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Week 5 [30.3-05.04.20] What if there is no tomorrow?

Nowadays we live at a very fast pace, running from place to place without even having a moment to think. And how much is our life really worth? What would you do if you knew there was no tomorrow? Maybe sometimes it's worth stopping and thinking. I recommend you a video of Shashwath Vummidilakshman.

1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?


Answering your questions:

1. Honestly, I never really thought about the meaning of life because I don't think it makes sense. We live and that's it. It is up to us how this life will look like.

2. Unfortunately, I've never had a situation that forced me to think hard like this guy in the video. Perhaps because I am careful and carefully analyze things.

3. What would I do if it wasn't for tomorrow? It is very difficult to answer this question because I have never been in such a situation. But I would most likely use this moment as best I could.
1. Interestingly, I did it quite recently. All the time I think about what will make me feel fulfilled. And honestly I have no answer. When I was a child I had fantastic dreams, even too big. Now I do not look at dreams as something impossible, but simply as my goal.

2. When I was at my friend's dad's funeral. This is not a life-threatening situation, but funerals make you think about your life. Divine judgments are unexplored, a light, happy life can end quickly.

3. Honestly, I wouldn't want to know it's my last day. You cannot prepare to leave, although you can try.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Many times. It is a tough question, but i believe that everyone has some goal to achieve. Either create something or learn something that may help future generations to move forward. Only ourselfes can make our lifes meaningless.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy
in the video?
Not the same caliber of situation as this guy, but yes there were some dangerous and sometimes just anger situation when I need to make decision about my life and the way I want follow.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
I would be pissed at myself that I waste time on higher education while I could just start to work and do what I want and love and be satisfied with it.
Angelika Dutt said…
I agree that life depends on us, but I think it's worth thinking about sometimes.
I think you're lucky you haven't had that kind of situation, sadly, they' re not the most pleasant.
Angelika Dutt said…
I thought about it a lot too, and I noticed at one point that these little things make me happy, not these big "targets".

I got a similar situation at the funeral of a good friend of mine who died as a teenager. Also, every funeral of a person who is not old makes me think about it.

Me too! I would prefer to fell asleep and never wake up.
Bartosz Barnat said…

1. I have never thought about it deeply to be honest. I asked myself what is my purpouse in life and what I should do to make it count. But I'm still asking myself the same question to this day.

2. No, I have never been in this type of situation in my life.

3. I would spend time with my family talking about the past, what happend in our lives and what we would change if we had a chance.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. Yes, many times in the past I thought about the meaning of life. Mostly it happened in the evenings when I tried to sleep. I was aware of what I could do better, what happens after death and so on.

2. No, not as much as he. Mostly my thoughts ended after a few minutes. I accept life as it is.

3. If it would happen tomorrow, I would loop my favorite Beatles song and wait for the last day.
Yes, of course that I wondered about meaning of my life. For me it is really quite simple, I am an atheist, so I don’t believe that there is anything after death, no paradise, no resurrection, we just lost our consciousness so we don’t mind that we are dead. So, for me the only meaning of my life is to live it as full as possible and have as much fun as possible. I think I have never had such situation as that guy in video, but I think about my life a lot and about goals that I want to achieve during it. So, I think that even if I had such situation it wouldn’t change my point of view that much. If I knew that there would be no tomorrow, well I think I would try to make the most of this last moments and do as much things that I have never done before as possible.
Ela said…
1. Sometimes I think about the meaning of my life, especially when I feel powerless. In these kind of situations I have family support.

2. Fortunately I’ve never found myself in such a dangerous situation. In my life I try to make decisions with caution and after thinking all about pros and cons.

3.. I would go to the sea and enjoy the last rays of the setting sun. The sound of the sea calms me down , it always reminds me of the happiest moments in my life.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. I have, but I haven’t found an answer yet. I enjoy watching other people and seeing what drives them. I think that to some extent, everyone is right in their pursuits.

