient, pocket-friendly and delicious food products to suit individuals' busy lifestyles. That's why we get attract towards it,but it is not healthy we aware with it. So just try not to eat too much of it, and if you are not hungry, definitely do not eat junk food.

Yes, ofcourse I have eaten fast food. Whenever I go out with my friends I choose to go for fast food even in gettogether also I offer some chips, bread, fries etc.. But I am not fond of it .Fast food is not my daily needs .It is good attraction no matter but it is not healthy and it take time digest. So I choose stay away from dehydrated food.

I came to know with some franchises like Salad Story and Wrap Me they provide tortillas or bowl full of healthy, green and fresh vegetables. They decorate it with some sos and some salt and black paper and it is delicious. They do not change the quality and the real smell of the vegetables. I have tested one Wrap Me wrap they add some sos some vegetables like Cabbage, Onion, Carrot,and some Spinach make it grill, serve it with black paper and salt and it is ready to eat. It looks so colorful, Tasty and also it is reasonable. There must be other restaurants also but now I recall about these two so I named it:)

1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

Oh, I love fast food! I have this advantage that I don't gain a lot of weight, so I end up eating a lot of unhealthy food, and Mc Donald's food is on my number 1 spot when it comes to ordering food. I'm really into chicken nuggets and chicken burgers, I just can't help myself.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

I don't think that there's anyone who hasn't tried it actually. I used to eat it regularly once a week, but now since I spent all my days at home, I've started to eat more homemade food, which is better I guess.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

I think that there are some restaurants like this, but they are usually pretty pricey, so I don't really remember how are they called. I just think that I saw something like this in some shopping mall.
Viktor Ryś said…
I never really liked it as a child, and still dislike major fast food chains like
mcdonalds, kfc, pizza hat or kebab king. I think that they are okay, when abroad and we don't want to risk food poisoning if all other places seem sketchy. Also when in a hury or in transit they are also okay, but eating there is far from good.

Yes, I eaten fast food as most people below the age of 80. I think I eat a fast food
based food (w/ better ingredients) quite often like once a week, but try to avoid food chains, so I'm in them a few time a year.

I like pasibus, they offer burgers that seem to be made from better ingredients, not sure however about their healthiness.
FilipJatelnicki said…
What’s your opinion about fast food?
It depends on, how do we define fast food.
It is obvious for any that food chains like McDonald of KFC are fast food companies. They focus on earnings, low cost, cheap ingredients and good (often addictive) taste.
I try to avoid eating in such restaurants as I try to be healthy.

Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
I don't eat it regularly. Only if there is a need and it is very rare, mostly during trips.

Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
I don't think I do. I haven't checked if it true but I heard that Max Burgers are healthier than McDonald's but I would have to check it.

I'm happy that fast foods restaurants are introducing more vegetarian and vegan options!
Kacper N said…
Thanks for all of your comments, I really appreciate the fact, that my article was interesting for you.

Tadeusz Pawlonka,
I think fast food definition is a bit too general. All of the small loccal businesses and the giant global chains are in the same category. In my article I wanted to consider all of the options, and compare the let's say huge players in the market like McDonald's, KFC and other with some local ones, which probably offer more healthly food. I also agree with that statement that the prices of fast food in Poland are a bit too high. As a result there are some alternatives to consider, before choosing what to eat. According to the last part of your comment, I'm not a big fan of kebab and unfortunately, almost never have eaten it, and cannot relate to your statement. Thank you for taking part in discussion.
Kacper N said…
Karol Michalak,
I understand your attitude. As I written in the article, time is the key factor now and so much people tend to choose to faster and more convenient meals. I think personally belong to that group.

According to your second answer - What is your most favourite fast food when you are in journey?

I was once in Subway, it was quite good, but never had heard about the other two ones. I need to try it for sure, thanks for reccomendation.
Kacper N said…
Milena Dziełakowska,

Thanks you for the particiaption in discussion, I agree with the statement about Pizza Hut, I also really like it, and it seems to be a bit more reasonable choise than the others. I also appreciate the fact that you have such a strong will, for me it is sometimes hard to resist the tempation when walking near some restaruants.

As I wrote before, responding to the Karol answer, I was once in Subway - it's quite nice place to eat in, and the quality of meals are satisfying. I'm quite unhappy about the fact that Subway is not so pupular in our country, and are present only in bigger cities.

