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Week 5 [30.3-05.04.20] What If You Detonated a Nuclear Bomb In The Marianas Trench?

A tsunami would destroy coastal cities. Earthquakes would level countries. New volcanoes would arise that would pollute the atmosphere. Earth could be torn apart or fly out of its orbit. Currently, the deepest place on earth is located in the Marian Trench.

The Marian Trench is the deepest known place that looks like an upside-down mountain. Its depth reaches 11 km. This is one of the last places on earth unexplored by man.

I would like you to watch a short movie, which will help you with the questions below the video.

1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
2. Are such experiments safe?
3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?


Ela said…
1. I think that both testing and creating any bombs should be banned. Why test bombs if we don't want to have a war? I don’t understand why there is so much aggression and a desire to gain power or to occupy new territories.

2. In my opinion such experiments are never really safe, even on a small scale. We are still not experts in the field of chemistry or physics, we know a lot but we aren’t able to predict everything. Also, even if nothing happens to us as a humans during this experiment, other animals and plants may suffer.

3. According to the movie, nothing would happen to our planet, but in my opinion people would like to build an even stronger bomb and another experiment etc. etc. …. until something would happen to it.
Answering your questions:

1. In general, I am against nuclear testing because it makes us more and more eager for a new and improved nuclear arsenal. And all this is small and insignificant, but the first step in the armed conflict.

2. It's hard to say if such experiments are safe or not. However, thinking logically, I think that it can certainly have a negative effect, although for organisms living in the sea. Our civilization is not sufficiently developed to carry out such nuclear tests - we do not have the right tools and we do not have the appropriate knowledge.

3. As I answered question 1 - such nuclear tests cause further interest in this area, which may contribute to people's not rational behavior.
1. As for every such enormous and high-risk project you need to provide extensive testing to assure that all is in place. You don’t have to endure your bomb unexpected explosion during missile launch in times of crisis.
2. The experiment can not be 100% safe, but they are tested by hundreds of the most brilliant scientists the country that is testing the bomb can provide.
3.I have no idea. Probably it wouldn’t be too pleasant. Hope we never find out.
Karol Michalak said…
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
As a fan of post-apocalyptic theme I was fascinated about them, but I realised how much are they harmful to local ecosystem. Even though they want destroy Earth in an instant they can harm nature which is already pretty devastated because of people.

2. Are such experiments safe?
I believe no, radioactive tests are not 100% safe. There will always be some leftover that can damage living organisms.

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
I believe as they said in the video, to the whole planet not that much but to the animals and plants at the bottom of the sea, many bad things. It can poison water nearby for generations.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. I believe that such tests should not be executed for a simple reason - I am against nuclear weapons. I don't understand the army reinforcement in a world where everyone wants to avoid war.

2. No, such experiments are not safe. Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous, so even under test conditions it shouldn’t be used.

3. In my opinion, nothing serious would happen. So far there have been hundreds, if not thousands of detonations of nuclear weapons as part of tests that no one seemed to care about. Some animals died, the soil has been contaminated and that's it.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. Well I didn't really think a lot about atomic bombs. If you are asking about the bomb presented in the video I thought it would be more destructive.

2. I think scientists try to figure out what would specific experiment do for example to our planet and then if it is safe they are testing it. I think it's safe.

3 As he said in the video. It wouldn't do much. It would kill sea animals, make some nuclear bubbles and maybe a dangerous rain. Nothing more.
I think that nuclear weapons should not exist in a first place, because nowadays if a nuclear war would happen probably most of human population would die in much pain and suffering. Saying that if we still want to have nuclear weapons it’s better to have it tested then not. We want to be sure everything is at place at it won’t be detonated in the middle of our territory. I think that nothing about nuclear weapons or energy is safe mostly because of radioactivity. So, working with anything nuclear we must ensure extreme safety measures. Answering Your las question, apparently nothing particular. To be honest I didn’t expect that. I thought I would have massive consequences for us and our planet, but I guess I was wrong. Earth is too big and to old to worry about something as irrelevant as humans and their technology.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. Atomic bombs are too deadly to continue testing them. A single atomic explosion can change the lives of millions of people. We shouldn’t allow policitians or scientists to play gods.