2. I often go back in memory to my teenage years. I’m lucky to escape some situations unharmed. These thoughts make my appreciate what I have now, and be more aware of consequences some actions may have.

3. I would tell the most important people in my life how much I love and care about them. Also, I would binge watch my favourite TV series for the one last time.
1. Yes, actually I do this quite often, because I am not satisfied with the conclusion. To make your life meaningful, you have to either push the development of the world forward, lower someone else’s suffer, or simply do something that no other person could do. The least you can is to start a family, create a new life. People like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela have or had a meaningful life. People who volunteer to look after poor children in Africa have extremely meaningful life. Not everyone can be like them, but starting a family is sufficient not to regret anything. The life of everyone else, I mean those, who can be replaced by someone else at any given time with no difference to the surroundings, is meaningless. Living for yourself only is worthless. That’s my humble opinion.

2. No, there has never been a single event which would trigger such thinking in me. It’s the daily routine which makes me realise that there is nothing really important in front of me, long term.

3. One day is not enough to change anything, so probably just nothing except trying to apologise to everyone that might have been hurt by me.
Andrzej Kawiak said…

1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
In the sense of life, it's about a goal you take up and see meaning. Without such a goal - even a small or stupid one - one loses sense. Each of us needs a goal. Less important is what, but important is that the goal is needed to pursue it and drive us forward. The point is to chase the bunny, not catch it. Therefore, catching the bunny should lead to the next bunny - and never to the goal itself. Because when you achieve this and you don't have any more goals in your life, you're born empty, stagnant and meaningless. This leads to inner emptiness and destruction. We set the goal in life ourselves. It can sometimes be imposed by somebody, such as religion (which we accept or not - abstracted from the true sense of faith), it can be imposed by a partner, even a potential partner or anyone else (employer, parent, teacher, etc.). But the point is to see it as meaningful (even unreasonable in the eyes of others), as a goal - and persistently pursue it. For example, a soldier who decided to go into service had tasks and goals imposed on him - so if he wants to go into service, he sees sense in getting up early, training all day long, and a grueling lifestyle. But suddenly, when it loses (e.g. ends the service), the goal disappears and a senselessness is born, which is fatal for every person. Regardless of even the sense of this goal or its moral justification. Therefore, it is worthwhile to deliberately think about what it wants, to take concrete main goals, which it can care about, to set intermediate goals for itself and effectively, and to realize them gradually. Then, paradoxically, even if the temporary way to achieve them gives rise to discomfort (e.g., we have to get up early in the morning), we have a better feeling than living comfortably without set goals. This drives us

Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
Nothing. Nothing worth doing anymore.
1. Although sometimes I have difficult days, for most of my life I think that my life is very important - not only for family and friends but also for society. That is why I try to develop on many levels, acquire new skills.

2. In my childhood, although I couldn't swim, I often went to various water parks. I almost drowned once. It was one of the most emotional moments in my life. I will never forget this fear and will to survive.

3. I think it would be too late for huge experiences. I would spend time with my loved ones doing everyday activities that bring me pleasure - a walk in my favorite park, a coffee in my favorite cafe.
Viktor Ryś said…
Yup, and it changes for me as I get older so I suppose that my current meaning of life won't be the same in 10 years from now.

I don't think I have experienced something like that myself, but it's true that big events shake our point of view dramatically. It could be an illness, loosing a job or being in a life treatening situtation that we re-evaluate our values in life.

It's a short time window but I would probably do something good for my loved ones and look back at my life.
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Yes, many times I have thinking about it. It is important to me to not to sleep the chance and realize all my goals. I know how our life is short and every day I am trying to improve a quality of it and learn new things, meet new people and have a good time.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
Yes, few times but it was very personal situations which I would not to share. They have a huge impact on my life and changed the way of thinking. I think everybody should think about the sense of existence.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
I would like to spend this time with people who are meaning the most for me. Moreover I would say everything which I would like to say and try to be happy.
Angelika Dutt said…
I don't know if everyone has the ability to do something big for the next generation, but I think it's worth sticking to it.