Kacper N said…
Palina H,
Good point, eating different types of meals in reasonable proportions usually is the best way. Even when we decide sometimes to eat soething less healthly for example one time in a month it's not the end of the world especially if we try to eat healthly on daily basis.

According to your last answer - have you ever been in a such restaurant that offers mostly more healthly food (considered still as a fast food)? Can you recommend something to us :)?

Kacper N said…
Anastasiia Bida,

I have also heard about cleanliness and strict rules in McDonald's - and beside that is maybe not the best restauration to choose from when we want something healthlyto it, that speaks well for this restaurant. And I also agree with that statement, that trying something new from the small not quite popular restaurants is a bit risky. Sadly It happened to me a few times. At least it is quite good, that we there are such standards in bigger fast foods, and we should expect similiar quality in every restaurant.

Salad Story and North Fish - Karol Michalak also recommended this restaurants. I think they must be good, if so many people recommends them. Have to try it

Kacper N said…
Olga Przytula,

Thanks for your participation, I have never heard about "Krowarzywa” restaurant. After checking their site, they seem to be reasoanble choice, especially that there is one restaurant near to the place where I'm currently living. Need to check it as fast as possible :)
Kacper N said…
Igor Goryszewski,

Thanks for your response, according to your answers - what is your favourite fast food restaurant when you have to order something to eat quickly? And if you have such a favourite restaurant, can you justify your choice?
Kacper N said…
Saloni Nayi,

I think your approach is reasonable. If we have some sort of limits, and not eat too much of fast food, it is acceptable, and maybe not so bad for us.

Thank you for your recommendations - Salad Story and Wrap Me are added to my list of restaurants which I need to try.
Kacper N said…
Kinga Kwiatkowska,

Thanks for response, I think we are in the same team - I'm also a person who not gain weight so fast, as a result I'm not afraid of being obese. Anyway I try to limit fast food in my life.
Kacper N said…
Viktor Ryś,

Thank you for your reccomendation - I must admit that I never heard about "Pasibus" - can you tell us more about that restaurant?
Kacper N said…
Filip Jatelnicki,

I'm also happy that more and more fast food restaurants are introducing more vegetarian and vegan options. When most of the global fast food chains were opening many years ago in our country - the choice of meals was quite limited, and it was a bit hard to find something more healthly. But nowadays times changed, and I'm quite happy that current menus have a lof ot new positions.
Kacper N said…
I also want to encourage all of you to take part in discussion in my second article :) Maybe the topic is quite different, but I hope it would be attractive for you.

1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

In my case it's a love/hate relationship. I am one of those people who like to eat junk food from time to time and I think that there is nothing wrong with an unhealthy meal. Those cheat meals should be rare but I don't think that they should be banned. I could say the same thing about the alcohol. It is something that should under no circumstanes be overdosed but a little bit of it while having fun with your friends is something which gives a lot of pleasure.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

Of course I have eaten fast food. Throughout the years I was able to make up my mind about how much junk food is too much and I am pretty much satisfied. I do not always follow my own rules and sometimes I find myself ordering fast food more frequently than once a week but I am aware of the fact that having such meal more often than once a month is not a good habit

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

There are many of such places because they became much more popular lately. Eating healthy and competing with others about whose diet is the most healthy became a thing few years ago so places with healthy food had to catch this opportunity. I am not their best customer but I know that places like Krowarzywa or Salad Story are popular.
1. I'm not going to lie - I like fast foods a lot. You can choose from a variety of options (vege, beef, chicken, etc.) and get your meal fast. Restaurants have extremely strict norms, so you can be sure that the ingredients are fresh.

2. I eat fast-foods a few times a week. Unfortunately, it's getting more and more expensive, but with coupons, you can get a big meal for a reasonable price.