2. According to the video, they are. Unless you take into account the loss of life of thousands of underwater animals which would basically be burned alive. Unfortunately, to some people is seems to be irrelevant and not taken into consideration.

3. Yeah, no volcano eruptions, no earthquakes, no tsunami, no frills. However, a radioactive rainfall is still likely.

Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?

The number of nuclear tests carried out by the USSR, China and France was higher than reported. The number of 2366 explosions is composed of: 1030 US (815 underground and 215 in the atmosphere), at least 1000 Soviet (508 underground and 207 in the atmosphere), 205 French (148 underground and 54 in the atmosphere), 45 British (23 in the USA), 73 Chinese (23 in the atmosphere and 20 underground), at least 7 Indian and 5 Pakistani. These explosions caused many more deaths than the only two bombs that have been used so far during the war. The military and politicians of almost all the nuclear countries, but especially of the USSR and China, showed an incredible disregard for human life. For this reason, I do not think it was necessary.

2. Are such experiments safe?
Yes, an atomic bomb explosion is very safe :)

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
A single atomic explosion completely destroyed the artificial island and left a crater with a diameter of 1.5 km and a depth of 75 m. The radioactive fallout from the Castle Bravo explosion caused a major ecological disaster. Combined with the unfavorable wind and the great power of the explosion, the nearest islands were contaminated. Tests conducted by the American army over 60 years ago show that the Bikini atoll is more radioactive than Chernobyl. Such an experiment would have ended in depopulation.
Viktor Ryś said…
Atomic bombs are quite devastating in effect and aren't useful for the human race to develop and improve. So in my opinion they shouldn't be tested in the future, because the world should strive to be a more peacful place.

On some desolete place or high in the athmosphere it is relatively safe.

Nothing substantial, since our earth survived thousand of atomic bomb tests, so another explosion wouldn't do much, yet it wouldn't do anything good either.
Yuliia Sauliak said…
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
I think that is something strongly unacceptable, which must be prohibited as it is very dangerous for all ecosystem in general. Creating and testing bombs - mustn`t take place at all.
When I`ve read that a total of 381,300 nuclear bombs have been dropped in the world.
2. Are such experiments safe?
Definitely- not. The human and environmental devastation is felt. Radiation is spreading in the atmosphere, causing severe contamination. Doctors believe that cancers are caused by radiation or some disability allowances take place. However, it is believed that below ground tests are much safer.
3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
It wouldn`t be totally devastating, but surely would affect our planet.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
I think the existence of atomic bombs are completely wrong. All the bombs like this should be utilized. I don’t want to think how our world will look like if the war with bombs like this starts. It could be the worst scenario which we can imagine.

2. Are such experiments safe?
The definition of this is the bomb so it couldn’t be safe to experiment with this. Moreover its nuclear bomb so definitely it is not safe to do anything with it.

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
Not much, but it depends on many conditions, where it will took place, how big bomb it will be, the range of nuclear impact. It will be a big loss to our planet exactly in this place but in general probably not a big deal.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
I don't know what I think about it. Certainly atomic bombs are dangerous, that's why testing
which are also done are dangerous. I think we should not do this but every country must
to give up nuclear weapons.
2. Are such experiments safe?
Clean it with no. Just look that no experiment with the atomic bomb is safe.
We should stop using it because it may end badly for our planet.
3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
We will destroy our planet
Hello, here are my replies to your questions!

1. I believe it is necessary for scientific progres for humans to learn how to create and utilize atomic Energy. As long as the tests are taking place in controlled environments, I have no issues with that. It also shows people the true destruction the bomb may cause, making them rethink whether the usage of such bomb is trully necessary.