In my opinion time is never wasted if you are learning something :)
Angelika Dutt said…
Maybe now that we have more time because of the coronovirus, it's worth thinking about. Living without a purpose doesn't make sense.
Angelika Dutt said…
I know situations, every time you want to fall asleep, a million thoughts come to your mind. I hate it!
Angelika Dutt said…
I understand you, I'm an atheist too, and my only goal is to live 100%, enjoy every moment and just be happy.
Angelika Dutt said…
In my life, family and loved ones are a very important part of life too, I don't know what I would have done without their support.

Oh, I love the beach, the sea and the sunset, nothing calms me down like the sea breeze.

1. I have not think of it directly, but as growing up I have observed how life works and following some rules gives my life a meaning
2. No I have not, but I have been thinking about death and I have reconcile with it.
3. If I knew for 100% that there won’t be tomorrow, I would go on full rampage don’t care for the law, social standards and do all hedonistic staff.
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Yes many times. I believe in destiny and that everything that happens in our life is for a reason.
2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
Yes, I think everyone of use been in some kind of situation like this. Also these are situations I found very personal.
3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
It's good idea to think about every day as it is a last day. Trying to spend every possible minute of your life as best as you can. That's why I don't like spending time feeling hangover or just by watching tv as it don't give me kind of spiritual energy I would like to get from my life.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?

I think almost everyone must have wondered about that at least once and so have I. However, I do not really see the need for this kind of thoughts. I am far from being a philosopher from Ancient Greece

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?

I have, but I do not really like being in this state of mind. There are some questions that just can not be answered.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?

I really do not like thinking about unlikely "what if" scenarios. There are always plenty of variables which makes this simple question impossible to answer. Let's then say that I would spend last hours with my family.
Angelika Dutt said…
Sometimes we spend our whole life looking for the answer to the question of what is the meaning of life, but I think it's worth thinking more deeply and setting concrete goals.

Hahah, good idea, but watching the TV show would be a waste of time for me.
Angelika Dutt said…
I agree that living for yourself is meaningless, but I don't think you can be that hard on yourself. You don't have to be a big person to make our life meaningful, these little gestures count very often.
Angelika Dutt said…
Very interesting. Rarely does anyone consider your life to be of great value, what do you do to feel that your life means more?

Wow, touching death by yourself must be a very powerful experience...
Angelika Dutt said…
It's very sad why we give up dreams and aspirations when we get older, it's never too late to do something great and change our lives!
Angelika Dutt said…
That's right, you'll probably have a family and children in 10 years, and their lives will depend on yours.
Angelika Dutt said…
I agree with you, in life you have to take advantage of every moment and use it completely so that in the end we don't regret that we didn't do something. The experience is always far more important than laziness or fear of action.
Angelika Dutt said…
I wonder if you think it's all a matter of destiny or do we have an impact on our lives? I don't like the idea that I don't have an influence on something.
Angelika Dutt said…
Haha, we don't spend all our lives thinking like the ancient Greeks in the first place. :)
Kgajewska said…
1. Yes, I used to have such thoughts, but I ended in very dark and dengerous state of mind, so I'm trying my best to never again repeat this process. I do belive in destiny and that my fate is already created.

2. Yes, I have, but not feeling like sharing this story

3. Probably nothing. What's the point in starting anything if there was no tomorrow. I'd just spend last hrs with my family.
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Not really well maybe when I’m down and I have too much time to think but this is pointless because you will never find meaning in life you will only think that maybe this is it when you are happy but this will change when your mood will change.
2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
No, never at last I don’t remember.
3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
Nothing much I would just wonder why there will be no tomorrow and I would like to see the reason why there will be no tomorrow.
1 / I think that sooner or later everyone asks this question. This is a very individual question on the one hand, but on the other, many also support common interests and the answer to this question. Since statistics show this ... I am rather neutral, and considering that everyone has the right to choose his true path of happiness!
2 / I think there were many situations, since we grow psychologically as well as physically, throughout life. But I had different occasions in my life, one of which I experienced a fire in my apartment. And put out myself, this same fire. Not without some injuries, but I'm glad that everything ended for me safely.
3 / I think that I didn’t run and do everything I would like, as is often shown in films. Most likely she stayed at home, and did her favorite things.
MichalB said…
I don't like philosophical questions ...