3. I think that Northfish is considered as one of the healthy fast-foods. Their fish burgers are really tasty. I would also count Subway, because they don't have (or at least little) fried things.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. I know fast food is not healthy, but I like to eat kebabs or chicken wings from time to time.
2. I mainly eat fast food at parties or after when I have a hangover. My friends and I are very often hungry at parties and we order food for delivery.
3. I know various restaurants serving food equated to fast food, e.g. a burger, but serving much better quality food and at an adequate price, but the cooking time is much longer, which in my opinion can no longer be called fast food.
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?
My opinion is that I like them but they’re very unhealthy and you can get fat from them very quickly.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
There was a time when I ate fast food everyday. Nowadays it is once a week at most.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
I have never looked closely into it. I don’t know
That's a very informative article! I think fast food is a tasty option for a quick bite when you don't have time to prepare a meal yourself, or you'd rather eat something better (in terms of flavor and taste) than some cookies, croissants, or other confectionery from a bakery.
I'm not gonna lie, I very much like most fast foods. I find some of them too expensive for what portions they provide, some are better, and so on. Nowadays I probably eat it too much, once to twice a week. I used to eat it far less than that, probably every other month. I wish I had the time and motivation to cook my own food for every day, but it's hard to say no when everyone at work is ordering food with coupons and discounts.
I suppose Salad Story is a healthier option. I never tried it though. I dare to say Subway is healthier than other fast foods that offer deep fried chicken and fries, for example.
Maciej Karnicki said…
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

I could eat in fast food restaurants everyday if it wasn't so unhealthy and money-consuming. It's very convenient not to have to cook on your own.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

I try to limit the amount of junk food in my diet but I still eat it once in a while, I just can't help it.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

Kebab or chinese food are my go to food if I want to eat something in between fast and healthy food.
1. In my opinion fast food is nothing more than just a serving technique. Restaurateurs have some sort of plan and try to get their customers a meal that is not necessarily unhealthy as fast as possible.

2. Personally, I eat a lot of fast food and it is related to my lifestyle. I am often in a rush and do not have time to prepare meals. When I go to work or university, I buy something along the way.

3. I think SubWay is such a restaurant. The bread is baked on site, the ingredients are visible to the customers and always look very fresh. There is nothing unhealthy there, except in some bizarre sauces.
Kacper N said…
Piotr Malanowski,
Thanks for your response. I agree with your statement, that such type of food should not be banned. Like almost every meal/drink the responsibility is one of the most important factors, and person who decide to eat such a meal should be responsible of his/her choices and have some limits while eating.

Another points for Krowarzywa and Salad Story :)
Maciej Antonik said…
1. Fast food can be healthy. The kind of fast food that bothers me is fast food that is unhealthy. This type of food has an even worse effect on the body than most people think. In my opinion, this type of food should be an occasional addition, not a basic diet meal. People should avoid eating unhealthy things on a regular basis.

2. Every now and then I like to eat a burger or pizza. Besides, I try to eat healthy. Now, when there is a pandemic and I spend more time at home than in the city, it is much easier. Earlier, when I spent more time in the city, I didn't always have time for a wholesome meal and I had to eat something quick at eg McDonald's.

3. Olimp restaurants. Most of the things you can put on are ready and warm. I highly recommend them, one of the coolest alternatives available in the city. You pay for food based on the weight of what you put on yourself. So the price depends on our needs and our hunger. In addition, the prices are fairly fair. I paid 22 zlotys for a really huge dinner.
Kacper N said…
Jędrzej Kowalczyk,

I agree that fast foods is getting more and more expensive. Sometimes ordering without any reasonable coupons is simply not worth it. According to the fact that you eat fast food a few times per week - what is your favourite fast food restarurant? Could you justify your choice if you have such a favourite one?
Kacper N said…
Maciej Karnicki,
Thanks for your participation in discussion. I understand your approach, mine is almost the same. "It's very convenient not to have to cook on your own" - thats the key. According to your last answer - can you recommend any good restaurant with chinese food? I think your comment is the first one mentioning something beetween fast food and let's say "typical" meals.
Anna Żak said…
I'm not a big fan of fast food and I could definitely live without it. I try to eat healthy, not so fatty and with the right amount of vegetables. Usually I also give up meat. When I need to leave the house for the entire day, my first choice will always be to prepare something to eat at home and take it with me in a box.

Even so, I sometimes eat fast food. When I'm busy and I move around the city a lot. It's convenient to enter a restaurant, sit in a quiet place for a few minutes and have a quick meal. Of course, since I study and work remotely, I don't have too many opportunities to do so.