2. It depends. Are they safe for environment? No, they are not, but the testing sites often are already void of living creatures, to minimalize the impact. Are they safe for humans? As long as they keep their distance, they should be alright. I wouldn't go near such experiment though, just in case something went wrong.

3. Nothing really. Of course, it depends where the test would take place. But as stated in the video, hundred of atomic bomb experiments have already been done, and we see no change in our everyday lives. Yes, there are areas in the world contaminated by radioactivity, but other than that, nothing is different.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
Of course I do not approve it. Using it as an energy is a great idea but there is no way that anyone wouldn't think about it as a weapon. It's not hard to make such a bomb which makes this world a very dangerous place these days as some psycho can hide those bomb and use them when he wants to.
2. Are such experiments safe?
No, just because no humans are dying because of that, there are life forms that we don't speak about. And we just make some part of earth not able to grow life.
3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
It would take effects for over hundred years. Lucky for our planet, nature always finds a way to come back to life. We can see such scenario in Czarnobyl
MichalB said…
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?

I'm not a pacifist, but I'm against nuclear testing (not just bombs - I'm also talking about missiles and explosives). This is a very high energy that can kill more people than the COVID-19 pandemic. When he invented dynamite, Nobel stated that it was a threat to the human world and founded the Nobel Prize.

2. Are such experiments safe?

Laugh, safe! 100% not! This can be seen from Hiroshima or Chernobyl. A nuclear power plant is such a "small" nuclear charge. So how can such experiments be safe! Laugh!!!

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?

We know perfectly well that such experiments are being done in the world and nothing is happening to our planet. Maybe larger tectonic movements, maybe "light" radiation ;-) with which we live long enough to get used to ... maybe something else. Well, someone pushes these buttons and detonates.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
I think its totaly unnecessary. As a humanity we should reach the point where we are so civilized and developed race that we should stop producing atomic bomb at all not mentioning testing them in the fields.

2. Are such experiments safe?
Hell no. It not safe at all. Playing with nuclear energy can have terrific end. Not mentioning the pollutions that detonating a bomb like this can emit to atmosphere. Russians didn't predict the power of the tsar bomb and even thay were suprised by the power it had.

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
Probably we wouldn't even noticed. Maybe in some reaserch labs the detectors would find some weird singnals but as said in the video many nuclear test have been made in last 70 years.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. Has anyone here really read that article about critical thinking? The majority of people say here that such bombs should be banned at all but has anybody any ideas about this wonderful magical way of banning anything around the whole world? And yes, if to go some deeper - we have two world wars started in a non-nuclear world and a nearly endless list of countries conquered each other. And now? Not the ideal piece but much better than anywhen. Cause there is something good when rivals are afraid to fight because of the total annihilation of both of them. So from some point of view - we need a nuclear weapon. And if you have something such powerful and dangerous - test it, please.

2. For fish in that area? No. For the entire planet? Well, if science says "Yes" my answer will be "Yes" until someone will find any information that disapproves of statements before. Cause such a situation is also a part of the science. It is how it works in fact.

3. Well, this video says that nothing, if its creators have enough knowledge for such a conclusion, the answer is nothing. However, I have less than they, so I let somebody else to calculate all those steps.
Kgajewska said…
1. Oh my, really? I'm pretty sure our world has much worse problems to think about and solve than some worthless bomb testing.

2. I'm not an expert, but I don't think so. I don't think that humanity has fully knowledge about possible consequences of this power.

3. It depends of the scenerio. If everything would end up good - average person wouldn't even know that such experiment had place.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?

From the scientific point of view, I think they can provide some interesting discoveries and information about nuclear bombs themselves. However I hope we will stop at testing the bombs at the development phase and never test them "on production" :).

2. Are such experiments safe?

Obviously not. Nothing with this range of deadliness can be described as "safe".

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?

As mentioned in the video - nothing would really happen. I am in no position to oppose to this statement, as my knowledge in this field is rather poor.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. I believe that atomic bomb testing is just wrong. Atomic bombs are weapons of enormous power, and as the history have shown us, it's most harmful towards the civilians. Testing, and producing atomic bombs should be banned in my opinion.

