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Week 8 [14-20.12.20] Cancer: Who Lives? Who dies?


Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases among patients. Each year, millions of people die due to late diagnosis. The environment we live in is conducive to the development of cancer, the most common cause is smoking, but also obesity and air pollution. However, this film will show us what should be limited in order to be able to enjoy a long life.


1. Do you and your family regular health check?

2.Do you think the information at the end of the video will help you to manage your habits in the right way to avoid cancer in the future?



1. We do some basic regular checks, but I think that we could manage to do more of it. It is hard to determine how many checks should we do - people who suffered from cancer (or looked after such people) often say that "it would be enough to do this check once a year!", but there are dozens of such checks, so we can't do everything or at least it would be hard. I think that we all should strike a balance and follow the recommendations of our doctors. For example, males should check their testicles regularly, but we can easily do it ourselves.

2. The information at the end was kind of a surprise for me after this short lecture - it went from such difficult stuff to a simple recommendation about what we, simple people can do. I knew about some of the things that make our cancer risk bigger, but the image itself is a great comparison. It shows us that the biggest factors are smoking and obesity which is known for triggering not only cancer-like diseases. I am lucky enough to not be obese and I don't smoke, so at least I am far from being in the high-risk group. Now I have to think about alcohol, which is bad in many aspects but many of us like to drink from time to time :)
Olga Przytula said…
Do you and your family regular health check?

My mom is an orthodontist, and though it may not seem as serious as being a surgeon or a cardiologist, she surely knows how important it is to check your health regularly. In fact, my parents had always taught my brother and I that there is nothing more precious in this life than health. A few times things got complicated and they have always found money, resources and specialists, to make sure that I am in good hands.
I think due to my dad’s health problems and non-invasive form of cancer two years ago (he is fine now), regular health checks and general being mindful of our well-being has entered our blood.
Do you think the information at the end of the video will help you to manage your habits in the right way to avoid cancer in the future?
I think it is a good verification of our everyday choices. As I’m strongly against smoking and try to live a healthy and well-balanced life, I hope that I wouldn’t have to face cancer in the future. However, it is good to look at the list of risks and think about the improvement, that can be made in our lives.
And if we are talking about the end of this video – I do like the idea to support cancer research regularly. It may not help us directly in the future, but it may save someone else’s life. I know from my own experience, that when people have to face the unbearable truth that their cancer is fatal, they are willing to do anything to escape from the hands of death, but it’s usually too late. Why not help us all and do something about this uneven fight when we are healthy, happy and can make at least a tiny little difference in this world?
FilipJatelnicki said…
1. Do you and your family regular health check?
I don't know how often each of my family members do a health check, it probably varies a lot. I try to be consistent. I have a calendar reminder to do certain examinations.
I heard that people whos' parents are doctors are examining themselves less often than others. My parents aren't medical professionals so I try to consult medical professional anytime I'm worried about something.
2.Do you think the information at the end of the video will help you to manage your habits in the right way to avoid cancer in the future?

Yes. It resonates with me that we are the sum of everyday choices. I'm lucky to be fit and I've quit smoking quite some time ago. I hope to live long and healthy :)
Mateusz Szych said…
1. Yes, I check my health regularly. I have insulin resistance and I regularly see an endocrinologist, which forces me to have regular tests. Part of my family also regularly does some tests, mainly because of existing health problems.
2. If I know myself, I will forget about these tips in a moment, but due to regular visits to the doctor and the awareness of regular examinations, it seems to me that I am diagnosing potential cancer problems rather early.
Roman Dubovyi said…
Very interesting TED talk.

1. Unfortunately it's not my habit. Last time I did was 3 years ago.

2. I should quit smoking goddman! At least I don't somoke regular cigs already.
Bui Ky Anh said…
1. Do you and your family regular health check?
To be honest we do not. Except my mother she is the only one who regularly checks her health in many of aspects. I do go to the doctor when I notice that something is not right but I need to see an effect then I do not hesitate to call to privitae health care and I am willing to pay just to make sure that everything is alright. I had an aunt she passed away 3 years ago because of breast cancer. That was the only cancer case in my family and I remember that was a big schock for our family. She did not smoke, lived a modest life in the countryside and was not obese. I agree with the speaker. Cancer is like a probability game. You can increase your chances but you will never be sure anyway.

2.Do you think the information at the end of the video will help you to manage your habits in the right way to avoid cancer in the future?
I have never smoked before and I do not plan to, I like to have health life so I practise a lot. Of course I do eat junk food from time to time but I remember also about vegetables and fruits. The information at the end of video gave me some kind of good feeling that I am on good way to stay healthy. But on the other side I started to worry a lot about my close friends who smoke a lot.
1. Do you and your family check your health regularly?
Yes, I regularly check my health, because I have had health problems in the past. And my family is also regularly checked by a doctor, I think this will protect against some serious diseases and something can be detected at an early stage.
I once had a case when I came to the next brain check and the doctor said that I might have brain cancer, as the centers are shifting. I said that I had it for a long time, but he said that I needed to be checked. Fortunately it was a false alarm and I don't have cancer. Since then, I have not gone to this doctor.

2. Do you think the information at the end of the video will help you manage your habits to avoid cancer in the future?
Yes, I agree with his words. I think our daily choices determine our future and this also applies to health. However I smoke, I hope someday I quit smoking
I am proud that so many of you are regularly health-conscious. As I used to practice shooting, I also consult my doctor very often. I wish you to do one thing from the video above.

I noticed smoking a big problem among students, but don't give up, you will throw out this addiction in time.

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