When I want to eat something healthy, I try to prepare it at home or I choose a restaurant where I don't care so much about time. Choosing fast food is a last resort for me. When returning with friends after the party, no one thinks about whether what we eat is healthy.
olga jaroń said…
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?
I'm not a big fan of fast food. I prefer light food and most of fast food restaurants serve dishes that are greasy and fat. I eat it occasionally, but mostly I try to stay away from it.
2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
I eat it from time to time, mostly when there is no other food option. I used to eat it often when I was a child. Now that I barely eat any fast food I can tell how much my health has improved and I don't think I will ever go back to eating fast food.
3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
I think that almost any non-chain restaurant provides customers with high quality dishes. Those restaurants serve meals prepared mostly on their own and not pre-made by big corporations. Of course, there will always be unhealthy dishes no matter the place, but it's quite easy to avoid them by choosing healthier options.
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

I really try to avoid fast food, because I believe it is really bad for every human being that eats it on regular basis. I actually had an opportunity to live in the USA for a year and the amount of people that eat junk food every day is enormous. I think that in this article the discussion is more about junk food than fast food, as there are many restaurants even in Poland like “Green It” that provide healthy food in short amount of time. So, the junk food not only is unhealthy, but also it negatively changes your everyday live as you are often tired, do not have energy to complete some tasks and very often you are just unhappy with your live. Your skin is getting worse and overall, your health is really damaged if you eat junk food on regular basis.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

As much as I would love to say that I have never eaten fast food, I really believe that almost every single human being that has access to fast food has eaten eat a couple of times. Nowadays, it is extraordinary popular and sometimes if you are very hungry not only it is very cheap but is easily accessible. When you come back from work or university or you are hungry after party, very often it is the easiest and the fastest option to just eat something quickly. However, in my case I do not eat it on regular basis, I eat it maybe twice a month, sometimes I order pizza hut on Friday night or I eat McDonalds after party

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
I actually know a couple of restaurants, that provide healthy fast food. I mentioned “Green It” in my previous comment. I used to eat there sometimes as it is quite healthy. You can order a salad or a spinach wrap, it is made very quickly, and it tastes quite good. There is also “Salad Story” that is quite the same as “Green It” and is also available on Uber Eats.
Leya Chechyk said…
1. I believe it’s a fine solution when you absolutely have no time to cook and at the same time you are in a place when you don’t have any other options. Most of the times fast food is just comfort food. The truth is, if I was lost somewhere in India and was hungry, I would choose McDonalds as the possibility to get sick there is smaller in comparison with local food consumption. This is not about problems with hygiene in India, but about me, who could be possibly not got acquainted with the shole list of allergens in local traditional food.

2. I eat it 2-3 times a month, I guess. It really depends on my schedule and how busy or frustrated I am. I must confess that I am crazy about drwala burger at McDonald’s. I have already eaten it 3 times this month…I am really going to miss it, it’s a true love

3.I guess a price is good measure to detect a possibility that this concrete fast food is high quality. Also, vegan fast food is also a healthier option that a traditional one. I like Krowarzywa, especially their tofu. my opinion, fast food is unhealthy and has a negative impact on our health. They contain a lot of fat and calories, the excess of which leads to overweight and do not contain enough nutrients, which makes our overall health deteriorate.
2.In situations when I am on the road or need a quick meal, I use fast food as much as possible, although I try to avoid such situations because I try to take care of my health and fitness.
3. I think that one of such fast food is Subway. Not many people will agree with me, although for me fast food is simply fast food, which includes these restaurants. There are also milk bars where you can buy both unhealthy things like fries and burgers, but you can buy healthy homemade dinners or soups. This is a place where you can simply get a quick meal that is healthier than for example McDonald’s or KFC.
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?
I like fast food, and I eat it regularly. I think it is very convenient and cheap, I don't like to cook that's why I am just ordering food.
Usually fast food is very fat and has many calories, but generally I am eating once a day usually in the evening, so it is okay for me.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
Yes as I mentioned I eat it regularly, it is very convenient. I am ordering food and it will be delivered in an hour.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
I don't know, I have never thought about healthy fast food, but it is a good point.
Jan Bryński said…
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