2. According to the video, yes they are safe. But I'm not really convinced. Even if testing doesn't have bad influence on earth, i think it might have bad influence on local wildlife.

3. Sorry, I don't know, i'm not a nuclear physicist.
Bartosz Warda said…
Thank you for your answer. I have a similar opinion to yours, such experiments should be prohibited.
Bartosz Warda said…
I think similarly about such experiments. If they succeed, then scientists strive for more, and from the perspective of time, it can be very dangerous for our planet.
Bartosz Warda said…
Even if they are outstanding scientists and everything is carried out under control, I believe that many species of animals are endangered.
Bartosz Warda said…
I think you have very interesting interests. I am glad that you are aware of the risks that may be after such an experiment.
Bartosz Warda said…
Like you, I think nuclear weapons are the most dangerous for the species.
Bartosz Warda said…
Thank you for the answer. I think that such tests are risky and may harm the nearby environment.
Bartosz Warda said…
Like you, I think that nuclear weapons should not exist. And the tests can come to contribute to the development of technology and the destruction of humanity.
Bartosz Warda said…
Like you, I think that thousands of underwater animals would be burned alive in such and experiment.
Bartosz Warda said…
You have a lot of knowledge about nuclear explosions. And you are right the countries you mention are a huge threat to our planet.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
What do I think about atomic bomb testing? Well I think it should be stopped or at last severely limited. In our times when our environment is so damaged and polluted, we don't need to add atomic bomb testing that destroy large areas of the environment and kill creatures in this area, just to see how powerful weapons we've created or can create and how many people we can kill using this weapon.
2. Are such experiments safe?
It’s all depended what you mean when you say safe. Is it safe for people? Mostly yes at last until you don't accidentally approach the testing area. For environment? I don’t think so one test can kill thousands of creatures maybe even some which we have not yet discovered and also destroy large areas of the environment that they live in. For planet? For now, yes but one day… who know.
3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
Nothing would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place as was said in you movie but if they try more of this kind experiment then one day they will really destroy life on planet or do something similar just because they think that they are the smartest and know all and can control all until it's too late.
Bartosz Warda said…
You are right such an explosion would not do anything serious on the planet's scale, certain negative effects would appear on the local environment.
Bartosz Warda said…
I also like to watch Kurtzgesagt movies, which easily reach the recipient. Like you, I think nuclear weapons are very dangerous.
Bartosz Warda said…
You're right. Such an experiment is very dangerous for our ecosystem. I think that such attempts should be completely prohibited.
Bartosz Warda said…
Even if the experiment took place in the deepest part of the earth, the local ecosystem would probably suffer. Atomic bombs are nothing good for our planet.
Bartosz Warda said…
I also think, that testing of atomic bombs on our planet should never take place.
Bartosz Warda said…
You're right, there have already been hundreds of experiments with atomic bombs, and we don't see any changes in our everyday lives. But in places where they were made it certainly shows their "claws".
Bartosz Warda said…
You're right. Chernobyl is a good example. It is sad how many lives have just died there.
Bartosz Warda said…
I agree with you 100%. Such energy can kill more people than the COVID-19 pandemic. Both weapons are very dangerous. Sadly, we're seeing it right now.
Bartosz Warda said…
I have a similar opinion. Such experiments are dangerous. Nuclear play can have a very sad end.
Bartosz Warda said…
Thank you for your answer. I think that it is possible to carry out such experiments in a different way. It is dangerous for the local environment.
Bartosz Warda said…
Yes, the world has a lot of other problems, but playing or testing atomic bombs is also important because it can lead to the destruction of humanity.
Bartosz Warda said…
I think just like you. Such experiments are ceirtainly dangerous.
Bartosz Warda said…
I agree with you, that the bomb testing should be prohibited. And also probably most of the nearby ecosystem will be harmed after the test.
Bartosz Warda said…
Yes, the test should not happen in the first place, to be honest. And the environment will be at least destroyed but who knows how far could that spread.
1 / The weapon of the nuclear effect itself cannot be humane and adequate, in any of its manifestations. And even more so testing ...
2 / I do not think that any experiment of this magnitude cannot be safe.
3 / There have already been cases of launching missiles as well as experiments with this technology, and we know many of them as tragic consequences.
1. I’m a pacifist and I do think atomic bomb testing is necessary.
2. I don’t know I’m not a scientist, I can only believe that people who are doing those are responsible and won’t do any harm.
3. Same as in previous question I don’t know, but if I had to guess I would say that something may happed to tectonic shields or something with radiation pollution.
Bartosz Warda said…
I completely agree with your opinion. This has to be prohibited. A lot of people have suffered already to launch such a test.
Bartosz Warda said…
Being a pacifist is one way to go. I hope that the scientists won't pursue blindly for their goals at a cost of some terrain on our planet.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. I think research on that can deliver good understanding of basic physics laws. It would be a great opportunity for example space travel.