1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?

No. However, the meaning of my life is my children. What I do at the moment I do for them.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?

Due to my profession, I have been in danger of life and health several times. A discussion blog isn't a good place to talk about it. I will leave it in my conscience.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?

I will use a fragment of the song. "There will be no end of the world today because it's tomorrow in Tokyo." I hope that he will not live such a day that the next day is gone. I hope.
1. Yes, I have been thinking about it in the past.

2. I had a different experience but it also made me appreciate life more. When I was a kid, we were playing at the snow camp. We were throwing snowballs at each other and smashing each other faces into the fresh snow. Yeah... kids. I got some snow in my throat and I couldn't breathe or move. It didn't last too long, maybe up to a minute but for me, it was way longer. After I realised I can't do anything about it I become very calm. I thought about what will happen with the great snow camp if I die here. How my parents will react. Would the dog understand? Fortunately, I was able to get up and, without a thought in my head, I took the glove off and reach the snow. I had to do it two times to be able to breathe. As scary, as it was for me back then it gave me some perspective and I became more cautious.

3. I'm happy where I am with my life. I already had a chance to change direction in my life and I took it, so instead of being an architect, I'm going to design whole worlds inside video games :) If there would be no tomorrow I wouldn't regret much. I like studying more than working.
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Honestly, I sometimes wonder the meaning of life but unfortunately most of the time it looks meaningless. We born, we live and then we die. I think only God knows the meaning of life and maybe the people in the afterlife.
2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
No, I've never faced a similar situation.
3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
I think you I spend the day with my family and friends talking, eating and playing.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. Yes, i did. I'm a person that spends a lot of time thinking, which isn't always good, but i just can't help it. I'm usually thinking about it when life is hard on me, but I'm yet to find the answer.

2. Maybe not a life-threatening, but yes, i was faced with situations that made me think hard.

3. I would probably try to spend as much time with people that are close to me as i could.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I think about it very often. That's why I want make sure that I do what I love and I am surrounded by people that are worthy of that time.

2. I have not been in a situation like the guy in the video. Although it must have been a horrible experience I think that there is a lot of advantages that came along later. I really liked his theory.

3. Not sure yet, but I got a feeling that I'll figure that out very soon. Thank you for sharing this video.
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Yes, there was time when I thinking about the meaning of my life. It was a heavy time for me. Everything was going wrong and I didn't understand why it happens. Today I know that our live is limited and we should enjoy moments. We have to try to find a good thing in our days and live as if there was no tomorrow.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
Yes, there were some situations that has made my to think hard. Years ago I earned money and didn't buy anything. When my grandfather died on cancer I realized that human live is limited and I don’t know when my life will ending. In this time I was thinking a lot about live and dead. I changed my mind and today I try to earn money necessary to live and spend them when I see something that I want have.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
If there was no tomorrow I would spend my last day with my family and friends. I would trying to remember good things that happened in my life and thanking god for every day I could live.
Maciej Górczak said…
1.I think probably everyone at some point in their life wondered about the meaning of it. I did too. It can get pretty overwhelming, I don't think I found an answer yet. But life is very good without knowing the meaning of it. Maybe I don't need to know :)

2.I'm not much of a thinker, in tough situations I don't really overthink - I act. There was a period in my life, when I had to sort myself out, but it was a long process caused by many things that happened, not one situation.