I like to think about fast foods as a symbol of the modern society. It stands for modern human being's fast-paced life with no room to stop and take care of themself. The idea of fast food industry as a money-making machine that takes no health into account is repulsive. However it's not the whole picture. Ability to quickly grab something to eat has saved me couple of times and I enjoyed it.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

I am a fan of food prepared at home, but once in a while I go for some fast food.I try
to stay away from large fast food chains, so I usually choose traditional cuisine.
I used to eat fast foods regularly but a while ago I started to feel that it's not for me and I want to do something for my health.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

I think that most of local fast food restaurants offer higher quality meals that fast food chains.
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?
I believe that fast food certainly does not belong to healthy food. However, I think that you can eat everything but in moderation. Personally, I very rarely eat this type of food, because I don't like to eat ready-made food that is greasy. Personally, I still try to avoid fast food.
2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
Of course, I have eaten fast food and it was quite often during middle school. However, with age, I noticed that this type of food does not affect my health and well-being well and I prefer not to poison my body with unhealthy food.
3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
Yes, and I must admit that despite the fact that this restaurant is considered to be one of the restaurants that serve 'fast food' dishes, it is still probably the 'healthiest' fast food I know. I mean a restaurant called "North Fish", which contains mainly fish in its menu and very tasty and surprisingly healthy additions such as rice, boiled vegetables or groats. What is interesting is the fact that "North Fish" is a chain of restaurants that have been established in Poland.
Jakub Dzień said…
1.What’s your opinion about fast food?

I don't find fast food restaurants as the best places where you can eat on the daily basis, but they are usually in the very convenient places. During the working week, time is priceless and fast food restaurants are usually within a walking range.

2.Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

I occasionally eat in fast food restaurants, but I try my best to choose those healthy ones. You can find fast food places, which use healthy and fresh products that are actually good for you. Those situations usually happen when I forgot to or I am to last to prepare my own lunch to work.

3.Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

One of the fast food restaurants that provide higher quality products is Krowarzywa at Warsaw. You can find there healthy vegan burgers and smoothies, that are delicious and full of vitamins.
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

I like it, even despite its flaws. Nowadays people live in rush, so easy and fast dishes are ideal for them. They can easy buy some kind of sandwich, grab it and go for work/meeting or something like that. I think that fast foods is popular additionally by this, that they are good places to meet someone. For example I was often meeting my friends when I was in middle school.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

Of course I have eaten fast food already. As the old proverb says, enough is enough, so I am trying not to exaggerate with it. Mainly I eat fast food during meetings with my friends, because late at night when we are hungry there are not a lot of possibilities to choose from. Sometimes I eat junk food when I meet my brother and father too, because often our meetings are short and we want to eat something fast.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

Unfortunately not, I have never met with place like this, but I will try to find out if there are some places around me. Maybe Subway could be named "healthy fast food", but I eat their sandwiches rare.
Ania Rzeczyca said…
1. I don’t like typical fast food. I don’t like its taste, smell and feeling after eating it. I suppose I might be sensitive on chemical ingredients in it. I always feel stomach ache long time after eating something from Mc Donald or KFC. But I like salad story. It is fast food as well so not all of them are that bad.

2. Eating in those places aren’t something ordinary for me. If I eat downtown I choose restaurants with lunch offer. Those taste better and climate are nicer. Also lunch offer isn’t that expensive. And I can’t say, health reasons of this solution is also important for me. I know that fast food places usually have very strict sanitary rules, but I still trust more nice restaurants.

3. I suppose salad story may be better one as a fast food. Maybe subway, the order with a lot of vegetables and no bun. I don’t know. I will be looking for something new. Maybe I will find some place nice. And cheap of course.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?
It's convinient and rather cheap way to get something to eat when you have no time to preapare a meal yourself, you just have to keep in mind that it's usually not healthy.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
When I know that I won't have time to preapare a meal myself, I grab some fast food to go on my way home. Besides that, I rarely eat fast food.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
I would say northfish is on the healthier side of fast food restaurants. I will also mention salad story, but it's quite pricey, so I usually find someplace else to eat.
1.       What’s your opinion about fast food?