2. They are never safe. During atomic blast there are released many elements which throw water and air circulate on the Earth. Than we drink and breath be them.

3. Until now there were thousands of atomic tests. I think one more couldn't change their influence on us.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
I think atomic bombs shouldn’t exist in the first place. The production of atomic bombs should be a crime against humanity.
2. Are such experiments safe?
Not at all, this is like experimenting how hard is your head by hitting it to a wall.
3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
I'm not an expert on this so, I don't know what will happen but I know that we have only one planet and bombs are created to destroy and we shouldn’t be destroying our planet.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?

In my opinion this is unnecessary but we can't change the world. Every country want be ready to fight with each other and they want to dictate terms for the others. Probably in some day it will stop being under control.

2. Are such experiments safe?

I think tests on atomic bombs are safe but there is always some percentage for people mistakes. There was some nuclear power plants which exploded even if it was safe for a while.

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?

Honestly i have no idea.
Maciej Górczak said…
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
They should be banned - for so many thousands of years we've been struggling with inventing languages to communicate with each other, that we do not need weapons to negotiate. If it is for scientific reasons, then why not. I will always support technological progress.

2. Are such experiments safe?
I am sure they are safe, because scientists are making them for longer than 70 years now.

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
Pretty much nothing. Maybe it would take some lifes because of the toxic bubbles, but that's pretty much it.
Aneta Artych said…
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
I know how much they are harmful to local ecosystem and it makes me bad, so they should be totally banned.

2. Are such experiments safe?
I am not sure. We never can't be sure for 100% . There always can be some leftovers that can destroy our planet and living organisms on it.

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
For animals and plants in the sea - a lot. It can poison animals outside and inside the oceans.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
I think that this sort of things should not happen but it is impossible to forbid. All big countries that want to have nuclear power must test atomic bombs and will do so.

2. Are such experiments safe?
I think they are safe to people that live in a country until they are proceeded in proper way. Altough they are not safe for the ecosystem around - forests, rivers in nearby area.

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
It propably would destroy whole undersea ecosystem not only nearby but in wider space because poisoned water would be moving around the global waters. It would be harmful to animals living in the water and people aswell because propably some part of the water would still be used by us.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. At some point it was needed to understand physics better. Plus we didn't have another world war, because it would be much scarier with nuclear warheads. Nowadays of course nuclear tests mean only one thing, "look me strong" -North Korea.

2. Nuclear warheads don't explode by themselves, they have pretty sophisticated mechanisms to initiate a chain reaction, it can't explode unless when it's needed. So if the testing is far away from any human - it's pretty safe.

3. Nothing would have happened.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. Honestly, I think it’s pointless. The only point of this test is to see how much damage it can cause and as it is not tested the results might be terrible either for humanity or nature. But somehow people still want to make this kind of weapons even though it can completely and irreversibly destroy the world we know.