3.I would probably bike around the city with my girl, eat some good steaks, maybe find a quiet spot in some park to put up a tent and have a little sleepover. I would fill my day with all of my favourite things to do!
Yubin said…
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Yes, I guess most people did so when they were children, so did I, I was just curious about life and many scientific phenomena, and the more I grew up, the more I realized most of us had to do the same thing every day in order to live, I think such life is kind of meaningless, but we don't have choices, what we can improve is to find some work we like from heart to do, or start to like our work gradually, I don't only mean "work", but also everything about life. I set my social app status as "Living in the moment" for many years, this is my personal opinion of the meaning of life.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
No, not the same situation like the guy in the video, but many small cases which were not that scary but still dangerous, such as almost being hit by a car from behind, hard object falling from high building and almost hurt my head by 10cm, drowning in a creek for searching glasses for my friend, and no one noticed me drowning after 2 minutes, anyway one of my friend drowned and died at the age of 18, it was very unfortunate...

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
If this will happen, first I will stop writing comment now, and then go to stay with my family, spend the last 24 hours and watch old photos with my family together.
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?

Yes, i thought sometimes about this. I think it is more often when i have to faceit some failures and when i am powerless. Nevertheless i think i did not found quite clear answer for this.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?

I have never been in similar situation which forced me to think hard like the guy in the viedo.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?

Probably i would do some things to feel life until it is over. Maybe i would grab expensive car to get a ride then i could try skydiving and at the end of day i would lie on sunbed with bottle of scotch. :)

Yes, of course, especially now, when such chaos is happening in the world. I stay at home all day and all sorts of thoughts arise in my head.

No, I often think about everything, but fortunately not to that extent. I have not been in such a difficult situation.

Hard to say. I guess I would have spent my best day with my family, which I have not seen for so long.
s18716 said…
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Yes, like most people on this planet. I just can’t say what the thoughts were the last time I thought about the meaning of life. But this happened a long time ago, after watching a movie or reading literature on a philosophical topic. Now I don’t even know how good it is to think about it, since most people always reach a bad mood when they think on such a serious topic.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
It seems to me that I was not in a situation like this guy from this video. At least nothing of the sort comes to my mind on such a topic. Apparently, even if it was, I did not take it as he did.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
Probably like most on this blog. I read comments and I see that there are a lot of guys who would spend it with their close people and talk to them about different things that seem important to them. I guess I would do the same.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. Yes, as everyone, probably. But I will not be sharing with you what I think about my life. One thing for sure - I have set a course and I am mowing towards it.

2. I always think hard.

3. If I knew that tomorrow won't come I would spend my last day with the closest people. Sounds trivial but I think that it's the only important thing you can do before inevitable happens.
Aneta Artych said…
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Yes. I was trying to answer these ind of question: why me, why here, why during these decades, why around these people. I think everything has its purpose..

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
I would think that a didn't have time to use all the knowledge I gain and all the work I've done for general purpose, for humanity etc. That would be called dissatisfaction.
The last hours I would spend with people that are close and important to me. I also would feel freedom of not planning and worrying about the future. What will happen next month, next year..
Roman Burlaka said…
1. Like any teenager - yes, I have. Maybe I will have such periods in the future in other typical crises ages. But there is no guarantee at all that the answer exists because such things as meaning is more human mind patterns than real objects and processes. Even objects and processes are patterns, but you get the point.

2. No, I have no experience in such situations so I don't know what I should write for the next few words to make this reply somehow bigger in purpose to look as interesting as replies of people who have.

3. Hmm, I wouldn't answer any questions cause nobody would check my answers. And wouldn't do anything else except some hedonism. I don't know any other good enough options.
1. To be honest, I've never had such deep thoughts before. The current situation in the world related to the coronavirus pandemic, the number of deaths and the fact that it can affect everyone prompts such reflection. I love my life and I would like to be able to continue it in health and happiness as long as possible.
2. No situation that happened to me in my life was as stressful and frightening as the one presented in the material. My guess is that such situations sometimes cause trauma and definitely determine our future.
3. This is a very difficult question. To be honest it's hard to think about what I would do on the last day of my life if I knew that tomorrow would not be. I would definitely use this time for pleasure and it is also possible that in the face of such a situation I would reconcile with my enemies.
Oskar Kacprzak said…

Things happen every day that make you question the fragility of life.