Nowadays there is a huge variety of fast foods. Even when I was a child there were just a few big companies in Poland, like McDonalds or KFC. These days the selection is wider. I can’t say that fast food is something bad, even if I know that mostly this kind of food is way worse than homemade one. I would lie if I said that I never eat it, but I try not to eat it too often. From my experience I know that sometimes this is the only option to eat during the day. But nowadays fast food doesn’t have to be that unhealthy as we all think. In my opinion there is a big difference between food from for example McDonalds, which is widely known for its bad quality ingredients, and for example falafel or kebab restaurants which can serve very good food based on good ingredients.

2.       Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

I used to eat more fast food when I was younger, especially when I was in middle and high school. I had a lot of extracurricular classes and I didn’t have time to eat at my home. Later I started to prepare lunchboxes for the next day as soon as I noticed how much money I spend on food. Now I eat less fast food and try to cook more often.

3.       Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

There was a restaurant in Warsaw City centre called „KIKFIT Bar” which served healthy fast food. You could eat there some healthy dishes, which were prepared in a short time, but I don’t know if it still exists. There is also a restaurant chain called „Bejrut” with a very good falafel prepared from high quality ingredients.
Marek Parr said…
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

Obviously, fast-food is not a healthy food, but I don't think that they are as bad as we think they are. I think that fas-food in the EU is way better that the same fast-food in US, because of various regulations that are more strict in the EU. Also, there is a big difference between e.g. kebab and McDonald's. I think that if you don't eat it everyday then everything is fine.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

Before the pandemic, I ate fast food regularly several times a week, but now I eat it less than once a week.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

There is one restaurant chain that comes to my mind and it's Subway. I think that it's one of the most healthy fast-food chain. Other than that I think that kebab is a good choice if you want to eat fast and (relatively) healthy, provided that they are using high quality ingredients.
Paweł Misiejko said…
What’s your opinion about fast food?
Fast foods are everywhere, it is a great chance to eat something what is even tasty very quickly. I think everybody eats fast foods more or less often. From time to time it is good way to satisfy hunger. In my opinion it is not healthy. I highly recommend everybody to cook on their own, i know, it tooks much more time, but it is much healthier and satisfying.

Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
From time to time. As i said, i prefer to cook on my own. When i was younger, i used to eat much more fast food. Nowadays, i do it more sensibly. I try to eat more healthy, exercise regularly, stay hydrated. As a result i feel much better.

Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
I would say SubWay, at least i know what ingredients are inside, moreover i can notice if vegetables are fresh. Of course, doing sandwiches on your own is much better. SubWay is one of my favourite fast foods.
I believe that everything in the world depends on proportions. I do not think that eating fast food once a week is unhealthy.
Anything too much is unhealthy. For example, you cannot drink too much water because it can lead to kidney failure and swelling of the internal organs.
When we have too little time to prepare and eat a meal - fast food can turn out to be healthier because shorter preparation time increases the time of consumption, and as you know, a person should not rush while eating.
For some time I had a problem with eating fast food too often. The reason was laziness. I preferred to order the food for transportation than prepare the meal myself. Fortunately, there is no more such food as I used to, I try to eat healthily. But as I wrote above - once a week you can eat less healthy food.
Salad Story serves fast, healthy meals, which stand out from other restaurants. I think Subway is not as unhealthy as McDonald's or KFC either.
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

I dont considere fast foods healthy in any way but i do like eat them from time to time because they are usually very tasty. Lately i find one that i really like and eat in it far too often. Its called Max Premium Burgers and they have huge offer of vegetarian burgers which are greate. And also i really like the fries and the fact that you can order fries with souce like cheesy sos which is greate.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

I wouldnt considere it regularly but a few times a month (2-3). Sometimes less sometimes more. It depend.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