2. This kind of experiment could be safe when scientism would use minimum amount of explosive substation in very high-tech protected and suited for this sort of tests lab. But otherwise they are definitely not safe.

3. I believe that after this test the world would definitely look different and in the worst scenario over half of the humanity could even die either because of the tsunamis or earthquakes or some kind of nuclear poisoning.

1. It's hard question. I think it has good and bad sides. The good thing is that it might be a big leap for science. I think any way we should support the development of science at all.
However there is a bad side that it be destructive for our nature.

2. I don't think that is safe because even small effect on nature has a big affect

3. I don't really know what would happen, but I think scientist should learn it really good to do such experiments.
s18716 said…
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
I think that this is one of the worst ideas of mankind. Perhaps such experiments really show how far science has stepped, but the consequences are very unpleasant. It is still not entirely clear why the international community cannot forbid all countries to test such things. Nothing good and useful happened after the atomic bomb explosions. In general, I am categorically against it.

2. Are such experiments safe?
100% no. If you think and consider this issue from any angle from any angle, you can conclude that it is not safe. It is dangerous for humans, for the environment, for nature as a whole, for the entire planet. Such things have only destructive power. It is only on the scale of an arms race between countries. It is unclear what this is for. There are so many different areas of science, technology, culture, art where you can compete. For some reason, people chose this one. Very sorry.

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
Simply, we would be thousands of steps closer to the demise of civilization. Our whole planet would be in holes. And we would already have planned how to avoid a critical situation after such experiments.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
Military testing should be banned. We should only do these tests for the advancement of science.
No, of course not.
It wouldn't really change anything on a global scale, tests like these have been performed thousands of times through out history, like has been said in the video.
Aleksander said…
1. Without experiments, there will be no physics. They were necessary to develop better atom energy and improve bomb explosions (which maybe would be necessary for the nearest future, cause such a bomb can e.g. destroy meteorite - the similar one which wiped out dinosaurs.
2. The question is if the ends justify the means, I think, in that case no because of the possibility to harm our planet drastically.
3. I will worry about the new world conflict and unnecessary tensions between the most powerful countries.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. I would prefer not to have any bombs at all. Any bombs, any wars and any violence. But if we have to have them for some reason let's test them on places that are prepared for that tests.

2. Experiments of the scale presented in the video is definitely not safe. Weapon testing is never safe in 100%. If something requires tests that means we are not sure about the consequences of using it. That could lead to potentially horrible effects.

3. We will probably be one step closer to anihilate our civilisation. Humans are just like that - they are created to destroy themselves and they will do everything, even unconsciously, to achieve that goal..
1. testing atomic bombs is bad because they result in radioactive waste in large spaces and it negatively affects nature and people.
2. It depends on where they are carried out, under what conditions. They are generally not safe, but you can minimize the danger
3. All depends on the scale, location and radioactive nuclei used. In the best case, we will minimally pollute earth, in the worst case we will destroy humanity
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?

My whole thought about atomic bombs is that those are way to powerful sources of destructive force. No one should be able to decide if such power should be used under no circumstances. I understand that they are only working as weapons of fear at the moment to prevent others from using them. If there were no atomic bombs there should be no testing but if they are already invented that means there should be some tests to show how serious they are.

2. Are such experiments safe?

There is no way that any form of such power used in one moment could be considered safe. There are many precautions taken to make it as safe as possible but the risk is always there.

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?

Apart from the environmental problems there could be much more of the political ones. Depending on which country made an experiment but I guess that if US made such experiment - Russia would consider it a threat and some military actions might become a thing.
The inventions have to be tested. It seems to me that the bombs belong to the same group. Recently, I read an article that thanks to atomic explosions and the half-way distribution of radioactive substances, it is better to estimate fossil dates and other natural phenomena. Apparently in a dozen or so years it would be useful to have a few atomic bombs detonated in the stratosphere. In my opinion, experiments are not completely safe, but thanks to them we discover many things.
As far as I know, 8 atomic bombs dropped to the right places in the world can end life on earth. it's probably dangerous that we have such technology ...
Maciek Olko said…
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
I wonder if they couldn't replace them with computer simulations not to expose any place and creations to influence of radioactive waste.