I would live today to the fullest extent that I could. Perhaps tell everyone close that they mean a lot to me.
Aleksander said…
1. Yes, and seeking that meaning made me stronger. Each and every day I realize, that no matter how badly I can feel today, there are millions of people with much bigger problems than mine. With that thought, it much easier to live,
2. Well, of course, there were better and worse moments. But they made me stronger.
3, I will spend time with the people I do love the most- my family.
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?

Of course I have. I think that everyone has. This question keeps people awake at night for centuries. At least once a day this question comes up to my mind but if someone gave me an envelope with an answer I wouldn't open it. At least I would know that I shouldn't do it. In my opinion life is all about looking for that answer. It is all about the journey - not the destination.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?

I have had such situations many times in my life. There were some really sad ones and some amazingly good that made me think about my place in the universe.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?

I guess that the moment I realised there is no tommorow would make me realise what and who actually is important in my life. I guess that I would at least try to gather people that I love and for the last time have a blast with them.
Maciek Olko said…
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Yes, actually it has been an important question for me. I think for me it is mostly about being sincere and merciful to yourself and to the others, try to do well things you chose to do at some time, realise yourself in things that makes you happy and that way help to live a meaningful life yourself, your relatives, your friends, and people you meet.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
When I was 12 I saw a man jumping under the underground train. I was moved and wondering why he decided to commit a suicide. Last months of life and death of my grandmother a few years ago, her suffering and a reconcilement with death, was most moving for me and they were forcing me to think hard.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
I try to live every day like there is no tomorrow, so I hope I wouldn't have to change much my average day. I would try to tidy some things and spend a nice day with my family.
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
Yes, I have and I used to do it very often.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video?
Unfortunately, a lot of things in my life made me think as hard as that guy, but those situations usually weren't risky directly for my physical health (besides a few of them), but only for mental health.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
Honestly, I would be happy finally and think something like "And now this is the end of my eternal fight with my inside demons".
Every day I wonder about the sense of myself and other people's lives and say that as a community our task is to ensure development and a better tomorrow for future generations. Everyone should contribute to some extent to make it better, but as you can see in our world, most people probably forgot about it and live only for themselves here and now.
I had many terrible situations in my life, where I thought intensively what now, what next, etc.
If I knew that tomorrow was not to be spent I would spend time with loved ones. In my opinion, family and friends are the only true values ​​in our sweetness.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. Sometimes I indeed wonder about it but I try to keep these thoughts out of my mind as in result I always start to feel bad, small and I can't stand the complexity of the universe.

2. I've never faced such a hard situation like the one presented in the video. I always try to accept life how it is but I don't know what would happen if I faced such a hard situation.

3. I would like to simply spend this time with people closest to me. On a daily basis I don't have much time for them so maybe for this one last time I could spend some time with them.
lukaszK said…
1. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your life?
I wouldn't call it the meaning of life, but the sooner a person realizes that he lives for himself the better. What do dying people regret the most?
Quoting "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying" , these people most often said - "I wish I had more courage to live in harmony with myself and not with other people's expectations. I think that if you find that courage you can achieve a lot.

2. Have you ever been faced with a situation that has made you think hard, like the guy in the video? Yes.

3. What would you do if there was no tomorrow?
I would probably listen to this song:

1.Yes, and I think everyone used to wonder about the meaning of their lives. However, I have never thought about it for a long time, rather I am a man who identifies himself with the conviction to live for the moment.

2.Yeah, unfortunately, I had a similar situation once, although nobody threatened me with a gun, but a guy attacked me with a knife. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, jumped back and nothing happened to me. It may have looked terrible, but I kept my mind calm and my reaction was immediate

3.I think I'd do or try to do everything I've always dreamed of.

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