Subway offers a lot of vegetables to theirs sundwiches which is pretty nice. I really like subway but i have not have any near my flat so i dont eat it very often. But it is very good and i think we can considere it healthy.
Agnieszka Duda said…
I think we all know that fast food is not very healthy. It is usually high in calories, mainly from fat and simple sugars, and it also contains a lot of salt, all of which can lead to health problems when eaten in large amounts.
To be honest I'm not very proud of my eating habits, so yeah, I usually visit KFC/Kebab/burgers/gas stations to pick up a hot dog at least once a week.
I think fast food should not be eaten very often at all, but of course once in a while is not going to hurt you much in the long run.
"Enjoy the pleasures of life, but in moderation" - I think this phrase ideally sums up my opinion on fast food.
When it comes to more healthy fast foods, I can highly recommend Gemuse Kebab in Hala Gwardii and widely known Subway.
In my opinion fast food have some strengths and weaknesses. Plus point about fast food is that when you don't have time to make food or go to better place is the best option to eat, you don't have risk that something poison you because fast food are safe food (of course only the big ones like McDonald's or KFC). Second plus point is price, there are cheap and you have warranty that you will not be hungry after.
I eat fast food few times per month that depends. For example currently there is "Drwal" in McDonald's so i eat more than other months. I don't have problem with eating fast food, my weight is under control and I don't eat it every day so I don't think that will be unhealthy.
I know something that calls Salad Story but it isn't fast food. Every time when I go there I wait more than 20 minutes for meal and it's more expensive than others. Few years ago I think Subway is more healthy until I speak with friend who work in it and tells me that meat in Subway is the worst meat on market. So basically when you want to eat fast food you don't have anything that will be 100% healthy.
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?

I find fast food very unhealthy. I saw a video where food from McDonald's lasts for several weeks. I think it's very suspicious. Unfortunately, fast foods are so delicious for me and it is difficult to stop eating them.

2. Have ever eaten some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

I have eaten fast foods many times - maybe it is not regularly, but I think I eat fast foods two or three times a month. I love kebab, pizza, and nuggets from McDonald's. However, I try to eat food cooked at home. I usually eat fast food when I'm traveling or shopping - then there is no time to cook dinner at home :D If I eat fast food, I try to take the smallest possible portion - so I often take 6 nuggets, or a cheeseburger, or the smallest pizza.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

I am not sure if I know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food. I know that in MAX Burgers you can take the burger without a bun. I think that this might be a healthier option as there are lots of carbohydrates in a bun.
Rafał Halama said…
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?
I have a hate/love relationship with fast food. They taste really good, but after you eat them you feel fat and unhealthy. When eaten only occasionally I think they don't have any negative effect on your body, but there exist people who eat it everyday and that's honestly disgusting.
Also, you stated that McDonald's is the most popular fast food chain in the world, which is honestly baffling to me. I've eaten it maybe 5 times in my life, and every time it wasn't tasty at all. Anything from there is overrated in my opinion.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?
Hard to find a person that have never eaten any fast food. I eat it from time to time, because it's tasty, I would go crazy if I had to eat only home-made food everyday. I love stuff from KFC, mainly chicken wings, which they are famous for.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?
I don't know any at all, but if there exists a fast food restaurant with healthy food that doesn't taste bad, I would become a regular there. I can't imagine it would be cheap though, which is the whole point of fast food: cheap and quick to make. If I have to pay 5 time more for a burger that's healthy, it's honestly not worth for me.
Fast foods are not healthy, like most of the food which you eat outside. I like fast foods anyway, but I try to avoid them as much as possible. On the other hand, when you go out, and you need to eat something, fast foods can rescue you. Especially after a party, or some alcohol.
As I mentioned before, I do not eat fast foods regularly, but in general, I do. When I can't prepare a meal by myself, and I do not have time to order better food like from homemade food restaurant, I do order fast foods like Mcdonalds.
I know many restaurants that provide much healthier food, high-quality ingredients, etc. Near my house is the restaurant, where you can order homemade food prepared by amazing, older women, who prepare it exactly like at home. This food is made of high-quality ingredients only and prepared without any "extras" which make your food taste better.
1. What’s your opinion about fast food?
I try not to eat too much fast food, but it is often inevitable. I usually eat McDonald or KFC once a week.I don't think they are very healthy, but I don't think they are very bad if you eat them once in a while. Eating fast food often can cause a lot of unpleasantness such as stomach pains.

2. Have ever eat some fast food, or maybe do you eat it regularly?

Yes, I eat fast food but I try not to eat more than once a week. I think that eating fast food too often can have a negative impact on your health and well-being.

3. Do you know any restaurants that provide some sort of more healthy fast food based on higher quality/more healthy ingredients?

I believe that such restaurants include a pizzeria. I consider McDonald or KFC to be such typical fast food. If it comes to healthier restaurants with fast food, I think pizzerias or Chinese restaurants are among them.

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