2. Are such experiments safe?
In some way they are, I think they are made in places that are empty and with many means not to threaten anyone.

3. What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
I wonder if it would be possible to do such an experiment. I think the bomb would explode before reaching the bottom of Marianas Trench, which would cause that range of destruction was far more than this described in a clip.
Rafał Halama said…
1.I think testing nuclear energy and its potential is very important, but atomic bombs provide nothing except death and destruction. This kind of testing should be prohibited.

2.Of course they are not. Anything that is connected to nuclear energy is very dangerous, and we shouldn't risk our planet and lives for any experiment.

3. According to the video, nothing with long-lasting impact would happen, but these are only speculations and I don't think we should conduct such an experiment.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?
They are a little horrifying. I hope that mutual destruction assurance political theory is correct, and we stop only on the tests. On the bright sight, these tests gather data about nuclear power and it helps scientists with better understanding it.
2. Are such experiments safe?
If taken on the right environment - yes. However, I don't know if every experiment of this kind is taken in one.
3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?
According to the Kurzgesagt - nothing. As mentioned in the video - forces crafted by humans are laughable in comparison to the forces created by nature.
1. What do you think about atomic bomb testing?

I believe that atomic bomb testing is a way for a country to show other countries your military power. It is rarely because we really want to "test" something. I'm against nuclear testing because we all know if nuclear war emerged it would be the end of humanity.

2. Are such experiments safe?

I think that we try for them to be safe, but we are just humans and we make mistakes. A mistake during nuclear bomb testing could be really catastrophic. 

3 What would happen to our planet if such an experiment took place?  

As it was stated in the video, I think that nothing much would happen, but I think that it could cause public indignation, and could possibly spark off some international conflicts. 

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Owls are nocturnal creatures. They’re wide awake at night and they sleep during the day. If this sounds like bliss to you, then, like about 20 percent of the population who find themselves most active at around 9 pm, you may fall into the same category as our feathered friend. Night owls often have difficulty waking up in the morning, and like to be up late at night.  Studies of animal behaviour indicate that being a night owl may actually be built into some people’s genes. This would explain why those late-to-bed, late-to-rise people find it so difficult to change their behaviour. The trouble for night owls is that they just have to be at places such as work and school far too early. This is when the alarm clock becomes the night owl’s most important survival tool. Experts say that one way for a night owl to beat their dependence on their alarm clocks is to sleep with the curtains open. The Theory is that if they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken them gently and natura...

Week 4 [06-12.11.2017] This is what happens when you reply to spam email.

James Veitch is a British comedian. In today’s Ted Talk James with characteristic for himself a sense of humor shows how he deals with spam emails and why responding to junk messages may be sometimes dangerous. Questions: What do you think about James’s  way of dealing with spam? Why are junk messages legal, even though it sometimes may be a fraud? Dou you have a problem with spam? How do you deal with with it?

Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] The problem with ecological cars emission in UK

The problem with ecological cars emission in UK Since the adoption of the European Emission Allowance Directive in the European Parliament, all car makers have tried to submit. Since 1992, the Euro I standard has been in force, which limited the emission of carbon monoxide to the atmosphere. The Euro VI standard currently applies, which limits the series of exhaust gases. These include: hydrocarbons, nitrogen and carbon oxides, and dust.   The most significant change was brought by the Euro IV standard. For the first time it introduced the limitation of nitrogen oxides, which are responsible for the harmful compounds of smog.   What is smog?   Smog consists of sulfur oxides, nitrogen and carbon. In addition, solid substances such as suspended dust (PM). Dust suspend in atmospheric aerosols may be in liquid and solid form. These can be particles of sea salt, clouds from the Sahara and artificial compounds made by people. These compounds...